예제 #1
/* Two images overlap in an area ... make a mask the size of the area, which
 * has 255 for every pixel where both images are non-zero.
static int
make_overlap_mask( IMAGE *ref, IMAGE *sec, IMAGE *mask, 
	Rect *rarea, Rect *sarea )
	IMAGE *t[6];

	if( im_open_local_array( mask, t, 6, "mytemps", "p" ) ||
		extract_rect( ref, t[0], rarea ) ||
		extract_rect( sec, t[1], sarea ) ||
		im_extract_band( t[0], t[2], 0 ) ||
		im_extract_band( t[1], t[3], 0 ) ||
		im_notequalconst( t[2], t[4], 0.0 ) || 
		im_notequalconst( t[3], t[5], 0.0 ) || 
		im_andimage( t[4], t[5], mask ) ) 
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
void jsk_pcl_ros::PointcloudScreenpoint::callback_point (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& points_ptr,
                                                         const geometry_msgs::PointStampedConstPtr& pt_ptr) {
  point_cb (pt_ptr);

  if (publish_points_) {
    int st_x = pt_ptr->point.x - crop_size_;
    int st_y = pt_ptr->point.y - crop_size_;
    int ed_x = pt_ptr->point.x + crop_size_;
    int ed_y = pt_ptr->point.y + crop_size_;

    extract_rect (points_ptr, st_x, st_y, ed_x, ed_y);
void jsk_pcl_ros::PointcloudScreenpoint::callback_rect(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& points_ptr,
                                                       const geometry_msgs::PolygonStampedConstPtr& array_ptr) {
  if (array_ptr->polygon.points.size() > 1) {
    int st_x = array_ptr->polygon.points[0].x;
    int st_y = array_ptr->polygon.points[0].y;
    int ed_x = array_ptr->polygon.points[1].x;
    int ed_y = array_ptr->polygon.points[1].y;

    rect_cb (array_ptr);

    if (publish_points_) {
      extract_rect (points_ptr, st_x, st_y, ed_x, ed_y);
예제 #4
/* Find stats on an area of an IMAGE ... consider only pixels for which the
 * mask is true.
find_image_stats( IMAGE *in, IMAGE *mask, Rect *area )
	IMAGE *t[4];
	gint64 count;

	/* Extract area, build black image, mask out pixels we want.
	if( im_open_local_array( in, t, 4, "find_image_stats", "p" ) ||
		extract_rect( in, t[0], area ) ||
		im_black( t[1], t[0]->Xsize, t[0]->Ysize, t[0]->Bands ) ||
		im_clip2fmt( t[1], t[2], t[0]->BandFmt ) ||
		im_ifthenelse( mask, t[0], t[2], t[3] ) )
		return( NULL );

	/* Get stats from masked image.
	if( !(stats = local_mask( in, im_stats( t[3] ) )) ) 
		return( NULL );

	/* Number of non-zero pixels in mask.
	if( count_nonzero( mask, &count ) )
		return( NULL );

	/* And scale masked average to match.
	stats->coeff[4] *= (double) count / 
		((double) mask->Xsize * mask->Ysize);

	/* Yuk! Zap the deviation column with the pixel count. Used later to
	 * determine if this is likely to be a significant overlap.
	stats->coeff[5] = count;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if( count == 0 )
		im_warn( "global_balance", _( "empty overlap!" ) );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	return( stats );