예제 #1
void fCalibrationUpdate()
// try to find an improved calibration if update is enabled     ///CALIBRATION
    // check for enough data in magnetic buffer for a calibration
    if (MagBufferCount >= MINEQUATIONS)
      // calibrate if this will be the first calibration or every CALINTERVAL iterations
      if ((!validmagcal) || (validmagcal && !(loopcounter % CALINTERVAL)))
          // 7 point eigenpair calibration
          if (SOLUTIONSIZE == 7)
          // 4 point INV calibration
            else if (SOLUTIONSIZE == 4)
                  // decide if this new calibration should be accepted
                  if ((ftrFitErrorpc <= fFitErrorpc) && (ftrB >= MINBFIT) && (ftrB <= MAXBFIT))
                    printf("\n\nAccepting new calibration solution\n\n");
                    fFitErrorpc = ftrFitErrorpc;
                    fB = ftrB;
                    fVx = ftrVx;
                    fVy = ftrVy;
                    fVz = ftrVz;
                    fmatrixAeqB(finvW, ftrinvW, 3, 3);
           printf("\n\nRejecting new calibration solution");
      // age (increase) the calibration fit to avoid a good calibration preventing future updates
      // FITERRORAGING is the reciprocal of the time (s) for the fit error to increase by  e=2.718
      // CALINTERVAL * DELTAT is the interval in seconds between each aging update of fFitErrorpc
      // (1 + FITERRORAGING * CALINTERVAL * DELTAT)^n=e defines n, the number of updates for e fold increase
      // approx n * CALINTERVAL * DELTAT = 1. / FITERRORAGING
      // so as required FITERRORAGING is the reciprocal of the time in secs for e fold increase
      fFitErrorpc += fFitErrorpc * FITERRORAGING * (float) CALINTERVAL * DELTAT;
     } // end of test whether to call calibration functions
    else // still too few entries in magnetic buffer for calibration
      //printf("\r %d entries in magnetometer buffer is too few for calibration", MagBufferCount);  ///**********************************
      printf("\r %d move board to calibrate ", MagBufferCount);  ///**********************************
      CalPercentage ();
   } // end of test for active calibration flag
예제 #2
// function runs the magnetic calibration
void fRunMagCalibration(struct MagCalibration *pthisMagCal, struct MagneticBuffer *pthisMagBuffer, struct MagSensor* pthisMag)
	int8 i, j;			// loop counters
	int8 isolver;		// magnetic solver used

	// 4 element calibration case
	if (pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount < MINMEASUREMENTS7CAL)
		// age the existing fit error to avoid one good calibration locking out future updates
		if (pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal)
			pthisMagCal->fFitErrorpc *= (1.0F + (float) INTERVAL4CAL * (float) OVERSAMPLE_RATIO / ((float) SENSORFS * FITERRORAGINGSECS));	
		// call the 4 element matrix inversion calibration
		isolver = 4;
		fUpdateCalibration4INV(pthisMagCal, pthisMagBuffer, pthisMag);
	// 7 element calibration case
	else if (pthisMagBuffer->iMagBufferCount < MINMEASUREMENTS10CAL)
		// age the existing fit error to avoid one good calibration locking out future updates
		if (pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal)
			pthisMagCal->fFitErrorpc *= (1.0F + (float) INTERVAL7CAL * (float) OVERSAMPLE_RATIO / ((float) SENSORFS * FITERRORAGINGSECS));	
		// call the 7 element eigenpair calibration
		isolver = 7;
		fUpdateCalibration7EIG(pthisMagCal, pthisMagBuffer, pthisMag);
	// 10 element calibration case
		// age the existing fit error to avoid one good calibration locking out future updates
		if (pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal)
			pthisMagCal->fFitErrorpc *= (1.0F + (float) INTERVAL10CAL * (float) OVERSAMPLE_RATIO / ((float) SENSORFS * FITERRORAGINGSECS));	
		// call the 10 element eigenpair calibration
		isolver = 10;
		fUpdateCalibration10EIG(pthisMagCal, pthisMagBuffer, pthisMag);

	// the trial geomagnetic field must be in range (earth is 22uT to 67uT)
	if ((pthisMagCal->ftrB >= MINBFITUT) && (pthisMagCal->ftrB <= MAXBFITUT))		
		// always accept the calibration if i) no previous calibration exists ii) the calibration fit is reduced or
		// an improved solver was used giving a good trial calibration (4% or under)
		if ((pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal == 0) ||
				(pthisMagCal->ftrFitErrorpc <= pthisMagCal->fFitErrorpc) ||
				((isolver > pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal) && (pthisMagCal->ftrFitErrorpc <= 4.0F)))
			// accept the new calibration solution
			pthisMagCal->iValidMagCal = isolver;
			pthisMagCal->fFitErrorpc = pthisMagCal->ftrFitErrorpc;
			pthisMagCal->fB = pthisMagCal->ftrB;
			for (i = CHX; i <= CHZ; i++)
				pthisMagCal->fV[i] = pthisMagCal->ftrV[i];
				for (j = CHX; j <= CHZ; j++)
					pthisMagCal->finvW[i][j] = pthisMagCal->ftrinvW[i][j];
		} // end of test to accept the new calibration 
	} // end of test for geomagnetic field strength in range

	// reset the calibration in progress flag to allow writing to the magnetic buffer
	pthisMagCal->iCalInProgress = 0;
