예제 #1
int FitsFile::GetColumnCount()
	int rowCount, status = 0;
	fits_get_num_cols(_fptr, &rowCount, &status);
	return rowCount;
int InputFileFITS::getNCols() {
	int status = 0;

		throwException("Error in InputFileFITS::getNCols() ", status);

	int ncols;
	fits_get_num_cols(infptr, &ncols, &status);

	if (status)
		throwException("Error in InputFileFITS::getNCols() ", status);

	return ncols;
예제 #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  fitsfile *infptr = 0, *outfptr = 0;  /* FITS file pointers */
  int status = 0;   /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */
  int icol = 0, incols = 0, outcols = 0, intype = 0, outtype = 0, check = 1;
  long inrep = 0, outrep = 0, width = 0, inrows = 0, outrows = 0, ii = 0, jj = 0;
  unsigned char *buffer = 0;

  int printhelp = (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0));

  if (printhelp || argc != 3) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:  %s infile1[ext][filter] outfile[ext]\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Merge 2 tables by copying all the rows from the 1st table\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "into the 2nd table.  The  2 tables must have identical\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "structure, with the same number of columns with the same\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "datatypes.  This program modifies the output file in place,\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "rather than creating a whole new output file.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Examples: \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "1. %s intab.fit+1 outtab.fit+2\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    merge the table in the 1st extension of intab.fit with\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    the table in the 2nd extension of outtab.fit.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "2. %s 'intab.fit+1[PI > 45]' outab.fits+2\n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    Same as the 1st example, except only rows that have a PI\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    column value > 45 will be merged into the output table.\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    return (0);

  /* open both input and output files and perform validity checks */
  if (fits_open_file(&infptr,  argv[1], READONLY,  &status) ||
      fits_open_file(&outfptr, argv[2], READWRITE, &status)) {
    fprintf(stderr, " Couldn't open both files\n");

  else if (fits_get_hdu_type(infptr,  &intype,  &status) ||
           fits_get_hdu_type(outfptr, &outtype, &status)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get the type of HDU for the files\n");

  else if (intype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    fprintf(stderr, "The input HDU is an image, not a table\n");

  else if (outtype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    fprintf(stderr, "The output HDU is an image, not a table\n");

  else if (outtype != intype) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Input and output HDUs are not the same type of table.\n");

  else if (fits_get_num_cols(infptr,  &incols,  &status) ||
           fits_get_num_cols(outfptr, &outcols, &status)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get number of columns in the tables\n");

  else if (incols != outcols) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Input and output HDUs don't have same # of columns.\n");

  else if (fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &width, NULL, &status)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get width of input table\n");

  else if (!(buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(width))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation error\n");

  else if (fits_get_num_rows(infptr,  &inrows,  &status) ||
           fits_get_num_rows(outfptr, &outrows, &status)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't get the number of rows in the tables\n");

  else  {
    /* check that the corresponding columns have the same datatypes */
    for (icol = 1; icol <= incols; icol++) {
      fits_get_coltype(infptr,  icol, &intype,  &inrep,  NULL, &status);
      fits_get_coltype(outfptr, icol, &outtype, &outrep, NULL, &status);
      if (intype != outtype || inrep != outrep) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Column %d is not the same in both tables\n", icol);
        check = 0;

    if (check && !status) {
      /* insert 'inrows' empty rows at the end of the output table */
      fits_insert_rows(outfptr, outrows, inrows, &status);

      for (ii = 1, jj = outrows +1; ii <= inrows; ii++, jj++) {
        /* read row from input and write it to the output table */
        fits_read_tblbytes(infptr,  ii, 1, width, buffer, &status);
        fits_write_tblbytes(outfptr, jj, 1, width, buffer, &status);
        if (status) {
          break;  /* jump out of loop if error occurred */

      /* all done; now free memory and close files */
      fits_close_file(outfptr, &status);
      fits_close_file(infptr,  &status);

  if (buffer) {

  if (status) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);  /* print any error message */
  return (status);
예제 #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    static struct option long_opts[] = {
        {"start",  1, NULL, 's'},
        {"end",    1, NULL, 'e'},

    fitsfile *infptr, *outfptr;   /* FITS file pointers defined in fitsio.h */
    int opt, opti;
    int i, status = 0, ii = 1, jj=1;       /* status must always be initialized = 0  */
    int lo_row, hi_row;
    unsigned char *buffer = 0;

    long nrows;
    int ncols;
    int tfields;
    long  pcount;
    char  extname[FLEN_VALUE];
    char  *ttype[NFIELDS_I];
    char  *tform[NFIELDS_I];
    char  *tunit[NFIELDS_I];
    char  *tcomm[NFIELDS_I];

    float start=0.0, end=1.0;
    while ((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"s:e:h",long_opts,&opti))!=-1) {
        switch (opt) {
	    case 's':
	        start = atof(optarg);
	    case 'e':
	        end = atof(optarg);
	    case 'h':


    if (argc < 3)

    //printf("> %s %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
    //printf("> %s %s\n", argv[optind], argv[2]);

   /* Allocate space for the table parameters and initialize */
   for (i=0; i<NFIELDS_I; i++)
      ttype[i] = (char *) malloc(FLEN_VALUE*sizeof(char));
      tform[i] = (char *) malloc(FLEN_VALUE*sizeof(char));
      tunit[i] = (char *) malloc(FLEN_VALUE*sizeof(char));
      tcomm[i] = (char *) malloc(FLEN_CARD*sizeof(char));
      strcpy(ttype[i], " ");

    /* Open the input file */
    if ( !fits_open_file(&infptr, argv[optind], READONLY, &status) )
      /* Create the output file */
      if ( !fits_create_file(&outfptr, argv[optind+1], &status) )
        /* Copy every HDU until we get an error */
        //while( !fits_movabs_hdu(infptr, ii++, NULL, &status) )
	/* Copy first HDU */
        fits_copy_hdu(infptr, outfptr, 0, &status);

	fits_movnam_hdu(infptr, BINARY_TBL, "SUBINT", 0, &status);

	fits_get_num_rows(infptr, &nrows, &status);
	printf("Number of rows = %ld\n", nrows);
	fits_get_num_cols(infptr, &ncols, &status);
	printf("Number of cols = %d\n", ncols);
	long width;
	fits_read_key(infptr, TLONG, "NAXIS1", &width, NULL, &status);
	printf("Width = %ld\n", width);
	buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(width);
	/* Copy the fits header */
	fits_copy_header(infptr, outfptr, &status);

//#if 0
	/* Determine low and high row number ot copy */
	lo_row = 1 + start * nrows;
	hi_row = end * nrows;
	printf("lo_row=%d hi_row=%d\n", lo_row, hi_row);

	for (ii=lo_row, jj=1; ii<=hi_row; ii++, jj++) {
	    printf("\rRead %d/%ld", ii, nrows);
	    fits_read_tblbytes( infptr,  ii, 1, width, buffer, &status);

	    fits_write_tblbytes(outfptr, jj, 1, width, buffer, &status);
	nrows = (hi_row-lo_row)+1;
	fits_update_key(outfptr, TLONG, "NAXIS2", &nrows, 0, &status);
        /* Reset status after normal error */
        //if (status == END_OF_FILE) status = 0;

        fits_close_file(outfptr,  &status);
      fits_close_file(infptr, &status);

    /* if error occured, print out error message */
    if (status) fits_report_error(stderr, status);
예제 #5
Kst::Object::UpdateType LFIIOSource::update() {

  Kst::Object::UpdateType updateType = Kst::Object::NO_CHANGE;
  QString               strTemplate;
  QString               strName;
  fitsfile*             ffits;
  char                  charTemplate[FLEN_CARD];
  char                  charName[FLEN_CARD];
  long                  lNumFrames;
  long                  lMaxRepeat = 1;
  long                  lRepeat;
  long                  lWidth;
  int                   iColNumber;
  int                   iNumCols;
  int                   iStatus = 0;
  int                   iResult = 0;
  int                   iTypeCode;
  int                   i;
  int                   newNF = 0;

  _valid  = false;

  if(!_filename.isNull() && !_filename.isEmpty()) {
    iResult = fits_open_table( &ffits, _filename.ascii(), READONLY, &iStatus );
    if(iResult == 0) {
      // determine size of data...
      iResult = fits_get_num_cols( ffits, &iNumCols, &iStatus );
      if(iResult == 0) {
        iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumFrames, &iStatus );
        if(iResult == 0) {

          _valid = true;
          _bHasTime = false;

          // need to multiply lNumFrames by the maximum value of the vector repeat value...
          for(i = 0; i<iNumCols; i++) {
            iStatus = 0;

            sprintf(charTemplate, "%d", i+1);
            iResult = fits_get_colname( ffits, CASEINSEN, charTemplate, charName, &iColNumber, &iStatus );
            if(iResult == 0) {
              int iOffset = i;
              strName = charName;

              // ensure that we don't add duplicates to the _fieldList...
              while(_fieldList.findIndex(strName) != -1) {
                strName = QString("%1[%2]").arg(charName).arg(iOffset);
            } else {


            iStatus = 0;
            iResult = fits_get_coltype( ffits, i+1, &iTypeCode, &lRepeat, &lWidth, &iStatus );
            if(iResult == 0) {
              if(lRepeat > lMaxRepeat) {
                lMaxRepeat = lRepeat;

          // check if we have a time field defined by the header keys TIMEZERO and DELTA_T.
          //  If so then we create a new field called $TIME_FIELD, unless such a field already
          //  exists, in which case we do nothing...
          char charTimeZero[] = "TIMEZERO";

          iStatus = 0;
          iResult = fits_read_key( ffits, TDOUBLE, charTimeZero, &_dTimeZero, 0L, &iStatus );
          if(iResult == 0) {
            char charTimeDelta[] = "DELTA_T";

            iResult = fits_read_key( ffits, TDOUBLE, charTimeDelta, &_dTimeDelta, 0L, &iStatus );
            if(iResult == 0) {
              if(_fieldList.find(QString(TIME_FIELD)) == _fieldList.end()) {
                _bHasTime = true;

          if(lNumFrames * lMaxRepeat != _numFrames) {
            _numCols   = iNumCols;
            newNF = lNumFrames * lMaxRepeat;
            updateType = Kst::Object::UPDATE;
      iStatus = 0;
      fits_close_file( ffits, &iStatus );

  bool isnew = newNF != _numFrames;

  _numFrames = newNF;

  return (isnew ? Kst::Object::UPDATE : Kst::Object::NO_CHANGE);
예제 #6
파일: fits.c 프로젝트: lajus/monetinr
str FITSattach(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	mvc *m = NULL;
	sql_trans *tr;
	sql_schema *sch;
	sql_table *fits_tp, *fits_fl, *fits_tbl, *fits_col, *tbl = NULL;
	sql_column *col;
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
	str fname = *(str*)getArgReference(stk, pci, 1);
	fitsfile *fptr;  /* pointer to the FITS file */
	int status = 0, i, j, hdutype, hdunum = 1, cnum = 0, bitpixnumber = 0;
	oid fid, tid, cid, rid = oid_nil;
	char tname[BUFSIZ], *tname_low = NULL, *s, bname[BUFSIZ], stmt[BUFSIZ];
	long tbcol;
	char cname[BUFSIZ], tform[BUFSIZ], tunit[BUFSIZ], tnull[BUFSIZ], tdisp[BUFSIZ];
	double tscal, tzero;
	char xtensionname[BUFSIZ] = "", stilversion[BUFSIZ] = "";
	char stilclass[BUFSIZ] = "", tdate[BUFSIZ] = "", orig[BUFSIZ] = "", comm[BUFSIZ] = "";

	msg = getSQLContext(cntxt, mb, &m, NULL);
	if (msg)
		return msg;

	if (fits_open_file(&fptr, fname, READONLY, &status)) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.attach", "Missing FITS file %s.\n", fname);
		return msg;

	tr = m->session->tr;
	sch = mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys");

	fits_fl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_files");
	if (fits_fl == NULL)

	fits_fl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_files");
	fits_tbl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_tables");
	fits_col = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_columns");
	fits_tp = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_table_properties");

	/* check if the file is already attached */
	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "name");
	rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(m->session->tr, col, fname, NULL);
	if (rid != oid_nil) {
		fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
		msg = createException(SQL, "fits.attach", "File %s already attached\n", fname);
		return msg;

	/* add row in the fits_files catalog table */
	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "id");
	fid = store_funcs.count_col(tr, col, 1) + 1;
		mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "id"), &fid, TYPE_int);
		mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "name"), fname, TYPE_str);

	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "id");
	tid = store_funcs.count_col(tr, col, 1) + 1;

	if ((s = strrchr(fname, DIR_SEP)) == NULL)
		s = fname;
	strcpy(bname, s);
	s = strrchr(bname, '.');
	if (s) *s = 0;

	fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &hdunum, &status);
	for (i = 1; i <= hdunum; i++) {
		fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, i, &hdutype, &status);
		if (hdutype != ASCII_TBL && hdutype != BINARY_TBL)

		/* SQL table name - the name of FITS extention */
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "EXTNAME", tname, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			snprintf(tname, BUFSIZ, "%s_%d", bname, i);
			tname_low = toLower(tname);
			status = 0;
		}else  { /* check table name for existence in the fits catalog */
			tname_low = toLower(tname);
			col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "name");
			rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(m->session->tr, col, tname_low, NULL);
			/* or as regular SQL table */
			tbl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, tname_low);
			if (rid != oid_nil || tbl) {
				snprintf(tname, BUFSIZ, "%s_%d", bname, i);
				tname_low = toLower(tname);

		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "BITPIX", &bitpixnumber, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-HDU", tdate, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "XTENSION", xtensionname, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "STILVERS", stilversion, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "STILCLAS", stilclass, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "ORIGIN", orig, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "COMMENT", comm, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			status = 0;

		fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &cnum, &status);

			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "id"), &tid, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "name"), tname_low, TYPE_str);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "columns"), &cnum, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "file_id"), &fid, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "hdu"), &i, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "date"), tdate, TYPE_str);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "origin"), orig, TYPE_str);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "comment"), comm, TYPE_str);

			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tp, "table_id"), &tid, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tp, "xtension"), xtensionname, TYPE_str);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tp, "bitpix"), &bitpixnumber, TYPE_int);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tp, "stilvers"), stilversion, TYPE_str);
			mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tp, "stilclas"), stilclass, TYPE_str);

		/* read columns description */
		s = stmt;
		col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_col, "id");
		cid = store_funcs.count_col(tr, col, 1) + 1;
		for (j = 1; j <= cnum; j++, cid++) {
			fits_get_acolparms(fptr, j, cname, &tbcol, tunit, tform, &tscal, &tzero, tnull, tdisp, &status);
			snprintf(stmt, BUFSIZ, FITS_INS_COL, (int)cid, cname, tform, tunit, j, (int)tid);
			msg = SQLstatementIntern(cntxt, &s, "fits.attach", TRUE, FALSE);
			if (msg != MAL_SUCCEED) {
				fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
				return msg;
	fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

	return MAL_SUCCEED;
예제 #7
파일: fits.c 프로젝트: lajus/monetinr
str FITSloadTable(Client cntxt, MalBlkPtr mb, MalStkPtr stk, InstrPtr pci)
	mvc *m = NULL;
	sql_schema *sch;
	sql_table *fits_fl, *fits_tbl, *tbl = NULL;
	sql_column *col;
	sql_subtype tpe;
	fitsfile *fptr;
	str tname = *(str*)getArgReference(stk, pci, 1);
	str fname;
	str msg = MAL_SUCCEED;
	oid rid = oid_nil, frid = oid_nil;
	int status = 0, cnum = 0, fid, hdu, hdutype, i, j, anynull = 0, mtype;
	int *tpcode = NULL;
	long *rep = NULL, *wid = NULL, rows;
	char keywrd[80], **cname, nm[FLEN_VALUE];
	ptr nilptr;

	msg = getSQLContext(cntxt, mb, &m, NULL);
	if (msg)
		return msg;
	sch = mvc_bind_schema(m, "sys");

	fits_tbl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_tables");
	if (fits_tbl == NULL) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "FITS catalog is missing.\n");
		return msg;

	tbl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, tname);
	if (tbl) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "Table %s is already created.\n", tname);
		return msg;

	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "name");
	rid = table_funcs.column_find_row(m->session->tr, col, tname, NULL);
	if (rid == oid_nil) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "Table %s is unknown in FITS catalog. Attach first the containing file\n", tname);
		return msg;

	/* Open FITS file and move to the table HDU */
	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "file_id");
	fid = *(int*)table_funcs.column_find_value(m->session->tr, col, rid);

	fits_fl = mvc_bind_table(m, sch, "fits_files");
	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "id");
	frid = table_funcs.column_find_row(m->session->tr, col, (void *)&fid, NULL);
	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_fl, "name");
	fname = (char *)table_funcs.column_find_value(m->session->tr, col, frid);
	if (fits_open_file(&fptr, fname, READONLY, &status)) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "Missing FITS file %s.\n", fname);
		return msg;

	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "hdu");
	hdu = *(int*)table_funcs.column_find_value(m->session->tr, col, rid);
	fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, hdu, &hdutype, &status);
	if (hdutype != ASCII_TBL && hdutype != BINARY_TBL) {
		msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "HDU %d is not a table.\n", hdu);
		fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
		return msg;

	/* create a SQL table to hold the FITS table */
	/*	col = mvc_bind_column(m, fits_tbl, "columns");
	   cnum = *(int*) table_funcs.column_find_value(m->session->tr, col, rid); */
	fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &cnum, &status);
	tbl = mvc_create_table(m, sch, tname, tt_table, 0, SQL_PERSIST, 0, cnum);

	tpcode = (int *)GDKzalloc(sizeof(int) * cnum);
	rep = (long *)GDKzalloc(sizeof(long) * cnum);
	wid = (long *)GDKzalloc(sizeof(long) * cnum);
	cname = (char **)GDKzalloc(sizeof(char *) * cnum);

	for (j = 1; j <= cnum; j++) {
		/*		fits_get_acolparms(fptr, j, cname, &tbcol, tunit, tform, &tscal, &tzero, tnull, tdisp, &status); */
		snprintf(keywrd, 80, "TTYPE%d", j);
		fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, keywrd, nm, NULL, &status);
		if (status) {
			snprintf(nm, FLEN_VALUE, "column_%d", j);
			status = 0;
		cname[j - 1] = GDKstrdup(toLower(nm));
		fits_get_coltype(fptr, j, &tpcode[j - 1], &rep[j - 1], &wid[j - 1], &status);
		fits2subtype(&tpe, tpcode[j - 1], rep[j - 1], wid[j - 1]);

		/*		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#%d %ld %ld - M: %s\n", tpcode[j-1], rep[j-1], wid[j-1], tpe.type->sqlname); */

		mvc_create_column(m, tbl, cname[j - 1], &tpe);

	/* data load */
	fits_get_num_rows(fptr, &rows, &status);
	mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Loading %ld rows in table %s\n", rows, tname);
	for (j = 1; j <= cnum; j++) {
		BAT *tmp = NULL;
		int time0 = GDKms();
		mtype = fits2mtype(tpcode[j - 1]);
		nilptr = ATOMnil(mtype);
		col = mvc_bind_column(m, tbl, cname[j - 1]);

		tmp = BATnew(TYPE_void, mtype, rows);
		if ( tmp == NULL){
			throw(MAL,"fits.load", MAL_MALLOC_FAIL);
		BATseqbase(tmp, 0);
		if (rows > (long)REMAP_PAGE_MAXSIZE)
		if (mtype != TYPE_str) {
			fits_read_col(fptr, tpcode[j - 1], j, 1, 1, rows, nilptr, (void *)BUNtloc(bat_iterator(tmp), BUNfirst(tmp)), &anynull, &status);
			BATsetcount(tmp, rows);
			tmp->tsorted = 0;
			tmp->trevsorted = 0;
		} else {
/*			char *v = GDKzalloc(wid[j-1]);*/
			int bsize = 50;
			int tm0, tloadtm = 0, tattachtm = 0;
			int batch = bsize, k;
			char **v = (char **) GDKzalloc(sizeof(char *) * bsize);
			for(i = 0; i < bsize; i++)
				v[i] = GDKzalloc(wid[j-1]);
			for(i = 0; i < rows; i += batch) {
				batch = rows - i < bsize ? rows - i: bsize;
				tm0 = GDKms();
				fits_read_col(fptr, tpcode[j - 1], j, 1 + i, 1, batch, nilptr, (void *)v, &anynull, &status);
				tloadtm += GDKms() - tm0;
				tm0 = GDKms();
				for(k = 0; k < batch ; k++)
					BUNappend(tmp, v[k], TRUE);
				tattachtm += GDKms() - tm0;
			for(i = 0; i < bsize ; i++)
			mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#String column load %d ms, BUNappend %d ms\n", tloadtm, tattachtm);

		if (status) {
			char buf[FLEN_ERRMSG + 1];
			msg = createException(MAL, "fits.loadtable", "Cannot load column %s of %s table: %s.\n", cname[j - 1], tname, buf);
		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Column %s loaded for %d ms\t", cname[j-1], GDKms() - time0);
		store_funcs.append_col(m->session->tr, col, tmp, TYPE_bat);
		mnstr_printf(cntxt->fdout,"#Total %d ms\n", GDKms() - time0);


	fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
	return msg;
예제 #8
int ffprwu(fitsfile *fptr,
           LONGLONG firstrow,
           LONGLONG nrows,
           int *status)

 * fits_write_nullrows / ffprwu - write TNULLs to all columns in one or more rows
 * fitsfile *fptr - pointer to FITS HDU opened for read/write
 * long int firstrow - first table row to set to null. (firstrow >= 1)
 * long int nrows - total number or rows to set to null. (nrows >= 1)
 * int *status - upon return, *status contains CFITSIO status code
 * RETURNS: CFITSIO status code
 * written by Craig Markwardt, GSFC
    LONGLONG ntotrows;
    int ncols, i;
    int typecode = 0;
    LONGLONG repeat = 0, width = 0;
    int nullstatus;

    if (*status > 0) return *status;

    if ((firstrow <= 0) || (nrows <= 0)) return (*status = BAD_ROW_NUM);

    fits_get_num_rowsll(fptr, &ntotrows, status);

    if (firstrow + nrows - 1 > ntotrows) return (*status = BAD_ROW_NUM);

    fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &ncols, status);
    if (*status) return *status;

    /* Loop through each column and write nulls */
    for (i=1; i <= ncols; i++) {
        repeat = 0;
        typecode = 0;
        width = 0;
        fits_get_coltypell(fptr, i, &typecode, &repeat, &width, status);
        if (*status) break;

        /* NOTE: data of TSTRING type must not write the total repeat
           count, since the repeat count is the *character* count, not the
           nstring count.  Divide by string width to get number of
           strings. */

        if (typecode == TSTRING) repeat /= width;

        /* Write NULLs */
        nullstatus = 0;
        fits_write_col_null(fptr, i, firstrow, 1, repeat*nrows, &nullstatus);

        /* ignore error if no null value is defined for the column */
        if (nullstatus && nullstatus != NO_NULL) return (*status = nullstatus);


    return *status;
예제 #9
bool WMAPSource::initFile( )
  bool bRetVal = true;
  int iResult = 0;

  _numFrames = 0;

  if( !_filename.isNull( ) && !_filename.isEmpty( ) )
    QString   str;
    fitsfile* ffits;
    int       iStatus = 0;

    iResult = fits_open_file( &ffits, _filename.ascii( ), READONLY, &iStatus );
    if( iResult == 0 )
      int iNumHeaderDataUnits;

      if( fits_get_num_hdus( ffits, &iNumHeaderDataUnits, &iStatus ) == 0 )
        long lNumBaseRows = 0;
        long lNumRows;
        int iHDUType;
        int i;

        // determine the number of frames...
        for( i=0; i<iNumHeaderDataUnits-1; i++ )
          if( iStatus == 0 )
            fits_get_hdu_type( ffits, &iHDUType, &iStatus );
            if( iHDUType == BINARY_TBL || iHDUType == ASCII_TBL )
              iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumRows, &iStatus );
              if( iResult == 0 )
                if( lNumBaseRows == 0 )
                  lNumBaseRows = lNumRows;
                else if( lNumRows != 1 )
                  if( lNumRows < lNumBaseRows )
                    lNumBaseRows = lNumRows;

            fits_movrel_hdu( ffits, 1, &iHDUType, &iStatus );

        fits_movabs_hdu( ffits, 1, &iHDUType, &iStatus);

        field *fld = new field;

        fld->table = 0;
        fld->column = 0;
        fld->entry = 0;
        fld->entries = 0;
        fld->numSamplesPerFrame = 1;
        fld->numFrames = lNumBaseRows;

        _fields.insert( "INDEX", fld );
        _fieldList.append( "INDEX" );

        // add the fields and metadata...
        for( i=0; i<iNumHeaderDataUnits-1; i++ )
          if( iStatus == 0 )
            addToMetadata( ffits, iStatus );

            // create the field entries...
            fits_get_hdu_type( ffits, &iHDUType, &iStatus );
            if( iStatus == 0 )
              if( iHDUType == BINARY_TBL || iHDUType == ASCII_TBL )
                int iNumCols;
                iResult = fits_get_num_cols( ffits, &iNumCols, &iStatus );
                if( iResult == 0 )
                  iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumRows, &iStatus );
                  if( iResult == 0 )
                    if( lNumRows > 1 )
                      addToFieldList( ffits, iNumCols, lNumRows, lNumBaseRows, iStatus );
                    else if( lNumRows == 1 )
                      addToMetadata( ffits, iNumCols, iStatus );

            fits_movrel_hdu( ffits, 1, &iHDUType, &iStatus);

      iStatus = 0;

      updateNumFramesScalar( );

      fits_close_file( ffits, &iStatus );

  return bRetVal;
int get_num_of_columns(fitsfile * fptr)
    int result;
    fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &result, &fitsio_status);
    return result;
예제 #11
KstObject::UpdateType LFIIOSource::update( int u ) 
  Q_UNUSED( u )

  KstObject::UpdateType updateType =  KstObject::NO_CHANGE;
  QString               strTemplate;
  QString               strName;
  fitsfile*             ffits;
  char                  charTemplate[ FLEN_CARD ];
  char                  charName[ FLEN_CARD ];
  long                  lNumFrames;
  long                  lMaxRepeat = 1;
  long                  lRepeat;
  long                  lWidth;
  int                   iColNumber;
  int                   iNumCols;
  int                   iStatus = 0;
  int                   iResult = 0;
  int                   iTypeCode;
  int                   i;

  _valid  = false;

  if( !_filename.isNull( ) && !_filename.isEmpty( ) )
    iResult = fits_open_table( &ffits, _filename.ascii( ), READONLY, &iStatus );
    if( iResult == 0 )
      // determine size of data...
      iResult = fits_get_num_cols( ffits, &iNumCols, &iStatus );
      if( iResult == 0 )
        iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumFrames, &iStatus );
        if( iResult == 0 )
          _strListColNames.clear( );

          _valid = true;

	        // need to multiply lNumFrames by the maximum value of the vector repeat value...
          for( i=0; i<iNumCols; i++ )
            iStatus = 0;
            sprintf( charTemplate, "%d", i+1 );
            iResult = fits_get_colname( ffits, CASEINSEN, charTemplate, charName, &iColNumber, &iStatus );
            if( iResult == 0 )
              strName = charName;
              _strListColNames.append( strName );
              strName.setNum( i );
              _strListColNames.append( strName );
            iStatus = 0;
            iResult = fits_get_coltype( ffits, i+1, &iTypeCode, &lRepeat, &lWidth, &iStatus );
            if( iResult == 0 )
              if( lRepeat > lMaxRepeat )
                lMaxRepeat = lRepeat;

          if( lNumFrames * lMaxRepeat != _numFrames )
            _numCols   = iNumCols;
            _numFrames = lNumFrames * lMaxRepeat;
            updateType = KstObject::UPDATE;
      iStatus = 0;
      fits_close_file( ffits, &iStatus );   
  return updateType;
예제 #12
bool PLANCKIDEFSource::initFile( )
  bool bRetVal = true;
  int iResult = 0;

  _numFrames = 0;

  if( !_filename.isNull( ) && !_filename.isEmpty( ) )
    QString   str;
    fitsfile* ffits;
    int       iStatus = 0;

    iResult = fits_open_file( &ffits, _filename.ascii( ), READONLY, &iStatus );
    if( iResult == 0 )
      int iNumHeaderDataUnits;

      if( fits_get_num_hdus( ffits, &iNumHeaderDataUnits, &iStatus ) == 0 )
        long lNumRows;
        int iHDUType;
        int i;

        // determine the number of frames...
        if( iNumHeaderDataUnits > 1 )
          if( fits_movabs_hdu( ffits, 2, &iHDUType, &iStatus ) == 0 )
            if( fits_get_hdu_type( ffits, &iHDUType, &iStatus ) == 0 )
              if( iHDUType == BINARY_TBL )
                iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumRows, &iStatus );
                if( iResult == 0 )
                  _numFrames = lNumRows;

        if( _numFrames > 0 )
          fits_movabs_hdu( ffits, 1, &iHDUType, &iStatus );

          field *fld = new field;

          fld->table = 0;
          fld->column = 0;

          _fields.insert( "INDEX", fld );
          _fieldList.append( "INDEX" );

          // add the fields and metadata...
          for( i=0; i<iNumHeaderDataUnits-1; i++ )
            if( iStatus == 0 )
              addToMetadata( ffits, iStatus );

              // the first table never contains data...
              if( i > 0 )
                // create the time entries if necessary...
                if( _fields.find( "TIME_ABSOLUTE" ) == 0L &&
                    _fields.find( "TIME_RELATIVE" ) == 0L )
                  char comment[FLEN_COMMENT];
                  int iStatusDelta = 0;
                  int iStatusZero = 0;

                  fits_read_key( ffits, TDOUBLE, "DELTA_T", &_dTimeDelta, comment, &iStatusDelta );
                  fits_read_key( ffits, TDOUBLE, "TIMEZERO", &_dTimeZero, comment, &iStatusZero );

                  if( iStatusDelta == 0 )
                    if( iStatusZero == 0 )
                      field *fld = new field;

                      fld->table = 0;
                      fld->column = 0;

                      _fields.insert( "TIME_ABSOLUTE", fld );
                      _fieldList.append( "TIME_ABSOLUTE" );
                      field *fld = new field;

                      fld->table = 0;
                      fld->column = 0;

                      _fields.insert( "TIME_RELATIVE", fld );
                      _fieldList.append( "TIME_RELATIVE" );

                // create the field entries...
                fits_get_hdu_type( ffits, &iHDUType, &iStatus );
                if( iStatus == 0 )
                  if( iHDUType == BINARY_TBL || iHDUType == ASCII_TBL )
                    int iNumCols;

                    iResult = fits_get_num_cols( ffits, &iNumCols, &iStatus );
                    if( iResult == 0 )
                      iResult = fits_get_num_rows( ffits, &lNumRows, &iStatus );
                      if( iResult == 0 )
                        addToFieldList( ffits, iNumCols, iStatus );

              fits_movrel_hdu( ffits, 1, &iHDUType, &iStatus);

      iStatus = 0;

      updateNumFramesScalar( );

      fits_close_file( ffits, &iStatus );

  return bRetVal;
예제 #13
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  fitsfile *fptr = 0;         /* FITS file pointer, defined in fitsio.h */
  char keyname[FLEN_KEYWORD], colname[FLEN_VALUE], coltype[FLEN_VALUE];
  int status = 0;   /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */
  int single = 0, hdupos = 0, hdutype = 0, bitpix = 0, naxis = 0, ncols = 0, ii = 0;
  long naxes[10], nrows = 0;

  int printhelp = (argc == 2 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0));

  if (printhelp || argc != 2) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:  %s filename[ext] \n", argv[0]);
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "List the structure of a single extension, or, if ext is \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "not given, list the structure of the entire FITS file.  \n");
    fprintf(stderr, "\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Note that it may be necessary to enclose the input file\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "name in single quote characters on the Unix command line.\n");
    return (0);

  FILE *fout = popen(PAGER, "w");
  if (fout == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Could not execute '%s'\n", PAGER);
    return (1);

  if (!fits_open_file(&fptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status)) {
    fits_get_hdu_num(fptr, &hdupos);  /* Get the current HDU position */

    /* List only a single structure if a specific extension was given */
    if (strchr(argv[1], '[') || strchr(argv[1], '+')) {

    for (; !status; hdupos++) { /* Main loop for each HDU */
      fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, &status);  /* Get the HDU type */

      fprintf(fout, "\nHDU #%d  ", hdupos);
      if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) { /* primary array or image HDU */
        fits_get_img_param(fptr, 10, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status);

        fprintf(fout, "Array:  NAXIS = %d,  BITPIX = %d\n", naxis, bitpix);
        for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++) {
          fprintf(fout, "   NAXIS%d = %ld\n",ii+1, naxes[ii]);
      } else { /* a table HDU */
        fits_get_num_rows(fptr, &nrows, &status);
        fits_get_num_cols(fptr, &ncols, &status);

        if (hdutype == ASCII_TBL) {
          fprintf(fout, "ASCII Table:  ");
        } else {
          fprintf(fout, "Binary Table:  ");

        fprintf(fout, "%d columns x %ld rows\n", ncols, nrows);
        fprintf(fout, " COL NAME             FORMAT\n");

        for (ii = 1; ii <= ncols; ii++) {
          fits_make_keyn("TTYPE", ii, keyname, &status); /* make keyword */
          fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, keyname, colname, NULL, &status);
          fits_make_keyn("TFORM", ii, keyname, &status); /* make keyword */
          fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, keyname, coltype, NULL, &status);

          fprintf(fout, " %3d %-16s %-16s\n", ii, colname, coltype);

      if (single) {
        break;  /* quit if only listing a single HDU */

      fits_movrel_hdu(fptr, 1, NULL, &status);  /* try move to next ext */

    if (status == END_OF_FILE) {
      status = 0;  /* Reset normal error */
    fits_close_file(fptr, &status);


  if (status) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);  /* print any error message */
  return (status);
예제 #14
파일: ReadASPData.c 프로젝트: rferdman/afr
int ReadASPData(struct ASPHdr *hdr, struct SubHdr *subhdr, 
		 struct RunVars *RunMode, fitsfile *Fin, int nscan, 
		 int NPtsProf, double **ASquared, double **BSquared, 
		 double **ReAconjB, double **ImAconjB, long **SampleCount)

  int  i, j, status=0, datacolnum, refcolnum, anynull;
  int  NColumns;
  char Rawfile[100];

  FILE *s;

  fits_get_num_cols(Fin, &NColumns, &status);status=0;

  /* malloc array for each channel based on profile size */
    ASquared[i]    = (double *)malloc(NPtsProf*sizeof(double));
    DZero(&ASquared[i][0], NPtsProf);
    BSquared[i]    = (double *)malloc(NPtsProf*sizeof(double));
    DZero(&BSquared[i][0], NPtsProf);
    ReAconjB[i]    = (double *)malloc(NPtsProf*sizeof(double));
    DZero(&ReAconjB[i][0], NPtsProf);
    ImAconjB[i]    = (double *)malloc(NPtsProf*sizeof(double));
    DZero(&ImAconjB[i][0], NPtsProf);
    SampleCount[i] = (long   *)malloc(NPtsProf*sizeof(long));
    LZero(&SampleCount[i][0], NPtsProf);

  /* get middle dump time  */
    fits_read_key(Fin, TDOUBLE, "DUMPMIDSECS", &(subhdr->DumpMiddleSecs), 
		  NULL, &status); status = 0;

  /* move to ref table for newer version */
  if(!strcmp(hdr->gen.HdrVer,"Ver1.0.1")) {
    fits_read_key(Fin, TDOUBLE, "MIDSECS", &(subhdr->DumpMiddleSecs), 
		  NULL, &status); status = 0;
    refcolnum = 0;
    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE, ++refcolnum, 1, 1, (long)hdr->obs.NChan, NULL, 
		  subhdr->DumpRefPhase,  &anynull, &status); 
    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE, ++refcolnum, 1, 1, (long)hdr->obs.NChan, NULL, 
		  subhdr->DumpRefPeriod, &anynull, &status); 

      printf("Dump %d:  TIME OF DUMP = %lf\n",nscan,subhdr->DumpMiddleSecs); 
      printf("          CHANNEL (MHz)   REF. PHASE   REF. PERIOD (s)\n");
      printf("          -------------   ----------   ---------------\n");
	printf("          %13.1lf%13.8lf%18.11lf\n", hdr->obs.ChanFreq[i],
	       subhdr->DumpRefPhase[i], subhdr->DumpRefPeriod[i]);       

    /* Move to next HDU, i.e. data table for this dump */
    fits_movrel_hdu(Fin, 1, NULL, &status);

  datacolnum = 0;

  for(i=0;i<hdr->obs.NChan;i++) {

    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE,  ++datacolnum, 1, 1, NPtsProf, NULL, 
		  &ASquared[i][0],    &anynull, &status); 
    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE,  ++datacolnum, 1, 1, NPtsProf, NULL, 
		  &BSquared[i][0],    &anynull, &status); 
    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE,  ++datacolnum, 1, 1, NPtsProf, NULL, 
		  &ReAconjB[i][0],    &anynull, &status); 
    fits_read_col(Fin, TDOUBLE,  ++datacolnum, 1, 1, NPtsProf, NULL, 
		  &ImAconjB[i][0],    &anynull, &status); 
      fits_read_col(Fin, TLONG,  ++datacolnum, 1, 1, NPtsProf, NULL, 
		    &SampleCount[i][0], &anynull, &status); 

/* Normalize */
        ASquared[i][j] /= (double)SampleCount[i][j];
        BSquared[i][j] /= (double)SampleCount[i][j];
        ReAconjB[i][j] /= (double)SampleCount[i][j];
        ImAconjB[i][j] /= (double)SampleCount[i][j];



  for(i=0;i<hdr->obs.NChan;i++) {

   /* read in reference phase, period if old version */

      fits_read_key(Fin, TDOUBLE, "DUMPREFPER",   &(subhdr->DumpRefPeriod[i]),  
		    NULL, &status); status = 0;
      fits_read_key(Fin, TDOUBLE, "DUMPREFPHASE", &(subhdr->DumpRefPhase[i]),   
		    NULL, &status); status = 0; 
      if(RunMode->Verbose && i==0){
	printf("Dump %d:  TIME OF DUMP = %lf\n",nscan, subhdr->DumpMiddleSecs);
	printf("          REF. PHASE = %lf, REF. PERIOD = %lf s\n", 
	       subhdr->DumpRefPhase[i], subhdr->DumpRefPeriod[i]);fflush(stdout);

   sprintf(HeadLine[i],"# %.1f %.7f %.10f %ld %.3f %.3f %d %s %d %s %.10f",
	    (double)hdr->obs.IMJDStart, subhdr->DumpMiddleSecs, 
	    subhdr->DumpRefPeriod[i], (long)1,hdr->obs.ChanFreq[i], hdr->obs.DM, 
	    RunMode->NBinsOut, hdr->obs.ObsvtyCode, 1, hdr->target.PSRName, 

    if (RunMode->MakeRaw){
      s = fopen(Rawfile, "w");
      if (s==NULL) {
	printf("ASPFitsReader: Can't open file %s\n",Rawfile);


      for (j=0; j<NPtsProf; j++) {
 	fprintf(s,"%d  %lf  %lf  %lf  %lf  %d\n",j, 
		ASquared[i][j], BSquared[i][j], ReAconjB[i][j], ImAconjB[i][j],



  return 1;
