예제 #1
파일: fits.c 프로젝트: FlavioFalcao/libvips
static void *
vips_fits_write_meta( VipsImage *image, 
	const char *field, GValue *value, void *a )
	VipsFits *fits = (VipsFits *) a;

	int status;
	const char *value_str;

	status = 0;

	/* We want fields which start "fits-".
	if( !vips_isprefix( "fits-", field ) )
		return( NULL );

	/* The value should be a refstring, since we wrote it in fits2vips 
	 * above ^^.
	value_str = vips_value_get_ref_string( value, NULL );

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "vips_fits_write_meta: setting meta on fits image:\n" );
	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( " value == \"%s\"\n", value_str );

	if( fits_write_record( fits->fptr, value_str, &status ) ) {
		vips_fits_error( status );
		return( a );

	return( NULL );
예제 #2
파일: uvsubs_old.c 프로젝트: guille-c/VIR
int copy_history(fitsfile *infptr, fitsfile *outfptr, char *infile)
  int status = 0;
  int i, nkeys;
  char card[81];

  /* Position files at main HDU */

  fits_movabs_hdu(outfptr, 1, NULL, &status);
  fits_movabs_hdu(infptr,  1, NULL, &status);

  /* Find the number of cards in the input header */

  fits_get_hdrspace(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status);

  /* Write an optional separator in the output history */

  if (infile != NULL) {
    sprintf(card, "History from file %.40s:", infile);
    fits_write_history(outfptr, "-------------------------------------------------------------------", &status);
    fits_write_history(outfptr, card, &status);

  /* Read all the input cards and copy those that are HISTORY */

  for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++) {
    fits_read_record(infptr, i+1, card, &status);
    if (strncmp(card, "HISTORY", 7) == 0)
      fits_write_record(outfptr, card, &status);

  return status;
예제 #3
int     ngp_keyword_all_write(NGP_HDU *ngph, fitsfile *ffp, int mode)
 { int		i, r, ib;
   char		buf[200];
   long		l;

   if (NULL == ngph) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);
   if (NULL == ffp) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);
   r = NGP_OK;
   for (i=0; i<ngph->tokcnt; i++)
    { if ((NGP_REALLY_ALL & mode) || (NGP_OK == ngp_keyword_is_write(&(ngph->tok[i]))))
        { switch (ngph->tok[i].type)
           { case NGP_TTYPE_BOOL:
			ib = ngph->tok[i].value.b;
			fits_write_key(ffp, TLOGICAL, ngph->tok[i].name, &ib, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_STRING:
			fits_write_key_longstr(ffp, ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].value.s, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_INT:
			l = ngph->tok[i].value.i;	/* bugfix - 22-Jan-99, BO - nonalignment of OSF/Alpha */
			fits_write_key(ffp, TLONG, ngph->tok[i].name, &l, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_REAL:
			fits_write_key(ffp, TDOUBLE, ngph->tok[i].name, &(ngph->tok[i].value.d), ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_COMPLEX:
			fits_write_key(ffp, TDBLCOMPLEX, ngph->tok[i].name, &(ngph->tok[i].value.c), ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_NULL:
			fits_write_key_null(ffp, ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_RAW:
			if (0 == strcmp("HISTORY", ngph->tok[i].name))
			  { fits_write_history(ffp, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
			if (0 == strcmp("COMMENT", ngph->tok[i].name))
			  { fits_write_comment(ffp, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
			sprintf(buf, "%-8.8s%s", ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].comment);
			fits_write_record(ffp, buf, &r);
          if (r) return(r);
   fits_set_hdustruc(ffp, &r);				/* resync cfitsio */
예제 #4
int appendheader ( char *outfile, char *infile )
	fitsfile *infptr, *outfptr;         /* FITS file pointer, defined in fitsio.h */
	char card[FLEN_CARD];   /* Standard string lengths defined in fitsio.h */
	int status = 0;   /* CFITSIO status value MUST be initialized to zero! */
	int nkeys, ii;
	char keyword[FLEN_KEYWORD], keyvalue[FLEN_VALUE], keycomment[FLEN_COMMENT];
	char temp[FLEN_KEYWORD];

	if (!fits_open_file(&infptr, infile, READONLY, &status))
		if (!fits_open_file(&outfptr, outfile, READWRITE, &status))
			fits_get_hdrspace(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status); /* get # of keywords */

			for (ii = 1; ii <= nkeys; ii++) { /* Read and write each keywords */

				if (fits_read_record(infptr, ii, card, &status))break;
				fits_read_keyn(infptr, ii, keyword, keyvalue, keycomment, &status);

                                /* check if this is a protected keyword that must not be changed */
				if (*card && fits_get_keyclass(card) == TYP_STRUC_KEY)
					printf("%s - Protected keyword cannot be modified.\n", keyword);
				{	if (!strcmp(temp, keyword)) 
					{	/* do not overwrite COMMENTs */
						fits_write_record(outfptr, card, &status);
						fits_update_card(outfptr, keyword, card, &status);
                                        printf("Writing - %s\n", card);

			fits_close_file(outfptr, &status);

		if (status == END_OF_FILE)  status = 0; /* Reset after normal error */

		fits_close_file(infptr, &status);
예제 #5
파일: imcopy.c 프로젝트: agnwinds/python
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    fitsfile *infptr, *outfptr;   /* FITS file pointers defined in fitsio.h */
    int status = 0, ii = 1, iteration = 0, single = 0, hdupos;
    int hdutype, bitpix, bytepix, naxis = 0, nkeys, datatype = 0, anynul;
    long naxes[9] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1};
    long first, totpix = 0, npix;
    double *array, bscale = 1.0, bzero = 0.0, nulval = 0.;
    char card[81];

    if (argc != 3)
 printf("Usage:  imcopy inputImage outputImage[compress]\n");
 printf("Copy an input image to an output image, optionally compressing\n");
 printf("or uncompressing the image in the process.  If the [compress]\n");
 printf("qualifier is appended to the output file name then the input image\n");
 printf("will be compressed using the tile-compressed format.  In this format,\n");
 printf("the image is divided into rectangular tiles and each tile of pixels\n");
 printf("is compressed and stored in a variable-length row of a binary table.\n");
 printf("If the [compress] qualifier is omitted, and the input image is\n");
 printf("in tile-compressed format, then the output image will be uncompressed.\n");
 printf("If an extension name or number is appended to the input file name, \n");
 printf("enclosed in square brackets, then only that single extension will be\n");
 printf("copied to the output file.  Otherwise, every extension in the input file\n");
 printf("will be processed in turn and copied to the output file.\n");
 printf("1)  imcopy image.fit 'cimage.fit[compress]'\n");
 printf("    This compresses the input image using the default parameters, i.e.,\n");
 printf("    using the Rice compression algorithm and using row by row tiles.\n");
 printf("2)  imcopy cimage.fit image2.fit\n");
 printf("    This uncompress the image created in the first example.\n");
 printf("    image2.fit should be identical to image.fit if the image\n");
 printf("    has an integer datatype.  There will be small differences\n");
 printf("    in the pixel values if it is a floating point image.\n");
 printf("3)  imcopy image.fit 'cimage.fit[compress GZIP 100,100;4]'\n");
 printf("    This compresses the input image using the following parameters:\n");
 printf("         GZIP compression algorithm;\n");
 printf("         100 X 100 pixel compression tiles;\n");
 printf("         noise_bits = 4 (only used with floating point images)\n");
 printf("The full syntax of the compression qualifier is:\n");
 printf("    [compress ALGORITHM TDIM1,TDIM2,...; NOISE_BITS]\n");
 printf("where the allowed ALGORITHM values are Rice, GZIP, PLIO, \n");
 printf("and TDIMn is the size of the compression tile in each dimension,\n");
 printf("and NOISE_BITS = 1, 2, 3, or 4 and controls the amount of noise\n");
 printf("suppression when compressing floating point images. \n");
 printf("Note that it may be necessary to enclose the file names\n");
 printf("in single quote characters on the Unix command line.\n");

    /* Open the input file and create output file */
    fits_open_file(&infptr, argv[1], READONLY, &status);
    fits_create_file(&outfptr, argv[2], &status);

    if (status != 0) {    
        fits_report_error(stderr, status);

    fits_get_hdu_num(infptr, &hdupos);  /* Get the current HDU position */

    /* Copy only a single HDU if a specific extension was given */ 
    if (hdupos != 1 || strchr(argv[1], '[')) single = 1;

    for (; !status; hdupos++)  /* Main loop through each extension */

      fits_get_hdu_type(infptr, &hdutype, &status);

      if (hdutype == IMAGE_HDU) {

          /* get image dimensions and total number of pixels in image */
          for (ii = 0; ii < 9; ii++)
              naxes[ii] = 1;

          fits_get_img_param(infptr, 9, &bitpix, &naxis, naxes, &status);

          totpix = naxes[0] * naxes[1] * naxes[2] * naxes[3] * naxes[4]
             * naxes[5] * naxes[6] * naxes[7] * naxes[8];

      if (hdutype != IMAGE_HDU || naxis == 0 || totpix == 0) { 

          /* just copy tables and null images */
          fits_copy_hdu(infptr, outfptr, 0, &status);

      } else {

          /* Explicitly create new image, to support compression */
          fits_create_img(outfptr, bitpix, naxis, naxes, &status);
          if (status) {
                 fits_report_error(stderr, status);
          /* copy all the user keywords (not the structural keywords) */
          fits_get_hdrspace(infptr, &nkeys, NULL, &status); 

          for (ii = 1; ii <= nkeys; ii++) {
              fits_read_record(infptr, ii, card, &status);
              if (fits_get_keyclass(card) > TYP_CMPRS_KEY)
                  fits_write_record(outfptr, card, &status);

          switch(bitpix) {
              case BYTE_IMG:
                  datatype = TBYTE;
              case SHORT_IMG:
                  datatype = TSHORT;
              case LONG_IMG:
                  datatype = TINT;
              case FLOAT_IMG:
                  datatype = TFLOAT;
              case DOUBLE_IMG:
                  datatype = TDOUBLE;

          bytepix = abs(bitpix) / 8;

          npix = totpix;
          iteration = 0;

          /* try to allocate memory for the entire image */
          /* use double type to force memory alignment */
          array = (double *) calloc(npix, bytepix);

          /* if allocation failed, divide size by 2 and try again */
          while (!array && iteration < 10)  {
              npix = npix / 2;
              array = (double *) calloc(npix, bytepix);

          if (!array)  {
              printf("Memory allocation error\n");

          /* turn off any scaling so that we copy the raw pixel values */
          fits_set_bscale(infptr,  bscale, bzero, &status);
          fits_set_bscale(outfptr, bscale, bzero, &status);

          first = 1;
          while (totpix > 0 && !status)
             /* read all or part of image then write it back to the output file */
             fits_read_img(infptr, datatype, first, npix, 
                     &nulval, array, &anynul, &status);

             fits_write_img(outfptr, datatype, first, npix, array, &status);
             totpix = totpix - npix;
             first  = first  + npix;

      if (single) break;  /* quit if only copying a single HDU */
      fits_movrel_hdu(infptr, 1, NULL, &status);  /* try to move to next HDU */

    if (status == END_OF_FILE)  status = 0; /* Reset after normal error */

    fits_close_file(outfptr,  &status);
    fits_close_file(infptr, &status);

    /* if error occurred, print out error message */
    if (status)
       fits_report_error(stderr, status);
예제 #6
파일: twcstab.c 프로젝트: orlanthi/wcslib
int create_input()

  const double TWOPI = 2.0 * 3.14159265358979323846;

  /* These must match wcstab.keyrec. */
  const char infile[] = "test/wcstab.keyrec";
  const long NAXIS1 = 256;
  const long NAXIS2 = 128;
  const long NAXIS3 =   4;
  const char *ttype1[3] = {"CelCoords", "RAIndex", "DecIndex"};
  const char *tform1[3] = {"5600E", "70E", "40E"};
  const char *tunit1[3] = {"deg", "", ""};
  const char *ttype2[4] = {"WaveIndex", "WaveCoord",
                           "TimeIndex", "TimeCoord"};
  const char *tform2[4] = {"8E", "8D", "8E", "8D"};
  const char *tunit2[4] = {"", "m", "", "a"};

  /* The remaining parameters may be chosen at will. */
  float  refval[] = {150.0f, -30.0f};
  float  span[]   = {5.0f, (5.0f*K2)/K1};
  float  sigma[]  = {0.10f, 0.05f};
  double wcoord[] = {0.21106114, 0.21076437, 2.0e-6, 2.2e-6,
                     500.0e-9, 650.0e-9, 1.24e-9, 2.48e-9};
  double windex[] = {0.5, 1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.5, 3.5, 4.5};
  double tcoord[] = {1997.84512, 1997.84631, 1993.28451, 1993.28456,
                     2001.59234, 2001.59239, 2002.18265, 2002.18301};
  double tindex[] = {0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0};

  char   keyrec[84];
  int    i, status;
  long   dummy, firstelem, k1, k2, p1, p2, p3;
  float  array[2*K1*K2], *fp, image[256];
  double s, t, x1, x2, z, z1, z2;
  FILE   *stream;
  fitsfile *fptr;

  /* Look for the input header keyrecords. */
  if ((stream = fopen(infile+5, "r")) == 0x0) {
    if ((stream = fopen(infile, "r")) == 0x0) {
      printf("ERROR opening %s\n", infile);
      return 1;

  /* Create the FITS output file, deleting any pre-existing file. */
  status = 0;
  fits_create_file(&fptr, "!wcstab.fits", &status);

  /* Convert header keyrecords to FITS. */
  while (fgets(keyrec, 82, stream) != NULL) {
    /* Ignore meta-comments (copyright information, etc.). */
    if (keyrec[0] == '#') continue;

    /* Strip off the newline. */
    i = strlen(keyrec) - 1;
    if (keyrec[i] == '\n') keyrec[i] = '\0';

    fits_write_record(fptr, keyrec, &status);

  /* Create and write some phoney image data. */
  firstelem = 1;
  for (p3 = 0; p3 < NAXIS3; p3++) {
    for (p2 = 0; p2 < NAXIS2; p2++) {
      fp = image;
      s = (p3 + 1) * cos(0.2 * p2);
      t = cos(0.8*p2);
      for (p1 = 0; p1 < NAXIS1; p1++) {
        /* Do not adjust your set! */
        *(fp++) = sin(0.1*(p1+p2) + s) * cos(0.4*p1) * t;

      fits_write_img_flt(fptr, 0L, firstelem, NAXIS1, image, &status);
      firstelem += NAXIS1;

  /* Add the first binary table extension. */
  fits_create_tbl(fptr, BINARY_TBL, 1L, 3L, (char **)ttype1, (char **)tform1,
     (char **)tunit1, NULL, &status);

  /* Write EXTNAME and EXTVER near the top, after TFIELDS. */
  fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "TFIELDS", &dummy, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "EXTNAME", "WCS-TABLE",
    "WCS Coordinate lookup table", &status);
  fits_insert_key_lng(fptr, "EXTVER", 1L, "Table number 1", &status);

  /* Write the TDIM1 keyrecord after TFORM1. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM1", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  sprintf(keyrec, "(2,%ld,%ld)", K1, K2);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM1", keyrec, "Dimensions of 3-D array",

  /* Plate carrée projection with a bit of noise for the sake of realism. */
  fp = array;
  for (k2 = 0; k2 < K2; k2++) {
    for (k1 = 0; k1 < K1; k1++) {
      /* Box-Muller transformation: uniform -> normal distribution. */
      x1 = lcprng();
      x2 = lcprng();
      if (x1 == 0.0) x1 = 1.0;
      z  = sqrt(-2.0 * log(x1));
      x2 *= TWOPI;
      z1 = z * cos(x2);
      z2 = z * sin(x2);

      *(fp++) = refval[0] + span[0] * (k1/(K1-1.0) - 0.5) + z1 * sigma[0];
      *(fp++) = refval[1] + span[1] * (k2/(K2-1.0) - 0.5) + z2 * sigma[1];
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 1, 1L, 1L, 2*K1*K2, array, &status);

  fp = array;
  for (k1 = 0; k1 < K1; k1++) {
    *(fp++) = 4.0f * k1;
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 2, 1L, 1L, K1, array, &status);

  fp = array;
  for (k2 = 0; k2 < K2; k2++) {
    *(fp++) = 4.0f * k2;
  fits_write_col_flt(fptr, 3, 1L, 1L, K2, array, &status);

  /* Add the second binary table extension. */
  if (fits_create_tbl(fptr, BINARY_TBL, 1L, 4L, (char **)ttype2,
     (char **)tform2, (char **)tunit2, NULL, &status)) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  /* Write EXTNAME and EXTVER near the top, after TFIELDS. */
  fits_read_key_lng(fptr, "TFIELDS", &dummy, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "EXTNAME", "WCS-TABLE",
    "WCS Coordinate lookup table", &status);
  fits_insert_key_lng(fptr, "EXTVER", 2L, "Table number 2", &status);

  /* Write the TDIM2 keyrecord after TFORM2. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM2", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM2", "(1,8)", "Dimensions of 2-D array",

  /* Write the TDIM4 keyrecord after TFORM4. */
  fits_read_key_str(fptr, "TFORM4", keyrec, NULL, &status);
  fits_insert_key_str(fptr, "TDIM4", "(1,8)", "Dimensions of 2-D array",

  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 1, 1L, 1L, 8L, windex, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 2, 1L, 1L, 8L, wcoord, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 3, 1L, 1L, 8L, tindex, &status);
  fits_write_col_dbl(fptr, 4, 1L, 1L, 8L, tcoord, &status);

  fits_close_file(fptr, &status);

  if (status) {
    fits_report_error(stderr, status);
    return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #7
int HPXhdr(fitsfile *fptr, struct healpix *hpxdat)

  char   comment[64], cval[16], *ctype1, *ctype2, *descr1, *descr2, *pcode;
  int    status;
  float  cos45, crpix1, crpix2, crval1, crval2, lonpole;
  double cdelt1, cdelt2;

  status = 0;

  fits_update_key_log(fptr, "EXTEND", 0,
    "No FITS extensions are present", &status);
  fits_write_date(fptr, &status);

  /* Set pixel transformation parameters. */
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    crpix1 = (5 * hpxdat->nside + 1) / 2.0f;
  } else {
    crpix1 = (4 * hpxdat->nside + 1) / 2.0f;
  crpix2 = crpix1;

  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRPIX1", &crpix1,
    "Coordinate reference pixel", &status);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRPIX2", &crpix2,
    "Coordinate reference pixel", &status);

  cos45 = (float)sqrt(2.0) / 2.0f;
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC1_1",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC1_2",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC2_1", -cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);
    fits_write_key_flt(fptr, "PC2_2",  cos45, -8,
      "Transformation matrix element", &status);

  cdelt1 = -90.0 / hpxdat->nside / sqrt(2.0);
  cdelt2 = -cdelt1;
  fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT1", cdelt1, -8,
    "[deg] Coordinate increment", &status);
  fits_write_key_dbl(fptr, "CDELT2", cdelt2, -8,
    "[deg] Coordinate increment", &status);

  /* Celestial transformation parameters. */
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    pcode = "HPX";
  } else {
    pcode = "XPH";

  if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'G') {
    /* Galactic. */
    ctype1 = "GLON";
    ctype2 = "GLAT";
    descr1 = "Galactic longitude";
    descr2 = "Galactic  latitude";
  } else if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'E') {
    /* Ecliptic, who-knows-what. */
    ctype1 = "ELON";
    ctype2 = "ELAT";
    descr1 = "Ecliptic longitude";
    descr2 = "Ecliptic  latitude";
  } else if (hpxdat->crdsys == 'Q') {
    /* Equatorial, who-knows-what. */
    ctype1 = "RA--";
    ctype2 = "DEC-";
    descr1 = "Right ascension";
    descr2 = "Declination";
  } else {
    /* Unknown. */
    ctype1 = "XLON";
    ctype2 = "XLAT";
    descr1 = "Longitude";
    descr2 = " Latitude";

  sprintf(cval, "%s-%s", ctype1, pcode);
  sprintf(comment, "%s in an %s projection", descr1, pcode);
  fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE1", cval, comment, &status);
  sprintf(cval, "%s-%s", ctype2, pcode);
  sprintf(comment, "%s in an %s projection", descr2, pcode);
  fits_write_key_str(fptr, "CTYPE2", cval, comment, &status);

  crval1 = 0.0f + 90.0f * hpxdat->quad;
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    crval2 =   0.0f;
  } else if (hpxdat->layout == 1) {
    crval1 += 180.0f;
    crval2  =  90.0f;
  } else {
    crval1 += 180.0f;
    crval2  = -90.0f;
  if (360.0f < crval1) crval1 -= 360.0f;

  sprintf(comment, "[deg] %s at the reference point", descr1);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRVAL1", &crval1, comment, &status);
  sprintf(comment, "[deg] %s at the reference point", descr2);
  fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "CRVAL2", &crval2, comment, &status);

  if (hpxdat->layout) {
    lonpole = 180.0f;
    sprintf(comment, "[deg] Native longitude of the celestial pole");
    fits_write_key(fptr, TFLOAT, "LONPOLE", &lonpole, comment, &status);

  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
    fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "PV2_1", (LONGLONG)4,
      "HPX H parameter (longitude)", &status);
    fits_write_key_lng(fptr, "PV2_2", (LONGLONG)3,
      "HPX K parameter  (latitude)", &status);

  /* Commentary. */
  fits_write_record(fptr, " ", &status);
  if (hpxdat->layout == 0) {
      "Celestial map with FITS-standard HPX coordinate system generated by",
  } else {
      "Celestial map with XPH coordinate system (polar HPX) generated by",

    "'HPXcvt' which reorganises HEALPix data without interpolation as",
    "described in \"Mapping on the HEALPix grid\" by Mark Calabretta and",
    "Boud Roukema.  See http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/Mark.Calabretta",

  return status;
예제 #8
파일: js9helper.c 프로젝트: bolidozor/js9
/* copy image section from input to putput, with binning */
int copyImageSection(fitsfile *ifptr, fitsfile *ofptr,
		     int *dims, double *cens, int bin, char *slice,
		     int *status)
  void *buf;
  char card[FLEN_CARD];
  char tbuf[SZ_LINE];
  int numkeys, nkey, bitpix, dtype;
  int start[2];
  int end[2];
  int naxis = 2;
  long nelements;
  long naxes[2];
  long fpixel[2] = {1,1};
  buf = getImageToArray(ifptr, dims, cens, bin, slice, start, end, &bitpix,
  if( !buf || *status ){
    fits_get_errstatus(*status, tbuf);
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: could not create section for output image: %s\n",
    return *status;
  /* get image size and total number of elements */
  naxes[0] = (int)((end[0] - start[0] + 1) / bin);
  naxes[1] = (int)((end[1] - start[1] + 1) / bin);
  nelements = naxes[0] * naxes[1];
  /* convert bitpix to cfitio data type */
  case 8:
    dtype = TBYTE;
  case 16:
    dtype = TSHORT;
  case -16:
    dtype = TUSHORT;
  case 32:
    dtype = TINT;
  case 64:
    dtype = TLONGLONG;
  case -32:
    dtype = TFLOAT;
  case -64:
    dtype = TDOUBLE;
    fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: unknown data type for image section\n");
    return -1;
  /* this code is modeled after cfitsio/cfileio.c/fits_copy_image_section() */
  fits_create_img(ofptr, bitpix, naxis, naxes, status);
  /* copy all other non-structural keywords from the input to output file */
  fits_get_hdrspace(ifptr, &numkeys, NULL, status);
  for(nkey=4; nkey<=numkeys; nkey++) {
    fits_read_record(ifptr, nkey, card, status);
    if (fits_get_keyclass(card) > TYP_CMPRS_KEY){
      /* write the record to the output file */
      fits_write_record(ofptr, card, status);
  if( *status > 0 ){
	    "ERROR: can't copy header from input image to output section");
  /* write image to FITS file */
  fits_write_pix(ofptr, dtype, fpixel, nelements, buf, status);
  /* update LTM/TLV values in header */
  updateLTM(ifptr, ofptr,
	    (int)((end[0] + start[0]) / 2), (int)((end[1] + start[1]) / 2), 
	    (int)(end[0] - start[0] + 1), (int)(end[1] - start[1] + 1),
	    bin, 1);
  /* free up space */
  if( buf ){
  /* return status */
  return *status;
예제 #9
파일: grparser.c 프로젝트: geechee/iraf
int     ngp_keyword_all_write(NGP_HDU *ngph, fitsfile *ffp, int mode)
 { int		i, r, ib;
   char		buf[200];
   long		l;

   if (NULL == ngph) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);
   if (NULL == ffp) return(NGP_NUL_PTR);
   r = NGP_OK;
   for (i=0; i<ngph->tokcnt; i++)
    { r = ngp_keyword_is_write(&(ngph->tok[i]));
      if ((NGP_REALLY_ALL & mode) || (NGP_OK == r))
        { switch (ngph->tok[i].type)
           { case NGP_TTYPE_BOOL:
			ib = ngph->tok[i].value.b;
			fits_write_key(ffp, TLOGICAL, ngph->tok[i].name, &ib, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_STRING:
			fits_write_key_longstr(ffp, ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].value.s, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_INT:
			l = ngph->tok[i].value.i;	/* bugfix - 22-Jan-99, BO - nonalignment of OSF/Alpha */
			fits_write_key(ffp, TLONG, ngph->tok[i].name, &l, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_REAL:
			fits_write_key(ffp, TDOUBLE, ngph->tok[i].name, &(ngph->tok[i].value.d), ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_COMPLEX:
			fits_write_key(ffp, TDBLCOMPLEX, ngph->tok[i].name, &(ngph->tok[i].value.c), ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_NULL:
			fits_write_key_null(ffp, ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
             case NGP_TTYPE_RAW:
			if (0 == strcmp("HISTORY", ngph->tok[i].name))
			  { fits_write_history(ffp, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
			if (0 == strcmp("COMMENT", ngph->tok[i].name))
			  { fits_write_comment(ffp, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
			sprintf(buf, "%-8.8s%s", ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].comment);
			fits_write_record(ffp, buf, &r);
      else if (NGP_BAD_ARG == r) /* enhancement 10 dec 2003, James Peachey: template comments replace defaults */
        { r = NGP_OK;						/* update comments of special keywords like TFORM */
          if (ngph->tok[i].comment && *ngph->tok[i].comment)	/* do not update with a blank comment */
            { fits_modify_comment(ffp, ngph->tok[i].name, ngph->tok[i].comment, &r);
      else /* other problem, typically a blank token */
        { r = NGP_OK;						/* skip this token, but continue */
      if (r) return(r);
   fits_set_hdustruc(ffp, &r);				/* resync cfitsio */
예제 #10
파일: histo.c 프로젝트: agnwinds/python
int ffhist(fitsfile **fptr,  /* IO - pointer to table with X and Y cols;    */
                             /*     on output, points to histogram image    */
           char *outfile,    /* I - name for the output histogram file      */
           int imagetype,    /* I - datatype for image: TINT, TSHORT, etc   */
           int naxis,        /* I - number of axes in the histogram image   */
           char colname[4][FLEN_VALUE],   /* I - column names               */
           double *minin,     /* I - minimum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *maxin,     /* I - maximum histogram value, for each axis */
           double *binsizein, /* I - bin size along each axis               */
           char minname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for min    */
           char maxname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for max    */
           char binname[4][FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keywords for binsize */
           double weightin,        /* I - binning weighting factor          */
           char wtcol[FLEN_VALUE], /* I - optional keyword or col for weight*/
           int recip,              /* I - use reciprocal of the weight?     */
           char *selectrow,        /* I - optional array (length = no. of   */
                             /* rows in the table).  If the element is true */
                             /* then the corresponding row of the table will*/
                             /* be included in the histogram, otherwise the */
                             /* row will be skipped.  Ingnored if *selectrow*/
                             /* is equal to NULL.                           */
           int *status)
    int ii, datatype, repeat, imin, imax, ibin, bitpix, tstatus, use_datamax = 0;
    long haxes[4];
    fitsfile *histptr;
    char errmsg[FLEN_ERRMSG], keyname[FLEN_KEYWORD], card[FLEN_CARD];
    tcolumn *colptr;
    iteratorCol imagepars[1];
    int n_cols = 1, nkeys;
    long  offset = 0;
    long n_per_loop = -1;  /* force whole array to be passed at one time */
    histType histData;    /* Structure holding histogram info for iterator */
    float amin[4], amax[4], binsize[4], maxbin[4];
    float datamin = FLOATNULLVALUE, datamax = FLOATNULLVALUE;
    char svalue[FLEN_VALUE];
    double dvalue;
    char cpref[4][FLEN_VALUE];
    char *cptr;

    if (*status > 0)

    if (naxis > 4)
        ffpmsg("histogram has more than 4 dimensions");
        return(*status = BAD_DIMEN);

    /* reset position to the correct HDU if necessary */
    if ((*fptr)->HDUposition != ((*fptr)->Fptr)->curhdu)
        ffmahd(*fptr, ((*fptr)->HDUposition) + 1, NULL, status);

    histData.tblptr     = *fptr;
    histData.himagetype = imagetype;
    histData.haxis      = naxis;
    histData.rowselector = selectrow;

    if (imagetype == TBYTE)
        bitpix = BYTE_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TSHORT)
        bitpix = SHORT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TINT)
        bitpix = LONG_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TFLOAT)
        bitpix = FLOAT_IMG;
    else if (imagetype == TDOUBLE)
        bitpix = DOUBLE_IMG;
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

    /* The CPREF keyword, if it exists, gives the preferred columns. */
    /* Otherwise, assume "X", "Y", "Z", and "T"  */

    tstatus = 0;
    ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, "CPREF", cpref[0], NULL, &tstatus);

    if (!tstatus)
        /* Preferred column names are given;  separate them */
        cptr = cpref[0];

        /* the first preferred axis... */
        while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

        if (*cptr != '\0')
           *cptr = '\0';
           while (*cptr == ' ')

           strcpy(cpref[1], cptr);
           cptr = cpref[1];

          /* the second preferred axis... */
          while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

          if (*cptr != '\0')
             *cptr = '\0';
             while (*cptr == ' ')

             strcpy(cpref[2], cptr);
             cptr = cpref[2];

            /* the third preferred axis... */
            while (*cptr != ',' && *cptr != '\0')

            if (*cptr != '\0')
               *cptr = '\0';
               while (*cptr == ' ')

               strcpy(cpref[3], cptr);


    for (ii = 0; ii < naxis; ii++)

      /* get the min, max, and binsize values from keywords, if specified */

      if (*minname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, minname[ii], &minin[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming minimum keyword");

      if (*maxname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, maxname[ii], &maxin[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming maximum keyword");

      if (*binname[ii])
         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, binname[ii], &binsizein[ii], NULL, status) )
             ffpmsg("error reading histogramming binsize keyword");

      if (binsizein[ii] == 0.)
        ffpmsg("error: histogram binsize = 0");
        return(*status = ZERO_SCALE);

      if (*colname[ii] == '\0')
         strcpy(colname[ii], cpref[ii]); /* try using the preferred column */
         if (*colname[ii] == '\0')
           if (ii == 0)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "X");
           else if (ii == 1)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "Y");
           else if (ii == 2)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "Z");
           else if (ii == 3)
              strcpy(colname[ii], "T");

      /* get the column number in the table */
      if (ffgcno(*fptr, CASEINSEN, colname[ii], histData.hcolnum+ii, status)
              > 0)
        strcpy(errmsg, "column for histogram axis doesn't exist: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);

      colptr = ((*fptr)->Fptr)->tableptr;
      colptr += (histData.hcolnum[ii] - 1);

      repeat = (int) colptr->trepeat;  /* vector repeat factor of the column */
      if (repeat > 1)
        strcpy(errmsg, "Can't bin a vector column: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

      /* get the datatype of the column */
      fits_get_coltype(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], &datatype,
         NULL, NULL, status);

      if (datatype < 0 || datatype == TSTRING)
        strcpy(errmsg, "Inappropriate datatype; can't bin this column: ");
        strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        return(*status = BAD_DATATYPE);

      /* use TLMINn and TLMAXn keyword values if min and max were not given */
      /* else use actual data min and max if TLMINn and TLMAXn don't exist */
      if (minin[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
        ffkeyn("TLMIN", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, status);
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, keyname, amin+ii, NULL, status) > 0)
            /* use actual data minimum value for the histogram minimum */
            *status = 0;
            if (fits_get_col_minmax(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], amin+ii, &datamax, status) > 0)
                strcpy(errmsg, "Error calculating datamin and datamax for column: ");
                strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        amin[ii] = (float) minin[ii];

      if (maxin[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
        ffkeyn("TLMAX", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, status);
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, keyname, &amax[ii], NULL, status) > 0)
          *status = 0;
          if(datamax != FLOATNULLVALUE)  /* already computed max value */
             amax[ii] = datamax;
             /* use actual data maximum value for the histogram maximum */
             if (fits_get_col_minmax(*fptr, histData.hcolnum[ii], &datamin, &amax[ii], status) > 0)
                 strcpy(errmsg, "Error calculating datamin and datamax for column: ");
                 strcat(errmsg, colname[ii]);
        use_datamax = 1;  /* flag that the max was determined by the data values */
                          /* and not specifically set by the calling program */
        amax[ii] = (float) maxin[ii];

      /* use TDBINn keyword or else 1 if bin size is not given */
      if (binsizein[ii] == DOUBLENULLVALUE)
         tstatus = 0;
         ffkeyn("TDBIN", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);

         if (ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, binsizein + ii, NULL, &tstatus) > 0)
	    /* make at least 10 bins */
            binsizein[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / 10. ;
            if (binsizein[ii] > 1.)
                binsizein[ii] = 1.;  /* use default bin size */

      if ( (amin[ii] > amax[ii] && binsizein[ii] > 0. ) ||
           (amin[ii] < amax[ii] && binsizein[ii] < 0. ) )
          binsize[ii] = (float) -binsizein[ii];  /* reverse the sign of binsize */
          binsize[ii] =  (float) binsizein[ii];  /* binsize has the correct sign */

      ibin = (int) binsize[ii];
      imin = (int) amin[ii];
      imax = (int) amax[ii];

      /* Determine the range and number of bins in the histogram. This  */
      /* depends on whether the input columns are integer or floats, so */
      /* treat each case separately.                                    */

      if (datatype <= TLONG && (float) imin == amin[ii] &&
                               (float) imax == amax[ii] &&
                               (float) ibin == binsize[ii] )
        /* This is an integer column and integer limits were entered. */
        /* Shift the lower and upper histogramming limits by 0.5, so that */
        /* the values fall in the center of the bin, not on the edge. */

        haxes[ii] = (imax - imin) / ibin + 1;  /* last bin may only */
                                               /* be partially full */
        maxbin[ii] = (float) (haxes[ii] + 1.);  /* add 1. instead of .5 to avoid roundoff */

        if (amin[ii] < amax[ii])
          amin[ii] = (float) (amin[ii] - 0.5);
          amax[ii] = (float) (amax[ii] + 0.5);
          amin[ii] = (float) (amin[ii] + 0.5);
          amax[ii] = (float) (amax[ii] - 0.5);
      else if (use_datamax)  
        /* Either the column datatype and/or the limits are floating point, */
        /* and the histogram limits are being defined by the min and max */
        /* values of the array.  Add 1 to the number of histogram bins to */
        /* make sure that pixels that are equal to the maximum or are */
        /* in the last partial bin are included.  */

        maxbin[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii]; 
        haxes[ii] = (long) (maxbin[ii] + 1);
        /*  float datatype column and/or limits, and the maximum value to */
        /*  include in the histogram is specified by the calling program. */
        /*  The lower limit is inclusive, but upper limit is exclusive    */
        maxbin[ii] = (amax[ii] - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii];
        haxes[ii] = (long) maxbin[ii];

        if (amin[ii] < amax[ii])
          if (amin[ii] + (haxes[ii] * binsize[ii]) < amax[ii])
            haxes[ii]++;   /* need to include another partial bin */
          if (amin[ii] + (haxes[ii] * binsize[ii]) > amax[ii])
            haxes[ii]++;   /* need to include another partial bin */

       /* get the histogramming weighting factor */
    if (*wtcol)
        /* first, look for a keyword with the weight value */
        if (ffgky(*fptr, TFLOAT, wtcol, &histData.weight, NULL, status) )
            /* not a keyword, so look for column with this name */
            *status = 0;

            /* get the column number in the table */
            if (ffgcno(*fptr, CASEINSEN, wtcol, &histData.wtcolnum, status) > 0)
               "keyword or column for histogram weights doesn't exist: ");

            histData.weight = FLOATNULLVALUE;
        histData.weight = (float) weightin;

    if (histData.weight <= 0. && histData.weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
        ffpmsg("Illegal histogramming weighting factor <= 0.");
        return(*status = URL_PARSE_ERROR);

    if (recip && histData.weight != FLOATNULLVALUE)
       /* take reciprocal of weight */
       histData.weight = (float) (1.0 / histData.weight);

    histData.wtrecip = recip;
    /* size of histogram is now known, so create temp output file */
    if (ffinit(&histptr, outfile, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create temp output file for histogram");

    if (ffcrim(histptr, bitpix, histData.haxis, haxes, status) > 0)
        ffpmsg("failed to create primary array histogram in temp file");
        ffclos(histptr, status);

    /* copy all non-structural keywords from the table to the image */
    fits_get_hdrspace(*fptr, &nkeys, NULL, status);
    for (ii = 1; ii <= nkeys; ii++)
       fits_read_record(*fptr, ii, card, status);
       if (fits_get_keyclass(card) >= 120)
           fits_write_record(histptr, card, status);

    /* Set global variables with histogram parameter values.    */
    /* Use separate scalar variables rather than arrays because */
    /* it is more efficient when computing the histogram.       */

    histData.amin1 = amin[0];
    histData.maxbin1 = maxbin[0];
    histData.binsize1 = binsize[0];
    histData.haxis1 = haxes[0];

    if (histData.haxis > 1)
      histData.amin2 = amin[1];
      histData.maxbin2 = maxbin[1];
      histData.binsize2 = binsize[1];
      histData.haxis2 = haxes[1];

      if (histData.haxis > 2)
        histData.amin3 = amin[2];
        histData.maxbin3 = maxbin[2];
        histData.binsize3 = binsize[2];
        histData.haxis3 = haxes[2];

        if (histData.haxis > 3)
          histData.amin4 = amin[3];
          histData.maxbin4 = maxbin[3];
          histData.binsize4 = binsize[3];
          histData.haxis4 = haxes[3];

    /* define parameters of image for the iterator function */
    fits_iter_set_file(imagepars, histptr);        /* pointer to image */
    fits_iter_set_datatype(imagepars, imagetype);  /* image datatype   */
    fits_iter_set_iotype(imagepars, OutputCol);    /* image is output  */

    /* call the iterator function to write out the histogram image */
    if (fits_iterate_data(n_cols, imagepars, offset, n_per_loop,
                          ffwritehisto, (void*)&histData, status) )

    /* write the World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords */
    /* create default values if WCS keywords are not present in the table */
    for (ii = 0; ii < histData.haxis; ii++)
     /*  CTYPEn  */
       tstatus = 0;
       ffkeyn("TCTYP", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
       {               /* just use column name as the type */
          tstatus = 0;
          ffkeyn("TTYPE", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
          ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);

       if (!tstatus)
        ffkeyn("CTYPE", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
        ffpky(histptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, "Coordinate Type", &tstatus);
          tstatus = 0;

     /*  CUNITn  */
       ffkeyn("TCUNI", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
       {         /* use the column units */
          tstatus = 0;
          ffkeyn("TUNIT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
          ffgky(*fptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, NULL, &tstatus);

       if (!tstatus)
        ffkeyn("CUNIT", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
        ffpky(histptr, TSTRING, keyname, svalue, "Coordinate Units", &tstatus);
         tstatus = 0;

     /*  CRPIXn  - Reference Pixel  */
       ffkeyn("TCRPX", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         dvalue = 1.0; /* choose first pixel in new image as ref. pix. */
         tstatus = 0;
           /* calculate locate of the ref. pix. in the new image */
           dvalue = (dvalue - amin[ii]) / binsize[ii] + .5;

       ffkeyn("CRPIX", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Reference Pixel", &tstatus);

     /*  CRVALn - Value at the location of the reference pixel */
       ffkeyn("TCRVL", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         /* calculate value at ref. pix. location (at center of 1st pixel) */
         dvalue = amin[ii] + binsize[ii]/2.;
         tstatus = 0;

       ffkeyn("CRVAL", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Reference Value", &tstatus);

     /*  CDELTn - unit size of pixels  */
       ffkeyn("TCDLT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
       ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
       if (tstatus)
         dvalue = 1.0;  /* use default pixel size */
         tstatus = 0;

       dvalue = dvalue * binsize[ii];
       ffkeyn("CDELT", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
       ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, "Pixel size", &tstatus);

     /*  CROTAn - Rotation angle (degrees CCW)  */
     /*  There should only be a CROTA2 keyword, and only for 2+ D images */
       if (ii == 1)
         ffkeyn("TCROT", histData.hcolnum[ii], keyname, &tstatus);
         ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
         if (!tstatus && dvalue != 0.)  /* only write keyword if angle != 0 */
           ffkeyn("CROTA", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
           ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue,
                 "Rotation angle", &tstatus);
            /* didn't find CROTA for the 2nd axis, so look for one */
            /* on the first axis */
           tstatus = 0;
           ffkeyn("TCROT", histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
           ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, NULL, &tstatus);
           if (!tstatus && dvalue != 0.)  /* only write keyword if angle != 0 */
             dvalue *= -1.;   /* negate the value, because mirror image */
             ffkeyn("CROTA", ii + 1, keyname, &tstatus);
             ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue,
                   "Rotation angle", &tstatus);

    /* convert any TPn_k keywords to PCi_j; the value remains unchanged */
    /* also convert any TCn_k to CDi_j; the value is modified by n binning size */
    /* This is a bit of a kludge, and only works for 2D WCS */

    if (histData.haxis == 2) {

      /* PC1_1 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[0], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC1_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);

      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[0];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);

      /* PC1_2 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[0], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[1], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC1_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
        dvalue *=  binsize[0];
        ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD1_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      /* PC2_1 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[1], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[0], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC2_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[1];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_1", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
       /* PC2_2 */
      tstatus = 0;
      ffkeyn("TP", histData.hcolnum[1], card, &tstatus);
      ffkeyn(card, histData.hcolnum[1], keyname, &tstatus);
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) 
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "PC2_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      tstatus = 0;
      keyname[1] = 'C';
      ffgky(*fptr, TDOUBLE, keyname, &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
      if (!tstatus) {
         dvalue *=  binsize[1];
         ffpky(histptr, TDOUBLE, "CD2_2", &dvalue, card, &tstatus);
    /* finally, close the original file and return ptr to the new image */
    ffclos(*fptr, status);
    *fptr = histptr;
