예제 #1
static void prvVerifyDemoFileUsing_f_getc( void )
unsigned char ucReturn;
int iByte, iReturned;
F_FILE *pxFile;
char cFileName[ fsMAX_FILE_NAME_LEN ];

	/* Move into the directory in which the file was created. */
	ucReturn = f_chdir( pcFullPath );
	configASSERT( ucReturn == F_NO_ERROR );

	/* Obtain and print out the working directory. */
	f_getcwd( cRAMBuffer, fsRAM_BUFFER_SIZE );
	printf( "Back in directory %s\r\n", cRAMBuffer );
	configASSERT( strcmp( cRAMBuffer, pcFullPath ) == 0 );

	/* Generate the file name. */
	sprintf( cFileName, "%s.txt", pcDirectory2 );

	/* Print out the file name and the directory from which the file is being
	read. */
	printf( "Reading file %s in %s\r\n", cFileName, cRAMBuffer );

	/* This time the file is opened for reading. */
	pxFile = f_open( cFileName, "r" );

	/* Read the file 1 byte at a time. */
	for( iByte = 0; iByte < fsPUTC_FILE_SIZE; iByte++ )
		iReturned = f_getc( pxFile );
		configASSERT( iReturned ==  ( ( int ) '0' + iByte ) );

	/* Finished so close the file. */
	f_close( pxFile );

	/* Move back to the root directory. */
	ucReturn = f_chdir( "../.." );
	configASSERT( ucReturn == F_NO_ERROR );

	/* Obtain and print out the working directory. */
	f_getcwd( cRAMBuffer, fsRAM_BUFFER_SIZE );
	printf( "Back in root directory %s\r\n", cRAMBuffer );
예제 #2
static portBASE_TYPE prvTYPECommand( char *pcWriteBuffer, size_t xWriteBufferLen, const char *pcCommandString )
const char *pcParameter;
portBASE_TYPE xParameterStringLength, xReturn = pdTRUE;
static F_FILE *pxFile = NULL;
int iChar;
size_t xByte;
size_t xColumns = 50U;

	/* Ensure there is always a null terminator after each character written. */
	memset( pcWriteBuffer, 0x00, xWriteBufferLen );

	/* Ensure the buffer leaves space for the \r\n. */
	configASSERT( xWriteBufferLen > ( strlen( cliNEW_LINE ) * 2 ) );
	xWriteBufferLen -= strlen( cliNEW_LINE );

	if( xWriteBufferLen < xColumns )
		/* Ensure the loop that uses xColumns as an end condition does not
		write off the end of the buffer. */
		xColumns = xWriteBufferLen;

	if( pxFile == NULL )
		/* The file has not been opened yet.  Find the file name. */
		pcParameter = FreeRTOS_CLIGetParameter
								pcCommandString,		/* The command string itself. */
								1,						/* Return the first parameter. */
								&xParameterStringLength	/* Store the parameter string length. */

		/* Sanity check something was returned. */
		configASSERT( pcParameter );

		/* Attempt to open the requested file. */
		pxFile = f_open( pcParameter, "r" );

	if( pxFile != NULL )
		/* Read the next chunk of data from the file. */
		for( xByte = 0; xByte < xColumns; xByte++ )
			iChar = f_getc( pxFile );

			if( iChar == -1 )
				/* No more characters to return. */
				f_close( pxFile );
				pxFile = NULL;
				pcWriteBuffer[ xByte ] = ( char ) iChar;

	if( pxFile == NULL )
		/* Either the file was not opened, or all the data from the file has
		been returned and the file is now closed. */
		xReturn = pdFALSE;

	strcat( pcWriteBuffer, cliNEW_LINE );

	return xReturn;