예제 #1
 * For some reason arguments passed to kernel are not correctly splitted
 * in argv array - in our case all arguments are stored in one string argv[1],
 * but we want to keep every argument in separate argv entry. This function
 * tokenize all argv strings and store every single token into individual entry
 * of new array.
 * For our needs we also convert passed environment variables and put them
 * into new argv array.
 * Example:
 *   For arguments:
 *     argc=3;
 *     argv={"test.elf", "arg1 arg2=val   arg3=foobar  ", "  init=/bin/sh "};
 *     envp={"memsize", "128MiB", "uart.speed", "115200"};
 *   instruction:
 *     setup_kenv(argc, argv, envp);
 *   will set global variable _kenv as follows:
 *     _kenv.argc=5;
 *     _kenv.argv={"test.elf", "arg1", "arg2=val", "arg3=foobar",
 *                 "init=/bin/sh", "memsize=128MiB", "uart.speed=115200"};
static void setup_kenv(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) {
  unsigned ntokens = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
    ntokens += count_tokens(argv[i]);
  for (char **pair = envp; *pair; pair += 2)

  _kenv.argc = ntokens;

  char **tokens = kernel_sbrk(ntokens * sizeof(char *));

  _kenv.argv = tokens;

  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
    tokens = extract_tokens(argv[i], tokens);
  for (char **pair = envp; *pair; pair += 2)
    *tokens++ = make_pair(pair[0], pair[1]);
예제 #2
파일: ns.c 프로젝트: nwam/noah-shell
/* main */
int main() {

    bool    exit_flag = false;
    int     oldest_history = HISTORY_SIZE - 1,
    char    *username,
            history[HISTORY_SIZE][MAX_INPUT_SIZE] = {'\0'},

    signal(SIGINT, handle_sigint);
    //shell loop
    while(!exit_flag) {

        //print the prompt and get the input
        printf("%s> " , get_username());
        fgets(input, MAX_INPUT_SIZE, stdin);

        //built-in exit function
        if(!strcmp(input, "exit")) exit_flag = true;

        //built-in history function
        else if(!strcmp(input, "history")) {
            int i;
            for(i = oldest_history+1; i!=oldest_history; i = (i+1)%HISTORY_SIZE) {
                if(history[i][0] != '\0') printf("%s\n", history[i]);

        //non-built-in function
        else if(strcmp(input, "")) {
            int     token_index,
            pid_t   pid;
            char   *tokens[CMD_MAX];

            //get the token list and size
            num_tokens = make_tokenlist(input, tokens);

            //fork a child process
            pid = fork();

            //parent: wait for child to finish
            if(pid >  0) {
                pid = wait(&status);

            //child: execute command
            if(pid == 0) {

                //redirect output
                token_index = contains_token(tokens, num_tokens, ">");
                if(token_index >= 0 && token_index+1 < num_tokens) {
                    int fd_o = open(tokens[token_index+1], O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0644);
                    if(dup2(fd_o, STDOUT_FILENO)<0) {
                        perror("dup2 error");

                    //remove ">" and the output file from the list of arguments
                    tokens[token_index  ] = '\0';
                    tokens[token_index+1] = '\0';

                //redirect input
                token_index = contains_token(tokens, num_tokens, "<");
                if(token_index >= 0 && token_index+1 < num_tokens) {
                    int fd_i = open(tokens[token_index+1], O_RDONLY);
                    dup2(fd_i, STDIN_FILENO);

                    //remove "<" and the input file from the list of arguments
                    tokens[token_index  ] = '\0';
                    tokens[token_index+1] = '\0';

                //handle pipe
                int num_pipes = count_pipes(tokens, num_tokens);
                if(num_pipes > 0) {

                    //get the indices of the pipes to extract the commands
                    int pipe_indices[CMD_MAX];
                    get_pipe_indices(tokens, num_tokens, pipe_indices);

                    //extract all the commands
                    char *commands[CMD_MAX][CMD_MAX];
                    for(int i=0; i<=num_pipes; i++) {
                        extract_tokens(tokens, commands[i], pipe_indices[i]+1, pipe_indices[i+1]);

                    //connect and run all the pipe commands
                    int fds[2],
                        in = STDIN_FILENO;
                    for(int i=0; i<num_pipes; i++) {
                        execute_piped_process(in, fds[1], commands[i]);
                        in = fds[0];

                    //execute the last command
                    if(in != STDIN_FILENO) dup2(in, STDIN_FILENO);
                    execvp(commands[num_pipes][0], commands[num_pipes]);

                //execute command
                execvp(tokens[0], tokens);
                printf("%s: invalid command\n", tokens[0]);

        //update history
        if(strcmp(input, "") && status==0) {
            strcpy( history[oldest_history], input );
            if(oldest_history < 0) oldest_history = HISTORY_SIZE - 1;


예제 #3
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
	char buffer[10000];
	token tokens[500];
	int t; //total number of tokens
	int i; //general use counter
	int res;
	FILE *fp;
	if (argc < 2) { //check if the number of arguments is correct
		printf("Usage: %s <input_file> -o <output_file>\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;
	else if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) { //try to open the input file
		printf("%s\n", strerror(errno));
		return 2;
	else {
		/*Phase 0: Put instuctions from the input file to the buffer serialized*/
		res = serialize_input(buffer, fp);
		/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
		if (DEBUG_MODE) {
			printf("Phase 0: Put instuctions from the input file to the buffer serialized:\n%s\n\n", buffer);
		if (res == 0) {
			puts("Empty input file.");
			return 3;

	/*Phase 1: Parse the code*/
	/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
		printf("Phase 1: Remove lines with invalid tokens:\n%s\n\n", buffer);
	/*Phase 2: Extract the tokens*/
	t = extract_tokens(buffer, tokens);
	/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
		puts("Phase 2: Extract the tokens:");
		print_tokens(tokens, t);
	/*Phase 3: Do syntax analysis on the tokens*/
	t = analize_tokens(tokens, t);
	/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
		puts("Phase 3: Do syntax analysis on the tokens:");
		print_tokens(tokens, t);
	/*Phase 4: Do optimization on the tokens*/
	t = optimize_tokens(tokens, t);
	/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
		puts("Phase 4: Do optimization on the tokens:");
		print_tokens(tokens, t);
	/*Phase 5: Do code generation based on the tokens*/
	generate_code(buffer, tokens, t);
	/*If is on DEBUG_MODE print debuggin info*/
	if (DEBUG_MODE) {
		printf("Phase 5: Do code generation based on the tokens:\n%s\n\n", buffer);
	/*Print errors buffer*/
	if (error_cnt != 0) {
	else {
		puts("No Errors");
	/*Final Phase: Save the code in a file*/
	if (argc == 4 && strcmp(argv[2], "-o") == 0) { //check if user provided output file name
		save_code(buffer, argv[3]);
	else {
		save_code(buffer, "out.c");
	return 0;