BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(TestValidQueryFilter, FaceQueryListFixture) { Name queryName("/localhost/nfd/faces/query"); ndn::nfd::FaceQueryFilter queryFilter; queryFilter.setUriScheme("dummy"); queryName.append(queryFilter.wireEncode()); shared_ptr<Interest> query(make_shared<Interest>(queryName)); // add expected faces shared_ptr<DummyLocalFace> expectedFace1(make_shared<DummyLocalFace>()); m_referenceFaces.push_back(expectedFace1); add(expectedFace1); shared_ptr<DummyFace> expectedFace2(make_shared<DummyFace>()); m_referenceFaces.push_back(expectedFace2); add(expectedFace2); // add other faces shared_ptr<DummyFace> face1(make_shared<DummyFace>("udp://", "udp://")); add(face1); shared_ptr<DummyLocalFace> face2(make_shared<DummyLocalFace>("tcp://", "tcp://")); add(face2); m_face->onReceiveData += bind(&FaceQueryStatusPublisherFixture::decodeFaceStatusBlock, this, _1); m_manager.listQueriedFaces(*query); BOOST_REQUIRE(m_finished); }
void testOpenFaceFromMemory() { FTFace face1((unsigned char*)100, 0); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(face1.Error(), 0x02); FTFace face2(HPGCalc_pfb.dataBytes, HPGCalc_pfb.numBytes); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(face2.Error(), 0); }
void testOpenFace() { FTFace face1(BAD_FONT_FILE); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(face1.Error(), 0x06); FTFace face2(GOOD_FONT_FILE); CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(face2.Error(), 0); }
// Morph two faces // --morphfaces <targa filename1> <targa filename2> <eigenfaces filename> <distance (0.0=first, 1.0=second, in between is a morph)> <outfile name> void Main::morphFaces() { std::string filename1=args.nextArg(); std::string filename2=args.nextArg(); std::string eigfilename=args.nextArg(); double distance = args.nextFloat(); std::string outfilename=args.nextArg(); EigFaces eigenfaces; eigenfaces.load(eigfilename); Face face1(eigenfaces.getWidth(), eigenfaces.getHeight()); Face face2(eigenfaces.getWidth(), eigenfaces.getHeight()); Face result; face1.loadTarga(filename1); face2.loadTarga(filename2); eigenfaces.morphFaces(face1, face2, distance, result); result.saveTarga(outfilename); }
C3DModel CTriangulator<Real, Cylinder<Real> >::Triangulate(const Cylinder<Real> &pShape) { Vector3<Real> center = pShape.getCenter(); Vector3<Real> u = pShape.getU(); Real height2 = pShape.getHalfLength(); Real rad = pShape.getRadius(); C3DModel model; std::vector<Vector3<Real> > vVertices; std::vector<TriFace> vFaces; int verticalsegments = 2; int pointsoncircle = 24; Real dalpha = 2.0 * CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/(Real)pointsoncircle; Vector3<Real> vTop = center + (height2 * u); Vector3<Real> vBottom = center - (height2 * u); vVertices.push_back(vTop); Real dheight = (2.0 * height2)/Real(verticalsegments+1); Real currentheight = center.z + height2; Real alpha = 0.0; //create the vertices for(int j=0;j<(verticalsegments+2);j++) { for(int i=0;i<pointsoncircle;i++) { Vector3<Real> vNext=pShape.eval(alpha); vNext.z = currentheight; vVertices.push_back(vNext); alpha+=dalpha; } alpha=0.0; currentheight-=dheight; } vVertices.push_back(vBottom); //add the top triangle fan for(int i=0;i<pointsoncircle;i++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=0; verts[1]=1+i; verts[2]=1+(i+1)%pointsoncircle; TriFace face(verts); vFaces.push_back(face); } //add the body of the cylinder int index = 1; for(int i=0;i<verticalsegments+1;i++) { int index=1+i*pointsoncircle; for(int j=0;j<pointsoncircle;j++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=index+j; verts[1]=index+pointsoncircle+j; verts[2]=index+(j+1)%pointsoncircle; TriFace face1(verts); vFaces.push_back(face1); verts[0]=index+(j+1)%pointsoncircle; verts[1]=index+pointsoncircle+j; verts[2]=index+pointsoncircle+(j+1)%pointsoncircle; TriFace face2(verts); vFaces.push_back(face2); } }//end for i int ilast=vVertices.size()-1; int ilastrow=ilast-pointsoncircle; //add lower triangle fan for(int i=0;i<pointsoncircle;i++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=ilast; verts[1]=ilastrow+(i+1)%pointsoncircle; verts[2]=ilastrow+i; TriFace face(verts); vFaces.push_back(face); } model.CreateFrom(vVertices,vFaces); return model; }
C3DModel CTriangulator<Real, Ellipsoid<Real> >::Triangulate(const Ellipsoid<Real> &pShape) { //-Pi/2 to Pi/2 Real phi; //0 to 2Pi Real theta; //points on the sphere //x=x0+r*cos(theta)*cos(phi) //y=y0+r*cos(theta)*sin(phi) //z=z0+r*sin(theta) C3DModel model; std::vector<Vector3<Real> > vVertices; std::vector<TriFace> vFaces; int lat =8; int longi=8; Real dphi = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/(Real)longi; Real dtheta = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/(Real)lat; Real halfpi = CMath<Real>::SYS_PI/2.0; Vector3<Real> vTop=pShape.eval(halfpi,0); Vector3<Real> vBottom=pShape.eval(-halfpi,0); vVertices.push_back(vTop); phi = halfpi-dphi; for(int j=1;j<longi;j++) { theta=0.0f; for(int i=0;i<2*lat;i++) { Vector3<Real> vNext=pShape.eval(phi,theta); vVertices.push_back(vNext); theta+=dtheta; }//end for i phi-=dphi; }//end for j vVertices.push_back(vBottom); // for(int i=0;i<vVertices.size();i++) //cout<<vVertices[i]<<endl; int lat2=2*lat; //add upper triangle fan for(int i=0;i<lat2;i++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=0; verts[1]=1+i; verts[2]=1+(i+1)%lat2; TriFace face(verts); vFaces.push_back(face); } //add body for(int i=0;i<longi-2;i++) { int index=1+i*lat2; for(int j=0;j<lat2;j++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=index+j; verts[1]=index+lat2+j; verts[2]=index+(j+1)%lat2; TriFace face1(verts); vFaces.push_back(face1); verts[0]=index+(j+1)%lat2; verts[1]=index+lat2+j; verts[2]=index+lat2+(j+1)%lat2; TriFace face2(verts); vFaces.push_back(face2); } } int ilast=vVertices.size()-1; int ilastrow=ilast-lat2; //add lower triangle fan for(int i=0;i<lat2;i++) { int verts[3]; verts[0]=ilast; verts[1]=ilastrow+(i+1)%lat2; verts[2]=ilastrow+i; TriFace face(verts); vFaces.push_back(face); } model.CreateFrom(vVertices,vFaces); return model; }
//********************************************************************************** void Simulator::serviceSensor( Robot * r, Sensor& sens ) { double s = sin(r->loc.theta); double c = cos(r->loc.theta); Vector2 location( sens.location.x*c +-sens.location.y*s ,sens.location.x*s +sens.location.y*c ) ; location+=r->loc.point; // // Goal sensor // if( sens.type == GoalSensor ) { Vector2 toGoal = goal-r->loc.point; double angle = atan2( toGoal.y, toGoal.x ); angle -= r->loc.theta; if( angle < 0 ) angle += 2*M_PI; sens.fov = angle; r->updateSensor( &sens, time, toGoal.mag() ); } else if( sens.type == Compass ) { r->updateSensor( &sens, time, r->loc.theta ); } else if( sens.type == TapeSensor ) { //Tape Sensor double fStrip = 0; //First see if there is grid in this location if( strip > 0 ) { double xdiff = location.x - strip*round( location.x/strip ); double ydiff = location.y - strip*round( location.y/strip ); if( fabs( xdiff ) < 0.5*swidth || fabs( ydiff ) < 0.5*swidth ) { fStrip = 1; } else { } } //Then check for overlap on all the strips. vector< Entity* >::iterator itr2 =entities.begin() ; for( ; itr2 != entities.end(); itr2++ ) { if( *itr2 == r || (*itr2)->getType() != Entity::kStrip) continue; double range; (*itr2)->getShape()->closest(location, &range ); if( range < ((Strip *)(*itr2))->width*0.5 ) { fStrip = 1; } } r->updateSensor( &sens, time, fStrip ); } else if( sens.type == SonarFOV ) { //first, find the zones //do this later double s1 = sin(r->loc.theta+sens.fov); double c1 = cos(r->loc.theta+sens.fov); double s2 = sin(r->loc.theta-sens.fov); double c2 = cos(r->loc.theta-sens.fov); double min = sens.range; Vector2 face ( sens.face.x*c +-sens.face.y*s, sens.face.x*s +sens.face.y*c ) ; Vector2 face1 ( sens.face.x*c1 +-sens.face.y*s1, sens.face.x*s1 +sens.face.y*c1 ); Vector2 face2 ( sens.face.x*c2 +-sens.face.y*s2, sens.face.x*s2 +sens.face.y*c2 ) ; vector< Entity* >::iterator itr2 =entities.begin() ; for( ; itr2 != entities.end(); itr2++ ) { //for each wall, clip it to the bounds of the cone, and find how close it is. //return the closest reading if( *itr2 == r || (*itr2)->getType() != Entity::kWall) continue; Vector2 where1, where2 ; Entity::Line *l = (Entity::Line *)(*itr2)->getShape(); Vector2 a1 = l->p1-location; Vector2 a2 = l->p2-location; double range = 1000; double t1 =; double t2 =; if( t1 < 0 && t2 < 0 ) continue; //can't be in the area if it is behind it. double closestRange; (*itr2)->getShape()->closest( location,&closestRange ); if( closestRange > sens.range ) continue; double cosTheta = cos( sens.fov ); double range1 = (*itr2)->getShape()->rangeTo(location, face1, &where1 ); double range2 = (*itr2)->getShape()->rangeTo(location, face2, &where2 ); if( range1 >= 0 ) { if( range2 >= 0 ) { Entity::Line( where2, where1 ).closest( location,&range ); } else if( t1 > cosTheta ) { Entity::Line( l->p1, where1 ).closest( location ,&range); } else if( t2 > cosTheta ) { Entity::Line( l->p2, where1 ).closest( location,&range ); } } else if( range2 >= 0 ) { //cout << "Here\n"; if( t1 > cosTheta ) { Entity::Line( l->p1, where2 ).closest( location,&range ); } else if( t2 > cosTheta ) { Entity::Line( l->p2, where2 ).closest( location,&range ); } } else if( t1 > cosTheta ) { range = closestRange; } if( range > 0 && range < min) { min = range; } } r->updateSensor( &sens, time, min ); } else if( sens.type == Sonar ) { //find sensor location //do a rotation //cout << "Sonar:" << << endl; Vector2 face ( sens.face.x*c +-sens.face.y*s, sens.face.x*s +sens.face.y*c ) ; //find the zones I need to check vector<int> *myZones = Entity::getLineZones( location , location + face* 100, w,h,zX,zY); //go through zone by zone compareing agains walls, //but only check the walls we havn;t already checked if( myZones == NULL ) { cout << "no zones returned\n"; return; } #ifdef BLOCK_REDUNDANT_LINE list< Entity* > checked; #endif bool cont = true; double min = sens.range; //return maximum range if no reading int size = myZones->size() ; //cout<< "here\n"; for( int i = 0; i < size && cont; i++ ) { int z = myZones->operator [] (i); //cout << z << endl; if( z < 0 || z >= (zX+1) * (zY+1) ) { cout << "dodged bad zone \n"; cout << z << ':' << z%(zX+1) << endl; continue; } //if( z % (zX+1) >=zX ) // cout << "here" << endl; list< Entity* >& e( zones[z] ); list< Entity* >::iterator eitr,citr; eitr =e.begin() ; //cout << "Here\n"; for( ; eitr != e.end(); eitr++ ) { if( *eitr == r || (*eitr)->getType() != Entity::kWall) { // cout << "rejecting non-wall\n"; continue; } //cout << *eitr << endl; #ifdef BLOCK_REDUNDANT_LINE bool found = false; citr = checked.begin(); for(; citr != checked.end() && (*citr) <= (*eitr); citr++) { if( *citr == *eitr ) { found = true; break; } } if( found ) continue; #endif Vector2 loc; double range = (*eitr)->getShape()->rangeTo(location, face , &loc); if( range >= 0 && range < min) { min = range; //if our intersection point is in our zone... no need to continue if( int(loc.x * zX / h ) + int(loc.y * zY / w )* (zX+1) == z ) cont = false; } #ifdef BLOCK_REDUNDANT_LINE else { //use an inserction sort citr = checked.begin(); for(; citr != checked.end() && (*citr) < (*eitr); citr++) {} checked.insert( citr, *eitr ); } #endif } } /* vector< Entity* >::iterator itr2 =entities.begin() ; for( ; itr2 != entities.end(); itr2++ ) { if( *itr2 == r || (*itr2)->getType() == Entity::kStrip) continue; double range = (*itr2)->getShape()->rangeTo(location, face ); if( range > 0 && range < min) { min = range; } }*/ //cout << min << endl; if( min < 1e10 ) { r->updateSensor( &sens, time, min ); } else { r->updateSensor( &sens, time, 100 ); } delete( myZones ); } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build the actual convex hull. The hull is build using the incremental convex hull // algorithm. It start by building a thethaedron and then add all other points one by // one. If the points is in the hull, nothing is done, else, the points is include to // the hull. // // Return the four firts point that can be use to build a tethrahedron. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool ConvexHullIncremental::buildHull() { if ( m_allPoints.size() < 3 ) return false; //Compute the fisrt convex tetrahedron //Get 4 point that do not lie on a common plane std::vector< Vector > fourPoint = getFourFirstPoint(); if ( fourPoint.size() < 4 ) return false; //All points are in the same plane. The incremental method cannot be use. //Create a first face with the three first point we have Face3D face( fourPoint[0], fourPoint[1], fourPoint[2] ); //Compute the centroid of the thethraedron. All face normal should point in the opposite direction //The thethrahedron is made with the fist four points of the array Vector thethaCenter = getCentroid( fourPoint[3], face ); //Create all three remaining face and make sure all four face are in the good direction if ( face.isVisible( thethaCenter ) ) face.FlipFace(); Face3D face0( fourPoint[3], face.getPt1(), face.getPt2() ); if ( face0.isVisible( thethaCenter ) ) face0.FlipFace(); Face3D face1( fourPoint[3], face.getPt2(), face.getPt3() ); if ( face1.isVisible( thethaCenter ) ) face1.FlipFace(); Face3D face2( fourPoint[3], face.getPt3(), face.getPt1() ); if ( face2.isVisible( thethaCenter ) ) face2.FlipFace(); m_hullTriangles.clear(); m_hullPoints.clear(); //Add the thethrahedron to the valid face m_hullTriangles.push_back(face); m_hullTriangles.push_back(face0); m_hullTriangles.push_back(face1); m_hullTriangles.push_back(face2); //Main loop - Add all the remaining points to the hull std::vector< Face3D > visiblesFaces; //Faces that are visibles from the current point std::vector< Face3D > tempFaces; for ( unsigned int i(4); i < m_allPoints.size(); i++ ) { visiblesFaces.clear(); //Check if the vertice i is visible from all valid face std::list< Face3D >::iterator it = m_hullTriangles.begin(); for ( ; it != m_hullTriangles.end(); it++ ) { if ( it->isVisible( m_allPoints[i] ) ) visiblesFaces.push_back( *it ); } if ( visiblesFaces.size() == 0 ) continue; //The current point is inside the convex hull //The vertex is outside the convex hull. We must delete all faces that can //see it. for ( unsigned int j(0); j<visiblesFaces.size(); j++ ) { m_hullTriangles.remove( visiblesFaces[j] ); } //Create new faces to include the new point in the hull //Only one face see the points. We can directly create the 3 faces as they won't enclose any other point if ( visiblesFaces.size() == 1 ) { face = visiblesFaces[ 0 ]; m_hullTriangles.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], face.getPt1(), face.getPt2() ) ); m_hullTriangles.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], face.getPt2(), face.getPt3() ) ); m_hullTriangles.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], face.getPt3(), face.getPt1() ) ); continue; } //creates all possible new faces from the visibleFaces tempFaces.clear(); for ( unsigned int j(0); j < visiblesFaces.size(); j++ ) { tempFaces.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], visiblesFaces[j].getPt1(), visiblesFaces[j].getPt2() ) ); tempFaces.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], visiblesFaces[j].getPt2(), visiblesFaces[j].getPt3() ) ); tempFaces.push_back( Face3D( m_allPoints[i], visiblesFaces[j].getPt3(), visiblesFaces[j].getPt1() ) ); } Face3D ot, cur; bool isValid = true; for ( unsigned int j(0); j < tempFaces.size(); j++ ) { cur = tempFaces[j]; //search if there is a point in front of the face : //this means the face doesn't belong to the convex hull for ( unsigned int k(0); k < tempFaces.size(); k++ ) { if (k != j){ ot = tempFaces[k]; if ( cur.isVisible( ot.getCentroid() ) ) { isValid = false; break; } } } //the face has no point in front of it if ( isValid ) m_hullTriangles.push_back( cur ); isValid = true; } } return true; }