예제 #1
	qDebug() << "SignalData ctor" << this;
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(dataArrived()), SLOT(fetchSamples()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(started()), this, SIGNAL(started()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SIGNAL(finished()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(terminated()), this, SIGNAL(finished()));
	connect(&mSampler, SIGNAL(error(QString)), this, SIGNAL(error(QString)));

	const QMetaObject metaObject = Sample::staticMetaObject;
	const QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("Marker"));
	for (int i = 0; i < metaEnum.keyCount(); i++) {
		mSamples.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QVector<Sample>());
		mBoundingRects.insert((Sample::Marker)metaEnum.value(i), QRectF());
예제 #2
	uint32 sigMask;
	unsigned long clockAdvance = 40;
	unsigned int nSamples = (441*clockAdvance) / 10;
	unsigned int toFetch = nSamples*2;
	boost::int16_t samples[AHI_BUF_SIZE];

	_closing = false;

	AHIDevice = -1;

	PlayBuffer[0] = (UBYTE*)IExec->AllocMem(BUFSIZE, MEMF_SHARED|MEMF_CLEAR);
	PlayBuffer[1] = (UBYTE*)IExec->AllocMem(BUFSIZE, MEMF_SHARED|MEMF_CLEAR);
	if (!PlayBuffer[0] || !PlayBuffer[1])
        log_error(_("AOS4: Unable to allocate memory for audio buffer!"));
  	    throw SoundException("AOS4: Unable to allocate memory for audio buffer!");

	if ((AHImp=(struct MsgPort*) IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_PORT, TAG_DONE)) != NULL)
		if ((AHIio=(struct AHIRequest *) IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_IOREQUEST,
																	ASOIOR_Size, 		sizeof(struct AHIRequest),
																	ASOIOR_ReplyPort, 	AHImp,
																	TAG_DONE)) != NULL)
			AHIio->ahir_Version = 4;
			AHIDevice = IExec->OpenDevice(AHINAME, 0, (struct IORequest *)AHIio, 0);
			if (AHIDevice)
				if (AHImp) IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_PORT, 		AHImp); AHImp = 0;
				if (AHIio) IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_IOREQUEST, (struct IORequest *)AHIio); AHIio = 0;
				if (PlayBuffer[0]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[0],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[0] = 0;
				if (PlayBuffer[1]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[1],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[1] = 0;

    	        log_error(_("AOS4: Unable to open AHI Device!"));
	    	    throw SoundException("AOS4: Unable to open AHI Device!");
			IAHI = (struct AHIIFace *) IExec->GetInterface( (struct Library *) AHIio->ahir_Std.io_Device, "main", 1, NULL );
			if (PlayBuffer[0]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[0],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[0] = 0;
			if (PlayBuffer[1]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[1],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[1] = 0;
			if (AHImp) IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_PORT, AHImp); AHImp = 0;
            log_error(_("AOS4: Unable to CreateIORequest!"));
	        throw SoundException("AOS4: Unable to CreateIORequest!");
		if (PlayBuffer[0]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[0],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[0] = 0;
		if (PlayBuffer[1]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[1],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[1] = 0;
		log_error(_("AOS4: Unable to CreateMsgPort for AHI Device!"));
		throw SoundException("AOS4: Unable to CreateMsgPort for AHI Device!");

	AHIiocopy = IExec->AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_IOREQUEST,ASOIOR_Duplicate,AHIio,TAG_DONE);
	if(! AHIiocopy)
		if (AHImp) IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_PORT, 		AHImp); AHImp = 0;
		if (AHIio) IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_IOREQUEST, (struct IORequest *)AHIio); AHIio = 0;
		if (PlayBuffer[0]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[0],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[0] = 0;
		if (PlayBuffer[1]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[1],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[1] = 0;
		log_error(_("AOS4: Not enough memory for AHIiocopy!"));
		throw SoundException("AOS4: Not enough memory for AHIiocopy!");

	AHICurBuf = 0;

	Buffer = 0;
	BufferPointer = PlayBuffer[0];
	BufferFill = 0;

	AHIReqSent[0] = false;
	AHIReqSent[1] = false;


	log_debug(_("AOS4: audioTask:Initialize timer.."));

	log_debug(_("AOS4: audioTask:Starting Timer.."));
    while (true)
		sigMask = SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | _timerSig;

		uint32 sigGot = IExec->Wait(sigMask);

	    if (sigGot & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
			_closing = true;
			log_debug(_("AOS4: Closing Audio Thread.."));
		if (sigGot & _timerSig)
			if (!sound_handler::isPaused())
				while (toFetch && !_closing)
					unsigned int n = std::min(toFetch, AHI_BUF_SIZE);
					if (!_closing) fetchSamples((boost::int16_t*)&samples, n);
					toFetch -= n;
				toFetch = nSamples*2;
			if (!_closing) TimerReset(RESET_TIME);

	log_debug(_("AOS4: Cleaning Audio Stuff.."));

	if (AHIios[0])
		if (!IExec->CheckIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[0]))
			IExec->AbortIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[0]);
			IExec->WaitIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[0]);

	{ // Only if the second request was started
		if (!IExec->CheckIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[1]))
    		IExec->AbortIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[1]);
    		IExec->WaitIO((struct IORequest *) AHIios[1]);

		if (AHIio) 	IExec->CloseDevice((struct IORequest *)AHIio);

	if (AHIio) 		IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_IOREQUEST,(struct IORequest *)AHIio); AHIio = 0;
	if (AHIiocopy) 	IExec->FreeMem(AHIiocopy,sizeof(struct AHIRequest)); AHIiocopy = 0;

  	if (AHImp)		IExec->FreeSysObject(ASOT_PORT, AHImp); AHImp = 0;

	if (IAHI) 		IExec->DropInterface((struct Interface*) IAHI); IAHI = 0;

	if (PlayBuffer[0]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[0],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[0] = 0;
	if (PlayBuffer[1]) IExec->FreeMem(PlayBuffer[1],BUFSIZE); PlayBuffer[1] = 0;

	log_debug(_("AOS4: Exit Audio Thread.."));

	log_debug(_("AOS4: audioTask:Close timer.."));