/** Extend the introduction circuit <b>circ</b> to another valid * introduction point for the hidden service it is trying to connect * to, or mark it and launch a new circuit if we can't extend it. * Return 0 on success or possible success. Return -1 and mark the * introduction circuit for close on permanent failure. * * On failure, the caller is responsible for marking the associated * rendezvous circuit for close. */ static int rend_client_reextend_intro_circuit(origin_circuit_t *circ) { extend_info_t *extend_info; int result; extend_info = rend_client_get_random_intro(circ->rend_data); if (!extend_info) { log_warn(LD_REND, "No usable introduction points left for %s. Closing.", safe_str_client(circ->rend_data->onion_address)); circuit_mark_for_close(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), END_CIRC_REASON_INTERNAL); return -1; } if (circ->remaining_relay_early_cells) { log_info(LD_REND, "Re-extending circ %d, this time to %s.", circ->_base.n_circ_id, safe_str_client(extend_info_describe(extend_info))); result = circuit_extend_to_new_exit(circ, extend_info); } else { log_info(LD_REND, "Closing intro circ %d (out of RELAY_EARLY cells).", circ->_base.n_circ_id); circuit_mark_for_close(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), END_CIRC_REASON_FINISHED); /* connection_ap_handshake_attach_circuit will launch a new intro circ. */ result = 0; } extend_info_free(extend_info); return result; }
/** Deallocate space associated with the cpath node <b>victim</b>. */ static void circuit_free_cpath_node(crypt_path_t *victim) { if (!victim) return; crypto_cipher_free(victim->f_crypto); crypto_cipher_free(victim->b_crypto); crypto_digest_free(victim->f_digest); crypto_digest_free(victim->b_digest); crypto_dh_free(victim->dh_handshake_state); extend_info_free(victim->extend_info); memwipe(victim, 0xBB, sizeof(crypt_path_t)); /* poison memory */ tor_free(victim); }
/** Deallocate space associated with the cpath node <b>victim</b>. */ static void circuit_free_cpath_node(crypt_path_t *victim) { if (victim->f_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(victim->f_crypto); if (victim->b_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(victim->b_crypto); if (victim->f_digest) crypto_free_digest_env(victim->f_digest); if (victim->b_digest) crypto_free_digest_env(victim->b_digest); if (victim->dh_handshake_state) crypto_dh_free(victim->dh_handshake_state); if (victim->extend_info) extend_info_free(victim->extend_info); memset(victim, 0xBB, sizeof(crypt_path_t)); /* poison memory */ tor_free(victim); }
/** Deallocate space associated with circ. */ static void circuit_free(circuit_t *circ) { void *mem; size_t memlen; tor_assert(circ); if (CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)) { origin_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ); mem = ocirc; memlen = sizeof(origin_circuit_t); tor_assert(circ->magic == ORIGIN_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); if (ocirc->build_state) { if (ocirc->build_state->chosen_exit) extend_info_free(ocirc->build_state->chosen_exit); if (ocirc->build_state->pending_final_cpath) circuit_free_cpath_node(ocirc->build_state->pending_final_cpath); } tor_free(ocirc->build_state); circuit_free_cpath(ocirc->cpath); if (ocirc->intro_key) crypto_free_pk_env(ocirc->intro_key); if (ocirc->rend_data) rend_data_free(ocirc->rend_data); } else { or_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ); mem = ocirc; memlen = sizeof(or_circuit_t); tor_assert(circ->magic == OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); if (ocirc->p_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(ocirc->p_crypto); if (ocirc->p_digest) crypto_free_digest_env(ocirc->p_digest); if (ocirc->n_crypto) crypto_free_cipher_env(ocirc->n_crypto); if (ocirc->n_digest) crypto_free_digest_env(ocirc->n_digest); if (ocirc->rend_splice) { or_circuit_t *other = ocirc->rend_splice; tor_assert(other->_base.magic == OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); other->rend_splice = NULL; } /* remove from map. */ circuit_set_p_circid_orconn(ocirc, 0, NULL); /* Clear cell queue _after_ removing it from the map. Otherwise our * "active" checks will be violated. */ cell_queue_clear(ô->p_conn_cells); } if (circ->n_hop) extend_info_free(circ->n_hop); tor_free(circ->n_conn_onionskin); /* Remove from map. */ circuit_set_n_circid_orconn(circ, 0, NULL); /* Clear cell queue _after_ removing it from the map. Otherwise our * "active" checks will be violated. */ cell_queue_clear(&circ->n_conn_cells); memset(circ, 0xAA, memlen); /* poison memory */ tor_free(mem); }
/* For a given service, the ntor onion key and a rendezvous cookie, launch a * circuit to the rendezvous point specified by the link specifiers. On * success, a circuit identifier is attached to the circuit with the needed * data. This function will try to open a circuit for a maximum value of * MAX_REND_FAILURES then it will give up. */ static void launch_rendezvous_point_circuit(const hs_service_t *service, const hs_service_intro_point_t *ip, const hs_cell_introduce2_data_t *data) { int circ_needs_uptime; time_t now = time(NULL); extend_info_t *info = NULL; origin_circuit_t *circ; tor_assert(service); tor_assert(ip); tor_assert(data); circ_needs_uptime = hs_service_requires_uptime_circ(service->config.ports); /* Get the extend info data structure for the chosen rendezvous point * specified by the given link specifiers. */ info = hs_get_extend_info_from_lspecs(data->link_specifiers, &data->onion_pk, service->config.is_single_onion); if (info == NULL) { /* We are done here, we can't extend to the rendezvous point. * If you're running an IPv6-only v3 single onion service on 0.3.2 or with * 0.3.2 clients, and somehow disable the option check, it will fail here. */ log_fn(LOG_PROTOCOL_WARN, LD_REND, "Not enough info to open a circuit to a rendezvous point for " "%s service %s.", get_service_anonymity_string(service), safe_str_client(service->onion_address)); goto end; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_REND_FAILURES; i++) { int circ_flags = CIRCLAUNCH_NEED_CAPACITY | CIRCLAUNCH_IS_INTERNAL; if (circ_needs_uptime) { circ_flags |= CIRCLAUNCH_NEED_UPTIME; } /* Firewall and policies are checked when getting the extend info. */ if (service->config.is_single_onion) { circ_flags |= CIRCLAUNCH_ONEHOP_TUNNEL; } circ = circuit_launch_by_extend_info(CIRCUIT_PURPOSE_S_CONNECT_REND, info, circ_flags); if (circ != NULL) { /* Stop retrying, we have a circuit! */ break; } } if (circ == NULL) { log_warn(LD_REND, "Giving up on launching a rendezvous circuit to %s " "for %s service %s", safe_str_client(extend_info_describe(info)), get_service_anonymity_string(service), safe_str_client(service->onion_address)); goto end; } log_info(LD_REND, "Rendezvous circuit launched to %s with cookie %s " "for %s service %s", safe_str_client(extend_info_describe(info)), safe_str_client(hex_str((const char *) data->rendezvous_cookie, REND_COOKIE_LEN)), get_service_anonymity_string(service), safe_str_client(service->onion_address)); tor_assert(circ->build_state); /* Rendezvous circuit have a specific timeout for the time spent on trying * to connect to the rendezvous point. */ circ->build_state->expiry_time = now + MAX_REND_TIMEOUT; /* Create circuit identifier and key material. */ { hs_ntor_rend_cell_keys_t keys; curve25519_keypair_t ephemeral_kp; /* No need for extra strong, this is only for this circuit life time. This * key will be used for the RENDEZVOUS1 cell that will be sent on the * circuit once opened. */ curve25519_keypair_generate(&ephemeral_kp, 0); if (hs_ntor_service_get_rendezvous1_keys(&ip->auth_key_kp.pubkey, &ip->enc_key_kp, &ephemeral_kp, &data->client_pk, &keys) < 0) { /* This should not really happened but just in case, don't make tor * freak out, close the circuit and move on. */ log_info(LD_REND, "Unable to get RENDEZVOUS1 key material for " "service %s", safe_str_client(service->onion_address)); circuit_mark_for_close(TO_CIRCUIT(circ), END_CIRC_REASON_INTERNAL); goto end; } circ->hs_ident = create_rp_circuit_identifier(service, data->rendezvous_cookie, &ephemeral_kp.pubkey, &keys); memwipe(&ephemeral_kp, 0, sizeof(ephemeral_kp)); memwipe(&keys, 0, sizeof(keys)); tor_assert(circ->hs_ident); } end: extend_info_free(info); }
/** Deallocate space associated with circ. */ static void circuit_free(circuit_t *circ) { void *mem; size_t memlen; if (!circ) return; if (CIRCUIT_IS_ORIGIN(circ)) { origin_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_ORIGIN_CIRCUIT(circ); mem = ocirc; memlen = sizeof(origin_circuit_t); tor_assert(circ->magic == ORIGIN_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); if (ocirc->build_state) { extend_info_free(ocirc->build_state->chosen_exit); circuit_free_cpath_node(ocirc->build_state->pending_final_cpath); cpath_ref_decref(ocirc->build_state->service_pending_final_cpath_ref); } tor_free(ocirc->build_state); circuit_free_cpath(ocirc->cpath); crypto_pk_free(ocirc->intro_key); rend_data_free(ocirc->rend_data); tor_free(ocirc->dest_address); if (ocirc->socks_username) { memwipe(ocirc->socks_username, 0x12, ocirc->socks_username_len); tor_free(ocirc->socks_username); } if (ocirc->socks_password) { memwipe(ocirc->socks_password, 0x06, ocirc->socks_password_len); tor_free(ocirc->socks_password); } } else { or_circuit_t *ocirc = TO_OR_CIRCUIT(circ); /* Remember cell statistics for this circuit before deallocating. */ if (get_options()->CellStatistics) rep_hist_buffer_stats_add_circ(circ, time(NULL)); mem = ocirc; memlen = sizeof(or_circuit_t); tor_assert(circ->magic == OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); crypto_cipher_free(ocirc->p_crypto); crypto_digest_free(ocirc->p_digest); crypto_cipher_free(ocirc->n_crypto); crypto_digest_free(ocirc->n_digest); if (ocirc->rend_splice) { or_circuit_t *other = ocirc->rend_splice; tor_assert(other->_base.magic == OR_CIRCUIT_MAGIC); other->rend_splice = NULL; } /* remove from map. */ circuit_set_p_circid_orconn(ocirc, 0, NULL); /* Clear cell queue _after_ removing it from the map. Otherwise our * "active" checks will be violated. */ cell_queue_clear(ô->p_conn_cells); } extend_info_free(circ->n_hop); tor_free(circ->n_conn_onionskin); /* Remove from map. */ circuit_set_n_circid_orconn(circ, 0, NULL); /* Clear cell queue _after_ removing it from the map. Otherwise our * "active" checks will be violated. */ cell_queue_clear(&circ->n_conn_cells); memwipe(mem, 0xAA, memlen); /* poison memory */ tor_free(mem); }