void fann_save_matrices(struct fann *network, char *fname){ unsigned int layers; unsigned int layer[100]; unsigned int bias[100]; unsigned int total_weights; unsigned int neuron_inputs; unsigned int writes_counter; DATA_TYPE weight; struct fann_connection *connections; FILE *array; char array_name[255]; int i, j; writes_counter = 0; layers = fann_get_num_layers(network); fann_get_layer_array(network, layer); fann_get_bias_array(network, bias); total_weights = fann_get_total_connections(network); printf("Total weights: %i\n", total_weights); connections = (struct fann_connection *) malloc(total_weights * sizeof(struct fann_connection)); fann_get_connection_array(network, connections); for(i = 1; i < layers; i++){ sprintf(array_name, "%s_W%i.net", fname, i); array = fopen(array_name, "wb"); for (j = 0; j < layer[i]*(layer[i-1] + 1); j++){ weight = connections[writes_counter].weight; #ifdef DEBUG mexPrintf("Number:\t%i\n", writes_counter); mexPrintf("Weight:\t%e\n", connections[writes_counter].weight); mexPrintf("From:\t%i\n", connections[writes_counter].from_neuron); mexPrintf("To:\t%i\n", connections[writes_counter].to_neuron); mexEvalString("drawnow;"); #endif fwrite(&weight, sizeof(DATA_TYPE) , 1, array); writes_counter++; } fclose(array); } return; }
int main (int argc, char * argv[]) { int i, epoch, k, num_bits_failing, num_correct; int max_epochs = 10000, exit_code = 0, batch_items = -1; int flag_cups = 0, flag_last = 0, flag_mse = 0, flag_verbose = 0, flag_bit_fail = 0, flag_ignore_limits = 0, flag_percent_correct = 0; int mse_reporting_period = 1, bit_fail_reporting_period = 1, percent_correct_reporting_period = 1; float bit_fail_limit = 0.05, mse_fail_limit = -1.0; double learning_rate = 0.7; char id[100] = "0"; char * file_video_string = NULL; FILE * file_video = NULL; struct fann * ann = NULL; struct fann_train_data * data = NULL; fann_type * calc_out; enum fann_train_enum type_training = FANN_TRAIN_BATCH; char * file_nn = NULL, * file_train = NULL; int c; while (1) { static struct option long_options[] = { {"video-data", required_argument, 0, 'b'}, {"stat-cups", no_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"num-batch-items", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"max-epochs", required_argument, 0, 'e'}, {"bit-fail-limit", required_argument, 0, 'f'}, {"mse-fail-limit", required_argument, 0, 'g'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"id", required_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"stat-last", no_argument, 0, 'l'}, {"stat-mse", optional_argument, 0, 'm'}, {"nn-config", required_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"stat-bit-fail", optional_argument, 0, 'o'}, {"stat-percent-correct", optional_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"learning-rate", required_argument, 0, 'r'}, {"train-file", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"incremental", optional_argument, 0, 'x'}, {"ignore-limits", no_argument, 0, 'z'} }; int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "b:cd:e:f:g:hi:lm::n:o::q::r:t:vx::z", long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'b': file_video_string = optarg; break; case 'c': flag_cups = 1; break; case 'd': batch_items = atoi(optarg); break; case 'e': max_epochs = atoi(optarg); break; case 'f': bit_fail_limit = atof(optarg); break; case 'g': mse_fail_limit = atof(optarg); break; case 'h': usage(); exit_code = 0; goto bail; case 'i': strcpy(id, optarg); break; case 'l': flag_last = 1; break; case 'm': if (optarg) mse_reporting_period = atoi(optarg); flag_mse = 1; break; case 'n': file_nn = optarg; break; case 'o': if (optarg) bit_fail_reporting_period = atoi(optarg); flag_bit_fail = 1; break; case 'q': if (optarg) percent_correct_reporting_period = atoi(optarg); flag_percent_correct = 1; break; case 'r': learning_rate = atof(optarg); break; case 't': file_train = optarg; break; case 'v': flag_verbose = 1; break; case 'x': type_training=(optarg)?atoi(optarg):FANN_TRAIN_INCREMENTAL; break; case 'z': flag_ignore_limits = 1; break; } }; // Make sure there aren't any arguments left over if (optind != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Bad argument\n\n"); usage(); exit_code = -1; goto bail; } // Make sure we have all required inputs if (file_nn == NULL || file_train == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Missing required input argument\n\n"); usage(); exit_code = -1; goto bail; } // The training type needs to make sense if (type_training > FANN_TRAIN_SARPROP) { fprintf(stderr, "[ERROR] Training type %d outside of enumerated range (max: %d)\n", type_training, FANN_TRAIN_SARPROP); exit_code = -1; goto bail; } ann = fann_create_from_file(file_nn); data = fann_read_train_from_file(file_train); if (batch_items != -1 && batch_items < data->num_data) data->num_data = batch_items; enum fann_activationfunc_enum af = fann_get_activation_function(ann, ann->last_layer - ann->first_layer -1, 0); ann->training_algorithm = type_training; ann->learning_rate = learning_rate; printf("[INFO] Using training type %d\n", type_training); if (file_video_string != NULL) file_video = fopen(file_video_string, "w"); double mse; for (epoch = 0; epoch < max_epochs; epoch++) { fann_train_epoch(ann, data); num_bits_failing = 0; num_correct = 0; fann_reset_MSE(ann); for (i = 0; i < fann_length_train_data(data); i++) { calc_out = fann_test(ann, data->input[i], data->output[i]); if (flag_verbose) { printf("[INFO] "); for (k = 0; k < data->num_input; k++) { printf("%8.5f ", data->input[i][k]); } } int correct = 1; for (k = 0; k < data->num_output; k++) { if (flag_verbose) printf("%8.5f ", calc_out[k]); num_bits_failing += fabs(calc_out[k] - data->output[i][k]) > bit_fail_limit; if (fabs(calc_out[k] - data->output[i][k]) > bit_fail_limit) correct = 0; if (file_video) fprintf(file_video, "%f ", calc_out[k]); } if (file_video) fprintf(file_video, "\n"); num_correct += correct; if (flag_verbose) { if (i < fann_length_train_data(data) - 1) printf("\n"); } } if (flag_verbose) printf("%5d\n\n", epoch); if (flag_mse && (epoch % mse_reporting_period == 0)) { mse = fann_get_MSE(ann); switch(af) { case FANN_LINEAR_PIECE_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_THRESHOLD_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_SIGMOID_SYMMETRIC_STEPWISE: case FANN_ELLIOT_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_GAUSSIAN_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_SIN_SYMMETRIC: case FANN_COS_SYMMETRIC: mse *= 4.0; default: break; } printf("[STAT] epoch %d id %s mse %8.8f\n", epoch, id, mse); } if (flag_bit_fail && (epoch % bit_fail_reporting_period == 0)) printf("[STAT] epoch %d id %s bfp %8.8f\n", epoch, id, 1 - (double) num_bits_failing / data->num_output / fann_length_train_data(data)); if (flag_percent_correct && (epoch % percent_correct_reporting_period == 0)) printf("[STAT] epoch %d id %s perc %8.8f\n", epoch, id, (double) num_correct / fann_length_train_data(data)); if (!flag_ignore_limits && (num_bits_failing == 0 || mse < mse_fail_limit)) goto finish; // printf("%8.5f\n\n", fann_get_MSE(ann)); } finish: if (flag_last) printf("[STAT] x 0 id %s epoch %d\n", id, epoch); if (flag_cups) printf("[STAT] x 0 id %s cups %d / ?\n", id, epoch * fann_get_total_connections(ann)); bail: if (ann != NULL) fann_destroy(ann); if (data != NULL) fann_destroy_train(data); if (file_video != NULL) fclose(file_video); return exit_code; }