/* * Write text to the given file and apply line-wrapping. * * Hook function for text_out(). Make sure that text_out_file points * to an open text-file. * * Long lines will be wrapped at text_out_wrap, or at column 75 if that * is not set; or at a newline character. Note that punctuation can * sometimes be placed one column beyond the wrap limit. * * You must be careful to end all file output with a newline character * to "flush" the stored line position. */ void text_out_to_file(byte a, const char *str) { const char *s; char buf[1024]; /* Current position on the line */ static int pos = 0; /* Wrap width */ int wrap = (text_out_wrap ? text_out_wrap : 75); /* Unused parameter */ (void)a; /* Copy to a rewriteable string */ my_strcpy(buf, str, 1024); /* Current location within "buf" */ s = buf; /* Process the string */ while (*s) { int n = 0; int len = wrap - pos; int l_space = -1; /* In case we are already past the wrap point (which can happen with * punctuation at the end of the line), make sure we don't overrun. */ if (len < 0) len = 0; /* If we are at the start of the line... */ if (pos == 0) { int i; /* Output the indent */ for (i = 0; i < text_out_indent; i++) { file_writec(text_out_file, ' '); pos++; } } /* Find length of line up to next newline or end-of-string */ while ((n < len) && !((s[n] == '\n') || (s[n] == '\0'))) { /* Mark the most recent space in the string */ if (s[n] == ' ') l_space = n; /* Increment */ n++; } /* If we have encountered no spaces */ if ((l_space == -1) && (n == len)) { /* If we are at the start of a new line */ if (pos == text_out_indent) { len = n; } /* HACK - Output punctuation at the end of the line */ else if ((s[0] == ' ') || (s[0] == ',') || (s[0] == '.')) { len = 1; } else { /* Begin a new line */ file_writec(text_out_file, '\n'); /* Reset */ pos = 0; continue; } } else { /* Wrap at the newline */ if ((s[n] == '\n') || (s[n] == '\0')) len = n; /* Wrap at the last space */ else len = l_space; } /* Write that line to file */ file_write(text_out_file, s, len); pos += len; /* Move 's' past the stuff we've written */ s += len; /* If we are at the end of the string, end */ if (*s == '\0') return; /* Skip newlines */ if (*s == '\n') s++; /* Begin a new line */ file_writec(text_out_file, '\n'); /* Reset */ pos = 0; /* Skip whitespace */ while (*s == ' ') s++; } /* We are done */ return; }
/* * Write text to the given file and apply line-wrapping. * * Hook function for text_out(). Make sure that text_out_file points * to an open text-file. * * Long lines will be wrapped at text_out_wrap, or at column 75 if that * is not set; or at a newline character. Note that punctuation can * sometimes be placed one column beyond the wrap limit. * * You must be careful to end all file output with a newline character * to "flush" the stored line position. */ void text_out_to_file(byte a, const char *str) { const char *s; char buf[1024]; /* Current position on the line */ static int pos = 0; /* Wrap width */ int wrap = (text_out_wrap ? text_out_wrap : 75); /* We use either ascii or system-specific encoding */ int encoding = OPT(xchars_to_file) ? SYSTEM_SPECIFIC : ASCII; /* Unused parameter */ (void)a; /* Copy to a rewriteable string */ my_strcpy(buf, str, 1024); /* Translate it to 7-bit ASCII or system-specific format */ xstr_trans(buf, encoding); /* Current location within "buf" */ s = buf; /* Process the string */ while (*s) { char ch; int n = 0; int len = wrap - pos; int l_space = -1; /* If we are at the start of the line... */ if (pos == 0) { int i; /* Output the indent */ for (i = 0; i < text_out_indent; i++) { file_writec(text_out_file, ' '); pos++; } } /* Find length of line up to next newline or end-of-string */ while ((n < len) && !((s[n] == '\n') || (s[n] == '\0'))) { /* Mark the most recent space in the string */ if (s[n] == ' ') l_space = n; /* Increment */ n++; } /* If we have encountered no spaces */ if ((l_space == -1) && (n == len)) { /* If we are at the start of a new line */ if (pos == text_out_indent) { len = n; } /* HACK - Output punctuation at the end of the line */ else if ((s[0] == ' ') || (s[0] == ',') || (s[0] == '.')) { len = 1; } else { /* Begin a new line */ file_writec(text_out_file, '\n'); /* Reset */ pos = 0; continue; } } else { /* Wrap at the newline */ if ((s[n] == '\n') || (s[n] == '\0')) len = n; /* Wrap at the last space */ else len = l_space; } /* Write that line to file */ for (n = 0; n < len; n++) { /* Ensure the character is printable */ ch = (my_isprint((unsigned char) s[n]) ? s[n] : ' '); /* Write out the character */ file_writec(text_out_file, ch); /* Increment */ pos++; } /* Move 's' past the stuff we've written */ s += len; /* If we are at the end of the string, end */ if (*s == '\0') return; /* Skip newlines */ if (*s == '\n') s++; /* Begin a new line */ file_writec(text_out_file, '\n'); /* Reset */ pos = 0; /* Skip whitespace */ while (*s == ' ') s++; } /* We are done */ return; }
void vm_process(VM *vm) { int a, b, opcode; opcode = vm->image[vm->ip]; switch(opcode) { case VM_NOP: break; case VM_LIT: vm->sp++; vm->ip++; TOS = vm->image[vm->ip]; break; case VM_DUP: vm->sp++; vm->data[vm->sp] = NOS; break; case VM_DROP: DROP break; case VM_SWAP: a = TOS; TOS = NOS; NOS = a; break; case VM_PUSH: vm->rsp++; TORS = TOS; DROP break; case VM_POP: vm->sp++; TOS = TORS; vm->rsp--; break; case VM_CALL: vm->ip++; vm->rsp++; TORS = vm->ip; vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; if (vm->ip < 0) vm->ip = IMAGE_SIZE; else { if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; } break; case VM_JUMP: vm->ip++; vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; if (vm->ip < 0) vm->ip = IMAGE_SIZE; else { if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; } break; case VM_RETURN: vm->ip = TORS; vm->rsp--; break; case VM_GT_JUMP: vm->ip++; if(NOS > TOS) vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; DROP DROP break; case VM_LT_JUMP: vm->ip++; if(NOS < TOS) vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; DROP DROP break; case VM_NE_JUMP: vm->ip++; if(TOS != NOS) vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; DROP DROP break; case VM_EQ_JUMP: vm->ip++; if(TOS == NOS) vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; DROP DROP break; case VM_FETCH: TOS = vm->image[TOS]; break; case VM_STORE: vm->image[TOS] = NOS; DROP DROP break; case VM_ADD: NOS += TOS; DROP break; case VM_SUB: NOS -= TOS; DROP break; case VM_MUL: NOS *= TOS; DROP break; case VM_DIVMOD: a = TOS; b = NOS; TOS = b / a; NOS = b % a; break; case VM_AND: a = TOS; b = NOS; DROP TOS = a & b; break; case VM_OR: a = TOS; b = NOS; DROP TOS = a | b; break; case VM_XOR: a = TOS; b = NOS; DROP TOS = a ^ b; break; case VM_SHL: a = TOS; b = NOS; DROP TOS = b << a; break; case VM_SHR: a = TOS; b = NOS; DROP TOS = b >>= a; break; case VM_ZERO_EXIT: if (TOS == 0) { DROP vm->ip = TORS; vm->rsp--; } break; case VM_INC: TOS += 1; break; case VM_DEC: TOS -= 1; break; case VM_IN: a = TOS; TOS = vm->ports[a]; vm->ports[a] = 0; break; case VM_OUT: vm->ports[0] = 0; vm->ports[TOS] = NOS; DROP DROP break; case VM_WAIT: if (vm->ports[0] == 1) break; /* Input */ if (vm->ports[0] == 0 && vm->ports[1] == 1) { vm->ports[1] = dev_getch(); vm->ports[0] = 1; } /* Output (character generator) */ if (vm->ports[2] == 1) { dev_putch(TOS); DROP vm->ports[2] = 0; vm->ports[0] = 1; } if (vm->ports[4] != 0) { vm->ports[0] = 1; switch (vm->ports[4]) { case 1: vm_save_image(vm, vm->filename); vm->ports[4] = 0; break; case 2: file_add(vm); vm->ports[4] = 0; break; case -1: vm->ports[4] = file_handle(vm); break; case -2: vm->ports[4] = file_readc(vm); break; case -3: vm->ports[4] = file_writec(vm); break; case -4: vm->ports[4] = file_closehandle(vm); break; case -5: vm->ports[4] = file_getpos(vm); break; case -6: vm->ports[4] = file_seek(vm); break; case -7: vm->ports[4] = file_size(vm); break; default: vm->ports[4] = 0; } } /* Capabilities */ if (vm->ports[5] != 0) { vm->ports[0] = 1; switch(vm->ports[5]) { case -1: vm->ports[5] = IMAGE_SIZE; break; case -2: vm->ports[5] = 0; break; case -3: vm->ports[5] = 0; break; case -4: vm->ports[5] = 0; break; case -5: vm->ports[5] = vm->sp; break; case -6: vm->ports[5] = vm->rsp; break; case -7: vm->ports[5] = 0; break; case -8: vm->ports[5] = time(NULL); break; case -9: vm->ports[5] = 0; vm->ip = IMAGE_SIZE; break; default: vm->ports[5] = 0; } } if (vm->ports[8] != 0) { vm->ports[0] = 1; switch (vm->ports[8]) { case -1: rsocket(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -2: rbind(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -3: rlisten(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -4: raccept(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -5: rclose(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -6: rsend(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -7: rrecv(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; case -8: rconnect(vm); vm->ports[8] = 0; break; default: vm->ports[8] = 0; } vm->ports[8] = 0; } break; default: vm->rsp++; TORS = vm->ip; vm->ip = vm->image[vm->ip] - 1; if (vm->ip < 0) vm->ip = IMAGE_SIZE; else { if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; if (vm->image[vm->ip+1] == 0) vm->ip++; } break; } vm->ports[3] = 1; }
/* * Write out `n' of the character `c' to the spoiler file */ static void spoiler_out_n_chars(int n, char c) { while (--n >= 0) file_writec(fh, c); }