예제 #1
파일: mod_wrap.c 프로젝트: OPSF/uClinux
/* yet more plagiarizing...this one raided from mod_auth's _auth_resolve_user()
 * function [in case you haven't noticed yet, I'm quite the hack, in the
 * _true_ sense of the world]. =) hmmm...I wonder if it'd be feasible
 * to make some of mod_auth's functions visible from src/auth.c?
static config_rec *wrap_resolve_user(pool *pool, char **user) {
  config_rec *conf = NULL, *top_conf;
  char *ourname = NULL, *anonname = NULL;
  unsigned char is_alias = FALSE, force_anon = FALSE;

  /* Precendence rules:
   *   1. Search for UserAlias directive.
   *   2. Search for Anonymous directive.
   *   3. Normal user login

  ourname = (char*) get_param_ptr(main_server->conf, "UserName", FALSE);

  conf = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias", TRUE);

  if (conf) do {
    if (!strcmp(conf->argv[0], "*") || !strcmp(conf->argv[0], *user)) {
      is_alias = TRUE;

  } while ((conf = find_config_next(conf, conf->next, CONF_PARAM,
    "UserAlias", TRUE)) != NULL);

  /* if AuthAliasOnly is set, ignore this one and continue */
  top_conf = conf;

  while (conf && conf->parent &&
      find_config(conf->parent->set, CONF_PARAM, "AuthAliasOnly", FALSE)) {

    is_alias = FALSE;
    conf = find_config_next(conf, conf->next, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias", TRUE);

    if (conf && (!strcmp(conf->argv[0], "*") || !strcmp(conf->argv[0], *user)))
      is_alias = TRUE;

  if (conf) {
    *user = conf->argv[1];

    /* If the alias is applied inside an <Anonymous> context, we have found
     * our anon block
    if (conf->parent && conf->parent->config_type == CONF_ANON)
      conf = conf->parent;
      conf = NULL;

  /* Next, search for an anonymous entry */
  if (!conf)
    conf = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_ANON, NULL, FALSE);


  if (conf) do {
    anonname = (char*) get_param_ptr(conf->subset, "UserName", FALSE);

    if (!anonname)
      anonname = ourname;

    if (anonname && !strcmp(anonname, *user)) {

  } while ((conf = find_config_next(conf, conf->next, CONF_ANON, NULL,
    FALSE)) != NULL);

  if (!is_alias && !force_anon) {

    if (find_config((conf ? conf->subset :
        main_server->conf), CONF_PARAM, "AuthAliasOnly", FALSE)) {

      if (conf && conf->config_type == CONF_ANON)
        conf = NULL;

        *user = NULL;

      if (*user && find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "AuthAliasOnly",
        *user = NULL;

  return conf;
예제 #2
파일: auth.c 프로젝트: Distrotech/proftpd
/* This is one messy function.  Yuck.  Yay legacy code. */
config_rec *pr_auth_get_anon_config(pool *p, char **login_name,
    char **user_name, char **anon_name) {
  config_rec *c = NULL, *topc = NULL, *anon_c = NULL;
  char *config_user_name, *config_anon_name = NULL;
  unsigned char is_alias = FALSE, *auth_alias_only = NULL;

  /* Precendence rules:
   *   1. Search for UserAlias directive.
   *   2. Search for Anonymous directive.
   *   3. Normal user login

  config_user_name = get_param_ptr(main_server->conf, "UserName", FALSE);
  if (config_user_name &&
      user_name) {
    *user_name = config_user_name;

  /* If the main_server->conf->set list is large (e.g. there are many
   * config_recs in the list, as can happen if MANY <Directory> sections are
   * configured), the login can timeout because this find_config() call takes
   * a long time.  The reason this issue strikes HERE first in the login
   * process is that this appears to the first find_config() call which has
   * a TRUE recurse flag.
   * The find_config() call below is looking for a UserAlias directive
   * anywhere in the configuration, no matter how deeply buried in nested
   * config contexts it might be.

  c = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias", TRUE);
  if (c) {
    do {

      if (strncmp(c->argv[0], "*", 2) == 0 ||
          strcmp(c->argv[0], *login_name) == 0) {
        is_alias = TRUE;

    } while ((c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias",
      TRUE)) != NULL);

  /* This is where things get messy, rapidly. */
  topc = c;

  while (c && c->parent &&
    (auth_alias_only = get_param_ptr(c->parent->set, "AuthAliasOnly", FALSE))) {

    /* while() loops should always handle signals. */

    if (auth_alias_only) {
      /* If AuthAliasOnly is on, ignore this one and continue. */
      if (*auth_alias_only == TRUE) {
        c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias", TRUE);

    /* At this point, we have found an "AuthAliasOnly off" config in
     * c->parent->set.  See if there's a UserAlias in the same config set.

    is_alias = FALSE;

    c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "UserAlias", TRUE);

    if (c &&
        (strncmp(c->argv[0], "*", 2) == 0 ||
         strcmp(c->argv[0], *login_name) == 0)) {
      is_alias = TRUE;

  if (c) {
    *login_name = c->argv[1];

    /* If the alias is applied inside an <Anonymous> context, we have found
     * our anon block.
    if (c->parent &&
        c->parent->config_type == CONF_ANON) {
      c = c->parent;

    } else {
      c = NULL;

  /* Next, search for an anonymous entry. */

  if (c == NULL) {
    c = find_config(main_server->conf, CONF_ANON, NULL, FALSE);

  } else {
    anon_c = c;

  if (c) {
    do {

      config_anon_name = get_param_ptr(c->subset, "UserName", FALSE);

      if (!config_anon_name)
        config_anon_name = config_user_name;

      if (config_anon_name &&
          strcmp(config_anon_name, *login_name) == 0) {
         if (anon_name)
           *anon_name = config_anon_name;
    } while ((c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_ANON, NULL,
      FALSE)) != NULL);

  if (!is_alias) {
    /* Yes, we do want to be using c, not anon_c, here.  Otherwise, we
     * risk a regression of Bug#3501.

    auth_alias_only = get_param_ptr(c ? c->subset : main_server->conf,
      "AuthAliasOnly", FALSE);

    if (auth_alias_only &&
        *auth_alias_only == TRUE) {
      if (c &&
          c->config_type == CONF_ANON) {
        c = NULL;

      } else {
        *login_name = NULL;

      auth_alias_only = get_param_ptr(main_server->conf, "AuthAliasOnly",
      if (*login_name &&
          auth_alias_only &&
          *auth_alias_only == TRUE)
        *login_name = NULL;

      if ((!login_name || !c) &&
          anon_name) {
        *anon_name = NULL;

  return c;