예제 #1
void fourier_coefficients(double *kz, double *ky, double *kx, grid_t fou, shape_t shape){
    int i,j,k;
    int kfac;

    kx = fftw_alloc_real(fou.nx);
    ky = fftw_alloc_real(fou.ny);
    kz = fftw_alloc_real(fou.nz);

    // kx
    if (DEBUG) {printf("kx coefficients\n");}
    for (i=0; i<fou.nx; i++){
        kx[i] = (double)i*(2.0*M_PI)/shape.x;
        if (DEBUG) {printf("%f ", kx[i]);}
    // ky
    if (DEBUG) {printf("\n ky coefficients\n");}
    kfac = fou.ny/2-1;
    for (j=0; j<fou.ny; j++){
        ky[j] = (double)((fou.ny/2+j)%(fou.ny)-fou.ny/2) * (2.0*M_PI)/shape.y;
        if (DEBUG) {printf("%f ", ky[j]);}
    // kz
    if (DEBUG) {printf("\n kz coefficients\n");}
    kfac = fou.nz/2-1;
    for (k=0; k<fou.nz; k++){
        kz[k] = (double)((fou.nz/2+k)%(fou.nz)-fou.nz/2) * (2.0*M_PI)/shape.z;
        if (DEBUG) {printf("%f ", kz[k]);}
    if (DEBUG) {printf("\n");}
예제 #2
/*! This function allocates the memory neeed to compute the long-range PM
 *  force. Three fields are used, one to hold the density (and its FFT, and
 *  then the real-space potential), one to hold the force field obtained by
 *  finite differencing, and finally a workspace field, which is used both as
 *  workspace for the parallel FFT, and as buffer for the communication
 *  algorithm used in the force computation.
void pm_init_periodic_allocate(int dimprod)
  static int first_alloc = 1;
  int dimprodmax;
  double bytes_tot = 0;
  size_t bytes;

  MPI_Allreduce(&dimprod, &dimprodmax, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /* allocate the memory to hold the FFT fields */
  #ifdef FFTW3
  if(!(rhogrid = fftw_alloc_real(bytes = fftsize_real)))
  if(!(rhogrid = (fftw_real *) malloc(bytes = fftsize * sizeof(fftw_real))))
      printf("failed to allocate memory for `FFT-rhogrid' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
  bytes_tot += bytes;

  #ifdef FFTW3
  if(!(forcegrid = fftw_alloc_real(bytes = imax(fftsize_real, dimprodmax) * 2)))
  if(!(forcegrid = (fftw_real *) malloc(bytes = imax(fftsize, dimprodmax) * sizeof(fftw_real))))
      printf("failed to allocate memory for `FFT-forcegrid' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
  bytes_tot += bytes;

  #ifdef FFTW3
  if(!(workspace = fftw_alloc_real(bytes = imax(maxfftsize, dimprodmax) * 2)))
  if(!(workspace = (fftw_real *) malloc(bytes = imax(maxfftsize, dimprodmax) * sizeof(fftw_real))))
      printf("failed to allocate memory for `FFT-workspace' (%g MB).\n", bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0));
  bytes_tot += bytes;

  if(first_alloc == 1)
      first_alloc = 0;
      if(ThisTask == 0)
	printf("\nAllocated %g MByte for FFT data.\n\n", bytes_tot / (1024.0 * 1024.0));

  fft_of_rhogrid = (fftw_complex *) & rhogrid[0];
예제 #3
void acarFluid::allocate() {
	vorticity = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	velocityU = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	velocityV = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	levelset = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	levelsetTemp = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	levelsetF = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	levelsetSmooth = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	stream = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
	streamF = fftw_alloc_real(width*height);
예제 #4
void Convolve_t::create_plans(const long n1, const long n2, const bool meas)
    if (n1 != N1 || n2 != N2) free_memory();
    if (in1 != nullptr) return;
    N1 = n1;
    N2 = n2;
    N = N1 + N2;
    measure = meas;
    auto flag = measure ? FFTW_MEASURE: FFTW_ESTIMATE;
    in1 = fftw_alloc_real(N);
    in2 = fftw_alloc_real(N);
    p1 = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(N, in1, in1, FFTW_R2HC, flag);
    p2 = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(N, in2, in2, FFTW_R2HC, flag);
    pr = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(N, in1, in1, FFTW_HC2R, flag);
예제 #5
Field::Field(std::shared_ptr<const Plasma> plasma) : 
	_plasma(plasma), _size(plasma->get_grid_size())
/* constructor from Plasma */
	_values = fftw_alloc_real(_size + 1);

	_fft_forward = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(_size, _values, _values, 
	_fft_inverse = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(_size, _values, _values, 
예제 #6
 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  makeNewGrid
 *    Arguments:  int gridDim - Dimensions dimXdim of new grid.
 *      Returns:  Pointer to new grid object.
 *  Description:  Makes new grid object and sets all data points to 0.
 * =====================================================================================
Grid * makeNewGrid(int gridDimX, int gridDimY) {
	fftw_mpi_init() ;
	Grid * newGrid = malloc(sizeof(Grid)) ;
	ptrdiff_t localDimY, globalOffset, localDimX ;
	newGrid->allocScheme = fftw_mpi_local_size_2d(gridDimY, gridDimX, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &localDimY, &globalOffset);
	newGrid->localGridDimY = localDimY ;
	newGrid->localGridDimX = gridDimX ;
	newGrid->globalGridDimY = gridDimY ;
	newGrid->globalGridDimX = gridDimX ;
	newGrid->globalOffset = globalOffset ;
	newGrid->gridPoints = fftw_alloc_real(newGrid->allocScheme) ;
	return newGrid ;
}		/* -----  end of function makeNewGrid  ----- */
예제 #7
파일: snd_fft.c 프로젝트: jowlo/esp8266-pwm
static void prepare_fftw(struct holder *holder)
	unsigned int a;

  // init buffer for samples
	holder->samples = fftw_alloc_real(holder->samples_count);
	if (!holder->samples)
		errx(3, "cannot allocate input");

  // init buffer for windowed samples
	holder->windowed_samples = fftw_alloc_real(holder->samples_count);
	if (!holder->samples)
		errx(3, "cannot allocate window space");

	// init fft output buffer
	holder->output = fftw_alloc_complex(holder->fftout_count);
	if (!holder->output)
		errx(3, "cannot allocate output");
  holder->max = (double *)malloc(holder->fftout_count * sizeof(double));
  for(int i = 0; i<holder->fftout_count; i++) holder->max[i] = 0.000000000000001;//;// FLT_MIN;
//  // null all
//	for (a = 0; a < holder->samples_count; a++) {
//		holder->samples[a] = 0;
//		holder->windowed_samples[a] = 0;
//	}
//  for (int i = 0; i < holder->fftout_count; i++) {
//		holder->output[i] = 0;
//  }

	// calculate a blackman window if not already done
  holder->blackman_window = (double*)malloc(holder->samples_count * sizeof(double));
   for(int i = 0; i < holder->samples_count; i++)
       holder->blackman_window[i] = 0.53836 - 0.46164*cos( 2*M_PI * i / ( holder->samples_count-1) );

	holder->plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(holder->samples_count, holder->windowed_samples, holder->output, 0);
	if (!holder->plan)
		errx(3, "plan not created");
예제 #8
static void prepare_fftw(struct holder *holder)
	unsigned int a;

	holder->samples = fftw_alloc_real(holder->samples_count);
	if (!holder->samples)
		errx(3, "cannot allocate input");
	holder->output = fftw_alloc_complex(holder->samples_count);
	if (!holder->output)
		errx(3, "cannot allocate output");

	for (a = 0; a < holder->samples_count; a++) {
		holder->samples[a] = 0;
		holder->output[a] = 0;

	holder->plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(holder->samples_count,
			holder->samples, holder->output, 0);
	if (!holder->plan)
		errx(3, "plan not created");
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  int np[2];
  ptrdiff_t n[3], ni[3], no[3], N[3];
  ptrdiff_t alloc_local_forw, alloc_local_back, alloc_local, howmany;
  ptrdiff_t local_ni[3], local_i_start[3];
  ptrdiff_t local_n[3], local_start[3];
  ptrdiff_t local_no[3], local_o_start[3];
  double err, *in, *out;
  pfft_plan plan_forw=NULL, plan_back=NULL;
  MPI_Comm comm_cart_2d;
  fftw_r2r_kind kinds_forw[3], kinds_back[3];
  /* Set size of FFT and process mesh */
  ni[0] = ni[1] = ni[2] = 16;
  n[0] = 29; n[1] = 27; n[2] = 31;
  for(int t=0; t<3; t++)
    no[t] = ni[t];
  np[0] = 2; np[1] = 2;
  howmany = 1;
  /* Set PFFT kinds of 1d R2R trafos */
  kinds_forw[0] = PFFT_REDFT00; kinds_back[0] = PFFT_REDFT00;
  kinds_forw[1] = PFFT_REDFT01; kinds_back[1] = PFFT_REDFT10;
  kinds_forw[2] = PFFT_RODFT00; kinds_back[2] = PFFT_RODFT00;

  /* Set logical DFT sizes corresponding to FFTW manual:
   * for REDFT00 N=2*(n-1), for RODFT00 N=2*(n+1), otherwise N=2*n */
  N[0] = 2*(n[0]-1);
  N[1] = 2*n[1];
  N[2] = 2*(n[2]+1); 

  /* Initialize MPI and PFFT */
  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);

  /* Create two-dimensional process grid of size np[0] x np[1], if possible */
  if( pfft_create_procmesh_2d(MPI_COMM_WORLD, np[0], np[1], &comm_cart_2d) ){
    pfft_fprintf(MPI_COMM_WORLD, stderr, "Error: This test file only works with %d processes.\n", np[0]*np[1]);
    return 1;

  /* Get parameters of data distribution */
  alloc_local_forw = pfft_local_size_many_r2r(3, n, ni, n, howmany,
      comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT,
      local_ni, local_i_start, local_n, local_start);

  alloc_local_back = pfft_local_size_many_r2r(3, n, n, no, howmany,
      comm_cart_2d, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN,
      local_n, local_start, local_no, local_o_start);

  /* Allocate enough memory for both trafos */
  alloc_local = (alloc_local_forw > alloc_local_back) ?
    alloc_local_forw : alloc_local_back;
  in  = fftw_alloc_real(alloc_local);
  out = fftw_alloc_real(alloc_local);

  /* Plan parallel forward FFT */
  plan_forw = pfft_plan_many_r2r(
      3, n, ni, n, howmany, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS,
      in, out, comm_cart_2d, kinds_forw, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_OUT| PFFT_MEASURE| PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT);

  /* Plan parallel backward FFT */
  plan_back = pfft_plan_many_r2r(
      3, n, n, no, howmany, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS, PFFT_DEFAULT_BLOCKS,
      out, in, comm_cart_2d, kinds_back, PFFT_TRANSPOSED_IN| PFFT_MEASURE| PFFT_DESTROY_INPUT);

  /* Initialize input with random numbers */
  pfft_init_input_real_3d(ni, local_ni, local_i_start,

  /* Execute parallel forward FFT */

  /* clear the old input */
  pfft_clear_input_real_3d(ni, local_ni, local_i_start,
  /* execute parallel backward FFT */
  /* Scale data */
  for(ptrdiff_t l=0; l < local_ni[0] * local_ni[1] * local_ni[2]; l++)
    in[l] /= (N[0]*N[1]*N[2]);

  /* Print error of back transformed data */
  err = pfft_check_output_real_3d(ni, local_ni, local_i_start, in, comm_cart_2d);
  pfft_printf(comm_cart_2d, "Error after one forward and backward trafo of size n=(%td, %td, %td):\n", n[0], n[1], n[2]); 
  pfft_printf(comm_cart_2d, "maxerror = %6.2e;\n", err);
  /* free mem and finalize MPI */
  fftw_free(in); fftw_free(out);
  return 0;
예제 #10
int uint16_1chan(struct core_param o, struct core_return *retstr) {

    fftw_plan fftplan;

    unsigned long int s_bytes, i_bytes, o_bytes, ret;
    unsigned long int i, ffts, iavg, /* iphs,*/ nyq, seeksamp, bps;
    long int bl_first, bl_last;
    long int power, maxmag = 0, minmag = 0;
    off_t dataend, bskip_avg = 0, bskip_fft = 0;
    //	double cur_mag[o.N], avg_mag[o.N], window[o.N], pow_adj;
    double cur_mag[o.N], avg_mag[o.N], pow_adj;
    double dataz;
    //	complex double avg_phs[o.N][N_PHASES];
    //	complex double nphs;
    struct timeval now,then;
    //	unsigned flags = FFTW_PATIENT|FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT;
    //	unsigned flags = FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_DESTROY_INPUT;
    double time, ratio;
    struct timespec nsl;
    FILE *istream, *ostream, *tstream = NULL;//, *phstream;

    /* For timestamp conversion */
    double tConv; 
    struct tm tm_initial;
    struct tm tm_info;
    int haveTimeStr;
    double seconds;
    char tBuf[255];


     * Complex/Real Input
    unsigned short int *samples;
    double *input, * window;
    fftw_complex *output;
    bps = sizeof(unsigned short int); // real, unsigned short int (2-byte) data
    s_bytes = bps*o.N;
    i_bytes = sizeof(double)*o.N;
    o_bytes = sizeof(fftw_complex)*o.N;
    nyq = o.N/2;
    //	complex double datai[nyq];
    //printf("bps: %d\n",bps);

    /* if there's a start string, use it! */
    haveTimeStr = 0;
    if( strncmp(o.tStartString,"",19) > 0) {

	setenv("TZ", "UTC0", 1); //Set timezone to UTC
	printf("startString: %s\n",o.tStartString);
	printf("o.time_avg : %.04f\n",o.time_avg);

	/* One to keep track of changing time, one to keep start time  */
	memset(&tm_initial, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
	memset(&tm_info, 0, sizeof(struct tm));


	/* tm_initial.tm_sec = 0; */
	/* tm_info.tm_sec = 0; */

	/* strftime(tBuf,sizeof(tBuf), "%d %b %Y %H:%M",&tm_info); */
	/* puts(tBuf); */

	haveTimeStr = 1;
    } else {
	/* What about time units for x axis? */
	tConv = 1;
	if( strncmp(o.time_units,"m",1) == 0) {
	    tConv = 60;
	} else if( strncmp(o.time_units,"h",1) == 0) {
	    tConv = 3600;
	} else if( strncmp(o.time_units,"d",1) == 0) {
	    tConv = 86400;

	printf("tConv: %.0f (units: %s)\n",tConv,o.time_units);

     * Memory allocation.
    printf("Memory allocation...");
    samples = (unsigned short int *) malloc(s_bytes);
    if (samples == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate initial sample memory!\n");
    //	input = (double *) fftw_malloc(i_bytes);
    input = (double *) fftw_alloc_real(i_bytes);
    if (input == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate fft input array!\n");
    window = (double *) fftw_alloc_real(i_bytes);
    if (input == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate fft input array!\n");
    //	output = (fftw_complex *) fftw_malloc(o_bytes);
    output = (fftw_complex *) fftw_alloc_complex(o_bytes);
    if (output == NULL) fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate fft output array!\n");
    printf("done.  (%liKB)\n",(s_bytes + i_bytes + o_bytes)/1024);

     * FFTW Setup.  Initialize threads, plan_many.
    printf("FFTW initialization and planning...");
    if (o.threads > 1) {
	if (fftw_init_threads() == 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to initialize FFTW Threads!\n");
     * fftw_plan fftw_plan_dft_1d(int n,
     fftw_complex *in, fftw_complex *out,
     int sign, unsigned flags);
     *      fftw_plan fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(
     *      int n, double *in, fftw_complex *out, unsigned flags);
    fftplan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(o.N, input, output, flags);

    printf("wewt.  (%fs elapsed)\n",(now.tv_sec-then.tv_sec)+(now.tv_usec-then.tv_usec)/1e6);

     * File setup
    printf("Opening files...");

    istream = fopen(o.infile,"r");
    if (istream == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open %s for reading.\n",o.infile);

    if (strcmp(o.timefile,"") != 0) {
	tstream = fopen(o.timefile,"r");
	if (tstream == NULL) {
	    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open %s for reading.\n",o.timefile);

    ostream = fopen(o.outfile,"w+");
    if (ostream == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Failed to open %s for writing.\n",o.outfile);


    dataend = ftello(istream)-s_bytes;
    if (o.newheader == COREH_TAIL) {
	dataend -= 8192;

    seeksamp = o.n_startsample*s_bytes;
    if (fseeko(istream,seeksamp,SEEK_SET)){
	fprintf(stderr,"Failed to seek to starting sample!\n");

     * Window selection, and setup to adjust for Coherent Gain,
     * 2x for real input data, and hz/bin multiplier.
    pow_adj = window_cog(&o)*2*(o.frequency/o.N);
    nsl.tv_sec = 0; nsl.tv_nsec = CORE_RFP;

    if (o.bl_last == -1) bl_last = nyq; else bl_last = o.bl_last;
    if (o.bl_first == -1) bl_first = 1; else bl_first = o.bl_first;
    if (o.skip_avg > 0) bskip_avg = bps*o.skip_avg;
    if (o.skip_fft > 0) bskip_fft = bps*o.skip_fft;

    ffts = 0;
    iavg = 0;
    time = o.time_start;
    seconds = 0;

    printf("done.\n"); fflush(stdout); fflush(stderr);

    running = true;

    while ((ftello(istream) < dataend) && (running == true)) {
	 * Main loop: read in data while data is still readable.
	ret = fread(samples,bps,o.N,istream);
	if (ret != o.N) {
	    printf("Failed to read from data file.\n");

	 * Copy channels to input array, switching from row-major to
	 * column-major ordering to satisfy the (hopefully faster)
	 * plan_many data format, and casting to proper form as we go.
	for (i = 0; i < o.N; i++) {
	    dataz = (double) samples[i];

	    if (o.convert) {
		dataz = apply_polynomial(&o.poly[0], dataz);

	    input[i] = dataz*window[i];

	fftw_execute(fftplan); // FOR GLORY!!!

	 * Get the squared magnitude, adjust powers
	for (i = 0; i < nyq; i++) {
	    //			iphs = 0;
	    cur_mag[i] = pow_adj*pow(cabs(output[i]),2);

	    /*			if (o.phases) {
				for (k = j+1; k < o.n_chan; k++) {
				if (iavg == 0) avg_phs[i][j][iphs] = 0;
				avg_phs[i][j][iphs] += datai[i][j]*conj(datai[i][k]);

	 * Find the AGC ratio, apply to all data,
	 * and sum into averaging array.
	if (o.agc_level != 0) {
	    ratio = o.agc_level/cur_mag[o.agc_bin-1];

	    for (i = 0; i < nyq; i++) {
		if (iavg == 0) avg_mag[i] = 0; // First average, so initialize
		avg_mag[i] += cur_mag[i]*ratio;
	} else {
	    for (i = 0; i < nyq; i++) {
		if (iavg == 0) avg_mag[i] = 0; // First average, so initialize
		avg_mag[i] += cur_mag[i];

	if (iavg == o.avg) {
	     * We've averaged enough, output to files.
	    if (tstream != NULL) {


	    if (o.verbose) printf("%f\n",time);

	    if(haveTimeStr > 0){

		/* Need to update seconds? */
		/* printf("time: %.5f, %8.5f\n",time,time*1000); */
		if(seconds > 1){
		    tm_info.tm_sec += floor(seconds);
		    seconds -= floor(seconds);
		    mktime( &tm_info);      // normalize tm_info

		if(haveTimeStr == 1){
		} else{

		/* printf("%s. %3.0f\n",tBuf,roundl(seconds*((double) 1000))); */
		/* printf("%*s.%03.0f\n",strlen(tBuf),tBuf,seconds*1000); */
		/* printf("%s\n",tBuf); */
	    } else{
		fprintf(ostream,"%8.03f\n",time/tConv);  // Timestamps

	    /*			if (o.phases) {

	    for (i = bl_first-1; i < bl_last; i++) {
		if (o.linear == true) {
		    return(1);  //not working
		    power = avg_mag[i]/o.avg;
		} else {
		    power = lround(10 * log10(avg_mag[i]/o.avg));	// log10(|x|^2)

		//power &= 65535; // Trim to 16 bits.
		if (!o.binary) {
		    fprintf(ostream,"%li\n", power);
		} else {
		    // Blerg

		 * Find global min & max.
		if (ffts == 0) {
		    minmag = maxmag = power;
		} else {
		    minmag = fmin(power, minmag);
		    maxmag = fmax(power, maxmag);

		/*				if (o.phases) {
						for (k = 0; k < N_PHASES; k++) {
						nphs = avg_phs[i][j][k]/( \
						avg_mag[i][n_phsmap[k][0]] * \
						avg_mag[i][n_phsmap[k][1]] );
						if (k > 0) fprintf(phstream," ");
						fprintf(phstream,"%2.2f %2.2f",cabs(nphs),carg(nphs));

	    /* Add time per avg. */
	    if (o.time_avg > 0) {
		time += o.time_avg;
		seconds += o.time_avg;
	    if (o.skip_avg > 0) {
		ret = fseeko(istream,bskip_avg,SEEK_CUR);
		if (ret != 0) {
		    fprintf(stderr,"Failed to skip to next sample: %s\n",strerror(errno));

	    iavg = 0;

	if (ffts == o.n_ffts) break;
	if ((o.time_stop != 0) && (time > o.time_stop)) break;

	 * This will add o.time_nffts to the timestamp every o.time_fftmod ffts.
	 * Interaction with o.time_avg must be carefully considered to get
	 * the correct timestamp advancement.  Also note that some programs that
	 * may end up processing this data (e.g. for ps making) do not like it
	 * when timestamps increase inconsistently.
	if ((o.time_nfft > 0) && (ffts % o.time_fftmod == 0)) {
	    printf("modding FFT time!\n");
	    time += o.time_nfft;
	    seconds += o.time_nfft;
	if (o.skip_fft > 0) {
	    ret = fseeko(istream,bskip_fft,SEEK_CUR);
	    if (ret != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"Failed to skip to next sample!\n");

    if (tstream != NULL) {

    retstr->time_total = time-o.time_start;
    retstr->nfft = ffts;
    retstr->min[0] = minmag;
    retstr->max[0] = maxmag;

예제 #11
int main(int argc, char*argv[])
  FILE *in, *out;
  char filename[128], *dot;
  int i, j, k, value[9], index, chan[3];
  int numsamples, numgroups;
  double *rawdata, *rawin, *endraw;
  double *pass1, *passptr, *pass2;
  double bcoef[8][3], acoef[8][3];
  double stage[3][8][3];  // curve, harmonic, history (dimension meaning)

  fftw_plan plan, invrs;
  double *fftin, *mag, phase, *fftrvout, maxmag[32];
  fftw_complex *fftout, *fftrvin;

  in = fopen(argv[1], "r");
    printf("can't find file %s\n", argv[1]);
  strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
  dot = strstr( filename, ".data");
  strcpy( dot, ".raw");
  printf("output filename: %s\n", filename);
  out = fopen(filename, "w");
    printf("can't create %s\n", filename);

/*  assume we don't take more than 30 minutes worth of data  */

  rawdata = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double)*3*2000*30*60);
  rawin = &rawdata[3*3];  // zero out first sample

/*  Each channel uses 3 bytes.  There are 3 channels.  */

    for(i=0; i<9; i++) value[i] = fgetc(in);
    chan[0] = (value[0] << 16) | (value[1] << 8) | value[2];
    if(chan[0] & 0x800000) chan[0] |= 0xff000000;
    chan[1] = (value[3] << 16) | (value[4] << 8) | value[5];
    if(chan[1] & 0x800000) chan[1] |= 0xff000000;
    chan[2] = (value[6] << 16) | (value[7] << 8) | value[8];
    if(chan[2] & 0x800000) chan[2] |= 0xff000000;
    *rawin = chan[0];
    *rawin = chan[1];
    *rawin = chan[2];
  for(i=0; i<9; i++) // zero fill initial data
    rawdata[i] = 0.0;
  endraw = rawin - 9; // ignore last values collected
  for(i=0; i<9; i++)
    endraw[i] = 0.0;
  endraw += 9;
  printf("data read in\n");
  rawin = rawdata;
  while (rawin < endraw)
    fprintf(out, "%lf %lf %lf\n", rawin[0], rawin[1], rawin[2]);
    rawin += 3;
  numsamples = (endraw - rawdata)/3;
  printf("saving %d samples\n", numsamples);

/*  compute IIR notch filter
    one notch for each odd harmonic of 60 Hz out to 900 Hz */

  dot = strstr( filename, ".raw");
  strcpy( dot, ".plt_ntch");
  printf("output filename: %s\n", filename);
  out = fopen(filename, "w");
    printf("can't create %s\n", filename);
  pass1 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(3*numsamples + 6*FILTER_TAP_NUM));
  rawin = rawdata + 3*3;
  passptr = pass1 + 3*(FILTER_TAP_NUM - 3);

// notch filter

  bcoef[0][0] = (1.0 + A12)/2.0;
  bcoef[0][1] = A11;
  bcoef[0][2] = (1.0 + A12)/2.0;
  acoef[0][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[0][1] = A11;
  acoef[0][2] = A12;

  bcoef[1][0] = (1.0 + A32)/2.0;
  bcoef[1][1] = A31;
  bcoef[1][2] = (1.0 + A32)/2.0;
  acoef[1][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[1][1] = A31;
  acoef[1][2] = A32;

  bcoef[2][0] = (1.0 + A52)/2.0;
  bcoef[2][1] = A51;
  bcoef[2][2] = (1.0 + A52)/2.0;
  acoef[2][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[2][1] = A51;
  acoef[2][2] = A52;

  bcoef[3][0] = (1.0 + A72)/2.0;
  bcoef[3][1] = A71;
  bcoef[3][2] = (1.0 + A72)/2.0;
  acoef[3][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[3][1] = A71;
  acoef[3][2] = A72;

  bcoef[4][0] = (1.0 + A92)/2.0;
  bcoef[4][1] = A91;
  bcoef[4][2] = (1.0 + A92)/2.0;
  acoef[4][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[4][1] = A91;
  acoef[4][2] = A92;

  bcoef[5][0] = (1.0 + A112)/2.0;
  bcoef[5][1] = A111;
  bcoef[5][2] = (1.0 + A112)/2.0;
  acoef[5][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[5][1] = A111;
  acoef[5][2] = A12;

  bcoef[6][0] = (1.0 + A132)/2.0;
  bcoef[6][1] = A131;
  bcoef[6][2] = (1.0 + A132)/2.0;
  acoef[6][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[6][1] = A131;
  acoef[6][2] = A132;

  bcoef[7][0] = (1.0 + A152)/2.0;
  bcoef[7][1] = A151;
  bcoef[7][2] = (1.0 + A152)/2.0;
  acoef[7][0] = 1.0;
  acoef[7][1] = A151;
  acoef[7][2] = A152;

  for(k=0; k<3; k++)
    for(i=0; i<8; i++)
      for(j=0; j<3; j++)
	stage[k][i][j] = 0.0;

  while(rawin < endraw)
    for(j=0; j<3; j++)  // loop over each curve

      stage[j][0][2] = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<3; i++)
	stage[j][0][2] += rawin[-3*i + j]*bcoef[0][i];
      stage[j][0][2] -= acoef[0][1]*stage[j][0][1] + acoef[0][2]*stage[j][0][0];
      for(k=1; k<7; k++) // loop over each harmonic
	stage[j][k][2] = 0.0;
	for(i=0; i<3; i++)
	  stage[j][k][2] += stage[j][k-1][2-i]*bcoef[k][i];
	stage[j][k][2] -= acoef[k][1]*stage[j][k][1] + acoef[k][2]*stage[j][k][0];
      passptr[j] = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<3; i++)
	passptr[j] += stage[j][6][2-i]*bcoef[7][i];
      passptr[j] -= acoef[7][1]*passptr[j-3] + acoef[7][2]*passptr[j-6];
      for(k=0; k<7; k++)
	stage[j][k][0] = stage[j][k][1];
	stage[j][k][1] = stage[j][k][2];
      passptr[j] = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<3; i++)
	passptr[j] += rawin[-3*i + j]*bcoef[0][i];
      passptr[j] -= acoef[0][1]*passptr[j-3] + acoef[0][2]*passptr[j-6];
    passptr += 3;
    rawin += 3;
  printf("done with pass 1\n");

/*  perform FIR low pass on remaining data  */

  endraw = passptr;
  pass2 = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(3*numsamples + 3*FILTER_TAP_NUM));
  rawin = pass1;
  passptr = pass2;
  while(rawin < endraw + 3*FILTER_TAP_NUM)
    for(j=0; j<3; j++)
      passptr[j] = 0.0;
      for(i=0; i<FILTER_TAP_NUM; i++)
	passptr[j] += rawin[3*i + j]*filter_taps[i];
    passptr += 3;
    rawin += 3;
  printf("done with pass 2\n");

/*  save data for gnuplot  */

  rawin = pass2 + 6*FILTER_TAP_NUM;
  for(i=0; i<numsamples - 3*FILTER_TAP_NUM; i++)
    fprintf(out, "%lf %lf %lf\n", rawin[0] , rawin[1], rawin[2]);
    rawin += 3;

/*  save data for further processing  */

  dot = strstr( filename, ".plt_ntch");
  strcpy( dot, ".bin_ntch");
  printf("output filename: %s\n", filename);
  out = fopen(filename, "w");
    printf("can't create %s\n", filename);
  fwrite(pass2 + 6*FILTER_TAP_NUM, sizeof(double), (numsamples - FILTER_TAP_NUM)*3, out);
  exit(0);    // skip FFT's for now

/*  compute 1D FFT's on each wave form  */

  fftin = fftw_alloc_real(FFTSIZE);
  fftout = fftw_alloc_complex(FFTSIZE/2);
  mag = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*FFTSIZE/2);
  plan = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(FFTSIZE, fftin, fftout, FFTW_MEASURE);
  rawin = pass1;
  k = 0;
  while(rawin < endraw - 3*FFTSIZE)
    for(i=0; i<FFTSIZE; i++) fftin[i] = rawin[3*i + 2];
    strcpy(filename, argv[1]);
    dot = strstr( filename, ".data");
    sprintf( dot, "_%03d_fft.plt", k);
    printf("output filename: %s\n", filename);
    out = fopen(filename, "w");
      printf("can't create %s\n", filename);
    for(i=0; i<FFTSIZE/2; i++)
      mag[i] = sqrt(fftout[i][0]*fftout[i][0] + fftout[i][1]*fftout[i][1]);
      phase = atan2(fftout[i][1], fftout[i][0]);
      fprintf(out, "%lg %lg\n", mag[i], phase);
    rawin += 3*FFTSIZE;
예제 #12
파일: buffer.cpp 프로젝트: xperroni/Clarus
Buffer::Memory::Memory(int n)
  memory = fftw_alloc_real(n);
예제 #13
 * Version DOUBLE
void Chi2LibFFTW::conv2d_fft(MyMatrix<double> *img, MyMatrix<double> *kernel_img, MyMatrix<double> *output){
	MyLogger::log()->debug("[Chi2LibFFTW][conv2d_fft] Generating Convolution using FFTW");
	fftw_complex	*fft_image, *fft_kernel;
	fftw_plan       plan_forward_image, plan_forward_kernel, plan_backward;
	//auxiliary structures are necessary because fftw3 optimization plan will destroy it!
	double 			*ifft_result, *data, *kernel;
	int nwidth 	=	(int)(img->sX()+kernel_img->sX()-1);
	int nheight	=	(int)(img->sY()+kernel_img->sY()-1);

	pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex1 );
	// FFTW Allocs
	size_t size = (size_t)(nwidth * nheight);
	//the new size includes zero padding space
	data 		= fftw_alloc_real(size);
	kernel 		= fftw_alloc_real(size);
	ifft_result = fftw_alloc_real(size);

	//fftw handle real fft avoiding redundancy in the complex plane, therefore the nheight/2
	size = (size_t)(nwidth*(floor(nheight/2) + 1));
	fft_image	= fftw_alloc_complex(size);
	fft_kernel	= fftw_alloc_complex(size);

	plan_forward_image	= fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d( nwidth, nheight, data, fft_image, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
	plan_forward_kernel	= fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d( nwidth, nheight, kernel, fft_kernel, FFTW_ESTIMATE );
	plan_backward		= fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d( nwidth, nheight, fft_image, ifft_result, FFTW_ESTIMATE );

	pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex1 );

	//populate kernel and shift input
	for(unsigned int x = 0 ; x < (unsigned int)nwidth ; ++x ){
		unsigned int xnw = x*nwidth;
		for(unsigned int y=0; y < (unsigned int)nheight; ++y){
			if(x < kernel_img->sX() && y < kernel_img->sY())
				kernel[xnw+ y] = kernel_img->getValue(x,y);
				kernel[xnw+ y] = 0;

	for(unsigned int x = 0 ; x < (unsigned int)nwidth ; ++x ){
		unsigned int xnw = x*nwidth;
		for(unsigned int y=0; y < (unsigned int)nheight; ++y){
			if(x < img->sX() && y < img->sY())
				data[xnw+ y] = img->getValue(x,y);
				data[xnw+ y] = 0;

	MyLogger::log()->debug("[Chi2LibFFTW][conv2d_fft] Starting FFTW");
	/** FFT Execute */
		//fft of image
		fftw_execute( plan_forward_image );
		//fft of kernel
		fftw_execute( plan_forward_kernel );

		//convolution in fourier domain
		double f1, f2;
		double nwnh = (double)(nwidth*nheight);
		unsigned int limit = (unsigned int)(nwidth * (floor(nheight/2) + 1));
		for(unsigned int i=0; i< limit; ++i){
			f1 = fft_image[i][0]*fft_kernel[i][0] - fft_image[i][1]*fft_kernel[i][1];
			f2 = fft_image[i][0]*fft_kernel[i][1] + fft_image[i][1]*fft_kernel[i][0];


		//ifft of the product
		fftw_execute( plan_backward );
	/** FFT Execute */
	MyLogger::log()->debug("[Chi2LibFFTW][conv2d_fft] FFTW Finished");

	if(output->sX() == (unsigned int)nwidth && output->sY() == (unsigned int)nheight)
	for(unsigned int x = 0 ; x < output->sX() ; ++x ){
		unsigned int xnw = x*nwidth;
		for(unsigned int y = 0 ; y < output->sY() ; ++y ){
			output->at(x,y) = ifft_result[xnw+y];

    /* free memory */
    fftw_destroy_plan( plan_forward_image );
    fftw_destroy_plan( plan_forward_kernel );
    fftw_destroy_plan( plan_backward );

    fftw_free( data );
    fftw_free( kernel );
    fftw_free( ifft_result );

    fftw_free( fft_image );
    fftw_free( fft_kernel );
예제 #14
파일: TMOZhao10.cpp 프로젝트: cadik/TMS
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
 * This overloaded function is an implementation of your tone mapping operator *
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int TMOZhao10::Transform()
	double* data;
	int size = pSrc->GetHeight()*pSrc->GetWidth();
	int spec_size = pSrc->GetHeight()*(pSrc->GetWidth()/2+1);
	double *rgb[] = {fftw_alloc_real(size),fftw_alloc_real(size),fftw_alloc_real(size)};
	double *lab[] = {fftw_alloc_real(size),fftw_alloc_real(size),fftw_alloc_real(size)};
	fftw_complex *spec_rgb[] = {fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size),fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size),fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size)};
	fftw_complex *spec_lab[] = {fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size),fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size),fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size)};
	double *theta = fftw_alloc_real(spec_size);
	double *phi = fftw_alloc_real(spec_size);
	fftw_complex *spec_gray = fftw_alloc_complex(spec_size);
	double *gray = fftw_alloc_real(size);
	fftw_plan p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_2d(pSrc->GetHeight(), pSrc->GetWidth(),rgb[0], spec_rgb[0], FFTW_ESTIMATE);
	//copy data channels to r,g,b arrays
	for(int i=0;i<size;++i){
		rgb[0][i] = *data++;
		rgb[1][i] = *data++;
		rgb[2][i] = *data++;
	//transform to Lab space
	//copy data channels to l,a,b array
	for(int i=0;i<size;++i){
		lab[0][i] = *data++/100;
		lab[1][i] = *data++/100;
		lab[2][i] = *data++/100;
		//fprintf(stderr,"%f %f %f\n",lab[0][i],lab[1][i],lab[2][i]);
	//compute fft of all channels
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,rgb[0], spec_rgb[0]);
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,rgb[1], spec_rgb[1]);
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,rgb[2], spec_rgb[2]);
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,lab[0], spec_lab[0]);
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,lab[1], spec_lab[1]);
	fftw_execute_dft_r2c(p,lab[2], spec_lab[2]);
	p = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_2d(pSrc->GetHeight(), pSrc->GetWidth(),spec_gray, gray, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
	//compute phi and theta coefficient
	double thetasum=0;
	double phisum=0;
	for(int i=0;i<spec_size;++i){
		double a2 = spec_lab[1][i][0]*spec_lab[1][i][0]+spec_lab[1][i][1]*spec_lab[1][i][1];
		double b2 = spec_lab[2][i][0]*spec_lab[2][i][0]+spec_lab[2][i][1]*spec_lab[2][i][1];
		phi[i] = a2/(a2+b2);
		phisum += phi[i];
		double rr2 = spec_rgb[0][i][0]*spec_rgb[0][i][0]+spec_rgb[0][i][1]*spec_rgb[0][i][1];
		double gg2 = spec_rgb[1][i][0]*spec_rgb[1][i][0]+spec_rgb[1][i][1]*spec_rgb[1][i][1];
		double bb2 = spec_rgb[2][i][0]*spec_rgb[2][i][0]+spec_rgb[2][i][1]*spec_rgb[2][i][1];
		double l2 = spec_lab[0][i][0]*spec_lab[0][i][0]+spec_lab[0][i][1]*spec_lab[0][i][1];
		double rgb2 = rr2+gg2+bb2;
		theta[i] = (rgb2-l2)/rgb2;
		thetasum += theta[i];
	for(int i=0;i<spec_size;++i){
		spec_gray[i][0] = ((1-thetasum/spec_size)*spec_lab[0][i][0]+thetasum/spec_size*(phisum/spec_size*spec_lab[1][i][0]+(1-phisum/spec_size)*spec_lab[2][i][0]))/size;
		//spec_gray[i][0] = ((1-theta[i])*spec_lab[0][i][0]+theta[i]*(phi[i]*spec_lab[1][i][0]+(1-phi[i])*spec_lab[2][i][0]))/size;
		spec_gray[i][1] = ((1-thetasum/spec_size)*spec_lab[0][i][1]+thetasum/spec_size*(phisum/spec_size*spec_lab[1][i][1]+(1-phisum/spec_size)*spec_lab[2][i][1]))/size; 
		//spec_gray[i][1] = ((1-theta[i])*spec_lab[0][i][1]+theta[i]*(phi[i]*spec_lab[1][i][1]+(1-phi[i])*spec_lab[2][i][1]))/size; 
	double minimum = 99999999999999999;
	double maximum = -99999999999999999;
	for(int i=0;i<size;++i){
		if(gray[i]>maximum) maximum=gray[i];
		if(gray[i]<minimum) minimum=gray[i];
		*data++ = gray[i]*100;
		*data++ = 0;//gray[i];
		*data++ = 0;//gray[i];
	fprintf(stderr,"%f %f %d %d\n",minimum,maximum,size,spec_size);
	for(int i=0;i<size;++i){
		*data = 100*(gray[i]-minimum)/(maximum-minimum);
		data += 3;
	fftw_free(gray); fftw_free(spec_gray);
	fftw_free(phi); fftw_free(theta);
	return 0;
예제 #15
// Set up sync vector for search correlator
// Use current estimates of sample rate
void generate_sync(double symrate){
  int ind,k;
  unsigned char data[10];
  unsigned char symbols[2*8*10];

  // The last 5 bytes (40 bits) of each 1024-bit minor frame are constants given below
  // Run them through the encoder and use the last 34 symbols as the sync vector
  // Those are the only invariant symbols from the encoder, after the user data has been flushed
  data[0] = 0x12;
  data[1] = 0xfc;
  data[2] = 0x81;
  data[3] = 0x9f;
  data[4] = 0xbe;
#if 1
    printf(" %d",symbols[k]);
  // Update numbers based on current sample rate
  Symrate = symrate;
  Synclen = SYNCBITS * Symbolsamples + 1; // Fudge to prevent off-by-one overrun

  printf("Symbol rate: %'.3lf Hz; samples/sym: %'.3lf; samples/frame: %'.1lf; samples in sync: %'d\n",

  if(Syncvector != NULL)
  if((Syncvector = malloc(sizeof(*Syncvector) * (int)Synclen)) == NULL){
    fprintf(stderr,"Can't malloc sync vector\n");
  // Manchester encode last 34 symbols in sequence
  ind = 0;
    // First half of manchester symbol
    for(;ind < (k+0.5) * Symbolsamples;ind++)
      Syncvector[ind] = symbols[k+80-SYNCBITS] ? -1 : 1;

    // Second half
    for(;ind < (k+1) * Symbolsamples;ind++)
      Syncvector[ind] = symbols[k+80-SYNCBITS] ? 1 : -1;
  assert(ind <= Synclen);
#if 0
    putchar(Syncvector[k] == 1 ? '+':'-');
  printf("sync vector done\n");

  // Set up FFT correlator
  Corr_size = 2*Framesamples;
  Corr_size = 1 << 20; // hack!! change to round Corr_size up to next power of 2
  Corr_input = fftw_alloc_real(Corr_size);
  assert(Corr_input != NULL);
  Corr_vector = fftw_alloc_real(Corr_size);
  assert(Corr_vector != NULL);
  Corr_result = fftw_alloc_real(Corr_size);
  assert(Corr_result != NULL);
  Corr_vector_transform = fftw_alloc_complex(Corr_size);
  assert(Corr_vector_transform != NULL);
  Corr_data_transform = fftw_alloc_complex(Corr_size);
  assert(Corr_data_transform != NULL);
  Corr_ffr = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(Corr_size,Corr_data_transform,Corr_result,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  assert(Corr_ffr != NULL);
  Corr_ff2 = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(Corr_size,Corr_input,Corr_data_transform,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  assert(Corr_ff2 != NULL);
  Corr_ff1 = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(Corr_size,Corr_vector,Corr_vector_transform,FFTW_ESTIMATE);
  // Load up the sync vector
    Corr_vector[k] = Syncvector[k];
  // Zero pad
    Corr_vector[k] = 0;
  fftw_execute(Corr_ff1); // Compute transform of sync vector
  // Take complex conjugate so we don't have to do it every time
    Corr_vector_transform[k] = conj(Corr_vector_transform[k]);
예제 #16
void simulateGrid(Grid * grid, int numTimeSteps, double finalTime, int mutliFlag) {
	int globalGridDimX = grid->globalGridDimX ;
	int globalGridDimY = grid->globalGridDimY ;
	int localDimX = grid->localGridDimX ;
	int localDimY = grid->localGridDimY ;
	int globalOffset = grid->globalOffset ;
	double * gridPointsTrTime0 = fftw_alloc_real(grid->allocScheme) ;
	double * gridPointsTrTimeT = fftw_alloc_real(grid->allocScheme) ;
	ptrdiff_t y,x,kx,ky ;

	fftw_plan planFor ;
	fftw_plan planBack ;

 	planFor =  fftw_mpi_plan_r2r_2d(globalGridDimY, globalGridDimX, grid->gridPoints, gridPointsTrTime0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_REDFT10, FFTW_ESTIMATE) ;
	planBack = fftw_mpi_plan_r2r_2d(globalGridDimY, globalGridDimX, gridPointsTrTimeT, grid->gridPoints, MPI_COMM_WORLD, FFTW_REDFT01 , FFTW_REDFT01, FFTW_ESTIMATE) ;

	// Transform phi_0
	fftw_execute(planFor) ;

	// If multiflag passed then every timestep is printed. //
	if (mutliFlag) {
		char filename[10] ;
		sprintf(filename, "out%d.txt", rank) ;
		FILE * out = fopen(filename, "w") ;
		for (int i = 0 ; i < numTimeSteps ; ++i) {
			double timeT = (i/(double)numTimeSteps)*finalTime ;
			// Advance transformed F(phi_0) to F(phi_t_i)
			for (kx = 0 ; kx < localDimX ; ++kx) {
				for (ky = 0 ; ky < localDimY ; ++ky) {
					ptrdiff_t globalky = ky+globalOffset ;
					gridPointsTrTimeT[ky*localDimX+kx] = gridPointsTrTime0[ky*localDimX+kx]*exp(-PI*PI*timeT*(kx*kx + globalky*globalky)) ;
			// Transform back from F(phi_t) to phi_t
			fftw_execute(planBack) ;
			// Multiply by normalisation constant 1/(2N) * (1/(2N)). //
			for (x = 0 ; x < localDimX ; ++x) {
				  for (y = 0 ; y < localDimY ; ++y) {
					  grid->gridPoints[y*localDimX+x] /= (double)(4*globalGridDimX*globalGridDimY) ;
			printSplotData(grid,out) ;
			fprintf(out,"\n\n") ;
		fclose(out) ;
	// Else only evolve until final timestep. //
	else {
		char filename[10] ;
		sprintf(filename, "out%d.txt", rank) ;
		FILE * out = fopen(filename, "w") ;
		// Advance transformed F(phi_0) to F(phi_t_final)
		for (kx = 0 ; kx < localDimX ; ++kx) {
			for (ky = 0 ; ky < localDimY ; ++ky) {
				ptrdiff_t globalky = ky+globalOffset ;
				gridPointsTrTimeT[ky*localDimX+kx] = gridPointsTrTime0[ky*localDimX+kx]*exp(-PI*PI*finalTime*(kx*kx + globalky*globalky)) ;
		// Transform back from F(phi_t) to phi_t
		fftw_execute(planBack) ;
		// Multiply by normalisation constant 1/(2N) * (1/(2N)). //
		for (x = 0 ; x < localDimX ; ++x) {
			  for (y = 0 ; y < localDimY ; ++y) {
				  grid->gridPoints[y*localDimX+x] /= (double)(4*globalGridDimX*globalGridDimY) ;
		printSplotData(grid,out) ;
		fclose(out) ;

	// Clean up resources. //
	fftw_free(gridPointsTrTime0) ;
	fftw_free(gridPointsTrTimeT) ;
}		/* -----  end of function simulateGrid  ----- */
예제 #17
plggdn_float *_plggdn_float_alloc_fftw(int N) {
    return fftw_alloc_real(N);