static bool shouldTreatAsUniqueOrigin(const KURL& url) { if (!url.isValid()) return true; // FIXME: Do we need to unwrap the URL further? KURL innerURL = shouldUseInnerURL(url) ? extractInnerURL(url) : url; // FIXME: Check whether innerURL is valid. // For edge case URLs that were probably misparsed, make sure that the origin is unique. // FIXME: Do we really need to do this? This looks to be a hack around a // security bug in CFNetwork that might have been fixed. if (schemeRequiresAuthority(innerURL) && return true; // SchemeRegistry needs a lower case protocol because it uses HashMaps // that assume the scheme has already been canonicalized. String protocol = innerURL.protocol().lower(); if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsNoAccess(protocol)) return true; // This is the common case. return false; }
PassRefPtr<SecurityOrigin> SecurityOrigin::create(const URL& url) { RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> cachedOrigin = getCachedOrigin(url); if (cachedOrigin.get()) return cachedOrigin; if (shouldTreatAsUniqueOrigin(url)) { RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> origin = adoptRef(new SecurityOrigin()); if (url.protocolIs("file")) { // Unfortunately, we can't represent all unique origins exactly // the same way because we need to produce a quirky database // identifier for file URLs due to persistent storage in some // embedders of WebKit. origin->m_needsDatabaseIdentifierQuirkForFiles = true; } return origin.release(); } if (shouldUseInnerURL(url)) return adoptRef(new SecurityOrigin(extractInnerURL(url))); return adoptRef(new SecurityOrigin(url)); }
bool SecurityOrigin::isSecure(const KURL& url) { if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(url.protocol())) return true; // URLs that wrap inner URLs are secure if those inner URLs are secure. if (shouldUseInnerURL(url) && SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(extractInnerURL(url).protocol())) return true; return false; }
bool SecurityOrigin::isSecure(const KURL& url) { // Invalid URLs are secure, as are URLs which have a secure protocol. if (!url.isValid() || SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(url.protocol())) return true; // URLs that wrap inner URLs are secure if those inner URLs are secure. if (shouldUseInnerURL(url) && SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(extractInnerURL(url).protocol())) return true; return false; }
Ref<SecurityOrigin> SecurityOrigin::create(const URL& url) { if (RefPtr<SecurityOrigin> cachedOrigin = getCachedOrigin(url)) return cachedOrigin.releaseNonNull(); if (shouldTreatAsUniqueOrigin(url)) return adoptRef(*new SecurityOrigin); if (shouldUseInnerURL(url)) return adoptRef(*new SecurityOrigin(extractInnerURL(url))); return adoptRef(*new SecurityOrigin(url)); }
bool SecurityOrigin::isSecure(const KURL& url) { if (SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(url.protocol())) return true; // URLs that wrap inner URLs are secure if those inner URLs are secure. if (shouldUseInnerURL(url) && SchemeRegistry::shouldTreatURLSchemeAsSecure(extractInnerURL(url).protocol())) return true; if (SecurityPolicy::isOriginWhiteListedTrustworthy(*SecurityOrigin::create(url).get())) return true; return false; }