tmp<volScalarField> constantRadiation::Shs() { tmp<volScalarField> tShs ( volScalarField::New ( typeName + ":Shs", film().regionMesh(), dimensionedScalar(dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0) ) ); const scalar time = film().time().value(); if ((time >= timeStart_) && (time <= timeStart_ + duration_)) { scalarField& Shs = tShs.ref(); const scalarField& qr = qrConst_; const scalarField& alpha = filmModel_.alpha(); Shs = mask_*qr*alpha*absorptivity_; } return tShs; }
void ossimBuckeyeSensor::imagingRay(const ossimDpt& image_point, ossimEcefRay& image_ray) const { if(traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimBuckeyeSensor::imagingRay: ..... entered" << std::endl; ossimDpt f1 ((image_point) - theRefImgPt); f1.x *= thePixelSize.x; f1.y *= -thePixelSize.y; ossimDpt film (f1 - thePrincipalPoint); if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "pixel size = " << thePixelSize << std::endl; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "principal pt = " << thePrincipalPoint << std::endl; ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "film pt = " << film << std::endl; } if (theLensDistortion.valid()) { ossimDpt filmOut; theLensDistortion->undistort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } ossimColumnVector3d cam_ray_dir (film.x, film.y, -theFocalLength); ossimEcefVector ecf_ray_dir (theCompositeMatrix*cam_ray_dir); ecf_ray_dir = ecf_ray_dir*(1.0/ecf_ray_dir.magnitude()); image_ray.setOrigin(theAdjEcefPlatformPosition); image_ray.setDirection(ecf_ray_dir); if(traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimBuckeyeSensor::imagingRay: ..... leaving" << std::endl; }
void ossimSpectraboticsRedEdgeModel::imagingRay(const ossimDpt& image_point, ossimEcefRay& image_ray) const { if(traceDebug()) { ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "ossimSpectraboticsRedEdgeModel::imagingRay: ..... entered" << std::endl; } ossimDpt film (image_point.x-m_calibratedCenter.x, m_calibratedCenter.y - image_point.y); //- theRefImgPt); // ossimDpt film (image_point-m_calibratedCenter); //- theRefImgPt); if(m_lensDistortion.valid()) { ossimDpt tempFilm(film.x/m_norm, film.y/m_norm); ossimDpt filmOut; m_lensDistortion->undistort(tempFilm, filmOut); film.x = filmOut.x*m_norm; film.y = filmOut.y*m_norm; } film.x *= m_pixelSize.x; // pixel size on the film film.y *= m_pixelSize.y; // pixel size on the film ossimColumnVector3d cam_ray_dir (film.x, film.y, -m_focalLength); ossimEcefVector ecf_ray_dir (m_compositeMatrix*cam_ray_dir); ecf_ray_dir = ecf_ray_dir*(1.0/ecf_ray_dir.magnitude()); image_ray.setOrigin(m_adjEcefPlatformPosition); image_ray.setDirection(ecf_ray_dir); }
double FilmMinimizerTM::func(const gsl_vector * x, void * params) { double ret=100; int status; FilmFuncParams* p=(FilmFuncParams*)params; double &n1=p->n1, &n3=p->n3, &k=p->k, *bettaexp=p->bettaexp; FilmParams film(x); DispEqTMSolver Solver(DispEqTMFuncParams(n1, film.n, n3, k*film.H)); if( (status=Solver.Run(n3,film.n, 1e-6)) ==GSL_SUCCESS) { int i,j,roots_n=Solver.roots.GetSize(),betta_n=Solver.min_roots; double cur_ret; for(i=0;i<=roots_n-betta_n;i++) { cur_ret=0; for(j=0;j<betta_n;j++) { cur_ret+=abs(Solver.roots[j+i]-bettaexp[j]); } if(cur_ret<ret) { ret=cur_ret; p->betta_teor.RemoveAll(); betta_info t; for(j=0;j<betta_n;j++) { t.val=Solver.roots[j+i]; t.n=j+i; p->betta_teor.Add(t); } } } } func_call_cntr+=DispEqTMSolver::func_call_cntr; return ret; }
int Scene::render() { RayTracer raytracer; Camera camera(options); Film film(options); Sampler sampler(options); Sample sample; Ray ray; Color color; while(sampler.generate_sample(sample)) { camera.generate_ray(sample, ray); raytracer.trace(options, ray, color, options.maxdepth); film.commit(sample, color); } return film.write_image(); };
void Scene::render() { Sampler sampler(this->width, this->height); Film film(this->width, this->height); Sample sample; Ray ray; Vector color; while(sampler.getSample(&sample)) { this->camera.generateRay(sample, &ray); this->tracer.trace(ray, &color); film.commit(sample, color); } film.writeImage(this->outputName); film.cleanUp(); }
void ossimSpectraboticsRedEdgeModel::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point, ossimDpt& image_point) const { #if 0 if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&& (!theBoundGndPolygon.hasNans())) { if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point))) { // image_point.makeNan(); // image_point = extrapolate(world_point); // return; } } #endif ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point); ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - m_adjEcefPlatformPosition); ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (m_compositeMatrixInverse*; double scale = -m_focalLength/camRayDir[2]; ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]); film.x /= m_pixelSize.x; // get into pixel coordinates film.y /= m_pixelSize.y; // now distort to find the true image coordinate location if (m_lensDistortion.valid()) { ossimDpt filmOut; film.x /= m_norm; // normalize radial film.y /= m_norm; m_lensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut;//+m_lensDistortion->getCenter(); film.x *= m_norm; film.y *= m_norm; } // invert Y to get back to left handed image space ossimDpt f1(film.x+m_calibratedCenter.x, m_calibratedCenter.y-film.y); image_point = f1; }
tmp<volScalarField> primaryRadiation::Shs() { tmp<volScalarField> tShs ( volScalarField::New ( typeName + ":Shs", film().regionMesh(), dimensionedScalar(dimMass/pow3(dimTime), 0) ) ); scalarField& Shs = tShs.ref(); const scalarField& qinP = qinPrimary_; const scalarField& alpha = filmModel_.alpha(); Shs = qinP*alpha; return tShs; }
int main() { Film film(401, 401); ngl::Vec3 pos(0, 0, 0); ngl::Vec3 lookAt(0, 0, 100); ngl::Vec3 up(0, 1, 0); Camera cam(pos, lookAt, up, 90.0, &film); Ray newRay(ngl::Vec3(0, 0, 0), ngl::Vec3(0, 0, 1)); //cam.generateRay(200, 200, &newRay); std::cout << newRay.m_origin << newRay.m_direction << newRay.m_invDirection << std::endl; IsectData intersection; //; //std::thread task(&Film::show, &film); auto mesh = Meshes::scene1(); auto green = std::make_shared<Material>(); green->m_diffuseColour = SDL_Color{0, 255, 0, 255}; std::shared_ptr<Primative> scenePrim = std::make_shared<GeometricPrim>(mesh, green); Renderer new_renderer(&cam, &film, scenePrim); new_renderer.renderImage(); //task.join();; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point, ossimDpt& image_point) const { if (traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample: entering..." << std::endl; if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&& (!theBoundGndPolygon.hasNans())) { if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point))) { image_point.makeNan(); return; } } ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point); ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - theAdjEcefPlatformPosition); ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (theCompositeMatrixInverse*; double scale = -theFocalLength/camRayDir[2]; ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]); if (theLensDistortion.valid()) { ossimDpt filmOut; theLensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } ossimDpt f1(film + thePrincipalPoint); ossimDpt p1(f1.x/thePixelSize.x, -f1.y/thePixelSize.y); ossimDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x, p1.y + theRefImgPt.y); image_point = p0; if (traceDebug()) ossimNotify(ossimNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG ossimBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample: returning..." << std::endl; }
void rspfBuckeyeSensor::worldToLineSample(const rspfGpt& world_point, rspfDpt& image_point) const { #if 0 if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&& (!theBoundGndPolygon.hasNans())) { if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point))) { image_point.makeNan(); return; } } #endif rspfEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point); rspfEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - m_ecefPlatformPosition); rspfColumnVector3d camRayDir (m_compositeMatrixInverse*; double scale = -m_focalLength/camRayDir[2]; rspfDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]); if (m_lensDistortion.valid()) { rspfDpt filmOut; m_lensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } rspfDpt f1(film + m_principalPoint); rspfDpt p1(f1.x/m_pixelSize.x, -f1.y/m_pixelSize.y); rspfDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x, p1.y + theRefImgPt.y); image_point = p0; }
void rspfApplanixEcefModel::imagingRay(const rspfDpt& image_point, rspfEcefRay& image_ray) const { // if(traceDebug()) // { // rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "rspfApplanixEcefModel::imagingRay: ..... entered" << std::endl; // } rspfDpt f1 ((image_point) - theRefImgPt); f1.x *= thePixelSize.x; f1.y *= -thePixelSize.y; rspfDpt film (f1 - thePrincipalPoint); // if(traceDebug()) // { // rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "pixel size = " << thePixelSize << std::endl; // rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "principal pt = " << thePrincipalPoint << std::endl; // rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "film pt = " << film << std::endl; // } if (theLensDistortion.valid()) { rspfDpt filmOut; theLensDistortion->undistort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } rspfColumnVector3d cam_ray_dir (film.x, film.y, -theFocalLength); rspfEcefVector ecf_ray_dir (theCompositeMatrix*cam_ray_dir); ecf_ray_dir = ecf_ray_dir*(1.0/ecf_ray_dir.magnitude()); image_ray.setOrigin(theAdjEcefPlatformPosition); image_ray.setDirection(ecf_ray_dir); // if(traceDebug()) // { // rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "rspfApplanixEcefModel::imagingRay: ..... leaving" << std::endl; // } }
void rspfBuckeyeSensor::imagingRay(const rspfDpt& image_point, rspfEcefRay& image_ray) const { rspfDpt f1 ((image_point) - theRefImgPt); f1.x *= m_pixelSize.x; f1.y *= -m_pixelSize.y; rspfDpt film (f1 - m_principalPoint); if (m_lensDistortion.valid()) { rspfDpt filmOut; m_lensDistortion->undistort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } rspfColumnVector3d cam_ray_dir (film.x, film.y, -(m_focalLength+computeParameterOffset(6))); rspfEcefVector ecf_ray_dir (m_compositeMatrix*cam_ray_dir); ecf_ray_dir = ecf_ray_dir*(1.0/ecf_ray_dir.magnitude()); image_ray.setOrigin(m_ecefPlatformPosition); image_ray.setDirection(ecf_ray_dir); }
void ossimApplanixUtmModel::worldToLineSample(const ossimGpt& world_point, ossimDpt& image_point) const { if((theBoundGndPolygon.getNumberOfVertices() > 0)&& (!theBoundGndPolygon.hasNans())) { if (!(theBoundGndPolygon.pointWithin(world_point))) { image_point.makeNan(); // image_point = extrapolate(world_point); return; } } ossimEcefPoint g_ecf(world_point); ossimEcefVector ecfRayDir(g_ecf - theAdjEcefPlatformPosition); ossimColumnVector3d camRayDir (theCompositeMatrixInverse*; double scale = -theFocalLength/camRayDir[2]; ossimDpt film (scale*camRayDir[0], scale*camRayDir[1]); if (theLensDistortion.valid()) { ossimDpt filmOut; theLensDistortion->distort(film, filmOut); film = filmOut; } ossimDpt f1(film + thePrincipalPoint); ossimDpt p1(f1.x/thePixelSize.x, -f1.y/thePixelSize.y); ossimDpt p0 (p1.x + theRefImgPt.x, p1.y + theRefImgPt.y); image_point = p0; }
int Filmotheque::charger(string p_fichier) { ifstream fichier(p_fichier.c_str(), ios::in); // on ouvre le fichier en lecture if(fichier) // si l'ouverture a réussi { string ligne; int compteur = 0; string m_titre; bool m_dvd = false; string m_fichier = ""; string m_realisateur = ""; string m_annee = ""; string m_resume = ""; while ( getline( fichier, ligne ) ) { switch (compteur) { case 0: m_titre = ligne; cout << ligne << endl; break; case 1: if (ligne == "dvd") m_dvd = true; else { m_dvd = false; m_fichier = ligne; } cout << ligne << endl; break; case 2: m_realisateur = ligne; cout << ligne << endl; break; case 3: m_annee = ligne; cout << ligne << endl; break; case 4: while (ligne != "**") { m_resume += ligne; getline( fichier, ligne ); if (ligne != "**") m_resume += "\n"; } Film film(m_titre, m_dvd, m_fichier, m_realisateur, m_annee, m_resume); m_filmotheque.push_back(film); m_resume = ""; compteur = -1; cout << ligne << endl; break; } compteur ++; } fichier.close(); // on ferme le fichier return 0; } else // sinon { cerr << "Impossible d'ouvrir le fichier !" << endl; return -1; } }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr, optopt; film f = film (); // Initialize threshold to a sensible default value f.threshold=60; for (;;) { int c = getopt (argc, argv, "?ht:i:o:s:flwvmr"); if (c < 0) { break; } switch (c) { case '?': case 'h': show_help (argv); exit (EXIT_SUCCESS); break; /* choix des thumbs */ case 'f': f.set_first_img(true); break; case 'l': f.set_last_img(true); break; /* generer l'image en resolution native */ case 'r': f.set_shot(true); break; /* generer l'image en miniature */ case 'm': f.set_thumb(true); break; /* generer le xml pour les donnees video */ case 'v': f.set_video(true); break; /* generer le xml pour les donnees audio */ case 'w': f.set_audio(true) ; break; /* Seuil */ case 's': f.set_threshold(atoi (optarg)); break; case 'i': f.set_ipath(optarg); break; case 'o': f.set_opath(optarg); break; default: break; } } /* Traitement des erreurs */ if (f.get_ipath().empty()) { cerr << "Please specify an input file" << endl; show_help (argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (f.get_opath().empty()) { cerr << "Please specify an output path" << endl; show_help (argv); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } xml *x = new xml (&f); f.x = x; f.shotlog("Processing movie."); f.process (); string xml_path = f.global_path; xml_path += "/result.xml"; f.x->write_data (xml_path); string finished_path = f.global_path; finished_path += "/finished"; FILE *fd_finished = fopen(finished_path.c_str(),"w"); fprintf(fd_finished, "0\n"); fclose(fd_finished); exit (0); }
static void run (const gchar *name, gint nparams, const GimpParam *param, gint *nreturn_vals, GimpParam **return_vals) { static GimpParam values[2]; GimpPDBStatusType status = GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS; gint32 image_ID; gint k; INIT_I18N (); run_mode = param[0].data.d_int32; *nreturn_vals = 2; *return_vals = values; values[0].type = GIMP_PDB_STATUS; values[0].data.d_status = status; values[1].type = GIMP_PDB_IMAGE; values[1].data.d_int32 = -1; switch (run_mode) { case GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE: /* Possibly retrieve data */ gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &filmvals); /* First acquire information with a dialog */ if (! film_dialog (param[1].data.d_int32)) return; break; case GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE: /* Make sure all the arguments are there! */ /* Also we want to have some images to compose */ if ((nparams != 12) || (param[10].data.d_int32 < 1)) { status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; } else { filmvals.keep_height = (param[3].data.d_int32 <= 0); filmvals.film_height = (filmvals.keep_height ? 128 : param[3].data.d_int32); filmvals.film_color = param[4].data.d_color; filmvals.number_start = param[5].data.d_int32; g_strlcpy (filmvals.number_font, param[6].data.d_string, FONT_LEN); filmvals.number_color = param[7].data.d_color; filmvals.number_pos[0] = param[8].data.d_int32; filmvals.number_pos[1] = param[9].data.d_int32; filmvals.num_images = param[10].data.d_int32; if (filmvals.num_images > MAX_FILM_PICTURES) filmvals.num_images = MAX_FILM_PICTURES; for (k = 0; k < filmvals.num_images; k++) filmvals.image[k] = param[11].data.d_int32array[k]; } break; case GIMP_RUN_WITH_LAST_VALS: /* Possibly retrieve data */ gimp_get_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &filmvals); break; default: break; } if (! check_filmvals ()) status = GIMP_PDB_CALLING_ERROR; if (status == GIMP_PDB_SUCCESS) { gimp_progress_init (_("Composing images")); image_ID = film (); if (image_ID < 0) { status = GIMP_PDB_EXECUTION_ERROR; } else { values[1].data.d_int32 = image_ID; gimp_image_undo_enable (image_ID); gimp_image_clean_all (image_ID); if (run_mode != GIMP_RUN_NONINTERACTIVE) gimp_display_new (image_ID); } /* Store data */ if (run_mode == GIMP_RUN_INTERACTIVE) gimp_set_data (PLUG_IN_PROC, &filmvals, sizeof (FilmVals)); } values[0].data.d_status = status; }
SearchEngine::SearchEngine() { //read book records from book.txt and take in 10 pipe separated fields ifstream book("book.txt"); while(!getline(book, callNumber,'|').eof()) { getline(book, title,'|'); getline(book, subjects,'|'); getline(book, author,'|'); getline(book, description,'|'); getline(book, publisher,'|'); getline(book, city,'|'); getline(book, year,'|'); getline(book, series,'|'); getline(book, notes, '\n'); Book* objBook = new Book(callNumber, title, subjects, author, description, publisher, city, year, series, notes); CardCatalog.push_back(objBook); } book.close(); //read periodic records from periodic.txt and take in 12 pipe separated fields ifstream periodic("periodic.txt"); while(!getline(periodic, periodic_callNumber,'|').eof()) { getline(periodic, periodic_title,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_subjects,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_author,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_description,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_publisher,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_publishing_history,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_series,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_notes,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_related_titles,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_other_forms_of_title,'|'); getline(periodic, periodic_govt_doc_number, '\n'); Periodic* objPeriodic = new Periodic(periodic_callNumber, periodic_title, periodic_subjects, periodic_author, periodic_description, periodic_publisher, periodic_publishing_history, periodic_series, periodic_notes, periodic_related_titles, periodic_other_forms_of_title, periodic_govt_doc_number); CardCatalog.push_back(objPeriodic); } periodic.close(); //read video records from video.txt and take in 8 pipe separated fields ifstream video("video.txt"); while(!getline(video, video_callNumber,'|').eof()) { getline(video, video_title,'|'); getline(video, video_subjects,'|'); getline(video, video_description,'|'); getline(video, video_distributor,'|'); getline(video, video_notes,'|'); getline(video, video_series,'|'); getline(video, video_label, '\n'); Video* objVideo = new Video(video_callNumber, video_title, video_subjects, video_description, video_distributor, video_notes, video_series, video_label); CardCatalog.push_back(objVideo); } video.close(); //read film records from periodic.txt and take in 6 pipe separated fields ifstream film("film.txt"); while(!getline(film, film_callNumber,'|').eof()) { getline(film, film_title,'|'); getline(film, film_subjects,'|'); getline(film, film_director,'|'); getline(film, film_notes,'|'); getline(film, film_year, '\n'); Film* objFilm = new Film(film_callNumber, film_title, film_subjects, film_director, film_notes, film_year); CardCatalog.push_back(objFilm); } film.close(); }