예제 #1
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
void parse_SE_packet(void)
	UINT8 State = 0;
	UINT16 Power = 1024;
	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUCHAR, &State, kREQUIRED);
	extract_number (kUINT, &Power, kOPTIONAL);

	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)

	// Limit check
	if (Power <= 1023)
		StoredEngraverPower = Power;
        // Set up PWM for Engraver control
        // We will use ECCP1 and Timer2 for the engraver PWM output on RB3
        // Our PWM will operate at about 40Khz.

        // Set our reload value
        PR2 = 0xFF;

        // Set to %50 power on boot
        StoredEngraverPower = 512;

        // Initalize Timer2

        // The prescaler will be at 1
        T2CONbits.T2CKPS = 0b00;

        // Do not generate an interrupt
        PIE1bits.TMR2IE = 0;

        TCLKCONbits.T3CCP1 = 1;		// ECCP1 uses Timer1/2 and ECCP2 uses Timer3/4
        TCLKCONbits.T3CCP2 = 0;		// ECCP1 uses Timer1/2 and ECCP2 uses Timer3/4

        CCP1CONbits.CCP1M = 0b1100;	// Set EECP1 as PWM mode
        CCP1CONbits.P1M = 0b00;		// Enhanged PWM mode: single ouptut

        // Set up output routing to go to RB3 (RP6)
        RPOR6 = 14;	// 14 is CCP1/P1A - ECCP1 PWM Output Channel A

    	T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1;		// Turn it on

	// Now act on the State
	if (State)
		// Set RB3 to StoredEngraverPower
		CCPR1L = StoredEngraverPower >> 2;
		CCP1CON = (CCP1CON & 0b11001111) | ((StoredEngraverPower << 4) & 0b00110000);
예제 #2
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Set Pen
// Usage: SP,<State>,<Duration>,<PortB_Pin><CR>
// <State> is 0 (for down) or 1 (for up)
// <Duration> is how long to wait (in milliseconds) before the next command
//      in the motion control FIFO should start.
// <PortB_Pin> Is a value from 0 to 7 and allows you to re-assign the Pen
//      RC Servo output to different PortB pins.
// This is a command that the user can send from the PC to set the pen state.
// Note that there is only one pen RC servo output - if you use the <PortB_Pin>
// parameter, then that new pin becomes the pen RC servo output. This command
// does not allow for mulitple servo signals at the same time from port B pins.
// Use the S2 command for that.
// This function will use the values for <serv_min>, <servo_max>,
// <servo_rate_up> and <servo_rate_down> (SC,4 SC,5, SC,11, SC,10 commands)
// when it schedules the servo command.
// Internally, the parse_SP_packet() function makes a call to
// process_SP() function to actually make the change in the servo output.
void parse_SP_packet(void)
	UINT8 State = 0;
	UINT16 CommandDuration = 0;
    ExtractReturnType Ret;

	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUCHAR, &State, kREQUIRED);
	extract_number (kUINT, &CommandDuration, kOPTIONAL);
	Ret = extract_number (kUCHAR, &Pin, kOPTIONAL);

	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)

    // Error check
	if (Pin > 7)

    if (State > 1)
        State = 1;

    // Make sure that the selected pin we're going to use is an output
    // (This code only works for PortB - maybe expand it in the future for all ports.)
//    TRISB = TRISB & ~(1 << Pin);

    // Set the PRn of the Pen Servo output
    // Add 3 to get from PORTB pin number to RPn number
    if (g_servo2_RPn != (Pin + 3))
        // if we are changing which pin the pen servo is on, we need to cancel
        // the servo output on the old channel first
        RCServo2_Move(0, g_servo2_RPn, 0, 0);
        // Now record the new RPn
        g_servo2_RPn = Pin + 3;

    // Execute the servo state change
	process_SP(State, CommandDuration);

예제 #3
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// The Stepper Motor command
// Usage: SM,<move_duration>,<axis1_steps>,<axis2_steps>,<axis3_steps>,<axis4_steps><CR>
// <move_duration> is a number from 1 to 65535, indiciating the number of milliseconds this move should take
// <axisX_steps> is a signed 16 bit number indicating how many steps (and what direction) the axis should take
// NOTE1: <axis2_steps>, <axis3_steps> and <axis4_steps> are optional and can be left off
// If the EBB can not make the move in the speicified time, it will take as long as it needs to at max speed
// i.e. SM,1,1000 will not produce 1000steps in 1ms. Instead, it will take 40ms (25KHz max step rate)
// NOTE2: If you specify zero steps for the axies, then you effectively create a delay. Use for small
// pauses before raising or lowering the pen, for example.
void parse_SM_packet (void)
	unsigned int Duration;
	signed int A1Steps = 0, A2Steps = 0;

	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUINT, &Duration, kREQUIRED);
	extract_number (kINT, &A1Steps, kREQUIRED);
	extract_number (kINT, &A2Steps, kOPTIONAL);
	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)
	process_SM(Duration, A1Steps, A2Steps);

예제 #4
void svg_items_container::add_item (abstract_svg_item *item)
  string id = item->name ();
  extract_number (id.c_str ());
  DEBUG_ASSERT (!id.empty ());
  DEBUG_ASSERT (!contains (id));

  m_map.insert (std::make_pair (id, item));
예제 #5
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Set Node counter
// Usage: SN,<value><CR>
// <value> is a 4 byte unsigned value
void parse_SN_packet(void)
	unsigned long Temp;
	ExtractReturnType RetVal;
	RetVal = extract_number (kULONG, &Temp, kREQUIRED);
	if (kEXTRACT_OK == RetVal)
		NodeCount = Temp;
예제 #6
static CborError extract_length(const CborParser *parser, const uint8_t **ptr, size_t *len)
    uint64_t v;
    CborError err = extract_number(ptr, parser->end, &v);
    if (err)
        return err;

    *len = v;
    if (v != *len)
        return CborErrorDataTooLarge;
    return CborNoError;
예제 #7
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Set Layer
// Usage: SL,<NewLayer><CR>
void parse_SL_packet(void)
	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUCHAR, &Layer, kREQUIRED);

	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)

예제 #8
static CborError advance_internal(CborValue *it)
    uint64_t length;
    CborError err = extract_number(&it->ptr, it->parser->end, &length);
    assert(err == CborNoError);

    if (it->type == CborByteStringType || it->type == CborTextStringType) {
        assert(length == (size_t)length);
        assert((it->flags & CborIteratorFlag_UnknownLength) == 0);
        it->ptr += length;

    return preparse_next_value(it);
예제 #9
 * Creates a CborValue iterator pointing to the first element of the container
 * represented by \a it and saves it in \a recursed. The \a it container object
 * needs to be kept and passed again to cbor_value_leave_container() in order
 * to continue iterating past this container.
 * \sa cbor_value_is_container(), cbor_value_leave_container(), cbor_value_advance()
CborError cbor_value_enter_container(const CborValue *it, CborValue *recursed)
    CborError err;
    *recursed = *it;

    if (it->flags & CborIteratorFlag_UnknownLength) {
        recursed->remaining = UINT32_MAX;
        err = preparse_value(recursed);
        if (err != CborErrorUnexpectedBreak)
            return err;
        // actually, break was expected here
        // it's just an empty container
    } else {
        uint64_t len;
        err = extract_number(&recursed->ptr, recursed->parser->end, &len);
        assert(err == CborNoError);

        recursed->remaining = len;
        if (recursed->remaining != len || len == UINT32_MAX) {
            // back track the pointer to indicate where the error occurred
            recursed->ptr = it->ptr;
            return CborErrorDataTooLarge;
        if (recursed->type == CborMapType) {
            // maps have keys and values, so we need to multiply by 2
            if (recursed->remaining > UINT32_MAX / 2) {
                // back track the pointer to indicate where the error occurred
                recursed->ptr = it->ptr;
                return CborErrorDataTooLarge;
            recursed->remaining *= 2;
        if (len != 0)
            return preparse_value(recursed);

    // the case of the empty container
    recursed->type = CborInvalidType;
    recursed->remaining = 0;
    return CborNoError;
 * Closes the CBOR container (array or map) provided by \a containerEncoder and
 * updates the CBOR stream provided by \a encoder. Both parameters must be the
 * same as were passed to cbor_encoder_create_array() or
 * cbor_encoder_create_map().
 * Unlike cbor_encoder_close_container(), this function checks that the number
 * of items (or pair of items, in the case of a map) was correct. If the number
 * of items inserted does not match the length originally passed to
 * cbor_encoder_create_array() or cbor_encoder_create_map(), this function
 * returns either CborErrorTooFewItems or CborErrorTooManyItems.
 * \sa cbor_encoder_create_array(), cbor_encoder_create_map()
CborError cbor_encoder_close_container_checked(CborEncoder *encoder, const CborEncoder *containerEncoder)
    const uint8_t *ptr = encoder->data.ptr;
    CborError err = cbor_encoder_close_container(encoder, containerEncoder);
    if (containerEncoder->flags & CborIteratorFlag_UnknownLength || encoder->end == NULL)
        return err;

    /* check what the original length was */
    uint64_t actually_added;
    err = extract_number(&ptr, encoder->data.ptr, &actually_added);
    if (err)
        return err;

    if (containerEncoder->flags & CborIteratorFlag_ContainerIsMap) {
        if (actually_added > SIZE_MAX / 2)
            return CborErrorDataTooLarge;
        actually_added *= 2;
    return actually_added == containerEncoder->added ? CborNoError :
           actually_added < containerEncoder->added ? CborErrorTooManyItems : CborErrorTooFewItems;
예제 #11
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Toggle Pen
// Usage: TP<CR>
// Returns: OK<CR>
// Just toggles state of pen arm
void parse_TP_packet(void)
	unsigned short CommandDuration = 500;

	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUINT, &CommandDuration, kOPTIONAL);

	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)

	if (PenState == PEN_UP)
		process_SP(PEN_DOWN, CommandDuration);
		process_SP(PEN_UP, CommandDuration);

예제 #12
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Enable Motor
// Usage: EM,<EnableAxis1>,<EnableAxis2>,<EnableAxis3>,<EnableAxis4><CR>
// Everything afer EnableAxis1 is optional
// Each parameter can have a value of
//		0 to disable that motor driver
//		1 to enable the driver in 1/8th step mode
//		2 to enable the driver in 1/4 step mode
//		3 to enable the driver in 1/2 step mode
//		4 to enable the driver in full step mode
// FOR NEW DRIVER CHIP (only first parameter applies, and it applies to both drivers)
//		1 to enable the driver in 1/16th step mode
//		2 to enable the driver in 1/8 step mode
//		3 to enable the driver in 1/4 step mode
//		4 to enable the driver in 1/2 step mode
//		5 to enable the driver in full step mode
// If you disable a motor, it goes 'limp' (we clear the ENABLE pin on that motor's
// driver chip)
void parse_EM_packet(void)
	unsigned char EA1, EA2, EA3, EA4;
	ExtractReturnType RetVal;

	// Extract each of the values.
	RetVal = extract_number (kUCHAR, &EA1, kREQUIRED);
	if (kEXTRACT_OK == RetVal)
		// Bail if we got a conversion error
		if (error_byte)
		if (UseBuiltInDrivers)
			if (EA1 > 0)
				Enable1IO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				if (EA1 == 1)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 1;
				if (EA1 == 2)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 3)
					MS1_IO = 0;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 4)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 0;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 5)
					MS1_IO = 0;
					MS2_IO = 0;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				Enable1IO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
			if (EA1 > 0)
				Enable1AltIO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable1AltIO = DISABLE_MOTOR;

	RetVal = extract_number (kUCHAR, &EA2, kOPTIONAL);
	if (kEXTRACT_OK == RetVal)
		// Bail if we got a conversion error
		if (error_byte)
		if (UseBuiltInDrivers)
			if (EA2 > 0)
				Enable2IO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable2IO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
			if (EA2 > 0)
				Enable2AltIO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable2AltIO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
예제 #13
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: Innovisio/EggBot
// Stepper (mode) Configure command
// SC,1,0<CR> will use just solenoid output for pen up/down
// SC,1,1<CR> will use servo on RB1 for pen up/down
// SC,1,2<CR> will use servo on RB1 for pen up/down, but with ECCP2 (PWM) in hardware (default)
// SC,2,0<CR> will use built-in stepper driver chips (default)
// SC,2,1<CR> will use the following pins for stepper driver outputs (EBB_V11)
//		ENABLE1 = RA5
//		ENABLE2 = RB5
//		STEP1 = RD1
//		DIR1 = RD0
//		STEP2 = RC2
//		DIR2 = RC0
// SC,4,<servo2_min><CR> will set <servo2_min> as the minimum value for the servo (1 to 65535)
// SC,5,<servo2_max><CR> will set <servo2_max> as the maximum value for the servo (1 to 65535)
// SC,6,<servo_min><CR> will set <servo_min> as the minimum value for the servo (1 to 11890)
// SC,7,<servo_max><CR> will set <servo_max> as the maximum value for the servo (1 to 11890)
// SC,8,<servo2_slots><CR> sets the number of slots for the servo2 system (1 to 24)
// SC,9,<servo2_slotMS><CR> sets the number of ms in duration for each slot (1 to 6)
// SC,10,<servo2_rate><CR> sets the rate of change for the servo (both up and down)
// SC,11,<servo2_rate><CR> sets the pen up speed
// SC,12,<servo2_rate><CR> sets the pen down speed
// SC,13,1<CR> enables RB3 as parallel input to PRG button for pause detection
// SC,13,0<CR> disables RB3 as parallel input to PRG button for pause detection
// SC,14,1<CR> enables solenoid output on RB4
// SC,14,0<CR> disables solenoid output on RB4
void parse_SC_packet (void)
	unsigned char Para1 = 0;
	unsigned int Para2 = 0;

	// Extract each of the values.
	extract_number (kUCHAR, &Para1, kREQUIRED);
	extract_number (kUINT, &Para2, kREQUIRED);

	// Bail if we got a conversion error
	if (error_byte)

	// Check for command to select which (solenoid/servo) gets used for pen
	if (Para1 == 1)
        // Use just solenoid
		if (Para2 == 0)
            gUseSolenoid = TRUE;
            gUseRCPenServo = FALSE;
            // Turn off RC signal on Pen Servo output
            RCServo2_Move(0, g_servo2_RPn, 0, 0);
        // Use just RC servo
		else if (Para2 == 1)
            gUseSolenoid = FALSE;
            gUseRCPenServo = TRUE;
        // Use solenoid AND servo (default)
            gUseSolenoid = TRUE;
            gUseRCPenServo = TRUE;
        // Send a new command to set the state of the servo/solenoid
		process_SP(PenState, 0);
	// Check for command to switch between built-in drivers and external drivers
	else if (Para1 == 2)
		if (Para2 == 0)
			UseBuiltInDrivers = TRUE;
			// Initalize the alternate driver I/O ports
			Dir1AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			Dir2AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			Step1AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			Step2AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			Enable1AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			Enable2AltIO_TRIS = 0;
			UseBuiltInDrivers = FALSE;
	// Set <min_servo> for Servo2 method
	else if (Para1 == 4)
		g_servo2_min = Para2;
	// Set <max_servo> for Servo2
	else if (Para1 == 5)
		g_servo2_max = Para2;
	// Set <gRC2Slots>
	else if (Para1 == 8)
		if (Para2 > MAX_RC2_SERVOS)
			Para2 = MAX_RC2_SERVOS;
		gRC2Slots = Para2;
	else if (Para1 == 9)
		if (Para2 > 6)
			Para2 = 6;
		gRC2SlotMS = Para2;
	else if (Para1 == 10)
		g_servo2_rate_up = Para2;
		g_servo2_rate_down = Para2;
	else if (Para1 == 11)
		g_servo2_rate_up = Para2;
	else if (Para1 == 12)
		g_servo2_rate_down = Para2;
	if (Para1 == 13)
		if (Para2)
			UseAltPause = TRUE;
			UseAltPause = FALSE;
예제 #14
파일: ebb.c 프로젝트: cyclicredundancy/VCX
// Enable Motor
// Usage: EM,<EnableAxis1>,<EnableAxis2><CR>
// Everything afer EnableAxis1 is optional
// Each parameter can have a value of
//		0 to disable that motor driver
// FOR OLD DRIVER CHIP (A3967) - can do separate enables for each axis
//		1 to enable the driver in 1/8th step mode
//		2 to enable the driver in 1/4 step mode
//		3 to enable the driver in 1/2 step mode
//		4 to enable the driver in full step mode
// FOR NEW DRIVER CHIP (A4988/A4983)
// (only first parameter applies, and it applies to both drivers)
//		1 to enable the driver in 1/16th step mode
//		2 to enable the driver in 1/8 step mode
//		3 to enable the driver in 1/4 step mode
//		4 to enable the driver in 1/2 step mode
//		5 to enable the driver in full step mode
// If you disable a motor, it goes 'limp' (we clear the ENABLE pin on that motor's
// driver chip)
// Note that when using 0 or 1 for a paraemter, you can use both axis even
// on a 'new' driver chip board. (i.e. EM,0,1 will disable motor 1 and enable 2)
// Note that the MSx lines do not come to any headers, so even when an external
// source is controlling the drivers, the PIC still needs to control the
// MSx lines.
void parse_EM_packet(void)
	unsigned char EA1, EA2;
	ExtractReturnType RetVal;

	// Extract each of the values.
	RetVal = extract_number (kUCHAR, &EA1, kREQUIRED);
	if (kEXTRACT_OK == RetVal)
		// Bail if we got a conversion error
		if (error_byte)
		if (
            (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_DRIVERS)
            (DriverConfiguration == EXTERNAL_CONTROLS_DRIVERS)
			if (EA1 > 0)
				if (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_DRIVERS)
                    Enable1IO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				if (EA1 == 1)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 1;
				if (EA1 == 2)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 3)
					MS1_IO = 0;
					MS2_IO = 1;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 4)
					MS1_IO = 1;
					MS2_IO = 0;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (EA1 == 5)
					MS1_IO = 0;
					MS2_IO = 0;
					MS3_IO = 0;
				if (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_DRIVERS)
    				Enable1IO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
        else if (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_EXTERNAL)
			if (EA1 > 0)
				Enable1AltIO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable1AltIO = DISABLE_MOTOR;

	RetVal = extract_number (kUCHAR, &EA2, kOPTIONAL);
	if (kEXTRACT_OK == RetVal)
		// Bail if we got a conversion error
		if (error_byte)
		if (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_DRIVERS)
			if (EA2 > 0)
				Enable2IO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable2IO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
        else if (DriverConfiguration == PIC_CONTROLS_EXTERNAL)
			if (EA2 > 0)
				Enable2AltIO = ENABLE_MOTOR;
				Enable2AltIO = DISABLE_MOTOR;
