예제 #1
파일: tbfxff.c 프로젝트: joequant/iraf
void FSPKYJ_U (fitsfile **fptr, short sppkey[], int *value,
		short sppcomm[], int *status) {

	strpak (sppkey, c_keyword, FLEN_KEYWORD);
	strpak (sppcomm, c_comment, FLEN_COMMENT);

	ffpkyj (*fptr, c_keyword, (long)*value, c_comment, status);
예제 #2
int ffukyj(fitsfile *fptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer  */
           char *keyname,     /* I - keyword name       */
           long value,        /* I - keyword value      */
           char *comm,        /* I - keyword comment    */
           int *status)       /* IO - error status      */
    int tstatus;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    tstatus = *status;

    if (ffmkyj(fptr, keyname, value, comm, status) == KEY_NO_EXIST)
        *status = tstatus;
        ffpkyj(fptr, keyname, value, comm, status);
예제 #3
int ffcphd(fitsfile *infptr,    /* I - FITS file pointer to input file  */
           fitsfile *outfptr,   /* I - FITS file pointer to output file */
           int *status)         /* IO - error status     */
  copy the header keywords from infptr to outfptr.
    int nkeys, ii, inPrim = 0, outPrim = 0;
    long naxis, naxes[1];
    char *card, comm[FLEN_COMMENT];
    char *tmpbuff;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (infptr == outfptr)
        return(*status = SAME_FILE);

    /* set the input pointer to the correct HDU */
    if (infptr->HDUposition != (infptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(infptr, (infptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    if (ffghsp(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, status) > 0) /* get no. of keywords */

    /* create a memory buffer to hold the header records */
    tmpbuff = (char*) malloc(nkeys*FLEN_CARD*sizeof(char));
    if (!tmpbuff)
        return(*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);

    /* read all of the header records in the input HDU */
    for (ii = 0; ii < nkeys; ii++)
      ffgrec(infptr, ii+1, tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD), status);

    if (infptr->HDUposition == 0)  /* set flag if this is the Primary HDU */
       inPrim = 1;

    /* if input is an image hdu, get the number of axes */
    naxis = -1;   /* negative if HDU is a table */
    if ((infptr->Fptr)->hdutype == IMAGE_HDU)
        ffgkyj(infptr, "NAXIS", &naxis, NULL, status);

    /* set the output pointer to the correct HDU */
    if (outfptr->HDUposition != (outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(outfptr, (outfptr->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    /* check if output header is empty; if not create new empty HDU */
    if ((outfptr->Fptr)->headend !=
        (outfptr->Fptr)->headstart[(outfptr->Fptr)->curhdu] )
           ffcrhd(outfptr, status);   

    if (outfptr->HDUposition == 0)
        if (naxis < 0)
            /* the input HDU is a table, so we have to create */
            /* a dummy Primary array before copying it to the output */
            ffcrim(outfptr, 8, 0, naxes, status);
            ffcrhd(outfptr, status); /* create new empty HDU */
            /* set flag that this is the Primary HDU */
            outPrim = 1;

    if (*status > 0)  /* check for errors before proceeding */
    if ( inPrim == 1 && outPrim == 0 )
        /* copying from primary array to image extension */
        strcpy(comm, "IMAGE extension");
        ffpkys(outfptr, "XTENSION", "IMAGE", comm, status);

        /* copy BITPIX through NAXISn keywords */
        for (ii = 1; ii < 3 + naxis; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);

        strcpy(comm, "number of random group parameters");
        ffpkyj(outfptr, "PCOUNT", 0, comm, status);
        strcpy(comm, "number of random groups");
        ffpkyj(outfptr, "GCOUNT", 1, comm, status);

        /* copy remaining keywords, excluding EXTEND, and reference COMMENT keywords */
        for (ii = 3 + naxis ; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            if (FSTRNCMP(card, "EXTEND  ", 8) &&
                FSTRNCMP(card, "COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is", 58) && 
                FSTRNCMP(card, "COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 3", 47) )
                 ffprec(outfptr, card, status);
    else if ( inPrim == 0 && outPrim == 1 )
        /* copying between image extension and primary array */
        strcpy(comm, "file does conform to FITS standard");
        ffpkyl(outfptr, "SIMPLE", TRUE, comm, status);

        /* copy BITPIX through NAXISn keywords */
        for (ii = 1; ii < 3 + naxis; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff + (ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);

        /* add the EXTEND keyword */
        strcpy(comm, "FITS dataset may contain extensions");
        ffpkyl(outfptr, "EXTEND", TRUE, comm, status);

      /* write standard block of self-documentating comments */
      "COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format is defined in 'Astronomy",
      "COMMENT   and Astrophysics', volume 376, page 359; bibcode: 2001A&A...376..359H",

        /* copy remaining keywords, excluding pcount, gcount */
        for (ii = 3 + naxis; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            if (FSTRNCMP(card, "PCOUNT  ", 8) && FSTRNCMP(card, "GCOUNT  ", 8))
                 ffprec(outfptr, card, status);
        /* input and output HDUs are same type; simply copy all keywords */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nkeys; ii++)
            card = tmpbuff+(ii * FLEN_CARD);
            ffprec(outfptr, card, status);
