예제 #1
   virtual void OnGotChunk( const ChunkHeader& ch )
      FCCParser fcc( ch.fcc );

      // per file
      if ( fcc == FCC('dmlh') ) _Info._DMLHch = ch;
      if ( fcc == FCC('hdrl') ) _Info._HDRLch = ch;
      if ( fcc == FCC('avih') ) _Info._AVIHch = ch;
      if ( fcc == FCC('idx1') ) _Info._IDX1ch = ch;

      // per stream
      if ( fcc == FCC('strl') ) { int idx = (int)_Info._StreamInfos.size(); _Info._StreamInfos.push_back( AVIStreamInfo( idx ) ); }
      if ( fcc == FCC('strh') ) { _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.header = _Stream->Read<MediaStreamHeader>(); _Info._StreamInfos.back().STRHch = ch; }
      if ( fcc == FCC('indx') ) _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.indxChunk = ch;
      if ( fcc == FCC('strf') && _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.IsVideo() ) _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.video = _Stream->Read<BITMAPINFOHEADER>();
      if ( fcc == FCC('strf') && _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.IsAudio() ) _Info._StreamInfos.back().streamInfo.audio = WaveFormatEx::FromStream( *_Stream );

      // standard index (type 2)
      if ( fcc == FCC('ix##') ) _Info._StreamInfos[fcc.StreamIndex()].indexes.push_back( Index( ch ) );

      // index entry
      if ( fcc == FCC('##db') ) _Info._StreamInfos[fcc.StreamIndex()].indexes.back().AddEntry( ch, true /*keyframe*/    );
      if ( fcc == FCC('##dc') ) _Info._StreamInfos[fcc.StreamIndex()].indexes.back().AddEntry( ch, false/*delta frame*/ );
      if ( fcc == FCC('##wb') ) _Info._StreamInfos[fcc.StreamIndex()].indexes.back().AddEntry( ch, true /*keyframe*/    );
예제 #2
bool         xvid4Configure(void)

diaMenuEntry meE[]={

diaMenuEntry qzE[]={
diaMenuEntry profileE[]={
{ XVID_PROFILE_S_L0  ,"Simple Level0"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_S_L1  ,"Simple Level1"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_S_L2  ,"Simple Level2"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_S_L3  ,"Simple Level3"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_AS_L0 ,"Adv. Simple Level0"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_AS_L1 ,"Adv. Simple Level1"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_AS_L2 ,"Adv. Simple Level2"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_AS_L3 ,"Adv. Simple Level3"},
{ XVID_PROFILE_AS_L4 ,"Adv. Simple Level4"},

diaMenuEntry rdE[]={

diaMenuEntry threads[]={
  {1,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","One thread")},
  {2,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Two threads)")},
  {3,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Three threads")},
  {99,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Auto (#cpu)")}

diaMenuEntry arModeE[]={
  {XVID_PAR_11_VGA,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","1:1 (PC)")},
  {XVID_PAR_43_PAL,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","4:3 (PAL)")},
  {XVID_PAR_43_NTSC,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","4:3 (NTSC)")},
  {XVID_PAR_169_PAL,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","16:9 (PAL)")},
  {XVID_PAR_169_NTSC,QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","16:9 (NTSC)")},

#define PX(x) &(xvid4Settings.x)

         diaElemBitrate   bitrate(&(xvid4Settings.params),NULL);
         diaElemMenu      meM(PX(motionEstimation),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","MotionEstimation"),4,meE);

         diaElemMenu      threadM(PX(nbThreads),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Threading"),4,threads);

         diaElemUInteger  qminM(PX(qMin),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Mi_n. quantizer:"),1,31);
         diaElemUInteger  qmaxM(PX(qMax),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Ma_x. quantizer:"),1,31);
         diaElemUInteger  qdiffM(PX(max_qdiff),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Max. quantizer _difference:"),1,31);
         diaElemToggle    trellis(PX(trellis),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Trellis quantization"));         
         diaElemUInteger  max_b_frames(PX(maxBFrame),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Number of B frames:"),0,32);

         diaElemMenu     qzM(PX(cqmMode),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Quantization type:"),2,qzE);
         diaElemMenu     rdM(PX(rdMode),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Macroblock decision:"),5,rdE);

         diaElemMenu     profileM(PX(profile),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Profile:"),9,profileE);
         diaElemMenu    par(PX(arMode),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Aspect Ratio:"),sizeof(arModeE)/sizeof(diaMenuEntry),arModeE);
         diaElemUInteger filetol(PX(vratetol),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Filesize tolerance (kb):"),0,100000);
         diaElemFloat    qzComp(PX(qcompress),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Quantizer compression:"),0,1);
         diaElemFloat    qzBlur(PX(qblur),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Quantizer _blur:"),0,1);
        diaElemUInteger GopSize(PX(maxKeyFrameInterval),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","_Gop Size:"),1,500); 
        // DIVX or XVID ?
        diaElemToggle fcc(PX(useXvidFCC),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Use XVID fcc (else DIVX)"));
          /* First Tab : encoding mode */
        diaElemFrame frameMe(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Advanced Simple Profile"));
        diaElem *diaME[]={&frameMe};
        diaElemTabs tabME(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Motion Estimation"),1,diaME);

        /* 2nd Tab : Qz */
         diaElem *diaQze[]={&qzM,&qminM,&qmaxM,&rdM,&meM,&trellis};
        diaElemTabs tabQz(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Quantization"),6,diaQze);
        /* 3th Tab : thread */
         diaElem *diaThread[]={&threadM};
         diaElemTabs tabThread(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Threads"),1,diaThread);
          * 4th tab : aspect ratio
          * @return 
         diaElem *diaAR[]={&par};
         diaElemTabs tabAR(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Aspect Ratio"),1,diaAR);

        #if 0
         diaElem *diaRC[]={&filetol,&qzComp,&qzBlur};
        diaElemTabs tabRC(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Rate Control"),3,diaRC);
         diaElemTabs *tabs[]={&tabME,&tabQz,&tabThread,&tabAR};
        if( diaFactoryRunTabs(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("xvid4","Xvid4 MPEG-4 ASP configuration"),4,tabs))
            return true;
         return false;
예제 #3
파일: main.c 프로젝트: saifmulla/MolDyn
 *  Main program : Molecular Dynamics simulation.
int main(){
    int move;
    double x[npart*3], vh[npart*3], f[npart*3];
    double ekin;
    double vel;
    double sc;
    double start, time;

   *  Parameter definitions

    double den    = 0.83134;
    double side   = pow((double)npart/den,0.3333333);
    double tref   = 0.722;
    double rcoff  = (double)mm/4.0;
    double h      = 0.064;
    int    irep   = 10;
    int    istop  = 20;
    int    iprint = 5;
    int    movemx = 20;

    double a      = side/(double)mm;
    double hsq    = h*h;
    double hsq2   = hsq*0.5;
    double tscale = 16.0/((double)npart-1.0);
    double vaver  = 1.13*sqrt(tref/24.0);

   *  Initial output

    printf(" Molecular Dynamics Simulation example program\n");
    printf(" ---------------------------------------------\n");
    printf(" number of particles is ............ %6d\n",npart);
    printf(" side length of the box is ......... %13.6f\n",side);
    printf(" cut off is ........................ %13.6f\n",rcoff);
    printf(" reduced temperature is ............ %13.6f\n",tref);
    printf(" basic timestep is ................. %13.6f\n",h);
    printf(" temperature scale interval ........ %6d\n",irep);
    printf(" stop scaling at move .............. %6d\n",istop);
    printf(" print interval .................... %6d\n",iprint);
    printf(" total no. of steps ................ %6d\n",movemx);

   *  Generate fcc lattice for atoms inside box
    fcc(x, npart, mm, a);
   *  Initialise velocities and forces (which are zero in fcc positions)
    mxwell(vh, 3*npart, h, tref);
    dfill(3*npart, 0.0, f, 1);
   *  Start of md
    printf("\n    i       ke         pe            e         temp   "
           "   pres      vel      rp\n  -----  ----------  ----------"
           "  ----------  --------  --------  --------  ----\n");

     start = secnds(); 

    for (move=1; move<=movemx; move++) {

     *  Move the particles and partially update velocities
      domove(3*npart, x, vh, f, side);

     *  Compute forces in the new positions and accumulate the virial
     *  and potential energy.
      forces(npart, x, f, side, rcoff);

     *  Scale forces, complete update of velocities and compute k.e.
      ekin=mkekin(npart, f, vh, hsq2, hsq);
     *  Average the velocity and temperature scale if desired
      vel=velavg(npart, vh, vaver, h);
      if (move<istop && fmod(move, irep)==0) {
        dscal(3*npart, sc, vh, 1);

     *  Sum to get full potential energy and virial
      if (fmod(move, iprint)==0)
        prnout(move, ekin, epot, tscale, vir, vel, count, npart, den);

    time = secnds() - start;  

    printf("Time =  %f\n",(float) time);  
