예제 #1
    rsComm_t *rsComm,
    fileChksumInp_t *fileChksumInp,
    char **chksumStr ) {
    int status;
    if ( !*chksumStr ) {
        *chksumStr = ( char* )malloc( sizeof( char ) * NAME_LEN );

    status = fileChksum(
                 *chksumStr );
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_DEBUG,
                 "_rsFileChksum: fileChksum for %s, status = %d",
                 fileChksumInp->fileName, status );
        free( *chksumStr );
        *chksumStr = NULL;

    return status;
예제 #2
bundleAndRegSubFiles( rsComm_t *rsComm, int l1descInx, char *phyBunDir,
                      char *collection, bunReplCacheHeader_t *bunReplCacheHeader, int chksumFlag ) { // JMC - backport 4528
    int status;
    openedDataObjInp_t dataObjCloseInp;
    bunReplCache_t *tmpBunReplCache, *nextBunReplCache;
    regReplica_t regReplicaInp;
    dataObjInp_t dataObjUnlinkInp;
    keyValPair_t regParam; // JMC - backport 4528
    modDataObjMeta_t modDataObjMetaInp; // JMC - backport 4528

    int savedStatus = 0;

    bzero( &dataObjCloseInp, sizeof( dataObjCloseInp ) );
    dataObjCloseInp.l1descInx = l1descInx;
    if ( bunReplCacheHeader->numSubFiles == 0 ) {
        bzero( &dataObjUnlinkInp, sizeof( dataObjUnlinkInp ) );
        rstrcpy( dataObjUnlinkInp.objPath,
                 L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        dataObjUnlinkS( rsComm, &dataObjUnlinkInp,
                        L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo );
        L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 0;
        rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
        bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) );
        return 0;

    status = phyBundle( rsComm, L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo, phyBunDir,
                        collection, CREATE_TAR_OPR ); // JMC - backport 4643
    if ( status < 0 ) {
        rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                 "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsStructFileSync of %s error. stat = %d",
                 L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, status );
        rmLinkedFilesInUnixDir( phyBunDir );
        rmdir( phyBunDir );
        rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
        tmpBunReplCache = bunReplCacheHeader->bunReplCacheHead;
        while ( tmpBunReplCache != NULL ) {
            nextBunReplCache = tmpBunReplCache->next;
            free( tmpBunReplCache );
            tmpBunReplCache = nextBunReplCache; // JMC - backport 4579
        bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) );
        return status;
    else {
        /* mark it was written so the size would be adjusted */
        L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 1;

    /* now register a replica for each subfile */
    tmpBunReplCache = bunReplCacheHeader->bunReplCacheHead;

    if ( tmpBunReplCache == NULL ) {
        rmdir( phyBunDir );
        bzero( &dataObjUnlinkInp, sizeof( dataObjUnlinkInp ) );
        rstrcpy( dataObjUnlinkInp.objPath,
                 L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        dataObjUnlinkS( rsComm, &dataObjUnlinkInp,
                        L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo );
        L1desc[l1descInx].bytesWritten = 0;
        rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
        bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) );
        return 0;

    bzero( &regReplicaInp, sizeof( regReplicaInp ) );
    regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo = ( dataObjInfo_t* )malloc( sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) );
    regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo = ( dataObjInfo_t* )malloc( sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) );
    bzero( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo, sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) );
    bzero( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo, sizeof( dataObjInfo_t ) );
    addKeyVal( &regReplicaInp.condInput, ADMIN_KW, "" );
    rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescName, BUNDLE_RESC, NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->filePath,
             L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescHier,
             L1desc[l1descInx].dataObjInfo->rescHier, MAX_NAME_LEN );
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
    // JMC - backport 4528
    if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) {
        bzero( &modDataObjMetaInp, sizeof( modDataObjMetaInp ) );
        bzero( &regParam, sizeof( regParam ) );
        modDataObjMetaInp.dataObjInfo = regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo;
        modDataObjMetaInp.regParam = &regParam;
    // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-

    /* close here because dataObjInfo is still being used */

    rsDataObjClose( rsComm, &dataObjCloseInp );
    while ( tmpBunReplCache != NULL ) {
        char subPhyPath[MAX_NAME_LEN];

        nextBunReplCache = tmpBunReplCache->next;
        /* rm the hard link here */
        snprintf( subPhyPath, MAX_NAME_LEN, "%s/%lld", phyBunDir,
                  tmpBunReplCache->dataId );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // JMC - backport 4528
        if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) {
            status = fileChksum( rsComm, regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->filePath,
                                 subPhyPath, regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->rescHier, 0, tmpBunReplCache->chksumStr );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                savedStatus = status;
                rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: fileChksum error for %s", tmpBunReplCache->objPath );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        unlink( subPhyPath );
        /* register the replica */
        rstrcpy( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->objPath,
                 tmpBunReplCache->objPath, MAX_NAME_LEN );
        regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->dataId =
            regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo->dataId =
        regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo->replNum = tmpBunReplCache->srcReplNum;
        status = rsRegReplica( rsComm, &regReplicaInp );
        if ( status < 0 ) {
            savedStatus = status;
            rodsLog( LOG_ERROR,
                     "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsRegReplica error for %s. stat = %d",
                     tmpBunReplCache->objPath, status );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        // JMC - backport 4528
        if ( chksumFlag != 0 ) {
            addKeyVal( &regParam, CHKSUM_KW, tmpBunReplCache->chksumStr );
            // avoid triggering file operations
            addKeyVal( &regParam, IN_PDMO_KW, "" );
            status = rsModDataObjMeta( rsComm, &modDataObjMetaInp );
            clearKeyVal( &regParam );
            if ( status < 0 ) {
                savedStatus = status;
                rodsLogError( LOG_ERROR, status, "bundleAndRegSubFiles: rsModDataObjMeta error for %s.", tmpBunReplCache->objPath );
        // =-=-=-=-=-=-=-
        free( tmpBunReplCache );
        tmpBunReplCache = nextBunReplCache;
    clearKeyVal( &regReplicaInp.condInput );
    free( regReplicaInp.srcDataObjInfo );
    free( regReplicaInp.destDataObjInfo );
    bzero( bunReplCacheHeader, sizeof( bunReplCacheHeader_t ) );
    rmdir( phyBunDir );

    if ( status >= 0 && savedStatus < 0 ) {
        return savedStatus;
    else {
        return status;