예제 #1
static  void    gml_ixxx_common( const gmltag * entry, int hx_lvl )
    bool          idseen;
    bool          refidseen;
    bool          seeseen;
    bool          seeidseen;
    bool          pgseen;
    bool          printseen;
    char      *   p;
    ereftyp       pgvalue;
    char      *   pgtext;
    size_t        pgtextlen;
    size_t        printtxtlen;
    size_t        seetextlen;
    char      *   printtxt;
    char      *   seetext;
    ref_entry *   refwork;

    ref_entry     reid;
    ref_entry *   rewk;

    ref_entry     refid;
    ref_entry *   refwk;

    ref_entry     reseeid;
    ref_entry *   rswk;

    ix_h_blk  *   ihm1;
    ix_e_blk  *   ixewk;
    ix_e_blk  *   ixewksav;
    ix_h_blk  *   ixhwk;
    ix_h_blk  * * ixhwork;
    uint32_t      wkpage;
    size_t        txtlen;
    char      *   txt;
    char          hxstring[TAG_NAME_LENGTH +1];
    char          lvlc;

    if( !GlobalFlags.index ) {          // index option not active
        scan_start = scan_stop + 1;     // ignore tag
    lvlc = '0' + (char)hx_lvl;
    *hxstring = GML_char;         // construct tagname for possible error msg
    strcpy_s( (hxstring + 1), TAG_NAME_LENGTH, entry->tagname );

    if( (hxstring[2] == lvlc) &&        // :Ix tags not allowed before :GDOC
        !((ProcFlags.doc_sect >= doc_sect_gdoc) ||
        (ProcFlags.doc_sect_nxt >= doc_sect_gdoc)) ) {

        g_err( err_tag_before_gdoc, hxstring );
        scan_start = scan_stop + 1;

    if( hx_lvl > 1 ) {          // test for missing previous parent index tag
        if( ixhtag[hx_lvl - 1] == NULL ) {
            g_err( err_parent_undef );
            scan_start = scan_stop + 1;

    idseen    = false;
    pgseen    = false;
    refidseen = false;
    printseen = false;
    seeseen   = false;
    seeidseen = false;

    ixewk     = NULL;
    pgvalue   = pgnone;
    pgtext    = NULL;
    pgtextlen = 0;
    printtxt  = NULL;
    printtxtlen = 0;
    seetext   = NULL;

    wkpage    = page + 1;
    p         = scan_start;
    ProcFlags.tag_end_found = false;

    /*  Scan attributes  for :Ix  :IHx :IREF                               */
    /*                                                                     */
    /*  id=                                                                */
    /*  refid=                                                             */
    /*  pg=                                                                */
    /*  print=                                                             */
    /*  see=                                                               */
    /*  seeid=                                                             */

    for( ;; ) {
        if( ProcFlags.tag_end_found ) {
        while( is_space_tab_char( *p ) ) {
        if( *p == '.'  ) {
            ProcFlags.tag_end_found = true;
        if( *p == '\0' ) {

        /*  ID='xxxxxxxx'   for :Ix :IHx                                   */

        if( !strnicmp( "id", p, 2 ) ) {
            p += 2;
            p = get_refid_value( p );
            if( (val_start != NULL) && (val_len > 0) ) {
                if( hx_lvl > 0 ) {      // :Ix :IHx
                    idseen = true;      // id attribute found
                    init_ref_entry( &reid, val_start, val_len );
                    rewk = find_refid( iref_dict, reid.id );
                    if( rewk != NULL ) {
                        if( rewk->lineno != reid.lineno ) {
                            g_err( inf_id_duplicate );
                            scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
                } else {                // not allowed for :IREF
                    g_err( err_refid_not_allowed, hxstring );
                    scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
            scan_start = p;

        /*  REFID='xxxxxxxx'  for :IREF :I2 :I3                            */

        if( !strnicmp( "refid", p, 5 ) ) {
            p += 5;
            p = get_refid_value( p );
            if( val_start != NULL && val_len > 0 ) {
                if( (hx_lvl == 0) || ((hx_lvl > 1) && (hxstring[2] == lvlc)) ) {
                    fill_id( &refid, val_start, val_len );
                    refidseen = true;   // refid attribute found
                    refwk = find_refid( iref_dict, refid.id );
                    if( refwk == NULL ) {   // refid not in dict
                        if( GlobalFlags.lastpass ) {// this is an error
                            g_err( inf_id_unknown );// during lastpass
                            scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
                } else {                // not allowed for :I1 and :IHx
                    g_err( err_refid_not_allowed, hxstring );
                    scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
            scan_start = p;

        /*  PG=          for :IREF :Ix                                     */

        if( !strnicmp( "pg", p, 2 ) ) {
            p += 2;
            p = get_att_value( p );

            scan_start = p;
            if( val_start == NULL || val_len == 0 ) {   // no valid pg
                continue;               // ignore

            if( quote_char == '\0' ) {  // value not quoted
                if( !strnicmp( "start", val_start, 5 ) ) {
                    pgvalue = pgstart;
                } else if( !strnicmp( "end", val_start, 3 ) ) {
                    pgvalue = pgend;
                } else if( !strnicmp( "major", val_start, 5 ) ) {
                    pgvalue = pgmajor;
                } else {
                    continue;           // ignore
            } else {
                pgvalue = pgstring;
                pgtext = mem_alloc( val_len + 1 );
                strncpy( pgtext, val_start, val_len );// use text instead of pageno
                *(pgtext + val_len) = '\0';
                pgtextlen = val_len;
            pgseen = true;

        /*  PRINT=    for :IHx                                             */

        if( !strnicmp( "print", p, 5 ) ) {
            p += 5;
            p = get_att_value( p );

            scan_start = p;
            if( val_start == NULL || val_len == 0 ) {
                continue;               // ignore
            printtxt = mem_alloc( val_len + 1 );
            printtxtlen = val_len;
            strncpy( printtxt, val_start, val_len );
            *(printtxt + val_len) = '\0';
            printseen = true;

        /*  SEE='xxxxxxxx'  for :IREF :IH1 :IH2                            */

        if( !strnicmp( "see", p, 3 ) ) {

            p += 3;
            p = get_att_value( p );

            scan_start = p;
            if( (val_start != NULL) || val_len > 0 ) {
                if( hx_lvl == 0  ||
                    ((hx_lvl < 3) && (hxstring[3] == lvlc)) ) {// :IREF :IH1 :IH2
                    seetext = mem_alloc( val_len +1 );
                    strncpy( seetext, val_start, val_len );
                    *(seetext + val_len) = '\0';
                    seetextlen = val_len;
                    seeseen = true;
                } else {                // not allowed for :IH3, :Ix
                    g_err( err_refid_not_allowed, hxstring );
                    scan_start = scan_stop + 1;

        /*  SEEID='xxxxxxxx'  for :IREF :IH1 :IH2                          */

        if( !strnicmp( "seeid", p, 5 ) ) {
            p += 5;
            p = get_refid_value( p );
            if( (val_start != NULL) && (val_len > 0) ) {
                if( (hx_lvl <= 3) && (hxstring[3] == lvlc) ) {
                    seeidseen = true;
                    fill_id( &reseeid, val_start, val_len );// copy lower id
                    rswk = find_refid( iref_dict, reseeid.id );
                    if( rswk == NULL ) {// not in dict, this is an error
                        if( GlobalFlags.lastpass ) {  // during lastpass
                            g_err( inf_id_unknown );
                            scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
                } else {                // not allowed for :IH3, :Ix :IREF
                    g_err( err_refid_not_allowed, hxstring );
                    scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
            scan_start = p;

        /* no more valid attributes                                        */

    if( ProcFlags.tag_end_found ) {     // tag end ?
        if( hx_lvl > 0 ) {              // we need a text line for :Ix :IHx
            if( !*p ) {
                get_line( true );
                p = buff2;

    /* process the found attributes and the text line                      */
    txt = p;
    txtlen = strlen( p );

    if( !pgseen ) {
        pgvalue = pgpageno;             // set default

    if( hx_lvl == 0 ) {                 // :IREF tag

    /* processing for :IREF                                                */

        if( !refidseen ) {              // refid= missing
            g_err( err_att_missing );
            scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
        if( GlobalFlags.lastpass ) {
            if( refidseen && (refwk != NULL) ) {
                ixhwk = refwk->u.refb.hblk;
            } else {
                ixhwk = ixhtag[hx_lvl];

            /* create index entry with page no / text                      */
            if( ixhwk->entry == NULL ) {    // first entry
                ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgvalue, pgtext, pgtextlen );
            } else {
                if( pgvalue == pgmajor ) {  // major becomes first in chain
                    ixewksav = ixhwk->entry;
                    ixhwk->entry = NULL;
                    ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                           pgtext, pgtextlen );
                    ixewk->next = ixewksav;
                } else {
                    ixewk = ixhwk->entry;
                    if( pgvalue < pgstring ) {  // pageno variants
                        if( ixewk->entry_typ < pgstring ) {
                            while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {// insert before pgstring
                                if( ixewk->next->entry_typ >= pgstring ) {
                                ixewk = ixewk->next;
                        } else {
                            ixewksav = ixhwk->entry;
                            ixhwk->entry = NULL;
                            ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk,
                                                   pgvalue, pgtext, pgtextlen );
                            ixewk->next = ixewksav;
                        if( ixewk->u.page_no != wkpage ) {
                            ixewksav = ixewk->next;
                            ixewk->next = NULL;
                            ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                                   pgtext, pgtextlen );
                            ixewk->next = ixewksav;
                    } else {
                        while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {  // find last entry
                            ixewk = ixewk->next;
                        ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                               pgtext, pgtextlen );
    } else                              // :Ix :IHx tags

    if( ((hxstring[2] == lvlc) ) ) {    // test for :Ix

    /* processing for :Ix                                                  */

        switch( hx_lvl ) {              // processing for :I1 :I2 :I3
        case 1 :
            ixhwork = &index_dict;
            ixhwk = find_create_ix_h_entry( ixhwork, &printtxt, printtxtlen,
                                            txt, txtlen, hx_lvl );
            printtxt = NULL;
            ixhtag[hx_lvl] = ixhwk;
        case 2 :
        case 3 :
            ihm1 = ixhtag[hx_lvl - 1];
            if( refidseen && (refwk != NULL) ) {
                if( hx_lvl > refwk->u.refb.hblk->ix_lvl ) {
                    ixhwork = &(refwk->u.refb.hblk->lower);
                } else {
                    ixhwork = &(refwk->u.refb.hblk);
            } else {
                ixhwork = &(ixhtag[hx_lvl - 1]->lower);
            ixhwk = find_create_ix_h_entry( ixhwork, &printtxt, printtxtlen,
                                            txt, txtlen, hx_lvl );
            printtxt = NULL;
            if( !refidseen ) {
                ixhtag[hx_lvl] = ixhwk;

        /* create index entry with page no / text                          */
        if( ixhwk->entry == NULL ) {    // first entry
            ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgvalue, pgtext,
                                   pgtextlen );
        } else {
            if( pgvalue == pgmajor ) {  // major becomes first in chain
                ixewksav = ixhwk->entry;
                ixhwk->entry = NULL;
                ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgvalue, pgtext,
                                       pgtextlen );
                ixewk->next = ixewksav;
            } else {
                ixewk = ixhwk->entry;
                if( pgvalue < pgstring ) {  // pageno variants
                    if( ixewk->entry_typ < pgstring ) {
                        while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {// insert before pgstring
                            if( ixewk->next->entry_typ >= pgstring ) {
                            ixewk = ixewk->next;
                    } else {
                        ixewksav = ixhwk->entry;
                        ixhwk->entry = NULL;
                        ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk,
                                               pgvalue, pgtext, pgtextlen );
                        ixewk->next = ixewksav;
                    if( ixewk->u.page_no != wkpage ) {
                        ixewksav = ixewk->next;
                        ixewk->next = NULL;
                        ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                               pgtext, pgtextlen );
                        ixewk->next = ixewksav;
                } else {
                    while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {  // find last entry
                        ixewk = ixewk->next;
                    ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgvalue, pgtext,
                                           pgtextlen );
    } else                              // :IHx

    if( ((hxstring[3] == lvlc) ) ) {    // test for :IHx

    /* processing for :IHx                                                 */

        switch( hx_lvl ) {              // processing for :IH1 :IH2 :IH3
        case 1 :
            ixhwork = &index_dict;
            ixhwk = find_create_ix_h_entry( ixhwork, &printtxt, printtxtlen,
                                            txt, txtlen, hx_lvl );
            printtxt = NULL;
            ixhtag[hx_lvl] = ixhwk;
        case 2 :
        case 3 :
            ihm1 = ixhtag[hx_lvl - 1];
            ixhwork = &(ixhtag[hx_lvl - 1]->lower);
            ixhwk = find_create_ix_h_entry( ixhwork, &printtxt, printtxtlen,
                                            txt, txtlen, hx_lvl );
            printtxt = NULL;
            ixhtag[hx_lvl] = ixhwk;
        if( seeseen ) {
            pgvalue = pgsee;
            if( ixhwk->entry == NULL ) {
                ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                       seetext, seetextlen );
            } else {
                ixewk = ixhwk->entry;
                while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {  // find last entry
                    ixewk = ixewk->next;
                ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgvalue,
                                       seetext, seetextlen );
        } else {
            if( seeidseen ) {
                ix_e_blk  * * anchor;

                pgvalue = pgsee;
                if( ixhwk->entry == NULL ) {
                    anchor = &(ixhwk->entry);
                } else {
                    ixewk = ixhwk->entry;
                    while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {  // find last entry
                        ixewk = ixewk->next;
                    anchor = &(ixewk->next);
                if( rswk->u.refb.hblk->prt_term != NULL ) {
                    ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( anchor, ixhwk,
                                           pgvalue, rswk->u.refb.hblk->prt_term,
                                           rswk->u.refb.hblk->prt_term_len );
                } else {
                    ixewk = fill_ix_e_blk( anchor, ixhwk,
                                           pgvalue, rswk->u.refb.hblk->ix_term,
                                           rswk->u.refb.hblk->ix_term_len );
    if( idseen ) {                 // ID specified create reference entry
        reid.u.refb.hblk = ixhwk;
        reid.u.refb.eblk = ixewk;
        reid.flags = rf_ix;
        refwork = mem_alloc( sizeof( reid ) );
        memcpy( refwork, &reid, sizeof( reid ) );
        add_ref_entry( &iref_dict, refwork );

    if( pgtext != NULL ) {
        mem_free( pgtext );
    if( printtxt != NULL ) {
        mem_free( printtxt );
    if( seetext != NULL ) {
        mem_free( seetext );
    scan_start = scan_stop + 1;
예제 #2
void    scr_ix( void )
    condcode        cc;                 // resultcode from getarg()
    static char     cwcurr[4] = {" ix"};// control word string for errmsg
    int             lvl;              // max index level in control word data
    int             k;
    int             comp_len;// compare length for searching existing entries
    int             comp_res;           // compare result
    char        *   ix[3];              // index string(s) to add
    uint32_t        ixlen[3];           // corresponding lengths
    ix_h_blk    * * ixhwork;            // anchor point for insert
    ix_h_blk    *   ixhwk;              // index block
    ix_h_blk    *   ixhcurr[3];         // active index heading block per lvl
    ix_e_blk    *   ixewk;              // index entry block
    bool            do_nothing;         // true if index string duplicate
    uint32_t        wkpage;

    scan_restart = scan_stop + 1;

    if( !(GlobalFlags.index && GlobalFlags.lastpass) ) {
        return;                         // no need to process .ix
    }                                   // no index wanted or not lastpass
    cwcurr[0] = SCR_char;
    lvl = 0;                            // index level

//  if( ProcFlags.page_started ) {
//      wkpage = page;
//  } else {
    wkpage = page + 1;              // not quite clear TBD
//  }

    garginit();                         // over control word

    while( lvl < 3 ) {                  // try to get 3 lvls of index

        cc = getarg();

        if( cc == omit || cc == quotes0 ) { // no (more) arguments
            if( lvl == 0 ) {
                parm_miss_err( cwcurr );
            } else {
        } else {
            if( *tok_start == '.' && arg_flen == 1  ) {
                if( lvl > 0 ) {
                    xx_opt_err( cwcurr, tok_start );
                    break;             // .ix s1 s2 . ref format not supprted
                cc = getarg();
                if( cc == pos || cc == quotes ) {   // .ix . dump ???
                    if( arg_flen == 4 ) {
                        if( !strnicmp( tok_start, "DUMP", 4 ) ) {

                            ixdump( index_dict );

                    xx_opt_err( cwcurr, tok_start );// unknown option
                } else {
                    parm_miss_err( cwcurr );
                break;                  // no index entry text
            ix[lvl] = tok_start;
            *(tok_start + arg_flen) = 0;
            ixlen[lvl] = arg_flen;
    cc = getarg();
    /*  The docu says .ix "I1" "I2" "I3" "extra" is invalid, but WGML4 accepts */
    /*  it without error and processes it like the :I3 pg="extra" attribute    */
//  if( cc != omit ) {
//      parm_extra_err( cwcurr, tok_start - (cc == quotes) );
//      return;
//  }

    if( lvl > 0 ) {                     // we have at least one index string

        ixhwork = &index_dict;
        for( k = 0; k < lvl; ++k ) {
            do_nothing = false;
            while( *ixhwork != NULL ) { // find alfabetic point to insert
                comp_len = ixlen[k];
                if( comp_len > (*ixhwork)->ix_term_len )
                    comp_len = (*ixhwork)->ix_term_len;
                comp_res = strnicmp( ix[k], (*ixhwork)->ix_term, comp_len );
                if( comp_res > 0 ) {    // new is later in alfabet
                    ixhwork = &((*ixhwork)->next);
                if( comp_res == 0 ) {   // equal
                    if( ixlen[k] == (*ixhwork)->ix_term_len ) {
                        do_nothing = true;
                        break;          // entry already there
                    if( ixlen[k] > (*ixhwork)->ix_term_len ) {
                        ixhwork = &((*ixhwork)->next);
                        continue;       // new is longer
                break;                  // insert point reached
            if( !do_nothing ) {
                // insert point reached
                ixhwk = mem_alloc( sizeof( ix_h_blk ) );
                ixhwk->next  = *ixhwork;
                ixhwk->ix_lvl= k + 1;
                ixhwk->lower = NULL;
                ixhwk->entry = NULL;
                ixhwk->prt_term = NULL;
                ixhwk->prt_term_len = 0;
                ixhwk->ix_term_len   = ixlen[k];
                ixhwk->ix_term = mem_alloc( ixlen[k] + 1 );
                strcpy_s( ixhwk->ix_term, ixlen[k] + 1, ix[k] );
                *ixhwork = ixhwk;
            } else {            // string already in dictionary at this level
                ixhwk = *ixhwork;
            ixhcurr[lvl] = ixhwk;
            if( k < lvl ) {
                ixhwork = &(ixhwk->lower); // next lower level

        // now add the pageno to index entry
        if( ixhwk->entry == NULL ) {    // first pageno for entry

            /*  The docu says .ix "I1" "I2" "I3" "extra" is invalid, but WGML4 accepts */
            /*  it without error and processes it like the :I3 pg="extra" attribute    */
            /*  try to process the extra parm                                          */
            if( cc != omit ) {
                *(tok_start + arg_flen) = 0;
                fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgstring, tok_start, arg_flen );
            } else {
                fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixhwk->entry), ixhwk, pgpageno, NULL, 0 );
        } else {
            ixewk = ixhwk->entry;
            while( ixewk->next != NULL ) {  // find last entry
                ixewk = ixewk->next;
            if( (ixewk->entry_typ >= pgstring) || (ixewk->page_no != wkpage) ) {
                // if last entry doesn't point to current page create entry
                if( cc != omit ) {
                    *(tok_start + arg_flen) = 0;
                    fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgstring, tok_start, arg_flen );
                } else {
                    fill_ix_e_blk( &(ixewk->next), ixhwk, pgpageno, NULL, 0 );