inline void Serialiser::decode( std::string const &key, std::map<std::string, T> &value ) { Map *temp = objectContext_; Map::iterator pos = objectContext_->find( key ); if( pos == objectContext_->end() ) throw UnknownKeyException( key ); Primitive &v = pos->second.get(); objectContext_ = &boost::get<Map>( v.value ); decodedPointers_[v.index] = &value; ClassFactoryMap::iterator fiter = factories().find( Codec<T>::classID() ); if( fiter == factories().end() ) throw UnknownTypeException(Codec<T>::classID()); for( Map::iterator iter = objectContext_->begin(); iter != objectContext_->end(); ++iter ) { T *t = static_cast<T *>(fiter->second()); decode( iter->first, *t ); value.insert( std::make_pair(iter->first, *t) ); delete t; } objectContext_ = temp; }
inline void Serialiser::decode( std::string const &key, T * &value ) { Map::iterator pos = objectContext_->find( key ); if( pos == objectContext_->end() ) throw UnknownKeyException( key ); Primitive &v = pos->second.get(); Pointer &p = boost::get<Pointer>(v.value); int index = p.index; if( index == 0 ) value = 0; else { ObjectCasterMap::iterator ociter = casters().find(p.type); if( ociter == casters().end() ) throw UnknownTypeException(p.type); BaseCasterMap::iterator bciter = ociter->second.find( toast::type_id<T>().name() ); if( bciter == ociter->second.end() ) throw UnknownCastException(p.type, toast::type_id<T>().name()); IndexObjectMap::iterator diter = decodedPointers_.find(index); if( diter != decodedPointers_.end() ) { value = static_cast<T *>( bciter->second(diter->second) ); } else { ClassFactoryMap::iterator fiter = factories().find( p.type ); if( fiter == factories().end() ) throw UnknownTypeException(p.type); ObjectMap::iterator objIter = referencedValues_.find(index); if( objIter == referencedValues_.end() ) throw ObjectNotDecodedException(p.index); Array *temp = arrayContext_; Array context; context.push_back( objIter->second ); void *obj = fiter->second(); arrayContext_ = &context; value = static_cast<T *>( bciter->second(obj) ); decode( 0, *value ); arrayContext_ = temp; decodedPointers_[index] = obj; } } }
Message* Message::createMessage(Message::Type type) { Q_ASSERT(factories()->contains(type)); if (!factories()->contains(type)) { qDebug() << "ERROR: unrecognized message type" << type << "!"; return 0; } MessageFactory factory = factories()->value(type); Message* message = (*factory)(); if (message) message->m_type = type; return message; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); Swift::QtEventLoop eventLoop; Swift::BoostNetworkFactories factories(&eventLoop); boost::program_options::options_description desc("Options"); desc.add_options() ("help", "Show this help message") ("debug", "Run in debug mode") ("override-path", boost::program_options::value<std::string>(), "Override the default storage path with this one"); boost::program_options::variables_map options; try { boost::program_options::store(boost::program_options::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), options); } catch (const boost::program_options::unknown_option& option) { #if BOOST_VERSION >= 104200 std::cout << "Ignoring unknown option " << option.get_option_name() << " but continuing." << std::endl; #else std::cout << "Error: " << option.what() << " (continuing)" << std::endl; #endif } boost::program_options::notify(options); if (options.count("help") > 0) { std::cout << "Eve-Xin is a skill planning utility for Eve Online." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [OPTIONS]..." << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 1; } EveXin::QtEveXin eveXin(&factories, options); return app.exec(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); Swift::QtEventLoop eventLoop; Swift::BoostNetworkFactories factories(&eventLoop); EveXin::QtEveXin eveXin(&factories); return app.exec(); }
OBFunctionFactory* OBFunctionFactory::GetFactory(const std::string &name) { std::vector<OBFunctionFactory*> factories(GetFactoriesRef()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < factories.size(); ++i) if (>GetName() == name) return; return 0; }
QList<Extension *> PluginManager::extensions(QObject *parent) { loadFactories(); if(d->extensionsLoaded) return d->extensions; foreach(PluginFactory *factory, factories(Plugin::ExtensionType)) { Extension *extension = static_cast<Extension *>(factory->createInstance(parent)); d->extensions.append(extension); }
shared_ptr<ISimController> OMCFactory::loadSimControllerLib(PATH simcontroller_path, type_map simcontroller_type_map) { LOADERRESULT result = LoadLibrary(simcontroller_path, simcontroller_type_map); if (result != LOADER_SUCCESS) throw ModelicaSimulationError(MODEL_FACTORY,string("Failed loading SimConroller library!") + simcontroller_path); map<string, factory<ISimController,PATH,PATH> >::iterator iter; map<string, factory<ISimController,PATH,PATH> >& factories(simcontroller_type_map.get()); iter = factories.find("SimController"); if (iter ==factories.end()) throw ModelicaSimulationError(MODEL_FACTORY,"No such SimController library"); return shared_ptr<ISimController>(iter->second.create(_library_path, _modelicasystem_path)); }
std::unique_ptr<SubtitlesProvider> SubtitlesProviderFactory::GetProvider(agi::BackgroundRunner *br) { auto preferred = OPT_GET("Subtitle/Provider")->GetString(); auto sorted = GetSorted(factories(), preferred); std::string error; for (auto factory : sorted) { try { auto provider = factory->create(factory->subtype, br); if (provider) return provider; } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { throw; } catch (agi::Exception const& err) { error += factory->name + ": " + err.GetMessage() + "\n"; } catch (...) { error += factory->name + ": Unknown error\n"; } } throw error; }
std::vector<std::string> SubtitlesProviderFactory::GetClasses() { return ::GetClasses(factories()); }
void Serialiser::registerFactory( std::string const &classID, void *(*factory)() ) { factories().insert( std::make_pair(classID, factory) ); }
MessageFactory Message::installMessageFactory(Message::Type type, MessageFactory factory) { factories()->insert(type, factory); return factory; }
Registry::Registry() { #ifdef WIN32 const char* envVar = "PATH"; const char sep = ';'; #else const char* envVar = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; const char sep = ':'; #endif char *search_path = ::getenv(envVar); if (search_path) { DEBUGMSG((std::string("searching factories in ") + envVar)) std::string path(search_path); std::string::size_type pos = 0; std::string::size_type newpos = 0; while (pos != std::string::npos) { std::string dirName; // get the next entry in the path newpos = path.find(sep, pos); if (newpos != std::string::npos) { dirName = path.substr(pos, newpos - pos); pos = newpos+1; } else { dirName = path.substr(pos); pos = newpos; } DEBUGMSG((std::string(" looking into ") + dirName)) // look for files called "*.factories" in the directory DIR *dir = opendir(dirName.c_str()); if (dir) { struct dirent * entry; while ((entry = readdir(dir))) { std::string name(entry->d_name); std::string::size_type extpos = name.find(".components"); if ((extpos != std::string::npos) && ((extpos+11) == name.size()) && ((entry->d_type == DT_REG) || (entry->d_type == DT_LNK))) { DEBUGMSG((std::string(" reading ") + name)) std::ifstream factories((dirName + '/' + name).c_str()); std::string lib, fact; #ifndef NDEBUG int factoriesCount = 0; #endif while (!factories.eof()) { std::getline(factories, lib, ':'); if ( break; std::getline(factories, fact); if ( break; m_factories.insert(std::make_pair(fact, FactoryInfo(lib))); #ifndef NDEBUG ++factoriesCount; #endif } #ifndef NDEBUG DEBUGSTRM << " found " << factoriesCount\ << " factories" << std::endl; #endif } } closedir(dir); } } } }
void PluginLoader::loadPlugins( iscore::ApplicationRegistrar& registrar, const iscore::ApplicationContext& context) { auto folders = pluginsDir(); // Here, the plug-ins that are effectively loaded. std::vector<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*> availablePlugins; // Load static plug-ins for(QObject* plugin : QPluginLoader::staticInstances()) { if(auto iscore_plug = dynamic_cast<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*>(plugin)) availablePlugins.push_back(iscore_plug); } QSet<QString> pluginFiles; #if !defined(ISCORE_STATIC_QT) // Load dynamic plug-ins for(const QString& pluginsFolder : folders) { QDir pluginsDir(pluginsFolder); for(const QString& fileName : pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { auto plug = loadPlugin(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName), availablePlugins); if(!plug.first.isEmpty()) { pluginFiles.insert(plug.first); } if(plug.second) { availablePlugins.push_back(plug.second); } } } #endif // First bring in the plugin objects registrar.registerPlugins( pluginFiles.toList(), availablePlugins); // Here, it is important not to collapse all the for-loops // because for instance a ApplicationPlugin from plugin B might require the factory // from plugin A to be loaded prior. // Load all the factories. for(iscore::Plugin_QtInterface* plugin : availablePlugins) { auto facfam_interface = dynamic_cast<FactoryList_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(facfam_interface) { for(auto&& elt : facfam_interface->factoryFamilies()) { registrar.registerFactory(std::move(elt)); } } } // Load all the application context plugins. // We have to order them according to their dependencies PluginDependencyGraph graph; for(auto plugin : availablePlugins) { graph.addNode(dynamic_cast<QObject*>(plugin)); } graph.visit([&] (QObject* plugin) { auto ctrl_plugin = dynamic_cast<GUIApplicationContextPlugin_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(ctrl_plugin) { auto plug = ctrl_plugin->make_applicationPlugin(context); registrar.registerApplicationContextPlugin(plug); } }); // Load what the plug-ins have to offer. for(auto plugin : availablePlugins) { auto panel_plugin = dynamic_cast<PanelFactory_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(panel_plugin) { auto panels = panel_plugin->panels(); for(auto panel : panels) { registrar.registerPanel(panel); } } auto commands_plugin = dynamic_cast<CommandFactory_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(commands_plugin) { registrar.registerCommands(commands_plugin->make_commands()); } auto factories_plugin = dynamic_cast<FactoryInterface_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(factories_plugin) { for(auto& factory_family : registrar.components().factories) { for(auto&& new_factory : factories_plugin->factories(context, factory_family.first)) { factory_family.second->insert(std::move(new_factory)); } } } } }