예제 #1
int main(){
	int T;
	long long a,b,c;
			else printf("1 %.12f\n",-c*1.0/b);
			long double d=(long double)b*b-(long double)4*a*c;
			if(/*d==0*/fabsl(d)<1e-9)printf("1 %.12f\n",-b/2.0/a);
			else if(d<0)puts("0");
			else printf("2 %.12Lf %.12Lf\n",(-b-sqrtl(d))/2/a,(-b+sqrtl(d))/2/a);
	return 0;
예제 #2
depth_t frac_generalized_celtic(depth_t depth,
                                long double wim,     long double wre,
                                long double c_im,    long double c_re,
                                long double wim2,    long double wre2  )
    depth_t wz;
    for (wz = 1; wz <= depth; ++wz)
        wim = 2.0 * wre * wim + c_im;
        wre = fabsl(wre2 - wim2) + c_re;
        wim2 = wim * wim;
        wre2 = wre * wre;

        if (wim2 + wre2 > 4.0F)
            return wz;
    return 0;
예제 #3
파일: t19.c 프로젝트: darksoul42/bitrig
	int ret, si, ni, fi;
	int status = 0;

	for (si = 0; si < nitems(scale); si++) {
		for (ni = 0; ni < nitems(num); ni++) {
			for (fi = 0; fi < nitems(funcs); fi++) {
				char cmd[100];
				FILE *fp;
				long double v, d1, d2, diff, prec;

				v = num[ni];
				if (v == 0.0 && funcs[fi].f == logl)
				snprintf(cmd, sizeof(cmd),
				    "bc -l -e scale=%d -e '%s(%.19Lf)' -equit",
				    scale[si], funcs[fi].name, v);
				fp = popen(cmd, "r");
				ret = fscanf(fp, "%Lf", &d1);
				d2 = funcs[fi].f(v);
				diff = fabsl(d1 - d2);
				prec = powl(10.0L, (long double)-scale[si]);
				if (prec < LDBL_EPSILON)
					prec = LDBL_EPSILON;
				prec *= 2;
				/* XXX cheating ? */
				if (funcs[fi].f == logl)
					prec *= 4;
				else if (funcs[fi].f == expl)
					prec *= 8;
				if (diff > prec) {
					printf("%s %d %Le %Le %Le %Le %Le\n",
					    funcs[fi].name, scale[si],
					    v, d1, d2, diff, prec);
					status = 1;

	return status;
예제 #4
long double sinhl(long double x)
  long double a;
  int x_class = fpclassify (x);

  if (x_class == FP_NAN)
      errno = EDOM;
      return x;
  if (x_class == FP_ZERO)
    return x;
  if (x_class == FP_INFINITE ||
      (fabs (x) > (MAXLOGL + LOGE2L)))
    errno = ERANGE;
    return (signbit (x) ? -INFINITYL : INFINITYL);
    return (signbit (x) ? -MAXNUML : MAXNUML);
  a = fabsl (x);
  if (a > 1.0L)
    if (a >= (MAXLOGL - LOGE2L))
      a = expl(0.5L*a);
      a = (0.5L * a) * a;
      if (x < 0.0L)
	a = -a;
      return (a);
    a = expl(a);
    a = 0.5L*a - (0.5L/a);
    if (x < 0.0L)
      a = -a;
    return (a);

  a *= a;
  return (x + x * a * (polevll(a,P,3)/polevll(a,Q,4)));
예제 #5
파일: t_sqrt.c 프로젝트: Hooman3/minix
ATF_TC_BODY(sqrtl_powl, tc)
#ifndef __vax__
	const long double x[] = { 0.0, 0.005, 1.0, 99.0, 123.123, 9999.9999 };
	const long double eps = 5.0*DBL_EPSILON; /* XXX powl == pow for now */
	volatile long double y, z;
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < __arraycount(x); i++) {

		y = sqrtl(x[i]);
		z = powl(x[i], 1.0 / 2.0);

		if (fabsl(y - z) > eps)
			atf_tc_fail_nonfatal("sqrtl(%0.03Lf) != "
			    "powl(%0.03Lf, 1/2)\n", x[i], x[i]);
예제 #6
long double
asinhl(long double x) {
	long double t, w;
	volatile long double dummy;

	w = fabsl(x);
	if (isnanl(x))
		return (x + x);	/* x is NaN */
	if (w < tiny) {
#ifndef lint
		dummy = x + big;	/* inexact if x != 0 */
		return (x);	/* tiny x */
	} else if (w < big) {
		t = one / w;
		return (copysignl(log1pl(w + w / (t + sqrtl(one + t * t))), x));
	} else
		return (copysignl(logl(w) + ln2, x));
예제 #7
파일: eval.c 프로젝트: patmanteau/iclc
LONG_DOUBLE eval_expr_func(eval_context *ctx, ast_node *tree) {
    expr_func_data *func_data = (expr_func_data*)tree->data;
    if (strcmp(func_data->name, "sin") == 0) return sinl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "cos") == 0) return cosl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "tan") == 0) return tanl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "acos") == 0) return acosl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "asin") == 0) return asinl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "atan") == 0) return atanl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "cosh") == 0) return coshl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "sinh") == 0) return sinhl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "tanh") == 0) return tanhl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "log") == 0) return logl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "log10") == 0) return log10l(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "ceil") == 0) return ceill(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "fabs") == 0) return fabsl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "floor") == 0) return floorl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else if (strcmp(func_data->name, "sqrt") == 0) return sqrtl(eval_expr(ctx, func_data->rhs));
    else return eval_emit_error(ctx, "Unknown function %s.", func_data->name);
예제 #8
파일: glfun.cpp 프로젝트: SeregaGomen/QFEM
void TGLFunWidget::drawPredicate(void)
    Float x0 = (maxX + minX)*0.5,
          y0 = (maxY + minY)*0.5,
          z0 = (maxZ + minZ)*0.5;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < mesh->getX().size(); i++)
        if (fabsl((*results)[funIndex].getResults(i) > predicate.toFloat()))
            if ((*results)[funIndex].getResults(i) > 0)
            glVertex3f(cX(i) - x0, (mesh->getY().size()) ? cY(i) - y0 : 0, (mesh->getZ().size()) ? cZ(i) - z0 : 0);

예제 #9
long double bessi1_spd(long double x)
   long double ax,ans;
   long double y;

   if ((ax=fabsl(x)) < 3.75) {
   } else {
      ans *= (expl(ax)/sqrtl(ax));
   return x < 0.0 ? -ans : ans;
예제 #10
long double complex
ctanl(long double complex z)
	long double complex w;
	long double d;

	d = cosl(2.0L * creall(z)) + coshl(2.0L * cimagl(z));

	if (fabsl(d) < 0.25L)
		d = _ctansl(z);

	if (d == 0.0L) {
		/* mtherr ("ctan", OVERFLOW); */
		w = MAXNUM + MAXNUM * I;
		return w;

	w = sinl(2.0L * creall(z)) / d + (sinhl(2.0L * cimagl(z)) / d) * I;
	return w;
예제 #11
bool intersect(vec_t & r, const vec_t & u1, const vec_t & u2, const vec_t & v1, const vec_t & v2) {
  const long double m11 = u1.x - u2.x, m12 = u1.y - u2.y;
  const long double m21 = v2.x - v1.x, m22 = v2.y - v1.y;

  const long double det = m11*m22 - m12*m21;

  if( fabsl(det) < eps )
    return false;

  const long double r11 =  m22, r12 = -m12;
  const long double r21 = -m21, r22 =  m11;

  const long double a = u1.x - v1.x, b = u1.y - v1.y;

  const long double t = (a*r11 + b*r21)/det, s = (a*r12 + b*r22)/det;

  r = u1 + (u2 - u1)*t;

  return true;
예제 #12
파일: float2.c 프로젝트: 0day-ci/gcc
int main (void)
  ffi_cif cif;
  ffi_type *args[MAX_ARGS];
  void *values[MAX_ARGS];
  float f;
  long double ld;

  args[0] = &ffi_type_float;
  values[0] = &f;

  /* Initialize the cif */
  CHECK(ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 1,
		     &ffi_type_longdouble, args) == FFI_OK);

  f = 3.14159;

#if 1
  /* This is ifdef'd out for now. long double support under SunOS/gcc
     is pretty much non-existent.  You'll get the odd bus error in library
     routines like printf().  */
  printf ("%Lf\n", ldblit(f));
  ld = 666;
  ffi_call(&cif, FFI_FN(ldblit), &ld, values);

#if 1
  /* This is ifdef'd out for now. long double support under SunOS/gcc
     is pretty much non-existent.  You'll get the odd bus error in library
     routines like printf().  */
  printf ("%Lf, %Lf, %Lf, %Lf\n", ld, ldblit(f), ld - ldblit(f), LDBL_EPSILON);

  /* These are not always the same!! Check for a reasonable delta */
  if (fabsl(ld - ldblit(f)) < LDBL_EPSILON)
    puts("long double return value tests ok!");

예제 #13
long double __asinhl(long double x)
	long double t,w;
	int64_t hx,ix;
	ix = hx&0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
	if(ix>=0x7ff0000000000000LL) return x+x;	/* x is inf or NaN */
	if(ix< 0x3e20000000000000LL) {	/* |x|<2**-29 */
	    if(huge+x>one) return x;	/* return x inexact except 0 */
	if(ix>0x41b0000000000000LL) {	/* |x| > 2**28 */
	    w = __ieee754_logl(fabs(x))+ln2;
	} else if (ix>0x4000000000000000LL) {	/* 2**28 > |x| > 2.0 */
	    t = fabs(x);
	    w = __ieee754_logl(2.0*t+one/(__ieee754_sqrtl(x*x+one)+t));
	} else {		/* 2.0 > |x| > 2**-29 */
	    t = x*x;
	    w =__log1pl(fabsl(x)+t/(one+__ieee754_sqrtl(one+t)));
	if(hx>0) return w; else return -w;
예제 #14
long double SigDig(long double x, size_t n)
    long double shift, result;

    if ((n == 0u) || (n > LDBL_DIG))
        result = x;
#if defined(__DJGPP__) | defined(_MSC_VER)
        shift = pow(10.0L,(double)n - floor(log10(fabs(x))));
        shift = powl(10.0L,(double)n - floorl(log10l(fabsl(x))));

        result = ToNearest(x * shift) / shift;

    return result;
예제 #15
파일: map.c 프로젝트: EEmmanuel7/quetoo
 * @brief
int32_t FindPlane(vec3_t normal, dvec_t dist) {
	int32_t i;

	SnapPlane(normal, &dist);
	const uint16_t hash = ((uint32_t) fabsl(dist)) & (PLANE_HASHES - 1);

	// search the border bins as well
	for (i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
		const uint16_t h = (hash + i) & (PLANE_HASHES - 1);
		const map_plane_t *p = plane_hash[h];

		while (p) {
			if (PlaneEqual(p, normal, dist)) {
				return p - map_planes;
			p = p->hash_chain;

	return CreateNewFloatPlane(normal, dist);
예제 #16
long double
atanhl(long double x)
	long double t;
	uint16_t hx, ix;

	ix = hx & 0x7fff;
	if (ix >= 0x3fff)		/* |x| >= 1, or NaN or misnormal */
	    RETURNI(fabsl(x) == 1 ? x / zero : (x - x) / (x - x));
	if (ix < BIAS + EXP_TINY && (huge + x) > zero)
	    RETURNI(x);			/* x is tiny */
	if (ix < 0x3ffe) {		/* |x| < 0.5, or misnormal */
	    t = x+x;
	    t = 0.5*log1pl(t+t*x/(one-x));
	} else 
	    t = 0.5*log1pl((x+x)/(one-x));
	RETURNI((hx & 0x8000) == 0 ? t : -t);
예제 #17
파일: timeo.c 프로젝트: gmarciani/librusp
void updateTimeout(Timeout *timeout, const long double sampleRTT) {
	//char LOG[300];
	if (pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(timeout->rwlock)) > 0)
		ERREXIT("Cannot acquire timeout write-lock for updating value.");

	timeout->extRTT = RUDP_EXTRTT_A * timeout->extRTT + RUDP_EXTRTT_B * sampleRTT;

	timeout->devRTT = RUDP_DEVRTT_A * timeout->devRTT + RUDP_DEVRTT_B * fabsl(timeout->extRTT - sampleRTT);

	timeout->value = RUDP_TIMEO_A * timeout->extRTT + RUDP_TIMEO_B * timeout->devRTT;
	sprintf(LOG, "%LF\t%LF\t%LF\n", timeout->extRTT, timeout->devRTT, timeout->value);

	errno = 0;
	if (write(LOGFILE, LOG, strlen(LOG)) == -1)
		ERREXIT("Cannot write timeout log file: %s.", strerror(errno));

	if (pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(timeout->rwlock)) > 0)
		ERREXIT("Cannot release timeout read-write lock for updating value.");
예제 #18
파일: funcion.cpp 프로젝트: DX94/freedfd
Tangente (Token ** Pila)

  Token *Operando = EntornoEjecucion_BuscaSimbolo (*Pila);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  if (NoEsReal (Operando))
      BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);

  long double ValorDominio = Operando->GetDatoReal ();
  BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);
  ValorDominio = Estado.AngulosEnGrados ? ValorDominio * M_PI / 180.0L :
  long double ValorSeno = sinl (ValorDominio);
  long double ValorCoseno = cosl (ValorDominio);
  long double ValorRetorno;
  if (fabsl (ValorSeno) == 1.0L)
  else if (ValorCoseno == 1.0L)
    ValorRetorno = 0.0L;
    ValorRetorno = tanl (ValorDominio);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  Token *TokenRetorno = ConsigueToken (ValorRetorno);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  delete Desapila (Pila);
  Apila (Pila, TokenRetorno);
  if (FueraDeRango (TokenRetorno))
예제 #19
newton (long double p0, long double b, long double error, long double p,
	long double (*f) (long double, long double), char *name)
  long double p1, fb, fc, c, test;
  int n = 0;

  printf ("  Starting newton %s with min accuracy of %Lf\n", name, error);
  printf ("      p0            p1               test \n");

      p1 = p0 - f (p0, 0) / f (p0, 1);

      if (isnan (p1))
	goto fail;

      test = fabsl (p0 - p1);

      printf ("  %12.6Lf   %12.6Lf   %12.6Lf   \n", p0, p1, test);
      p0 = p1;

      // fail gracefully
      if (n > 20)
	  printf ("  *** This method is failing, use another technique \n");

  while (test > error);

  printf ("  Best Guess:     %0.17Lf \n", p1);
  printf ("  Error Estimate: %0.17Lf \n", test);

  printf ("  Stopping newton %s\n\n", name);

예제 #20
파일: imagetile.cpp 프로젝트: jjdmol/LOFAR
void ImageTile::SetWindows(long double variance, bool convolve) {
	bool methodA = false;
	bool methodB = false;
	bool methodC = true;

	// Unwindow everything
	for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
		for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan)
			_isWindowed[channel][scan] = false;

	if(methodA) {
		// Window everything higher than trigger * sigma
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan) {
				if(fabsl(GetValueAt(channel, scan) - EvaluateBaselineFunction(scan, channel)) > _trigger * variance) {
					Window(scan, channel);
	if(methodB) {
		for(unsigned channel = 0;channel<_channelCount;++channel) {
			for(unsigned scan = 0;scan<_scanCount;++scan) {
				bool triggered =
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel-1, scan-1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel-1, scan+1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel+1, scan-1, variance) ||
					TriggeredRaise(channel, scan, channel+1, scan+1, variance);
					Window(scan, channel);
	if(methodC) {
		LineThreshold(true, 0.0, variance, convolve);
예제 #21
static long double expx2l (long double x)
	long double u, u1, m, f;

	x = fabsl (x);
	/* Represent x as an exact multiple of M plus a residual.
	   M is a power of 2 chosen so that exp(m * m) does not overflow
	   or underflow and so that |x - m| is small.  */
	m = MINV * floorl(M * x + 0.5L);
	f = x - m;

	/* x^2 = m^2 + 2mf + f^2 */
	u = m * m;
	u1 = 2 * m * f  +  f * f;

	if ((u + u1) > MAXLOGL)
		return (INFINITYL);

	/* u is exact, u1 is small.  */
	u = expl(u) * expl(u1);
	return (u);
예제 #22
파일: funcion.cpp 프로젝트: DX94/freedfd
Abs (Token ** Pila)

  Token *Operando = EntornoEjecucion_BuscaSimbolo (*Pila);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  if (NoEsReal (Operando))
      BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);
  long double ValorRetorno = fabsl (Operando->GetDatoReal ());
  BorrarTokenSiEsVariable (Operando);
  if (Buzon.GetHuboError ())
  Token *TokenRetorno = ConsigueToken (ValorRetorno);
  delete Desapila (Pila);
  Apila (Pila, TokenRetorno);

예제 #23
파일: coshl.c 프로젝트: bahamas10/openzfs
long double
coshl(long double x) {
	long double t, w;

	w = fabsl(x);
	if (!finitel(w))
		return (w + w);		/* x is INF or NaN */
	if (w < thr1) {
		t = w < tinyl ? w : expm1l(w);
		w = one + t;
		if (w != one)
			w = one + (t * t) / (w + w);
		return (w);
	} else if (w < thr2) {
		t = expl(w);
		return (half * (t + one / t));
	} else if (w <= lnovftL)
		return (half * expl(w));
	else {
		return (scalbnl(expl((w - MEP1 * ln2hi) - MEP1 * ln2lo), ME));
예제 #24
파일: s_logbl.c 프로젝트: AubrCool/glibc
long double
__logbl (long double x)
  int32_t es, lx, ix;

  GET_LDOUBLE_WORDS (es, ix, lx, x);
  es &= 0x7fff;			/* exponent */
  if ((es | ix | lx) == 0)
    return -1.0 / fabsl (x);
  if (es == 0x7fff)
    return x * x;
  if (es == 0)			/* IEEE 754 logb */
      /* POSIX specifies that denormal number is treated as
         though it were normalized.  */
      if (ix == 0)
	es = -(__builtin_clz (lx) + 32);
	es = -__builtin_clz (ix);
  return (long double) (es - 16383);
예제 #25
void get_acceleration_by_earthl_test(void)
    long double utc_in_mjd = 59865.00000000L;
    long double coord[3], acceleration[3];

    coord[0] = -43203.60633L;
    coord[1] = 932.853125L;
    coord[2] = 105.030427L;

    get_acceleration_by_earthl(utc_in_mjd, coord, acceleration);

    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[0]) - 0.00021340560717251052L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[1]) - 4.6078667089531894e-006L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[2]) - 5.1880435966992614e-007L) < 1e-18);

예제 #26
void get_acceleration_by_moonl_test(void)
    long double utc_in_mjd = 59865.0L;
    long double coord[3], acceleration[3];

    coord[0] = -43203.60633L;
    coord[1] = 932.853125L;
    coord[2] = 105.030427L;

    get_acceleration_by_moonl(utc_in_mjd, coord, acceleration);

    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[0]) - 5.7471499870040367575e-11L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[1]) - 4.0468814090081801167e-09L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[2]) - 1.8596276722038470893e-09L) < 1e-18);

예제 #27
void get_acceleration_by_sunl_test(void)
    long double utc_in_mjd = 59865.0L;
    long double coord[3], acceleration[3];

    coord[0] = -43203.606331156676L;
    coord[1] = 932.8531254505084L;
    coord[2] = 105.03042685970608L;

    get_acceleration_by_sunl(utc_in_mjd, coord, acceleration);

    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[0]) - 2.8480208700617356e-009L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[1]) - 1.5087331078186935e-009L) < 1e-18);
    assert(fabsl(fabsl(acceleration[2]) - 6.4204449389352687e-010L) < 1e-18);

예제 #28
 /* asinh(x) = copysign(log(fabs(x) + sqrt(x * x + 1.0)), x) */
long double asinhl(long double x)
  long double z;
  if (!isfinite (x))
    return x;

  z = fabsl (x);

  /* Avoid setting FPU underflow exception flag in x * x. */
#if 0
  if ( z < 0x1p-32)
    return x;

  /* Use log1p to avoid cancellation with small x. Put
     x * x in denom, so overflow is harmless. 
     asinh(x) = log1p (x + sqrt (x * x + 1.0) - 1.0)
              = log1p (x + x * x / (sqrt (x * x + 1.0) + 1.0))  */

  z = __fast_log1pl (z + z * z / (__fast_sqrtl (z * z + 1.0L) + 1.0L));

  return ( x > 0.0 ? z : -z);
예제 #29
파일: e_exp10l.c 프로젝트: AubrCool/glibc
long double
__ieee754_exp10l (long double arg)
  union ibm_extended_long_double u;
  long double arg_high, arg_low;
  long double exp_high, exp_low;

  if (!__finitel (arg))
    return __ieee754_expl (arg);
  if (arg < LDBL_MIN_10_EXP - LDBL_DIG - 10)
    return LDBL_MIN * LDBL_MIN;
  else if (arg > LDBL_MAX_10_EXP + 1)
    return LDBL_MAX * LDBL_MAX;
  else if (fabsl (arg) < 0x1p-109L)
    return 1.0L;

  u.ld = arg;
  arg_high = u.d[0].d;
  arg_low = u.d[1].d;
  exp_high = arg_high * log10_high;
  exp_low = arg_high * log10_low + arg_low * M_LN10l;
  return __ieee754_expl (exp_high) * __ieee754_expl (exp_low);
예제 #30
파일: coshl.c 프로젝트: bahamas10/openzfs
long double
coshl(long double x) {
	long double w, t;

	w = fabsl(x);
	if (!finitel(w))
		return (w + w);	/* x is INF or NaN */
	if (w < thr1) {
		if (w < tinyl)
			return (one + w);	/* inexact+directed rounding */
		t = expm1l(w);
		w = one + t;
		w = one + (t * t) / (w + w);
		return (w);
	if (w < thr2) {
		t = expl(w);
		return (half * (t + one / t));
	if (w <= lnovft)
		return (half * expl(w));
	return (scalbnl(expl((w - lnovft) - lnovlo), 16383));