예제 #1
void LLPanelFriends::onContactFilterEdit(const std::string& search_string)
예제 #2
bool VCardXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &addrList, const QString &data )
  KABC::VCardConverter converter;
  KURL url;
  KABC::AddresseeList list;

  list = filterContacts( addrList );

  bool ok = true;
  if ( list.isEmpty() ) {
    return ok;
  } else if ( list.count() == 1 ) {
    url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( list[ 0 ].givenName() + "_" + list[ 0 ].familyName() + ".vcf" );
    if ( url.isEmpty() )
      return true;

    if ( data == "v21" )
      ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) );
      ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) );
  } else {
    QString msg = i18n( "You have selected a list of contacts, shall they be "
                        "exported to several files?" );

    switch ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( parentWidget(), msg, QString::null, i18n("Export to Several Files"), i18n("Export to One File") ) ) {
      case KMessageBox::Yes: {
        KURL baseUrl = KFileDialog::getExistingURL();
        if ( baseUrl.isEmpty() )
          return true;

        KABC::AddresseeList::ConstIterator it;
        uint counter = 0;
        for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
          QString testUrl;
          if ( (*it).givenName().isEmpty() && (*it).familyName().isEmpty() )
            testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).organization();
            testUrl = baseUrl.url() + "/" + (*it).givenName() + "_" + (*it).familyName();

          if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( testUrl + (counter == 0 ? "" : QString::number( counter )) + ".vcf", false, parentWidget() ) ) {
            url = testUrl + QString::number( counter ) + ".vcf";
          } else
            url = testUrl + ".vcf";

          bool tmpOk;
          KABC::AddresseeList tmpList;
          tmpList.append( *it );

          if ( data == "v21" )
            tmpOk = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( tmpList, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) );
            tmpOk = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( tmpList, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) );

          ok = ok && tmpOk;
      case KMessageBox::No:
      default: {
        url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL( "addressbook.vcf" );
        if ( url.isEmpty() )
          return true;

        if ( data == "v21" )
          ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 ) );
          ok = doExport( url, converter.createVCards( list, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 ) );

  return ok;