예제 #1
// extract the Android angles in degrees from the Android rotation matrix
void fAndroidAnglesDegFromRotationMatrix(float R[][3], float *pfPhiDeg, float *pfTheDeg, float *pfPsiDeg,
		float *pfRhoDeg, float *pfChiDeg)
	// calculate the roll angle -90.0 <= Phi <= 90.0 deg
	*pfPhiDeg = fasin_deg(R[X][Z]);

	// calculate the pitch angle -180.0 <= The < 180.0 deg
	*pfTheDeg = fatan2_deg(-R[Y][Z], R[Z][Z]);

	// map +180 pitch onto the functionally equivalent -180 deg pitch
	if (*pfTheDeg == 180.0F)
		*pfTheDeg = -180.0F;

	// calculate the yaw (compass) angle 0.0 <= Psi < 360.0 deg
	if (*pfPhiDeg == 90.0F)
		// vertical downwards gimbal lock case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[Y][X], R[Y][Y]) - *pfTheDeg;
	else if (*pfPhiDeg == -90.0F)
		// vertical upwards gimbal lock case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[Y][X], R[Y][Y]) + *pfTheDeg;
		// // general case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(-R[X][Y], R[X][X]);

	// map yaw angle Psi onto range 0.0 <= Psi < 360.0 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg < 0.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg += 360.0F;

	// check for rounding errors mapping small negative angle to 360 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg >= 360.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg = 0.0F;

	// the compass heading angle Rho equals the yaw angle Psi
	// this definition is compliant with Motorola Xoom tablet behavior
	*pfRhoDeg = *pfPsiDeg;

	// calculate the tilt angle from vertical Chi (0 <= Chi <= 180 deg) 
	*pfChiDeg = facos_deg(R[Z][Z]);

예제 #2
// extract the NED angles in degrees from the NED rotation matrix
void fNEDAnglesDegFromRotationMatrix(float R[][3], float *pfPhiDeg, float *pfTheDeg, float *pfPsiDeg,
		float *pfRhoDeg, float *pfChiDeg)
	// calculate the pitch angle -90.0 <= Theta <= 90.0 deg
	*pfTheDeg = fasin_deg(-R[X][Z]);

	// calculate the roll angle range -180.0 <= Phi < 180.0 deg
	*pfPhiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[Y][Z], R[Z][Z]);

	// map +180 roll onto the functionally equivalent -180 deg roll
	if (*pfPhiDeg == 180.0F)
		*pfPhiDeg = -180.0F;

	// calculate the yaw (compass) angle 0.0 <= Psi < 360.0 deg
	if (*pfTheDeg == 90.0F)
		// vertical upwards gimbal lock case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[Z][Y], R[Y][Y]) + *pfPhiDeg;
	else if (*pfTheDeg == -90.0F)
		// vertical downwards gimbal lock case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(-R[Z][Y], R[Y][Y]) - *pfPhiDeg;
		// general case
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[X][Y], R[X][X]);

	// map yaw angle Psi onto range 0.0 <= Psi < 360.0 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg < 0.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg += 360.0F;

	// check for rounding errors mapping small negative angle to 360 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg >= 360.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg = 0.0F;

	// for NED, the compass heading Rho equals the yaw angle Psi
	*pfRhoDeg = *pfPsiDeg;

	// calculate the tilt angle from vertical Chi (0 <= Chi <= 180 deg) 
	*pfChiDeg = facos_deg(R[Z][Z]);

예제 #3
// extract the Windows 8 angles in degrees from the Windows 8 rotation matrix
void fWin8AnglesDegFromRotationMatrix(float R[][3], float *pfPhiDeg, float *pfTheDeg, float *pfPsiDeg,
		float *pfRhoDeg, float *pfChiDeg)
	// calculate the roll angle -90.0 <= Phi <= 90.0 deg
	if (R[Z][Z] == 0.0F)
		if (R[X][Z] >= 0.0F)
			// tan(phi) is -infinity
			*pfPhiDeg = -90.0F;
			// tan(phi) is +infinity
			*pfPhiDeg = 90.0F;
		// general case
		*pfPhiDeg = fatan_deg(-R[X][Z] / R[Z][Z]);

	// first calculate the pitch angle The in the range -90.0 <= The <= 90.0 deg
	*pfTheDeg = fasin_deg(R[Y][Z]);

	// use R[Z][Z]=cos(Phi)*cos(The) to correct the quadrant of The remembering
	// cos(Phi) is non-negative so that cos(The) has the same sign as R[Z][Z].
	if (R[Z][Z] < 0.0F)
		// wrap The around +90 deg and -90 deg giving result 90 to 270 deg
		*pfTheDeg = 180.0F - *pfTheDeg;

	// map the pitch angle The to the range -180.0 <= The < 180.0 deg
	if (*pfTheDeg >= 180.0F)
		*pfTheDeg -= 360.0F;

	// calculate the yaw angle Psi
	if (*pfTheDeg == 90.0F)
		// vertical upwards gimbal lock case: -270 <= Psi < 90 deg
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[X][Y], R[X][X]) - *pfPhiDeg;
	else if (*pfTheDeg == -90.0F)
		// vertical downwards gimbal lock case: -270 <= Psi < 90 deg
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(R[X][Y], R[X][X]) + *pfPhiDeg;
		// general case: -180 <= Psi < 180 deg
		*pfPsiDeg = fatan2_deg(-R[Y][X], R[Y][Y]);

		// correct the quadrant for Psi using the value of The (deg) to give -180 <= Psi < 380 deg
		if (fabs(*pfTheDeg) >= 90.0F)
			*pfPsiDeg += 180.0F;

	// map yaw angle Psi onto range 0.0 <= Psi < 360.0 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg < 0.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg += 360.0F;

	// check for any rounding error mapping small negative angle to 360 deg
	if (*pfPsiDeg >= 360.0F)
		*pfPsiDeg = 0.0F;

	// compute the compass angle Rho = 360 - Psi
	*pfRhoDeg = 360.0F - *pfPsiDeg;

	// check for rounding errors mapping small negative angle to 360 deg and zero degree case
	if (*pfRhoDeg >= 360.0F)
		*pfRhoDeg = 0.0F;

	// calculate the tilt angle from vertical Chi (0 <= Chi <= 180 deg) 
	*pfChiDeg = facos_deg(R[Z][Z]);

예제 #4
// Win8: 6DOF e-Compass function computing rotation matrix fR
void feCompassWin8(float fR[][3],  float *pfDelta, float fBc[], float fGp[])
	// local variables
	float fmod[3];					// column moduli
	float fmodBc;					// modulus of Bc
	float fGdotBc;					// dot product of vectors G.Bc
	float ftmp;						// scratch variable
	int8 i, j;						// loop counters

	// set the inclination angle to zero in case it is not computed later
	*pfDelta = 0.0F;

	// place the negated un-normalized gravity and un-normalized geomagnetic vectors into the rotation matrix z and y axes
	for (i = X; i <= Z; i++)
		fR[i][Z] = -fGp[i];
		fR[i][Y] = fBc[i];

	// set x vector to vector product of y and z vectors
	fR[X][X] = fR[Y][Y] * fR[Z][Z] - fR[Z][Y] * fR[Y][Z];
	fR[Y][X] = fR[Z][Y] * fR[X][Z] - fR[X][Y] * fR[Z][Z];
	fR[Z][X] = fR[X][Y] * fR[Y][Z] - fR[Y][Y] * fR[X][Z];

	// set y vector to vector product of z and x vectors
	fR[X][Y] = fR[Y][Z] * fR[Z][X] - fR[Z][Z] * fR[Y][X];
	fR[Y][Y] = fR[Z][Z] * fR[X][X] - fR[X][Z] * fR[Z][X];
	fR[Z][Y] = fR[X][Z] * fR[Y][X] - fR[Y][Z] * fR[X][X];

	// calculate the rotation matrix column moduli
	fmod[X] = sqrtf(fR[X][X] * fR[X][X] + fR[Y][X] * fR[Y][X] + fR[Z][X] * fR[Z][X]);
	fmod[Y] = sqrtf(fR[X][Y] * fR[X][Y] + fR[Y][Y] * fR[Y][Y] + fR[Z][Y] * fR[Z][Y]);
	fmod[Z] = sqrtf(fR[X][Z] * fR[X][Z] + fR[Y][Z] * fR[Y][Z] + fR[Z][Z] * fR[Z][Z]);

	// normalize the rotation matrix columns
	if (!((fmod[X] == 0.0F) || (fmod[Y] == 0.0F) || (fmod[Z] == 0.0F)))
		// loop over columns j
		for (j = X; j <= Z; j++)
			ftmp = 1.0F / fmod[j];
			// loop over rows i
			for (i = X; i <= Z; i++)
				// normalize by the column modulus
				fR[i][j] *= ftmp;
		// no solution is possible to set rotation to identity matrix

	// compute the geomagnetic inclination angle
	fmodBc = sqrtf(fBc[X] * fBc[X] + fBc[Y] * fBc[Y] + fBc[Z] * fBc[Z]);
	fGdotBc = fGp[X] * fBc[X] + fGp[Y] * fBc[Y] + fGp[Z] * fBc[Z];
	if (!((fmod[Z] == 0.0F) || (fmodBc == 0.0F)))
		*pfDelta = fasin_deg(fGdotBc / (fmod[Z] * fmodBc));

예제 #5
// Win8: 6DOF e-Compass function computing least squares fit to orientation quaternion fq
// on the assumption that the geomagnetic field fB and magnetic inclination angle fDelta are known
void fLeastSquareseCompassWin8(struct fquaternion *pfq, float fB, float fDelta, float fsinDelta, float fcosDelta,
		float *pfDelta6DOF, float fBc[], float fGs[], float *pfQvBQd, float *pfQvGQa)
	// local variables
	float fK[4][4];					// K measurement matrix
	float eigvec[4][4];				// matrix of eigenvectors of K
	float eigval[4];				// vector of eigenvalues of K
	float fmodGsSq;					// modulus of fGs[] squared
	float fmodBcSq;					// modulus of fBc[] squared	
	float fmodGs;					// modulus of fGs[]
	float fmodBc;					// modulus of fBc[]
	float fGsdotBc;					// scalar product of Gs and Bc
	float f*g, fam;					// relative weightings
	float fagOvermodGs;				// a0 / |Gs|
	float famOvermodBc;				// a1 / |Bc|
	float famOvermodBccosDelta;		// a1 / |Bc| * cos(Delta)
	float famOvermodBcsinDelta;		// a1 / |Bc| * sin(Delta)
	float ftmp;						// scratch
	int8 i;							// loop counter

	// calculate the measurement vector moduli and return with identity quaternion if either is null.
	fmodGsSq = fGs[CHX] * fGs[CHX] + fGs[CHY] * fGs[CHY] + fGs[CHZ] * fGs[CHZ];
	fmodBcSq = fBc[CHX] * fBc[CHX] + fBc[CHY] * fBc[CHY] + fBc[CHZ] * fBc[CHZ];
	fmodGs = sqrtf(fmodGsSq);
	fmodBc = sqrtf(fmodBcSq);
	if ((fmodGs == 0.0F) || (fmodBc == 0.0F) || (fB == 0.0))
		pfq->q0 = 1.0F;
		pfq->q1 = pfq->q2 = pfq->q3 = 0.0F;

	// calculate the accelerometer and magnetometer noise covariances (units rad^2) and least squares weightings
	*pfQvGQa = fabsf(fmodGsSq - 1.0F);
	*pfQvBQd = fabsf(fmodBcSq - fB * fB);
	f*g = *pfQvBQd / (fB * fB * *pfQvGQa + *pfQvBQd);
	fam = 1.0F - f*g;

	// compute useful ratios to reduce computation
	fagOvermodGs = f*g / fmodGs;
	famOvermodBc = fam / fmodBc;
	famOvermodBccosDelta = famOvermodBc * fcosDelta;
	famOvermodBcsinDelta = famOvermodBc * fsinDelta;

	// compute the scalar product Gs.Bc and 6DOF accelerometer plus magnetometer geomagnetic inclination angle (deg)
	fGsdotBc = fGs[CHX] * fBc[CHX] + fGs[CHY] * fBc[CHY] + fGs[CHZ] * fBc[CHZ];
	*pfDelta6DOF = fasin_deg((fGsdotBc) / (fmodGs * fmodBc));

	// set the K matrix to the non-zero accelerometer components
	fK[0][0] = fK[3][3] = -fagOvermodGs * fGs[CHZ];
	fK[1][1] = fK[2][2] = -fK[0][0];
	fK[0][1] = fK[2][3] = -fagOvermodGs * fGs[CHY];
	fK[1][3] = -fagOvermodGs * fGs[CHX];
	fK[0][2] = -fK[1][3];

	// update the K matrix with the magnetometer component
	ftmp = famOvermodBcsinDelta * fBc[CHX]; 
	fK[0][2] += ftmp;
	fK[1][3] -= ftmp;
	fK[0][3] = fK[1][2] = famOvermodBccosDelta * fBc[CHX];
	ftmp = famOvermodBccosDelta * fBc[CHY];
	fK[0][0] += ftmp;
	fK[1][1] -= ftmp;
	fK[2][2] += ftmp;
	fK[3][3] -= ftmp;
	ftmp = famOvermodBcsinDelta * fBc[CHZ];
	fK[0][0] -= ftmp;
	fK[1][1] += ftmp;
	fK[2][2] += ftmp;
	fK[3][3] -= ftmp;
	ftmp = famOvermodBccosDelta * fBc[CHZ];
	fK[0][1] -= ftmp;
	fK[2][3] += ftmp;
	ftmp = famOvermodBcsinDelta * fBc[CHY];
	fK[0][1] -= ftmp;
	fK[2][3] -= ftmp;

	// copy above diagonal elements to below diagonal
	fK[1][0] = fK[0][1];
	fK[2][0] = fK[0][2];
	fK[2][1] = fK[1][2];
	fK[3][0] = fK[0][3];
	fK[3][1] = fK[1][3];
	fK[3][2] = fK[2][3];

	// set eigval to the unsorted eigenvalues and eigvec to the unsorted normalized eigenvectors of fK
	eigencompute4(fK, eigval, eigvec, 4);

	// copy the largest eigenvector into the orientation quaternion fq
	i = 0;
	if (eigval[1] > eigval[i]) i = 1;
	if (eigval[2] > eigval[i]) i = 2;
	if (eigval[3] > eigval[i]) i = 3;
	pfq->q0 = eigvec[0][i];
	pfq->q1 = eigvec[1][i];
	pfq->q2 = eigvec[2][i];
	pfq->q3 = eigvec[3][i];

	// force q0 to be non-negative
	if (pfq->q0 < 0.0F)
		pfq->q0 = -pfq->q0;
		pfq->q1 = -pfq->q1;
		pfq->q2 = -pfq->q2;
		pfq->q3 = -pfq->q3;
