예제 #1
int			get_next_line(const int fd, char **line)
	static char	*save = NULL;
	static char *todel = NULL;
	int			check;
	int			i;

	check = 1;
	if (!save || !strchr(save, '\n'))
		check = readnl(fd, &save);
		todel = save;
	if (check == -1)
		return (-1);
	if (check == 0)
		save = NULL;
	i = find_and_replace(save);
	*line = ft_strdup(save);
	if (i == 1)
		save += ft_strlen(save) + 1;
		save = NULL;
	return (check);
예제 #2
파일: htmlpage.cpp 프로젝트: EBone/Faust
void htmlpage::print(std::ostream& out, string s) const
	(void) find_and_replace(s, "\n", " ");
	(void) find_and_replace(s, "\t", " ");
	(void) find_and_replace(s, "'", "’");
	out << "<html>" << endl;
	out << "  <head>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/jquery-1.7.1.min.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/jquerysvg/jquery.svg.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/jquerysvg/jquery.svgdom.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_proto.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_jquery_svg_backend.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_mobile.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_ui_inits.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_load_external_file.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_ui_objects.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_ui_builder.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_ui_interact.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_server_communication.js\"></script>" << endl;
	out << "    <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"http://www.mikesolomon.org/faust/svg/faust_css.css\"></link>" << endl;
	out << "<style type=\"text/css\">" << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stylesheet_len; i++) { out << stylesheet[i]; } out << endl;
    out << "</style>" << endl;

    out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\" >" << endl;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < jsscripts_len; i++) { out << jsscripts[i]; } out << endl;
    out << "    </script>" << endl;

	out << "  </head>" << endl;
	out << "  <body>" << endl;
	out << "    <script type=\"text/javascript\">" << endl;
	out << "      _f4u$t.server_update_function = _f4u$t.main('";
	out << s;
	out << "', null, _f4u$t.faust_server_handler);" << endl;
	out << "    </script>" << endl;
	out << "  </body>" << endl;
	out << "</html>";
예제 #3
static void
process_msn_cookie(const char *cookie, char **new_cookie) {
  CookieNodeType *cl;
  char *cookie_val;
  char *new_cookie_val = NULL;
  char *new2_cookie_val = NULL;
  cl = parse_cookies(cookie);
  if(!cl) {
    nag("Error parsing cookies\n");
  } else {
    cookie_val = get_cookie_value(cl, "SRCHHPGUSR");
    if(!cookie_val) {
      nag("No SRCHHPUSR cookie, cookie is %s\n", cookie);
    } else {
      new_cookie_val = find_and_replace(cookie_val, "&ADLT=OFF&", "&ADLT=STRICT&");
      if(!new_cookie_val) {
	nag("Error replacing string\n");
      } else {
	new2_cookie_val = find_and_replace(new_cookie_val, "&ADLT=DEMOTE&", "&ADLT=STRICT&");
	if(!new2_cookie_val) {
	  nag("Error replacing string\n");
	} else {
	  if(set_cookie_value(&cl, "SRCHHPGUSR", new2_cookie_val)) {
	    nag("Error setting new cookie value\n");
	  } else {
	    ustring ucookie = USTRING_INITIALIZER;
	    if(rebuild_cookie(cl, &ucookie)) {
	      nag("Error rebuilding cookie\n");
	    } else {
	      *new_cookie = Strdup(ucookie.string);
예제 #4
void Crossover::calc_nParent()
	std::string str = expression;
	int i = 0;
	int nFind = 0;
		std::string findStr = "x" + intToString(i);
		nFind = find_and_replace(str, findStr, "");
		if (nFind>0) ++i;
	} while (nFind > 0);

	nParent = i;
예제 #5
    // extended label method for option lines
    // the purpose is to provide a little more visual context to the various options,
    // and make config-ui interface more human friendly
    void option_label(const int2& p, const color& c, rs::device& dev, rs::option opt, double max_width, bool enabled, double* value = nullptr)
        auto name = find_and_replace(rs_option_to_string((rs_option)opt), "_", " "); // replacing _ with ' ' to reduce visual clutter
        std::string s(name);

        auto size = name.size(); // align the string to max. allowed width
        while (size > 0 && stb_easy_font_width((char*)s.c_str()) > max_width)
            s = name.substr(0, size--) + "...";

        // remove option prefixes converting them to visual hints through color:
        color newC = c;
#define STRING_CASE(S, C) std::string S = #S; if (s.compare(0, S.length(), S) == 0) { newC = C; s = find_and_replace(s, S + " ", ""); }
        color color1 = { 0.6f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
        color color2 = { 1.0f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
        color color3 = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.6f };
        color color4 = { 1.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f };
        color color5 = { 0.6f, 0.6f, 1.0f };
        color color6 = { 0.6f, 1.0f, 0.6f };
        STRING_CASE(ZR300, color1)
        STRING_CASE(F200, color2)
        STRING_CASE(SR300, color3)
        STRING_CASE(R200, color4)
        STRING_CASE(FISHEYE, color5)
        STRING_CASE(COLOR, color6)
        if (!enabled) newC = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f };

        auto w = stb_easy_font_width((char*)s.c_str());
        label(p, newC, s.c_str());
        // if value is required, append it at the end of the string
        if (value)
            std::stringstream sstream;
            sstream << ": " << *value;
            int2 newP{ p.x + w, p.y };
            label(newP, c, sstream.str().c_str());

        rect bbox{ p.x - 15, p.y - 10, p.x + w + 10, p.y + 5 };
        if (bbox.contains(cursor))
            std::string hint = dev.get_option_description(opt);
            auto hint_w = stb_easy_font_width((char*)hint.c_str());
            fill_rect({ cursor.x - hint_w - 7, cursor.y + 5, cursor.x + 7, cursor.y - 17 }, { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f });
            fill_rect({ cursor.x - hint_w - 6, cursor.y + 4, cursor.x + 6, cursor.y - 16 }, { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f });
            label({ cursor.x - hint_w, cursor.y - 2 }, { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f }, hint.c_str());
예제 #6
	void Dictionary::SaveAsJSON()
		FILE *f;
		if(fopen_s(&f, "C:\\Users\\chs\\dictionary.json", "w") == 0)
			fputs("Dictionary = {\n", f);
			for(uint i=0; i<mNumWords; ++i)
				char *p = Dictionary::mWord + i * 8;
				string s = GetDefinition(i, "", "\\n");
				find_and_replace(s, "\"", "'");
				fprintf_s(f, "\t\"%s\": \"%s\"%s\n", p, s.c_str(), (i < mNumWords - 1) ? "," : "");
			fputs("}\n", f);
예제 #7
int	replace_var(t_cmd *cmd, t_data *data)
  int	ret;
  t_cmd	*tmp;

  tmp = cmd->next;
  while (tmp != cmd)
      if (tmp->word[0] == '!')
	if ((ret = replace_history(tmp, data->his)) == -1 || ret == -2)
	  return (ret);
      if (tmp->word[0] == '$')
	if ((ret = find_and_replace(tmp, data->env, data->var)) == -1
	    || ret == -2)
	  return (ret);
      if (tmp->word[0] == '~')
	if (replace_tild(tmp, data->env, data->home) == -1)
	  return (-1);
      tmp = tmp->next;
  return (0);
예제 #8
static void
process_alltheweb_cookie(const char *cookie, char **new_cookie) {
  CookieNodeType *cl;
  char *cookie_val;
  char *new_cookie_val = NULL;
  *new_cookie = NULL;

  cl = parse_cookies(cookie);
  if(!cl) {
    nag("Error parsing cookies\n");
  } else {
    cookie_val = get_cookie_value(cl, "PREF");
    if(!cookie_val) {
      nag("No PREF cookie, cookie is %s\n", cookie);
    } else {
      new_cookie_val = find_and_replace(cookie_val, ":no=off", "");
      if(!new_cookie_val) {
	nag("Error replacing string\n");
      } else {
	if(set_cookie_value(&cl, "PREF", new_cookie_val)) {
	  nag("Error setting new cookie value\n");
	} else {
	  ustring ucookie = USTRING_INITIALIZER;
	  if(rebuild_cookie(cl, &ucookie)) {
	    nag("Error rebuilding cookie\n");
	  } else {
	    *new_cookie = Strdup(ucookie.string);
예제 #9
static qeocore_type_t *build_object(const qeo_factory_t *factory, json_t *typedesc)
    qeocore_type_t    *qeoType  = NULL;
    const char        *name     = NULL;
    json_t            *value    = NULL;
    qeo_retcode_t     ret       = QEO_EFAIL;
    bool              iret      = true;
    const char        *topic    = NULL;

    assert(typedesc != NULL);
    assert(factory != NULL);

    do {
        json_t *type_topic = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_TOPIC);
        if ((NULL == type_topic) || !json_is_string(type_topic)) {
            qeo_log_e("Invalid type_topic (%p)", type_topic);
            return qeoType;

        json_t *properties = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_PROPERTIES);
        if ((NULL == properties) || !json_is_object(properties)) {
            qeo_log_e("Invalid properties (%p)", properties);
            return qeoType;

        topic = json_string_value(type_topic);
        //Replace all "::" with ".", because there's a mismatch in topic definitions found in the TSM structs, with "." and the QDM topic definitions with "::"
        find_and_replace((char *) topic, "::", ".");

        qeoType = qeocore_type_struct_new(topic);

        if (qeoType == NULL) {
            qeo_log_e("qeocore_type_struct_new failed for topic:%s", topic);
        qeo_log_d("Registered new struct with name %s", topic);

        void *iter = json_object_iter(properties);
        while (iter) {
            name = json_object_iter_key(iter);
            if (name == NULL) {
                qeo_log_e("name == NULL");
                iret = false;

            value = json_object_iter_value(iter);
            if (value == NULL) {
                qeo_log_e("value == NULL");
                iret = false;

            if (!json_is_object(value)) {
                qeo_log_e("no json object");
                iret = false;

            if (QEO_OK != object_add_member(factory, qeoType, name, value)) {
                qeo_log_e("object add member failed");
                iret = false;

            iter = json_object_iter_next(properties, iter);

        if (true != iret) {

        if (QEO_OK != qeocore_type_register(factory, qeoType, topic)) {
            qeo_log_e("failed to register type: %s", topic);

        ret = QEO_OK;
    } while (0);

    if (ret != QEO_OK) {
        qeoType = NULL;

    return qeoType;
예제 #10
static qeocore_type_t *build_enum(const qeo_factory_t *factory, json_t *typedesc){

    qeocore_type_t    *qeoType  = NULL;
    qeocore_enum_constants_t vals = DDS_SEQ_INITIALIZER(qeocore_enum_constant_t);
    const char *enumstr = NULL;
    DDS_ReturnCode_t ddsret;

    assert(typedesc != NULL);
    assert(factory != NULL);

    do {
        json_t *type_enum = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_ENUM);
        if ((NULL == type_enum) || !json_is_string(type_enum)) {
            qeo_log_e("Invalid type_enum (%p)", type_enum);
            return qeoType;

        json_t *values = json_object_get(typedesc, KEY_VALUES);
        if ((NULL == values) || !json_is_object(values)) {
            qeo_log_e("Invalid values (%p)", values);
            return qeoType;

        enumstr = json_string_value(type_enum);
        //Replace all "::" with ".", because there's a mismatch in topic definitions found in the TSM structs, with "." and the QDM topic definitions with "::"
        find_and_replace((char *) enumstr, "::", ".");

        if ((ddsret = dds_seq_require(&vals, json_object_size(values))) != DDS_RETCODE_OK){
            qeo_log_e("dds_seq_require failed (%d)", ddsret);
            return NULL;

        void *iter = json_object_iter(values);
        while (iter) {
            json_int_t labelint;
            const char *name = json_object_iter_key(iter);
            json_t *label = json_object_iter_value(iter);
            if (!json_is_integer(label)){
                qeo_log_e("not a integer");
            labelint = json_integer_value(label);
            if (labelint >= json_object_size(values)){
                qeo_log_e("Currently we only support 0,1,2..[n-1] as labels");     

            DDS_SEQ_ITEM(vals, labelint).name = (char *)name;

            iter = json_object_iter_next(values, iter);

        qeoType = qeocore_type_enum_new(enumstr, &vals);
        if (qeoType == NULL){
            qeo_log_e("Cannot register enum");

    } while(0);

    return qeoType;
예제 #11
	void algorithm_page_name::load_names()
		if (!config_ || loaded_)

		bool is_crosslink_table = false;
		string filename(config_->get_value("titles_file"));
		if (filename.length() <= 0) {
			filename = ltw_task_->get_system_config()->get_value("titles_file");
			if (filename.length() <= 0) {
				filename = ltw_task_->get_system_config()->get_value("crosslink_table");
				is_crosslink_table = true;

		if (filename.length() <= 0)

		ifstream myfile (filename.c_str());
		cerr << "loading file " << filename << endl;
		int count = 0;
		if (myfile.is_open()) {
			while (! myfile.eof()) {
				string line;
				getline (myfile, line);
				if (line.length() == 0 || line.find("Portal:") != string::npos)
#ifdef DEBUG
				if ((count % 5000) == 0) {
					cerr << "#" << count << ", loading : " << line << endl;
				string::size_type pos;
				pos = line.find_first_of(':');
//				if (is_crosslink_table)
//					pos = line.find(':', ++pos);

				if (pos != string::npos) {

					unsigned long doc_id;
					string wiki_title;
					doc_id = atol(line.c_str() + pos + 1);

					if (!is_crosslink_table) {
						 * Not gonna check it
	//					if (!corpus::instance().exist(doc_id))
	//						continue;
						wiki_title = string(line, 0, pos);
					else {
						pos = line.find(':', ++pos);
						wiki_title = string(line, ++pos);
					if (use_utf8_token_matching_ && strchr(wiki_title.c_str(), ' ') != NULL)
						find_and_replace(wiki_title, string(" "), string(""));

					std::pair<std::string, std::string> title_pair = wikipedia::process_title(wiki_title, 1/*, !use_utf8_token_matching_*/);
					//struct wiki_entry a_entry;
					ANT_link_posting *a_entry = new ANT_link_posting;
					a_entry->docid = doc_id;
					a_entry->desc = strdup(title_pair.second.c_str());
					a_entry->offset = 0;
					a_entry->link_frequency = 1;
					a_entry->doc_link_frequency = 1;
					//a_entry.id = doc_id;
					//a_entry.title = title_pair.first;
					//a_entry.description = title_pair.second;

//					page_map_t::iterator iter = names_map_.find(title_pair.first);
					ANT_link_term *index_term = this->find_term_in_list(title_pair.first.c_str());
					if (index_term == NULL || string_compare(index_term->term, title_pair.first.c_str(), lowercase_only, use_utf8_token_matching_) != 0) {
//					if (iter == names_map_.end() || iter->second == NULL) {
						//wiki_entry_array wea;
//						if (index_term != NULL)
//							cerr << title_pair.first << " is a unique term to " << index_term->term << endl;

						ANT_link_term *term = new ANT_link_term;
						term->term = strdup(title_pair.first.c_str());
						term->total_occurences = 0;
						term->document_frequency = 9999;
						term->collection_frequency = 9999;
//						string& name = title_pair.first;

//						if (iter != names_map_.end() && iter->second == NULL)
//							iter->second = term;
//						else
//							iter = names_map_.insert(make_pair(name, term)).first;

//						string::size_type pos = name.find(' ');
//						if (pos != string::npos) {
//							string first_term(name, 0, pos);
//							page_map_t::iterator iner_iter = names_map_.find(first_term);
//							if (iner_iter == names_map_.end())
//								names_map_.insert(make_pair(first_term, (ANT_link_term *)NULL));
//	//						else
//	//							cerr << "found a match (" << iner_iter->first << ")" << endl;
//						}
					else {
				else {
					cerr << "Error in line : " << line << endl;

//			  cout << line << endl;
//			std::sort(name_array_.begin(), name_array_.end(), ANT_link_term_compare());
			cerr << "loaded " << name_array_.size() << " entries, " << count << " recored" << endl;

		// debug
	//	page_map_t::iterator iter = names_map_.begin();
	//	while (iter != names_map_.end()) {
	//		if (iter->second != NULL)
	//			for (int i = 0; i < iter->second->postings.size(); i++)
	//				cerr << iter->second->postings[i]->docid << ":"
	//						<< iter->first << "(" << iter->second->postings[i]->desc << ")" << endl;
	//		else
	//			cerr << "found a match (" << iter->first << ") for the easy indexing" << endl;
	//		++iter;
	//	}

		loaded_ = true;
예제 #12
파일: SqliteDao.C 프로젝트: giwa/negi
void SqliteDao::EscapeSingleQuote(string &target){
    find_and_replace(target, "'", "''");
예제 #13
// FIXME: name makes it look like a Qt-style getter
void BootStrap::xmlentities( std::wstring &input )
    find_and_replace( input, m_replacementMap );