예제 #1
int ffpclu( fitsfile *fptr,  /* I - FITS file pointer                       */
            int  colnum,     /* I - number of column to write (1 = 1st col) */
            LONGLONG  firstrow,  /* I - first row to write (1 = 1st row)        */
            LONGLONG  firstelem, /* I - first vector element to write (1 = 1st) */
            LONGLONG  nelempar,     /* I - number of values to write               */
            int  *status)    /* IO - error status                           */
  Set elements of a table column to the appropriate null value for the column
  The column number may refer to a real column in an ASCII or binary table,
  or it may refer to a virtual column in a 1 or more grouped FITS primary
  array.  FITSIO treats a primary array as a binary table
  with 2 vector columns: the first column contains the group parameters (often
  with length = 0) and the second column contains the array of image pixels.
  Each row of the table represents a group in the case of multigroup FITS

  This routine support COMPLEX and DOUBLE COMPLEX binary table columns, and
  sets both the real and imaginary components of the element to a NaN.
    int tcode, maxelem, hdutype, writemode = 2, leng;
    short i2null;
    INT32BIT i4null;
    long twidth, incre;
    long ii;
    LONGLONG largeelem, nelem, tnull, i8null;
    LONGLONG repeat, startpos, elemnum, wrtptr, rowlen, rownum, remain, next, ntodo;
    double scale, zero;
    unsigned char i1null, lognul = 0;
    char tform[20], *cstring = 0;
    char message[FLEN_ERRMSG];
    char snull[20];   /*  the FITS null value  */
    long   jbuff[2] = { -1, -1};  /* all bits set is equivalent to a NaN */
    size_t buffsize;

    if (*status > 0)           /* inherit input status value if > 0 */

    nelem = nelempar;

    largeelem = firstelem;

    /*  Check input and get parameters about the column: */

    /* note that writemode = 2 by default (not 1), so that the returned */
    /* repeat and incre values will be the actual values for this column. */

    /* If writing nulls to a variable length column then dummy data values  */
    /* must have already been written to the heap. */
    /* We just have to overwrite the previous values with null values. */
    /* Set writemode = 0 in this case, to test that values have been written */

    fits_get_coltype(fptr, colnum, &tcode, NULL, NULL, status);
    if (tcode < 0)
        writemode = 0;  /* this is a variable length column */

    if (abs(tcode) >= TCOMPLEX)
    {   /* treat complex columns as pairs of numbers */
        largeelem = (largeelem - 1) * 2 + 1;
        nelem *= 2;

    if (ffgcprll( fptr, colnum, firstrow, largeelem, nelem, writemode, &scale,
                  &zero, tform, &twidth, &tcode, &maxelem, &startpos,  &elemnum, &incre,
                  &repeat, &rowlen, &hdutype, &tnull, snull, status) > 0)

    if (tcode == TSTRING)
        if (snull[0] == ASCII_NULL_UNDEFINED)
                "Null value string for ASCII table column is not defined (FTPCLU).");
            return(*status = NO_NULL);

        /* allocate buffer to hold the null string.  Must write the entire */
        /* width of the column (twidth bytes) to avoid possible problems */
        /* with uninitialized FITS blocks, in case the field spans blocks */

        buffsize = maxvalue(20, twidth);
        cstring = (char *) malloc(buffsize);
        if (!cstring)
            return(*status = MEMORY_ALLOCATION);

        memset(cstring, ' ', buffsize);  /* initialize  with blanks */

        leng = strlen(snull);
        if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL)
            leng++;        /* copy the terminator too in binary tables */

        strncpy(cstring, snull, leng);  /* copy null string to temp buffer */
    else if ( tcode == TBYTE  ||
              tcode == TSHORT ||
              tcode == TLONG  ||
              tcode == TLONGLONG)
        if (tnull == NULL_UNDEFINED)
                "Null value for integer table column is not defined (FTPCLU).");
            return(*status = NO_NULL);

        if (tcode == TBYTE)
            i1null = (unsigned char) tnull;
        else if (tcode == TSHORT)
            i2null = (short) tnull;
            ffswap2(&i2null, 1); /* reverse order of bytes */
        else if (tcode == TLONG)
            i4null = (INT32BIT) tnull;
            ffswap4(&i4null, 1); /* reverse order of bytes */
            i8null = tnull;
            ffswap8((double *)(&i8null), 1);  /* reverse order of bytes */

    /*  Now write the pixels to the FITS column.                           */
    remain = nelem;           /* remaining number of values to write  */
    next = 0;                 /* next element in array to be written  */
    rownum = 0;               /* row number, relative to firstrow     */
    ntodo = remain;           /* number of elements to write at one time */

    while (ntodo)
        /* limit the number of pixels to process at one time to the number that
           will fit in the buffer space or to the number of pixels that remain
           in the current vector, which ever is smaller.
        ntodo = minvalue(ntodo, (repeat - elemnum));
        wrtptr = startpos + ((LONGLONG)rownum * rowlen) + (elemnum * incre);

        ffmbyt(fptr, wrtptr, IGNORE_EOF, status); /* move to write position */

        switch (tcode)
        case (TBYTE):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 1,  &i1null, status);

        case (TSHORT):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 2, &i2null, status);

        case (TLONG):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 4, &i4null, status);

        case (TLONGLONG):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 8, &i8null, status);

        case (TFLOAT):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 4, jbuff, status);

        case (TDOUBLE):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 8, jbuff, status);

        case (TLOGICAL):

            for (ii = 0; ii < ntodo; ii++)
                ffpbyt(fptr, 1, &lognul, status);

        case (TSTRING):  /* an ASCII table column */
            /* repeat always = 1, so ntodo is also guaranteed to = 1 */
            ffpbyt(fptr, twidth, cstring, status);

        default:  /*  error trap  */
                    "Cannot write null value to column %d which has format %s",

        } /* End of switch block */

        /*  Check for fatal error  */
        if (*status > 0)  /* test for error during previous write operation */
                    "Error writing %.0f thru %.0f of null values (ffpclu).",
                    (double) (next+1), (double) (next+ntodo));

            if (cstring)


        /*  increment the counters for the next loop  */
        remain -= ntodo;
        if (remain)
            next += ntodo;
            elemnum += ntodo;
            if (elemnum == repeat)  /* completed a row; start on next row */
                elemnum = 0;
        ntodo = remain;  /* this is the maximum number to do in next loop */

    }  /*  End of main while Loop  */

    if (cstring)

예제 #2
파일: drvrmem.c 프로젝트: geechee/iraf
int mem_rawfile_open(char *filename, int rwmode, int *hdl)
  This routine creates an empty memory buffer, writes a minimal
  image header, then copies the image data from the raw file into
  memory.  It will byteswap the pixel values if the raw array
  is in little endian byte order.
    FILE *diskfile;
    fitsfile *fptr;
    short *sptr;
    int status, endian, datatype, bytePerPix, naxis;
    long dim[5] = {1,1,1,1,1}, ii, nvals, offset = 0;
    size_t filesize = 0, datasize;
    char rootfile[FLEN_FILENAME], *cptr = 0, *cptr2 = 0;
    void *ptr;

    if (rwmode != READONLY)
  "cannot open raw binary file with WRITE access (mem_rawfile_open)");

    cptr = strchr(filename, '[');   /* search for opening bracket [ */

    if (!cptr)
        ffpmsg("binary file name missing '[' character (mem_rawfile_open)");

    *rootfile = '\0';
    strncat(rootfile, filename, cptr - filename);  /* store the rootname */


    while (*cptr == ' ')
       cptr++;    /* skip leading blanks */

    /* Get the Data Type of the Image */

    if (*cptr == 'b' || *cptr == 'B')
      datatype = BYTE_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 1;
    else if (*cptr == 'i' || *cptr == 'I')
      datatype = SHORT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 2;
    else if (*cptr == 'u' || *cptr == 'U')
      datatype = USHORT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 2;

    else if (*cptr == 'j' || *cptr == 'J')
      datatype = LONG_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 4;
    else if (*cptr == 'r' || *cptr == 'R' || *cptr == 'f' || *cptr == 'F')
      datatype = FLOAT_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 4;
    else if (*cptr == 'd' || *cptr == 'D')
      datatype = DOUBLE_IMG;
      bytePerPix = 8;
        ffpmsg("error in raw binary file datatype (mem_rawfile_open)");


    /* get Endian: Big or Little; default is same as the local machine */
    if (*cptr == 'b' || *cptr == 'B')
        endian = 0;
    else if (*cptr == 'l' || *cptr == 'L')
        endian = 1;
        endian = BYTESWAPPED; /* byteswapped machines are little endian */

    /* read each dimension (up to 5) */

    naxis = 1;
    dim[0] = strtol(cptr, &cptr2, 10);
    if (cptr2 && *cptr2 == ',')
      naxis = 2;
      dim[1] = strtol(cptr2+1, &cptr, 10);

      if (cptr && *cptr == ',')
        naxis = 3;
        dim[2] = strtol(cptr+1, &cptr2, 10);

        if (cptr2 && *cptr2 == ',')
          naxis = 4;
          dim[3] = strtol(cptr2+1, &cptr, 10);

          if (cptr && *cptr == ',')
            naxis = 5;
            dim[4] = strtol(cptr+1, &cptr2, 10);

    cptr = maxvalue(cptr, cptr2);

    if (*cptr == ':')   /* read starting offset value */
        offset = strtol(cptr+1, 0, 10);

    nvals = dim[0] * dim[1] * dim[2] * dim[3] * dim[4];
    datasize = nvals * bytePerPix;
    filesize = nvals * bytePerPix + 2880;
    filesize = ((filesize - 1) / 2880 + 1) * 2880; 

    /* open the raw binary disk file */
    status = file_openfile(rootfile, READONLY, &diskfile);
    if (status)
        ffpmsg("failed to open raw  binary file (mem_rawfile_open)");

    /* create a memory file with corrct size for the FITS converted raw file */
    status = mem_createmem(filesize, hdl);
    if (status)
        ffpmsg("failed to create memory file (mem_rawfile_open)");

    /* open this piece of memory as a new FITS file */
    ffimem(&fptr, (void **) memTable[*hdl].memaddrptr, &filesize, 0, 0, &status);

    /* write the required header keywords */
    ffcrim(fptr, datatype, naxis, dim, &status);

    /* close the FITS file, but keep the memory allocated */
    ffclos(fptr, &status);

    if (status > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to write basic image header (mem_rawfile_open)");
        mem_close_free(*hdl);   /* free up the memory */

    if (offset > 0)
       fseek(diskfile, offset, 0);   /* offset to start of the data */

    /* read the raw data into memory */
    ptr = *memTable[*hdl].memaddrptr + 2880;

    if (fread((char *) ptr, 1, datasize, diskfile) != datasize)
      status = READ_ERROR;

    fclose(diskfile);  /* close the raw binary disk file */

    if (status)
        mem_close_free(*hdl);   /* free up the memory */
        ffpmsg("failed to copy raw file data into memory (mem_rawfile_open)");

    if (datatype == USHORT_IMG)  /* have to subtract 32768 from each unsigned */
    {                            /* value to conform to FITS convention. More */
                                 /* efficient way to do this is to just flip  */
                                 /* the most significant bit.                 */

      sptr = (short *) ptr;

      if (endian == BYTESWAPPED)  /* working with native format */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nvals; ii++, sptr++)
          *sptr =  ( *sptr ) ^ 0x8000;
      else  /* pixels are byteswapped WRT the native format */
        for (ii = 0; ii < nvals; ii++, sptr++)
          *sptr =  ( *sptr ) ^ 0x80;

    if (endian)  /* swap the bytes if array is in little endian byte order */
      if (datatype == SHORT_IMG || datatype == USHORT_IMG)
        ffswap2( (short *) ptr, nvals);
      else if (datatype == LONG_IMG || datatype == FLOAT_IMG)
        ffswap4( (INT32BIT *) ptr, nvals);

      else if (datatype == DOUBLE_IMG)
        ffswap8( (double *) ptr, nvals);

    memTable[*hdl].currentpos = 0;           /* save starting position */
    memTable[*hdl].fitsfilesize=filesize;    /* and initial file size  */
