char * check_streams(ezxml_t registry, char * streams) { ezxml_t streams_xml, stream_xml; const char *streamname; char *string, *tofree, *token; char *failed; int missing_stream; string = strdup(streams); tofree = string; failed = NULL; while( (token = strsep(&string, ";")) != NULL) { missing_stream = 1; for (streams_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "streams"); streams_xml; streams_xml = streams_xml->next) { for (stream_xml = ezxml_child(streams_xml, "stream"); stream_xml; stream_xml = stream_xml->next) { streamname = ezxml_attr(stream_xml, "name"); if(strcasecmp(streamname, token) == 0) { /* TODO: Not portable? */ missing_stream = 0; } } } if (missing_stream) { failed = strdup(token); free(tofree); return failed; } } free(tofree); return failed; }
const char *FindVersion(int file_id, BYTE *pbVersionBytes, int cpbVersionBytes, const Category cat) { if(!doc[cat]) return 0; char version_string[128]; strncpy(version_string, (char *)pbVersionBytes, cpbVersionBytes); version_string[sizeof(version_string)-1] = 0; ezxml_t root = ezxml_get(doc[cat], "channel", 0, "item", -1); while (root) { int id = atoi(ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(root, "id"))); const char* version = ezxml_txt(ezxml_child(root, "version")); if (id == file_id && version[0]) { if (strncmp(version, (char*)pbVersionBytes, cpbVersionBytes) && VersionLess(version_string, version)) { return version; } else { return "same"; } } root = ezxml_next(root); } return 0; }
externC void cyg_start( void ) { ezxml_t f1, team, driver; const char * teamname; int i; CYG_TEST_INIT(); f1 = ezxml_parse_str(document, sizeof(document)); for (team = ezxml_child(f1, "team"); team; team = team->next) { teamname = ezxml_attr(team, "name"); for (i=0,driver = ezxml_child(team, "driver"); driver; driver = driver->next,i++) { if (strcmp(results[i].driver, ezxml_child(driver, "name")->txt) || strcmp(results[i].team, teamname) || strcmp(results[i].points, ezxml_child(driver, "points")->txt)) CYG_TEST_FAIL("Parser failed first test"); } } if (strcmp(ezxml_get(f1, "team", 0, "driver", 1, "name", -1)->txt, "David Coultard")) CYG_TEST_FAIL_FINISH("Parser failed second test"); else CYG_TEST_PASS_FINISH("Parser passed"); ezxml_free(f1); }
char * check_packages(ezxml_t registry, char * packages){/*{{{*/ ezxml_t packages_xml, package_xml; const char *packagename; char *string, *tofree, *token; char *failed; int missing_package; string = strdup(packages); tofree = string; failed = NULL; while( (token = strsep(&string, ";")) != NULL) { missing_package = 1; for (packages_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "packages"); packages_xml; packages_xml = packages_xml->next){ for (package_xml = ezxml_child(packages_xml, "package"); package_xml; package_xml = package_xml->next){ packagename = ezxml_attr(package_xml, "name"); if(strcasecmp(packagename, token) == 0){ missing_package = 0; } } } if (missing_package) { failed = strdup(token); free(tofree); return failed; } } free(tofree); return failed; }/*}}}*/
char * check_dimensions(ezxml_t registry, char * dims){/*{{{*/ ezxml_t dims_xml, dim_xml; const char *dimname; char *string, *tofree, *token; int missing_dim; string = strdup(dims); tofree = string; while( (token = strsep(&string, " ")) != NULL) { if (strcasecmp(token, "Time") != 0){ missing_dim = 1; for (dims_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "dims"); dims_xml; dims_xml = dims_xml->next){ for (dim_xml = ezxml_child(dims_xml, "dim"); dim_xml; dim_xml = dim_xml->next){ dimname = ezxml_attr(dim_xml, "name"); if(strcasecmp(dimname, token) == 0){ missing_dim = 0; } } } if (missing_dim) { free(tofree); return token; } } } free(tofree); return NULL; }/*}}}*/
int is_unique_field(ezxml_t registry, ezxml_t field, const char *check_name){/*{{{*/ ezxml_t struct_xml, var_arr_xml, var_xml; const char *name; for(struct_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "var_struct"); struct_xml; struct_xml = struct_xml->next){ for(var_arr_xml = ezxml_child(struct_xml, "var_array"); var_arr_xml; var_arr_xml = var_arr_xml->next){ for(var_xml = ezxml_child(var_arr_xml, "var"); var_xml; var_xml = var_xml->next){ name = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "name"); if(strcmp(name, check_name) == 0 && var_xml != field){ return 0; } } } for(var_xml = ezxml_child(struct_xml, "var"); var_xml; var_xml = var_xml->next){ name = ezxml_attr(var_xml, "name"); if(strcmp(name, check_name) == 0 && var_xml != field){ return 0; } } } return 1; }/*}}}*/
static void _mapcache_dimension_sqlite_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, mapcache_dimension *dim, ezxml_t node) { mapcache_dimension_sqlite *dimension; ezxml_t child; dimension = (mapcache_dimension_sqlite*)dim; child = ezxml_child(node,"dbfile"); if(child) { dimension->dbfile = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool, child->txt); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"sqlite dimension \"%s\" has no <dbfile> node", dim->name); return; } child = ezxml_child(node,"validate_query"); if(child) { dimension->get_values_for_entry_query = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool, child->txt); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"sqlite dimension \"%s\" has no <validate_query> node", dim->name); return; } child = ezxml_child(node,"list_query"); if(child) { dimension->get_all_values_query = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool, child->txt); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"sqlite dimension \"%s\" has no <list_query> node", dim->name); return; } }
int main() { int kanji[200][2]; int i = 0; int8_t test = 8; ezxml_t f1 = ezxml_parse_file("4e86.xml"), stroke, point; const char *teamname; for (stroke = ezxml_child(f1, "stroke"); stroke; stroke = stroke->next) { printf("new stroke\n"); for (point = ezxml_child(stroke, "point"); point; point = point->next) { kanji[i][0] = atoi(ezxml_attr(point,"x")); kanji[i][1] = atoi(ezxml_attr(point,"y")); i++; // printf("%i",i); // printf("%s \n", ezxml_attr(point,"x")); } } ezxml_free(f1); for(int j = 0;j<50;j++) { printf("j: %i, x: %i, y: %i\n", j, kanji[j][0], kanji[j][1]); } return 0; }
static void _mapcache_dimension_values_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, mapcache_dimension *dim, ezxml_t node) { mapcache_dimension_values *dimension; ezxml_t child_node = ezxml_child(node,"value"); dimension = (mapcache_dimension_values*)dim; if(!child_node) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"failed to parse dimension values: no <value> children supplied"); return; } for(; child_node; child_node = child_node->next) { const char* entry = child_node->txt; if(!entry || !*entry) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"failed to parse dimension values: empty <value>"); return; } APR_ARRAY_PUSH(dimension->values,char*) = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,entry); } child_node = ezxml_child(node,"case_sensitive"); if(child_node && child_node->txt) { if(!strcasecmp(child_node->txt,"true")) { dimension->case_sensitive = 1; } } if(!dimension->values->nelts) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "<dimension> \"%s\" has no values",dim->name); return; } }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_source_wms * \sa mapcache_source::configuration_parse() */ void _mapcache_source_wms_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_source *source) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_source_wms *src = (mapcache_source_wms*)source; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"getmap")) != NULL) { ezxml_t gm_node; if ((gm_node = ezxml_child(cur_node,"params")) != NULL) { for(gm_node = gm_node->child; gm_node; gm_node = gm_node->sibling) { apr_table_set(src->getmap_params, gm_node->name, gm_node->txt); } } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"wms source %s <getmap> has no <params> block (should contain at least <LAYERS> child)",source->name); return; } } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"wms source %s has no <getmap> block",source->name); return; } if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"getfeatureinfo")) != NULL) { ezxml_t fi_node; if ((fi_node = ezxml_child(cur_node,"info_formats")) != NULL) { char *key,*last; char *iformats; source->info_formats = apr_array_make(ctx->pool,3,sizeof(char*)); iformats = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,fi_node->txt); for (key = apr_strtok(iformats, "," , &last); key != NULL; key = apr_strtok(NULL, ",", &last)) { APR_ARRAY_PUSH(source->info_formats,char*) = key; } } else {
/* parse stations returned by pandora * @param piano handle * @param xml returned by pandora * @return _RET_OK or error */ PianoReturn_t PianoXmlParseStations (PianoHandle_t *ph, char *xml) { ezxml_t xmlDoc, dataNode; PianoReturn_t ret; char **quickMixIds = NULL, **curQuickMixId = NULL; if ((ret = PianoXmlInitDoc (xml, &xmlDoc)) != PIANO_RET_OK) { return ret; } dataNode = ezxml_get (xmlDoc, "params", 0, "param", 0, "value", 0, "array", 0, "data", -1); for (dataNode = ezxml_child (dataNode, "value"); dataNode; dataNode = dataNode->next) { PianoStation_t *tmpStation; if ((tmpStation = calloc (1, sizeof (*tmpStation))) == NULL) { ezxml_free (xmlDoc); return PIANO_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (dataNode, "struct"), PianoXmlParseStationsCb, tmpStation); /* get stations selected for quickmix */ if (tmpStation->isQuickMix) { PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (dataNode, "struct"), PianoXmlParseQuickMixStationsCb, &quickMixIds); } /* start new linked list or append */ if (ph->stations == NULL) { ph->stations = tmpStation; } else { PianoStation_t *curStation = ph->stations; while (curStation->next != NULL) { curStation = curStation->next; } curStation->next = tmpStation; } } /* set quickmix flags after all stations are read */ if (quickMixIds != NULL) { curQuickMixId = quickMixIds; while (*curQuickMixId != NULL) { PianoStation_t *curStation = PianoFindStationById (ph->stations, *curQuickMixId); if (curStation != NULL) { curStation->useQuickMix = 1; } free (*curQuickMixId); curQuickMixId++; } free (quickMixIds); } ezxml_free (xmlDoc); return PIANO_RET_OK; }
/* callback for xml struct parser used in PianoXmlParseSearch, "switch" for * PianoXmlParseSearchArtistCb and PianoXmlParsePlaylistCb */ static void PianoXmlParseSearchCb (const char *key, const ezxml_t value, void *data) { PianoSearchResult_t *searchResult = data; ezxml_t curNode; if (strcmp ("artists", key) == 0) { /* skip <value><array><data> */ for (curNode = ezxml_child (ezxml_get (value, "array", 0, "data", -1), "value"); curNode; curNode = curNode->next) { PianoArtist_t *artist; if ((artist = calloc (1, sizeof (*artist))) == NULL) { /* fail silently */ break; } memset (artist, 0, sizeof (*artist)); PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (curNode, "struct"), PianoXmlParseSearchArtistCb, artist); /* add result to linked list */ if (searchResult->artists == NULL) { searchResult->artists = artist; } else { PianoArtist_t *curArtist = searchResult->artists; while (curArtist->next != NULL) { curArtist = curArtist->next; } curArtist->next = artist; } } } else if (strcmp ("songs", key) == 0) { for (curNode = ezxml_child (ezxml_get (value, "array", 0, "data", -1), "value"); curNode; curNode = curNode->next) { /* FIXME: copy & waste */ PianoSong_t *tmpSong; if ((tmpSong = calloc (1, sizeof (*tmpSong))) == NULL) { /* fail silently */ break; } PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (curNode, "struct"), PianoXmlParsePlaylistCb, tmpSong); /* begin linked list or append */ if (searchResult->songs == NULL) { searchResult->songs = tmpSong; } else { PianoSong_t *curSong = searchResult->songs; while (curSong->next != NULL) { curSong = curSong->next; } curSong->next = tmpSong; } } } }
/* parse getStation xml struct */ static void PianoXmlParseGetStationInfoCb (const char *key, const ezxml_t value, void *data) { PianoStationInfo_t *info = data; if (strcmp ("seeds", key) == 0) { const ezxml_t dataNode = ezxml_get (value, "array", 0, "data", -1); for (ezxml_t seedNode = ezxml_child (dataNode, "value"); seedNode; seedNode = seedNode->next) { struct PianoXmlParseSeedBag bag; memset (&bag, 0, sizeof (bag)); PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (seedNode, "struct"), PianoXmlParseSeedCb, &bag); /* FIXME: use if-clause */ assert (bag.seedId != NULL); assert ( != NULL || bag.artist != NULL); if ( != NULL) {>seedId = bag.seedId; if (info->songSeeds == NULL) { info->songSeeds =; } else { PianoSong_t *curSong = info->songSeeds; while (curSong->next != NULL) { curSong = curSong->next; } curSong->next =; } } else if (bag.artist != NULL) { bag.artist->seedId = bag.seedId; if (info->artistSeeds == NULL) { info->artistSeeds = bag.artist; } else { PianoArtist_t *curSong = info->artistSeeds; while (curSong->next != NULL) { curSong = curSong->next; } curSong->next = bag.artist; } } else { free (bag.seedId); } } } else if (strcmp ("feedback", key) == 0) { const ezxml_t dataNode = ezxml_get (value, "array", 0, "data", -1); for (ezxml_t feedbackNode = ezxml_child (dataNode, "value"); feedbackNode; feedbackNode = feedbackNode->next) { if (PianoXmlParsePlaylistStruct (feedbackNode, &info->feedback) != PIANO_RET_OK) { break; } } } }
Book *book_load_file(const char *path) { Book *book; ezxml_t beyonwiz_xml, timerlist_xml, timer_xml; Timer *timer; int i; const char *fname; book = (Book *)malloc(sizeof(Book)); book->n_timers = 0; book->timers = NULL; beyonwiz_xml = ezxml_parse_file(path); timerlist_xml = ezxml_child(beyonwiz_xml, "TimerList"); //FIXME check to make sure we are reading a version 5 timerlist. if(timerlist_xml) { for(timer_xml = ezxml_child(timerlist_xml, "Timer"); timer_xml; timer_xml = timer_xml->next) { book->n_timers++; } printf("number of timers = %d\n", book->n_timers); timer = (Timer *)malloc(sizeof(Timer) * book->n_timers); book->timers = timer; for(i=0,timer_xml = ezxml_child(timerlist_xml, "Timer"); timer_xml; timer_xml = timer_xml->next,i++) { fname = ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "fname"); timer->filename = (char *)malloc(strlen(fname) + 1); strcpy(timer->filename, fname); timer->startmjd = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "startMjd")); timer->nextmjd = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "nextMjd")); timer->start = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "start")); timer->duration = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "duration")); timer->repeat = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "repeat")); timer->play = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "play")); timer->lock = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "lock")); timer->onid = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "onId")); timer->tsid = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "tsId")); timer->svcid = atoi(ezxml_attr(timer_xml, "svcId")); printf("timer fname = %s, startMjd = %d, start = %d\n", timer->filename, timer->startmjd, timer->start); timer++; } } ezxml_free(beyonwiz_xml); return book; }
int generate_namelist(ezxml_t registry, FILE* fd, int pairs, char **keys, char **values){/*{{{*/ ezxml_t nmlrecs_xml, nmlopt_xml; const char *recname; const char *optname, *opttype; char *optval; int write_opt, write_record, record_written; int i; for (nmlrecs_xml = ezxml_child(registry, "nml_record"); nmlrecs_xml; nmlrecs_xml = nmlrecs_xml->next){ recname = ezxml_attr(nmlrecs_xml, "name"); record_written = 0; write_record = is_structure_writable(nmlrecs_xml, pairs, keys, values); /* If record doesn't have a key, record is writeable */ if ( write_record == -1 ) write_record = 1; if ( write_record == 1 ) { fprintf(fd, "&%s\n", recname); record_written = 1; } for (nmlopt_xml = ezxml_child(nmlrecs_xml, "nml_option"); nmlopt_xml; nmlopt_xml = nmlopt_xml->next){ optname = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "name"); opttype = ezxml_attr(nmlopt_xml, "type"); write_opt = is_structure_writable(nmlopt_xml, pairs, keys, values); if ( write_opt == 1 || ( write_opt == -1 && write_record == 1) ){ if ( !record_written ) { fprintf(fd, "&%s\n", recname); record_written = 1; } optval = get_option_value(nmlopt_xml, pairs, values); if ( strcmp(opttype, "character") == 0){ fprintf(fd, " %s = '%s'\n", optname, optval); } else { fprintf(fd, " %s = %s\n", optname, optval); } free(optval); } } if ( record_written ) { fprintf(fd, "/\n"); } } return 0; }/*}}}*/
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_cache_memcache */ static void _mapcache_cache_memcache_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_cache *cache, mapcache_cfg *config) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_cache_memcache *dcache = (mapcache_cache_memcache*)cache; int servercount = 0; for(cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"server"); cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { servercount++; } if(!servercount) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"memcache cache %s has no <server>s configured",cache->name); return; } if(APR_SUCCESS != apr_memcache_create(ctx->pool, servercount, 0, &dcache->memcache)) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: failed to create memcache backend", cache->name); return; } for(cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"server"); cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { ezxml_t xhost = ezxml_child(cur_node,"host"); ezxml_t xport = ezxml_child(cur_node,"port"); const char *host; apr_memcache_server_t *server; apr_port_t port; if(!xhost || !xhost->txt || ! *xhost->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: <server> with no <host>",cache->name); return; } else { host = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,xhost->txt); } if(!xport || !xport->txt || ! *xport->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: <server> with no <port>", cache->name); return; } else { char *endptr; int iport = (int)strtol(xport->txt,&endptr,10); if(*endptr != 0) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"failed to parse value %s for memcache cache %s", xport->txt,cache->name); return; } port = iport; } if(APR_SUCCESS != apr_memcache_server_create(ctx->pool,host,port,4,5,50,10000,&server)) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: failed to create server %s:%d",cache->name,host,port); return; } if(APR_SUCCESS != apr_memcache_add_server(dcache->memcache,server)) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: failed to add server %s:%d",cache->name,host,port); return; } if(APR_SUCCESS != apr_memcache_set(dcache->memcache,"mapcache_test_key","mapcache",8,0,0)) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: failed to add test key to server %s:%d",cache->name,host,port); return; } } }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_cache_riak */ static void _mapcache_cache_riak_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_cache *cache, mapcache_cfg *config) { ezxml_t cur_node,xhost,xport,xbucket; mapcache_cache_riak *dcache = (mapcache_cache_riak*)cache; int servercount = 0; for (cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"server"); cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { servercount++; } if (!servercount) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "riak cache %s has no <server>s configured", cache->name); return; } if (servercount > 1) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "riak cache %s has more than 1 server configured", cache->name); return; } cur_node = ezxml_child(node, "server"); xhost = ezxml_child(cur_node, "host"); /* Host should contain just server */ xport = ezxml_child(cur_node, "port"); xbucket = ezxml_child(cur_node, "bucket"); if (!xhost || !xhost->txt || ! *xhost->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "cache %s: <server> with no <host>", cache->name); return; } else { dcache->host = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool, xhost->txt); if (dcache->host == NULL) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "cache %s: failed to allocate host string!", cache->name); return; } } if (!xport || !xport->txt || ! *xport->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "cache %s: <server> with no <port>", cache->name); return; } else { dcache->port = atoi(xport->txt); } if (!xbucket || !xbucket->txt || ! *xbucket->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "cache %s: <server> with no <bucket>", cache->name); return; } else { dcache->bucket.value = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool, xbucket->txt); if (dcache->bucket.value == NULL) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "cache %s: failed to allocate bucket string!", cache->name); return; } dcache->bucket.len = strlen(dcache->bucket.value); } }
mapcache_http* mapcache_http_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node) { ezxml_t http_node; mapcache_http *req; curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); #ifdef DEBUG /* make valgrind happy */ apr_pool_cleanup_register(ctx->pool, NULL,(void*)http_cleanup, apr_pool_cleanup_null); #endif req = (mapcache_http*)apr_pcalloc(ctx->pool, sizeof(mapcache_http)); if ((http_node = ezxml_child(node,"url")) != NULL) { req->url = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,http_node->txt); } if(!req->url) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"got an <http> object with no <url>"); return NULL; } if ((http_node = ezxml_child(node,"connection_timeout")) != NULL) { char *endptr; req->connection_timeout = (int)strtol(http_node->txt,&endptr,10); if(*endptr != 0 || req->connection_timeout<1) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"invalid <http> <connection_timeout> \"%s\" (positive integer expected)", http_node->txt); return NULL; } } else { req->connection_timeout = 30; } if ((http_node = ezxml_child(node,"timeout")) != NULL) { char *endptr; req->timeout = (int)strtol(http_node->txt,&endptr,10); if(*endptr != 0 || req->timeout<1) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"invalid <http> <timeout> \"%s\" (positive integer expected)", http_node->txt); return NULL; } } else { req->timeout = 600; } req->headers = apr_table_make(ctx->pool,1); if((http_node = ezxml_child(node,"headers")) != NULL) { ezxml_t header_node; for(header_node = http_node->child; header_node; header_node = header_node->sibling) { apr_table_set(req->headers, header_node->name, header_node->txt); } } return req; /* TODO: parse <proxy> and <auth> elements */ }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_cache_disk */ static void _mapcache_cache_disk_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_cache *cache, mapcache_cfg *config) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_cache_disk *dcache = (mapcache_cache_disk*)cache; char *layout = NULL; int template_layout = MAPCACHE_FALSE; layout = (char*)ezxml_attr(node,"layout"); if (!layout || !strlen(layout) || !strcmp(layout,"tilecache")) { dcache->tile_key = _mapcache_cache_disk_tilecache_tile_key; } else if(!strcmp(layout,"arcgis")) { dcache->tile_key = _mapcache_cache_disk_arcgis_tile_key; } else if (!strcmp(layout,"template")) { dcache->tile_key = _mapcache_cache_disk_template_tile_key; template_layout = MAPCACHE_TRUE; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"template")) != NULL) { dcache->filename_template = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "no template specified for cache \"%s\"", cache->name); return; } } else { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "unknown layout type %s for cache \"%s\"", layout, cache->name); return; } if (!template_layout && (cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"base")) != NULL) { dcache->base_directory = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } if (!template_layout && (cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"symlink_blank")) != NULL) { if(strcasecmp(cur_node->txt,"false")) { #ifdef HAVE_SYMLINK dcache->symlink_blank=1; #else ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: host system does not support file symbolic linking",cache->name); return; #endif } } if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"creation_retry")) != NULL) { dcache->creation_retry = atoi(cur_node->txt); } if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"maxzoom")) != NULL) { dcache->maxzoom = atoi(cur_node->txt); } }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_source_gdal * \sa mapcache_source::configuration_parse() */ void _mapcache_source_gdal_configuration_parse(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_source *source) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_source_gdal *src = (mapcache_source_gdal*)source; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"data")) != NULL) { src->datastr = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"gdalparams")) != NULL) { for(cur_node = cur_node->child; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->sibling) { apr_table_set(src->gdal_params, cur_node->name, cur_node->txt); } } }
void parseDimensions(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_tileset *tileset) { ezxml_t dimension_node; apr_array_header_t *dimensions = apr_array_make(ctx->pool,1,sizeof(mapcache_dimension*)); for(dimension_node = ezxml_child(node,"dimension"); dimension_node; dimension_node = dimension_node->next) { char *name = (char*)ezxml_attr(dimension_node,"name"); char *type = (char*)ezxml_attr(dimension_node,"type"); char *unit = (char*)ezxml_attr(dimension_node,"unit"); char *default_value = (char*)ezxml_attr(dimension_node,"default"); mapcache_dimension *dimension = NULL; if(!name || !strlen(name)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "mandatory attribute \"name\" not found in <dimension>"); return; } if(type && *type) { if(!strcmp(type,"values")) { dimension = mapcache_dimension_values_create(ctx->pool); } else if(!strcmp(type,"regex")) { dimension = mapcache_dimension_regex_create(ctx->pool); } else if(!strcmp(type,"intervals")) { dimension = mapcache_dimension_intervals_create(ctx->pool); } else if(!strcmp(type,"time")) { ctx->set_error(ctx,501,"time dimension type not implemented yet"); return; dimension = mapcache_dimension_time_create(ctx->pool); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"unknown dimension type \"%s\"",type); return; } } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400, "mandatory attribute \"type\" not found in <dimensions>"); return; } dimension->name = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,name); if(unit && *unit) { dimension->unit = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,unit); } if(default_value && *default_value) { dimension->default_value = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,default_value); } else { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"dimension \"%s\" has no \"default\" attribute",dimension->name); return; } dimension->configuration_parse_xml(ctx,dimension,dimension_node); GC_CHECK_ERROR(ctx); APR_ARRAY_PUSH(dimensions,mapcache_dimension*) = dimension; } if(apr_is_empty_array(dimensions)) { ctx->set_error(ctx, 400, "<dimensions> for tileset \"%s\" has no dimensions defined (expecting <dimension> children)",tileset->name); return; } tileset->dimensions = dimensions; }
dom_exception dom_element_get_elements_by_tag_name(dom_element *element, dom_string *string, dom_nodelist **outNodeList) { dom_nodelist *result = NULL; dom_element **nodeList = NULL; int nodeCount = 0; for (ezxml_t candidate = ezxml_child(element->node, string->s); candidate; candidate = candidate->next) { if (NULL == nodeList) { nodeList = (dom_element **)malloc(nodeCount * sizeof(dom_element *)); } else { dom_element **t = realloc(nodeList, (1+nodeCount) * sizeof(dom_element *)); if (t) { nodeList = t; } else { for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) { dom_node_unref(nodeList[i]); } free(nodeList); *outNodeList = result; return DOM_MEM_ERR; } } dom_element *elem = (dom_element *)calloc(sizeof(dom_element), 1); elem->node = candidate; elem->ref = 1; nodeList[nodeCount++] = elem; } if (nodeCount) { result = calloc(sizeof(dom_nodelist), 1); result->nodes = nodeList; result->count = nodeCount; result->ref = 1; } *outNodeList = result; return DOM_NO_ERR; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Reg_Get(Reg_TRegistry* reg, const ezxml_t keys, ezxml_t items) { ezxml_t key; assert(reg); key = keys->child; if (key) { do { ezxml_t item; if ((item = ezxml_child(reg->m_root, ezxml_txt(key))) && ezxml_name(item)) { ezxml_t child = ezxml_add_child_d(items, ezxml_name(item), 0); ezxml_set_txt_d(child, ezxml_txt(item)); } } while((key = key->ordered)); } else { ezxml_t item = reg->m_root->child; while(item) { ezxml_t child = ezxml_add_child_d(items, ezxml_name(item), 0); ezxml_set_txt_d(child, ezxml_txt(item)); item = item->ordered; } } return -EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int is_unique_struct(ezxml_t current_position, ezxml_t check_struct, const char *check_name){/*{{{*/ ezxml_t struct_xml; const char *name; int test; test = 1; for(struct_xml = ezxml_child(current_position, "var_struct"); struct_xml; struct_xml = struct_xml->next){ name = ezxml_attr(struct_xml, "name"); if(strcmp(name, check_name) == 0 && struct_xml != check_struct){ return 0; } else { test = is_unique_struct(struct_xml, check_struct, check_name); if ( !test ) { return 0; } } } return 1; }/*}}}*/
/* Finds child element with given name and returns it. Errors out if * more than one instance exists. */ ezxml_t FindElement(INP ezxml_t Parent, INP const char *Name, INP boolean Required) { ezxml_t Cur; /* Find the first node of correct name */ Cur = ezxml_child(Parent, Name); /* Error out if node isn't found but they required it */ if(Required) { if(NULL == Cur) { printf(ERRTAG "[LINE %d] Element '%s' not found within element '%s'.\n", Parent->line, Name, Parent->name); exit(1); } } /* Look at next tag with same name and error out if exists */ if(Cur != NULL && Cur->next) { printf(ERRTAG "[LINE %d] Element '%s' found twice within element '%s'.\n", Parent->line, Name, Parent->name); exit(1); } return Cur; }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_source_mapserver * \sa mapcache_source::configuration_parse() */ void _mapcache_source_mapserver_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_source *source) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_source_mapserver *src = (mapcache_source_mapserver*)source; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"mapfile")) != NULL) { src->mapfile = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } }
static PianoReturn_t PianoXmlParsePlaylistStruct (ezxml_t xml, PianoSong_t **retSong) { PianoSong_t *playlist = *retSong, *tmpSong; if ((tmpSong = calloc (1, sizeof (*tmpSong))) == NULL) { return PIANO_RET_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (xml, "struct"), PianoXmlParsePlaylistCb, tmpSong); /* begin linked list or append */ if (playlist == NULL) { playlist = tmpSong; } else { PianoSong_t *curSong = playlist; while (curSong->next != NULL) { curSong = curSong->next; } curSong->next = tmpSong; } *retSong = playlist; return PIANO_RET_OK; }
/* * create_automatons_from_xml * * Once this functions is complete all the structure will be in place in the * automaton_set to fill in the names of the automatons and transitions. * It goes through the file twice. The first time counting the number of * automatons and then allocating the memory required for that number. * The second time it creates each of the automatons and puts them into the * automaton set. * * They get entered into the array in the order that they appear in the file. * * Parameters: xml_file - A reference to the structure that contains the entire * xml. * automaton_set - The collection of automatons to be filled in. * state_callback - Callback function to generate the states for * each of the automatons. * event_callback - Callback function to generate the events for * each of the automatons. */ void create_automatons_from_xml(ezxml_t *xml_file, AUTOMATON_SET *automaton_set, int (*state_callback)(AUTOMATON_STATE ***,int), int (*event_callback)(AUTOMATON_EVENT ***)) { /* * Local Variables. */ int ii; int num_automatons; ezxml_t xml_automaton; /* * Count the number of automaton objects in this file. We need to know this * so that we allocate the memory for the automaton array. */ num_automatons = 0; for (xml_automaton = ezxml_child(*xml_file, "automaton"); xml_automaton; xml_automaton = xml_automaton->next) { num_automatons++; } automaton_set->num_automatons = num_automatons; /* * Attempt to allocate the memory for the automaton array. */ automaton_set->automaton_array = (AUTOMATON **) DT_MALLOC(sizeof(AUTOMATON *) * num_automatons); /* * Create each of the automatons individually. */ ii = 0; for (xml_automaton = ezxml_child(*xml_file, "automaton"); xml_automaton; xml_automaton = xml_automaton->next) { /* * This allocated the memory and sets up the state, event tables. */ automaton_set->automaton_array[ii] = create_automaton(state_callback, event_callback); ii++; } }
static void _mapcache_cache_tc_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_cache *cache, mapcache_cfg *config) { ezxml_t cur_node; mapcache_cache_tc *dcache = (mapcache_cache_tc*)cache; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"base")) != NULL) { dcache->basedir = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"key_template")) != NULL) { dcache->key_template = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,cur_node->txt); } else { dcache->key_template = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,"{tileset}-{grid}-{dim}-{z}-{y}-{x}.{ext}"); } if(!dcache->basedir) { ctx->set_error(ctx,500,"tokyocabinet cache \"%s\" is missing <base> entry",cache->name); return; } }
/** * \private \memberof mapcache_cache_memcache */ static void _mapcache_cache_memcache_configuration_parse_xml(mapcache_context *ctx, ezxml_t node, mapcache_cache *cache, mapcache_cfg *config) { ezxml_t cur_node; int i = 0; mapcache_cache_memcache *dcache = (mapcache_cache_memcache*)cache; for(cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"server"); cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { dcache->nservers++; } if(!dcache->nservers) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"memcache cache %s has no <server>s configured",cache->name); return; } dcache->servers = apr_pcalloc(ctx->pool, dcache->nservers * sizeof(struct mapcache_cache_memcache_server)); for(cur_node = ezxml_child(node,"server"); cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next) { ezxml_t xhost = ezxml_child(cur_node,"host"); ezxml_t xport = ezxml_child(cur_node,"port"); if(!xhost || !xhost->txt || ! *xhost->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: <server> with no <host>",cache->name); return; } else { dcache->servers[i].host = apr_pstrdup(ctx->pool,xhost->txt); } if(!xport || !xport->txt || ! *xport->txt) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"cache %s: <server> with no <port>", cache->name); return; } else { char *endptr; int iport = (int)strtol(xport->txt,&endptr,10); if(*endptr != 0) { ctx->set_error(ctx,400,"failed to parse value %s for memcache cache %s", xport->txt,cache->name); return; } dcache->servers[i].port = iport; } i++; } dcache->detect_blank = 0; if ((cur_node = ezxml_child(node, "detect_blank")) != NULL) { if(!strcasecmp(cur_node->txt,"true")) { dcache->detect_blank = 1; } } }