예제 #1
파일: fitsutils.c 프로젝트: sfabbro/allphot
int fits_print_keyvalue(fitsfile* fptr, char* keyname, int* status) {
  /* Standard string lengths defined in fitsio.h */
  static char keyval[FLEN_VALUE];
  int oldstatus = *status;

  /* Read and print requested keyword value */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, keyname, keyval, 0, status);
  if (*status != KEY_NO_EXIST) {
    printf("%s", keyval);
  } else {
    *status = oldstatus;
  return *status;
예제 #2
파일: twcstab.c 프로젝트: orlanthi/wcslib
int create_input()

  const double TWOPI = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846;

  /* These must match wcstab.keyrec. */
  const char infile[] = "test/wcstab.keyrec";
  const long NAXIS1 = 256;
  const long NAXIS2 = 128;
  const long NAXIS3 =   4;
  const char *ttype1[3] = {"CelCoords", "RAIndex", "DecIndex"};
  const char *tform1[3] = {"5600E", "70E", "40E"};
  const char *tunit1[3] = {"deg", "", ""};
  const char *ttype2[4] = {"WaveIndex", "WaveCoord",
                           "TimeIndex", "TimeCoord"};
  const char *tform2[4] = {"8E", "8D", "8E", "8D"};
  const char *tunit2[4] = {"", "m", "", "a"};

  /* The remaining parameters may be chosen at will. */
  float  refval[] = {150.0f, -30.0f};
  float  span[]   = {5.0f, (5.0f*K2)/K1};
  float  sigma[]  = {0.10f, 0.05f};
  double wcoord[] = {0.21106114, 0.21076437, 2.0e-6, 2.2e-6,
                     500.0e-9, 650.0e-9, 1.24e-9, 2.48e-9};
  double windex[] = {0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5, 4.5};
  double tcoord[] = {1997.84512, 1997.84631, 1993.28451, 1993.28456,
                     2001.59234, 2001.59239, 2002.18265, 2002.18301};
  double tindex[] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0};

  char   keyrec[84];
  int    i, status;
  long   dummy, firstelem, k1, k2, p1, p2, p3;
  float  array[2*K1*K2], *fp, image[256];
  double s, t, x1, x2, z, z1, z2;
  FILE   *stream;
  fitsfile *fptr;

  /* Look for the input header keyrecords. */
  if ((stream = fopen(infile+5, "r")) == 0x0) {
    if ((stream = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0x0) {
      printf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
      return 1;

  /* Create the FITS output file, deleting any pre-existing file. */
  status = 0;
  fits_create_file(&fptr, "!wcstab.fits", &status);

  /* Convert header keyrecords to FITS. */
  while (fgets(keyrec, 82, stream) != NULL) {
    /* Ignore meta-comments (copyright information, etc.). */
    if (keyrec[0] == '#') continue;

    /* Strip off the newline. */
    i = strlen(keyrec) - 1;
    if (keyrec[i] == '\n') keyrec[i] = '\0';

    fits_write_record(fptr, keyrec, &status);

  /* Create and write some phoney image data. */
  firstelem = 1;
  for (p3 = 0; p3 < NAXIS3; p3++) {
    for (p2 = 0; p2 < NAXIS2; p2++) {
      fp = image;
      s = (p3 + 1) * cos(0.2 * p2);
      t = cos(0.8*p2);
      for (p1 = 0; p1 < NAXIS1; p1++) {
        /* Do not adjust your set! */
        *(fp++) = sin(0.1*(p1+p2) + s) * cos(0.4*p1) * t;

      fits_write_img_flt(fptr, 0L, firstelem, NAXIS1, image, &status);
      firstelem += NAXIS1;

  /* Add the first binary table extension. */
  fits_create_tbl(fptr, BINARY_TBL, 1L, 3L, (char **)ttype1, (char **)tform1,
     (char **)tunit1, NULL, &status);

  /* Write EXTNAME and EXTVER near the top, after TFIELDS. */
  fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "TFIELDS", &dummy, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "EXTNAME", "WCS-TABLE",
    "WCS Coordinate lookup table", &status);
  fits_insert_key_lng(fptr, "EXTVER", 1L, "Table number 1", &status);

  /* Write the TDIM1 keyrecord after TFORM1. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM1", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  sprintf(keyrec, "(2,%ld,%ld)", K1, K2);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM1", keyrec, "Dimensions of 3-D array",

  /* Plate carrée projection with a bit of noise for the sake of realism. */
  fp = array;
  for (k2 = 0; k2 < K2; k2++) {
    for (k1 = 0; k1 < K1; k1++) {
      /* Box-Muller transformation: uniform -> normal distribution. */
      x1 = lcprng();
      x2 = lcprng();
      if (x1 == 0.0) x1 = 1.0;
      z  = sqrt(-2.0 * log(x1));
      x2 *= TWOPI;
      z1 = z * cos(x2);
      z2 = z * sin(x2);

      *(fp++) = refval[0] + span[0] * (k1/(K1-1.0) - 0.5) + z1 * sigma[0];
      *(fp++) = refval[1] + span[1] * (k2/(K2-1.0) - 0.5) + z2 * sigma[1];
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 1, 1L, 1L, 2*K1*K2, array, &status);

  fp = array;
  for (k1 = 0; k1 < K1; k1++) {
    *(fp++) = 4.0f * k1;
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 2, 1L, 1L, K1, array, &status);

  fp = array;
  for (k2 = 0; k2 < K2; k2++) {
    *(fp++) = 4.0f * k2;
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 3, 1L, 1L, K2, array, &status);

  /* Add the second binary table extension. */
  if (fits_create_tbl(fptr, BINARY_TBL, 1L, 4L, (char **)ttype2,
     (char **)tform2, (char **)tunit2, NULL, &status)) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  /* Write EXTNAME and EXTVER near the top, after TFIELDS. */
  fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "TFIELDS", &dummy, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "EXTNAME", "WCS-TABLE",
    "WCS Coordinate lookup table", &status);
  fits_insert_key_lng(fptr, "EXTVER", 2L, "Table number 2", &status);

  /* Write the TDIM2 keyrecord after TFORM2. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM2", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM2", "(1,8)", "Dimensions of 2-D array",

  /* Write the TDIM4 keyrecord after TFORM4. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM4", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM4", "(1,8)", "Dimensions of 2-D array",

  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 1, 1L, 1L, 8L, windex, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 2, 1L, 1L, 8L, wcoord, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 3, 1L, 1L, 8L, tindex, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 4, 1L, 1L, 8L, tcoord, &status);

  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

  if (status) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #3
int HEALPixIn(struct healpix *hpxdat)

  char   crdsys[32], ordering[32];
  int    anynul, hdutype, iaxis, nfound, status;
  long   firstpix, ipix, lastpix, naxis, *naxes = 0x0, nside = 0, repeat;
  float  *datap, nulval;
  LONGLONG firstelem, irow, nelem, npix = 0, nrow = 0;
  fitsfile *fptr;

  status = 0;
  hpxdat->data = 0x0;

  /* Open the FITS file and move to the first HDU with NAXIS != 0. */
  if (fits_open_data(&fptr, hpxdat->infile, READONLY, &status)) goto fitserr;

  /* Is this the primary HDU or an extension? */
  if (fits_get_hdu_type(fptr, &hdutype, &status)) goto fitserr;
  if (!(hdutype == IMAGE_HDU || hdutype == BINARY_TBL)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: %s does not contain HEALPix data.\n",
    return 1;

  /* Get the image size. */
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", &naxis, 0x0, &status)) goto fitserr;
  naxes = malloc(naxis*sizeof(long));
  if (fits_read_keys_lng(fptr, "NAXIS", 1, (int)naxis, naxes, &nfound,
                         &status)) goto fitserr;

  if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    /* Look for the first non-degenerate image axis. */
    for (iaxis = 0; iaxis < nfound; iaxis++) {
      if (naxes[iaxis] > 1) {
        /* Assume for now that it is the total number of pixels. */
        npix = naxes[iaxis];

  } else if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL) {
    /* Binary tables are simpler. */
    if (nfound > 1) nrow = naxes[1];

    /* (Note that fits_get_coltypell() is not available in cfitsio 2.x.) */
    if (fits_get_coltype(fptr, hpxdat->col, 0x0, &repeat, 0x0, &status)) {
      goto fitserr;
    nelem = (LONGLONG)repeat;

  if (!npix && !nrow) {
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not determine image size.\n");
    goto cleanup;

  /* Number of pixels per side of each base-resolution pixel. */
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "NSIDE", &nside, 0x0, &status)) {
    /* Some HEALPix files, e.g. SFD dust maps, don't record NSIDE. */
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  /* FIRSTPIX and LASTPIX, if present, record the 0-relative pixel numbers of
   * the first and last pixels stored in the data. */
  firstpix = -1;
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "FIRSTPIX", &firstpix, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  lastpix = -1;
  if (fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "LASTPIX", &lastpix, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  if (!nside) {
    /* Deduce NSIDE. */
    if (lastpix >= 0) {
      /* If LASTPIX is present without NSIDE we can only assume it's npix. */
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)((lastpix+1) / 12)) + 0.5);
    } else if (npix) {
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)(npix / 12)) + 0.5);
    } else if (nrow) {
      nside = (int)(sqrt((double)((nrow * nelem) / 12)) + 0.5);

  hpxdat->nside = (int)nside;
  hpxdat->npix  = 12*nside*nside;

  /* Ensure that FIRSTPIX and LASTPIX are set. */
  if (firstpix < 0) firstpix = 0;
  if (lastpix  < 0) lastpix  = hpxdat->npix - 1;

  /* Any sign of a coordinate system identifier? */
  if (fits_read_key_str(fptr, "COORDSYS", crdsys, 0x0, &status)) {
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'G') {
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'G';
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'E') {
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'E';
  } else if (crdsys[0] == 'C') {
    /* ("celestial") */
    hpxdat->crdsys = 'Q';

  /* Nested or ring ordering? */
  if (fits_read_key_str(fptr, "ORDERING", ordering, 0x0, &status)) {
    /* Some HEALPix files, e.g. SFD dust maps, don't record ORDERING. */
    if (status != KEY_NO_EXIST) goto fitserr;
    status = 0;

  } else if (strcmp(ordering, "NESTED") == 0) {
    hpxdat->ordering = 'N';

  } else if (strcmp(ordering, "RING") == 0) {
    hpxdat->ordering = 'R';

  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Invalid ORDERING keyword: %s.\n", ordering);

  /* Allocate memory and read the data. */
  if ((hpxdat->data = malloc((hpxdat->npix)*sizeof(float))) == NULL) {
    goto cleanup;

  datap = hpxdat->data;
  for (ipix = 0; ipix < firstpix; ipix++) {
    *(datap++) = nulval;

  firstelem = (LONGLONG)1;
  if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) {
    if (fits_read_img_flt(fptr, 0l, firstelem, npix, nulval, datap, &anynul,
        &status)) goto fitserr;

  } else if (hdutype == BINARY_TBL) {
    for (irow = 0; irow < nrow; irow++) {
      if (fits_read_col_flt(fptr, hpxdat->col, irow+1, firstelem, nelem,
          nulval, datap, &anynul, &status)) goto fitserr;
      datap += nelem;

  datap = hpxdat->data + (lastpix + 1);
  for (ipix = (lastpix+1); ipix < hpxdat->npix; ipix++) {
    *(datap++) = nulval;

  /* Clean up. */
  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);
  status = 0;
  return 0;

  fits_report_error(stderr, status);
  if (naxes) free(naxes);
  if (hpxdat->data) free(hpxdat->data);
  hpxdat->data = 0x0;
  return 1;
예제 #4
process_file (char *filename)
	fitsfile *fptr;
	int status, nfound, anynull;
	double median;
	long naxes[4], fpixel, nbuffer, npixels, npix, ii;
	char camera_name[80];

	#define BUFFSIZE  1000
	float nullval, buffer[BUFFSIZE];

	#define printerror(sta)   fits_report_error (stderr, status)
	status = 0;
	if (fits_open_file (&fptr, filename, READONLY, &status))
		printerror (status);
	if (fits_read_keys_lng (fptr, (char *) "NAXIS", 1, 2, naxes, &nfound, &status))
		goto err;
	if (nfound < 1)
		if (verbose)
			printf ("No image found in %s\n", filename);
		fits_close_file (fptr, &status);
		check_unlink (filename);
	npixels = naxes[nfound];
	for (; nfound > 0; nfound--)
		npixels *= naxes[nfound];
	npix = npixels;
	if (fits_read_key_str (fptr, (char *) "CAM_NAME", camera_name, NULL, &status))
		if (verbose)
			printf ("No CAM_NAME in %s, default will be used\n", filename);
		if (isnan (min))
			if (config->getDouble ("flatprocess", "min", min))
				min = -INFINITY;
		if (isnan (max))
			if (config->getDouble ("flatprocess", "max", max))
				max = INFINITY;
		status = 0;
		if (isnan (min))
			if (config->getDouble (camera_name, "flatmin", min))
				min = -INFINITY;
		if (isnan (max))
			if (config->getDouble (camera_name, "flatmax", max))
				max = INFINITY;
	if (verbose > 1)
		printf ("%s: min %f, max %f, npix: %li\n", filename, min, max, npixels);
	fpixel = 1;
	median = 0;
	while (npixels > 0)
		if (npixels > BUFFSIZE)
			nbuffer = BUFFSIZE;
			nbuffer = npixels;
		if (fits_read_img
			(fptr, TFLOAT, fpixel, nbuffer, &nullval, buffer, &anynull,
			goto err;
		for (ii = 0; ii < nbuffer; ii++)
			median += buffer[ii];
		npixels -= nbuffer;
		fpixel += nbuffer;
	median = median / npix;
	if (verbose)
		printf ("%s %f\n", filename, median);
	if (fits_close_file (fptr, &status))
		printerror (status);
	if (median < min || median > max)
		check_unlink (filename);
	printerror (status);
	if (fits_close_file (fptr, &status))
		printerror (status);