예제 #1
int fitsNamesUnits( fitsfile *fp, int HDU, QStringList *names, QStringList *units ) {
  int nString = 0;
  // clear the lists
  // move to desired HDU
  int ret = 0;
  int hduType;
  if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp, HDU, &hduType, &ret)) {
    return nString;
  // for each type of HDU, find the column names or assign
  // a generic image name (since images don't have names)
  QString curName;
  QString curUnits;
  int maxDim;
  long rowLen;
  long nRows;
  int nCols;
  long tbCol;
  char **fitsNames;
  char **fitsUnits;
  long *dimAxes = NULL;
  int nAxis;
  switch (hduType) {
    case IMAGE_HDU:
      // find the size of the image and include it in the 
      // generic name.
      maxDim = 100; // no images should have > 100 dimensions...
      dimAxes = (long*)calloc(maxDim, sizeof(long));
      if (fits_read_imghdr(fp, maxDim, NULL, NULL, &nAxis, dimAxes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return nString;
      curName = "IMAGE (";
      for (int i = 0; i < nAxis; i++) {
        curUnits.sprintf("%ld", dimAxes[i]);
        if (i != nAxis-1) {
    case ASCII_TBL:
      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
      // find number of columns
      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, &tbCol, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return nString;
      // allocate names and units
      fitsNames = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
      fitsUnits = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
      // read names and units
      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, fitsNames, &tbCol, NULL, fitsUnits, NULL, &ret)) {
        return nString;
      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
        curName = fitsNames[i];
        curUnits = fitsUnits[i];
      fitsSarrayFree(fitsNames, nCols);
      fitsSarrayFree(fitsUnits, nCols);
    case BINARY_TBL:
      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
      // find number of columns
      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return nString;
      // allocate names and units
      fitsNames = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
      fitsUnits = fitsSarrayAlloc(nCols);
      // read names and units
      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, fitsNames, NULL, fitsUnits, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return nString;
      for (int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) {
        curName = fitsNames[i];
        curUnits = fitsUnits[i];
      fitsSarrayFree(fitsNames, nCols);
      fitsSarrayFree(fitsUnits, nCols);
      return nString;
  return nString;
예제 #2
QValueList<int> fitsDim( fitsfile *fp, int HDU ) {
  QValueList<int> dims;
  // move to desired HDU
  int ret = 0;
  int hduType;
  if (fits_movabs_hdu(fp, HDU, &hduType, &ret)) {
    return dims;
  // for each type of HDU, find the dimensions
  int maxDim;
  long rowLen;
  long nRows;
  int nCols;
  long tbCol;
  long *dimAxes = NULL;
  int nAxis;
  switch (hduType) {
    case IMAGE_HDU:
      // find the size of the image and include it in the 
      // generic name.
      maxDim = 100; // no images should have > 100 dimensions...
      dimAxes = (long*)calloc(maxDim, sizeof(long));
      if (fits_read_imghdr(fp, maxDim, NULL, NULL, &nAxis, dimAxes, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return dims;
      for (int i = 0; i < nAxis; i++) {
    case ASCII_TBL:
      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
      // find number of columns
      if (fits_read_atblhdr(fp, maxDim, &rowLen, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, &tbCol, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return dims;
    case BINARY_TBL:
      maxDim = 2147483646; // 2^32/2 - 2 (i.e. a big positive integer)
      // find number of columns
      if (fits_read_btblhdr(fp, maxDim, &nRows, &nCols, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret)) {
        return dims;
      return dims;
  return dims;
예제 #3
파일: uvsubs_old.c 프로젝트: guille-c/VIR
int get_header(fitsfile *fptr, struct uvf_header *header)
  int status = 0;
  int error;
  int i, k, hdunum, hdutype, bitpix, naxis, group;
  long pcount, gcount, naxes[MAX_DIM];
  char extname[68];
  int extver;
  char object[FLEN_VALUE];
  char telescop[FLEN_VALUE];
  char instrume[FLEN_VALUE];
  char ctype[FLEN_VALUE];
  char datobs[FLEN_VALUE], bunit[FLEN_VALUE], radecsys[FLEN_VALUE];
  char keyctype[FLEN_KEYWORD], keycrval[FLEN_KEYWORD];
  char keycdelt[FLEN_KEYWORD], keycrpix[FLEN_KEYWORD];
  char observer[FLEN_KEYWORD];
  double crval, cdelt, crpix;
  double equinox, obsra, obsdec, ra, dec, freq, bw;
  double min_date, max_date;
  int stokes[MAX_STOKES], nstokes, delta_stokes;
  int nc, nif, nval;
  struct uvf_sample sample;

  /* Read the standard header keywords */

  fits_read_imghdr(fptr, MAX_DIM, NULL, &bitpix, &naxis,
		   naxes, &pcount, &gcount, NULL, &status);
  fprintf(stderr, "  bitpix = %d, gcount=%ld\n", bitpix, gcount);
  fits_report_error(stderr, status);

  /* Check for UVF */

  if (status || gcount <= 1  || naxes[0] != 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "This is not UV-FITS file\n");
    return 1;

  /* Look for the keywords that we know about */

  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "OBJECT",   object,   NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; object[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "TELESCOP", telescop, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; telescop[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "INSTRUME", instrume, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; instrume[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "DATE-OBS", datobs,   NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; datobs[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "BUNIT",    bunit,    NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; bunit[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "RADECSYS", radecsys, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; radecsys[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "OBSERVER", observer, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; observer[0] = '\0';}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "EQUINOX",  &equinox, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) { /* EQUINOX not found; use EPOCH */
    status = 0;
    /* fprintf(stderr, "Warning: EQUINOX keyword missing\n"); */
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "EPOCH",  &equinox, NULL, &status);
  fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "OBSRA",  &obsra, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; obsra = 0.0;}
  fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, "OBSDEC", &obsdec, NULL, &status);
  if (status == 202) {status = 0; obsdec = 0.0;}
  fprintf(stderr, "  %s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%.2f,%s,%s\n", 
	  object, telescop, instrume, observer, datobs, bunit, radecsys,
	  equinox, ra_string(obsra*RPDEG), dec_string(obsdec*RPDEG));

  /* Look at the axis descriptions */

  error = 0;
  nc = 0;
  nstokes = 0;
  nif = 0;
  ra = dec = freq = bw = 0.0;
  stokes[0] = 0;
  delta_stokes = 0;
  fprintf(stderr, "  Axes (%d): ", naxis-1);
  for (i=1; i<naxis; i++) {
    status = 0;
    fits_make_keyn("CTYPE", i+1, keyctype, &status);
    fits_make_keyn("CRVAL", i+1, keycrval, &status);
    fits_make_keyn("CDELT", i+1, keycdelt, &status);
    fits_make_keyn("CRPIX", i+1, keycrpix, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, keyctype, ctype, NULL, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, keycrval, &crval, NULL, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, keycdelt, &cdelt, NULL, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, keycrpix, &crpix, NULL, &status);
    if (status)
      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    if (i>1) fprintf(stderr, ",");
    fprintf(stderr, "%s(%ld)", ctype, naxes[i]);
    if (strcmp(ctype, "RA") == 0) {
      ra = crval;
      error += (naxes[i] != 1);
    } else if (strcmp(ctype, "DEC") == 0) {
      dec = crval;
      error += (naxes[i] != 1);
    } else if (strcmp(ctype, "COMPLEX") == 0) {
      nc = naxes[i];
      error += (nc != 3);
      error += (crval != 1.0);
    } else if (strcmp(ctype, "STOKES") == 0) {
      nstokes = naxes[i];
      error += (nstokes < 1 || nstokes > MAX_STOKES);
      delta_stokes = cdelt;
      for (k=0; k < MAX_STOKES; k++) {
	stokes[k] = crval + (1+k-crpix)*cdelt;
      error += (nc == 0); /* COMPLEX must be an earlier axis than STOKES */
    } else if (strcmp(ctype, "FREQ") == 0) {
      freq = crval;
      bw = cdelt;
      error += (naxes[i] != 1);
    } else if (strcmp(ctype, "IF") == 0) {
      nif = naxes[i];
      error += (nif < 1);
      error += (crval != 1.0);
      error += (nstokes == 0); /* STOKES must be an earlier axis than IF */
      error += (nc == 0); /* COMPLEX must be an earlier axis than IF */
    } else {
      error += 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");
  if (error > 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "This is not an acceptable UV-FITS file\n");
    return 1;
  fprintf(stderr, "  RA=%s, Dec=%s, Stokes=",
	  ra_string(ra*RPDEG), dec_string(dec*RPDEG));
  for (k = 0; k < nstokes; k++)
    fprintf(stderr,"%s,", stokes_label(stokes[k]));
  fprintf(stderr, " Freq=%.6g, BW=%.6g\n", freq, bw);
  nval = nc*nif; /* Number of data values at each uv point */

  /* Look at the parameter descriptions */

  header->index_u = -1;
  header->index_v = -1;
  header->index_w = -1;
  header->index_baseline = -1;
  header->index_date1 = -1;
  header->index_date2 = -1;
  header->index_inttim = -1;
  fprintf(stderr, "  Parameters (%ld): ", pcount);
  for (i=0; i<pcount; i++) {
    status = 0;
    fits_make_keyn("PTYPE", i+1, keyctype, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, keyctype, ctype, NULL, &status);
    fits_make_keyn("PSCAL", i+1, keyctype, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, keyctype, &header->pscal[i], NULL, &status);
    fits_make_keyn("PZERO", i+1, keyctype, &status);
    fits_read_key(fptr, TDOUBLE, keyctype, &header->pzero[i], NULL, &status);
    if (status)
      fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    if (i>0) fprintf(stderr, ",");
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", ctype);
    if (strcmp("UU---SIN", ctype) == 0 ||
	strcmp("UU",       ctype) == 0)
      header->index_u = i;
    else if (strcmp("VV---SIN", ctype) == 0 ||
	     strcmp("VV",       ctype) == 0)
      header->index_v = i;
    else if (strcmp("WW---SIN", ctype) == 0 ||
	     strcmp("WW",       ctype) == 0)
      header->index_w = i;
    else if (strcmp("BASELINE", ctype) == 0)
      header->index_baseline = i;
    else if (strcmp("INTTIM", ctype) == 0)
      header->index_inttim = i; /* optional */
    else if (strcmp("DATE", ctype) == 0) {
      if (header->index_date1 == -1)
	header->index_date1 = i;
	header->index_date2 = i;
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "\nIgnoring unknown parameter \"%s\"\n", ctype);
  fprintf(stderr, "\n");

  if (header->index_u < 0 || header->index_v < 0 || header->index_w < 0 ||
      header->index_baseline < 0 || header->index_date1 < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "A required parameter is missing\n");
    return 1;

  if (pcount > MAX_PAR) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Too many group parameters in UVF file\n");
    return 1;
  if (DEBUG) {
    for (i=0; i < pcount; i++)
      fprintf(stderr,"%g %g\n", header->pscal[i], header->pzero[i]);

  /* Save header */

  strcpy(header->object, object);
  strcpy(header->telescop, telescop);
  strcpy(header->instrume, instrume);
  strcpy(header->bunit, bunit);
  strcpy(header->radecsys, radecsys);
  strcpy(header->observer, observer);
  header->equinox = equinox;
  header->obsra = obsra;
  header->obsdec = obsdec;
  header->ra = ra;
  header->dec = dec;
  header->freq = freq;
  header->bw = bw;
  header->nstokes = nstokes;
  header->delta_stokes = delta_stokes;
  for (k = 0; k < nstokes; k++)
    header->stokes[k] = stokes[k];
  header->nif = nif;
  header->nchan = nif*nstokes;
  header->nsamp = gcount;
  header->pcount = pcount;
  header->n_antennas = 0;

  /* Read the data to find the time range */

  max_date = 0.0;
  min_date = 1e20;
  for (group=1; group <= gcount; group++) {
    get_sample(fptr, header, group, &sample); 
    if (sample.date < min_date) min_date = sample.date;
    if (sample.date > max_date) max_date = sample.date;
  header->start_jd = min_date;
  header->end_jd = max_date;
  fprintf(stderr, "  Time range: MJD %.8f to %.8f\n", min_date, max_date);

  /* Find the extensions */

  fits_get_num_hdus(fptr, &hdunum, &status);
  for (i=1; i < hdunum; i++) {
    fits_movabs_hdu(fptr, i+1, &hdutype, &status);
    if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL || hdutype == ASCII_TBL) {
      fits_read_key(fptr, TSTRING, "EXTNAME", extname, NULL, &status);
      fits_read_key(fptr, TINT, "EXTVER", &extver, NULL, &status);
      fprintf(stderr, "  Extension %d is %s version %d (%s table)\n", i,
	      extname, extver, hdutype == BINARY_TBL ? "binary" : "ascii");
      if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL && strcmp(extname, "AIPS AN") == 0)
	get_antable(fptr, i+1, header);
      if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL && strcmp(extname, "AIPS FQ") == 0)
	get_fqtable(fptr, i+1, header);
    } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "  Skipping unknown extension of type %d\n", hdutype);

  return status ? 1 : 0;