예제 #1
void PaletteDialog::setSettingsFile(QString const &filename, QString const &romTitle) {
	settingsFile_ = filename;
	defaultScheme_ = findGbcTitlePal(romTitle.toLatin1().data())
	               ? romTitle
	               : tr("Global Palette");
	QSettings settings(savedir_ + settingsFile_, QSettings::IniFormat);
예제 #2
static void check_variables(void)
   struct retro_variable var = {0};
   var.key = "gb_colorization";

   if (!environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_VARIABLE, &var) || !var.value)

   if (gb.isCgb())

   // else it is a GB-mono game -> set a color palette
   bool gb_colorization_old = gb_colorization_enable;

   if (strcmp(var.value, "disabled") == 0)
      gb_colorization_enable = false;
   else if (strcmp(var.value, "enabled") == 0)
      gb_colorization_enable = true;

   //std::string internal_game_name = gb.romTitle(); // available only in latest Gambatte
   //std::string internal_game_name = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(info->data + 0x134); // buggy with some games ("YOSSY NO COOKIE", "YOSSY NO PANEPON, etc.)

   // load a GBC BIOS builtin palette
   unsigned short* gbc_bios_palette = NULL;

   if (gb_colorization_enable)
      gbc_bios_palette = const_cast<unsigned short*>(findGbcTitlePal(internal_game_name));
      if (!gbc_bios_palette)
         // no custom palette found, load the default (blue)
         gbc_bios_palette = const_cast<unsigned short*>(findGbcDirPal("GBC - Blue"));
      gbc_bios_palette = const_cast<unsigned short*>(findGbcDirPal("GBC - Grayscale"));

   unsigned rgb32 = 0;
   for (unsigned palnum = 0; palnum < 3; ++palnum)
      for (unsigned colornum = 0; colornum < 4; ++colornum)
         rgb32 = gambatte::gbcToRgb32(gbc_bios_palette[palnum * 4 + colornum]);
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(palnum, colornum, rgb32);
예제 #3
static void check_palette(void)
   unsigned rgb32 = 0;

   const char *system_directory_c = NULL;
   environ_cb(RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_GET_SYSTEM_DIRECTORY, &system_directory_c);
   if (!system_directory_c)
      if (log_cb)
         log_cb(RETRO_LOG_WARN, "[Gambatte]: no system directory defined, unable to look for custom palettes.\n");

   std::string system_directory(system_directory_c);
   std::string custom_palette_path = system_directory + "/palettes/" + basename(rom_path) + ".pal";
   std::ifstream palette_file(custom_palette_path.c_str()); // try to open the palette file in read-only mode

   if (!palette_file.is_open())
      // try again with the internal game name from the ROM header
      custom_palette_path = system_directory + "/palettes/" + std::string(internal_game_name) + ".pal";

   if (!palette_file.is_open() && !findGbcTitlePal(internal_game_name))
      // try again with default.pal
      //  only if no specific title palette from the GBC BIOS is found
      custom_palette_path = system_directory + "/palettes/" + "default.pal";

   if (!palette_file.is_open())
      return;  // unable to find any custom palette file

#if 0
   if (log_cb)
      fprintf(RETRO_LOG_INFO, "[Gambatte]: using custom palette %s.\n", custom_palette_path.c_str());
   unsigned line_count = 0;
   for (std::string line; getline(palette_file, line); ) // iterate over file lines

      if (line[0]=='[') // skip ini sections

      if (line[0]==';') // skip ini comments

      if (line[0]=='\n') // skip empty lines

      if (line.find("=") == std::string::npos)
         if (log_cb)
            log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "[Gambatte]: error in %s, line %d (color left as default).\n", custom_palette_path.c_str(), line_count);
         continue; // current line does not contain a palette color definition, so go to next line

      // Supposed to be a typo here.
      if (startswith(line, "slectedScheme="))

      std::string line_value = line.substr(line.find("=") + 1); // extract the color value string
      std::stringstream ss(line_value); // convert the color value to int
      ss >> rgb32;
      if (!ss)
         if (log_cb)
            log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "[Gambatte]: unable to read palette color in %s, line %d (color left as default).\n",
                  custom_palette_path.c_str(), line_count);
#ifdef VIDEO_RGB565
      rgb32=(rgb32&0x0000F8)>>3 |//red
            (rgb32&0x00FC00)>>5 |//green

      if (startswith(line, "Background0="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(0, 0, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Background1="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(0, 1, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Background2="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(0, 2, rgb32);      	
      else if (startswith(line, "Background3="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(0, 3, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2010="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(1, 0, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2011="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(1, 1, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2012="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(1, 2, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2013="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(1, 3, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2020="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(2, 0, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2021="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(2, 1, rgb32);
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2022="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(2, 2, rgb32);  
      else if (startswith(line, "Sprite%2023="))
         gb.setDmgPaletteColor(2, 3, rgb32);
      else if (log_cb)
         log_cb(RETRO_LOG_ERROR, "[Gambatte]: error in %s, line %d (color left as default).\n", custom_palette_path.c_str(), line_count);
   } // endfor