예제 #1
파일: analyze.c 프로젝트: Scorbie/ptbtest
Transformation normalize(LifeList *cells) {

  Transformation T;
  Transformation normalizeT;



  for (T.flipxF=1; T.flipxF>=0; T.flipxF--) {
    for (T.flipyF=1; T.flipyF>=0; T.flipyF--) {
      for (T.transposeF=1; T.transposeF>=0; T.transposeF--) {

        copyList(cells->cellList, cells->ncells, scratch2, 0);

        if (T.flipxF) flipx(scratch2, cells->ncells);
        if (T.flipyF) flipy(scratch2, cells->ncells);
        if (T.transposeF) transpose(scratch2, cells->ncells);

        T.translateBy=firstZero(scratch2, cells->ncells);

        if (compare(scratch2, scratch1,
                    cells->ncells) <= 0) {
          copyList(scratch2, cells->ncells, scratch1, 0);

  copyList(scratch1, cells->ncells, cells->cellList, 0);

  return normalizeT;

예제 #2
파일: crop_4dfp.c 프로젝트: ysu001/PUP
int x4dfp2analyze (float *imag, int *dim, int orientation) {
	switch (orientation) {
		case 4: flipx (imag, dim+0, dim+1, dim+2);	/* sagittal */
		case 3:	flipz (imag, dim+0, dim+1, dim+2);	/* coronal */
		case 2:	flipy (imag, dim+0, dim+1, dim+2);	/* transverse */
			return 0;
		default: return -1;				/* none of the above */
예제 #3
rotate (void *iadr, XLONG **oadr, int type, int nx, int ny, int dir)

    int    nelem;

    static int first_time = 1, sv_nx=0, sv_ny=0;;
    static ulong  *bufl = (ulong *) NULL;
    static ushort *bufs = (ushort *) NULL;
    static uchar  *bufc = (uchar *) NULL;

    if ((nx*ny) != (sv_nx*sv_ny)) {
        if (type == 1 && bufc) free ((uchar *)bufc);
        if (type == 2 && bufs) free ((ushort *)bufs);
        if (type == 4 && bufl) free ((ulong *)bufl);
        sv_nx = nx;
        sv_ny = ny;
        first_time = 1;

    nelem = nx * ny;

    switch (type) {

    case (1):			/* uchar */
        ubip = (uchar *) iadr;
        if (first_time) {
            ubop = bufc = (uchar *) calloc (1, nelem * sizeof(uchar));
            *oadr = (XLONG *) ubop;
            first_time = 0;
        } else {
            ubop = (uchar *)bufc;
            *oadr = (XLONG *) bufc;
    case (2):			/* ushort */
        usip = (ushort *) iadr;
        if (first_time) {
            usop = bufs = (ushort *) calloc (1, nelem * sizeof(ushort));
            *oadr = (XLONG *) usop;
            first_time = 0;
        } else {
            usop = (ushort *)bufs;
            *oadr = (XLONG *) bufs;
    case (4):			/* ulong */
        ulip = (ulong *) iadr;
        if (first_time) {
            ulop = bufl = (ulong *) calloc (1, nelem * sizeof(ulong));
            *oadr = (XLONG *) ulop;
            first_time = 0;
        } else {
            ulop = (ulong *)bufl;
            *oadr = (XLONG *) bufl;

    switch (dir) {
    case (1):			/* flip x axis */
        flipx(type, nx, ny);
    case (2):			/* flip y axis */
        flipy(type, nx, ny);
    case (3):			/* transpose 1st diag */
        transpose1(type, nx, ny);
    case (4):			/* transpose 2nd diag */
        transpose2(type, nx, ny);
예제 #4
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
/* i/o */
	FILE		*fpimg, *fpout;
	IFH		ifh;
	struct dsr	hdr;				/* ANALYZE hdr */
	char		imgroot[MAXL], imgfile[MAXL], outfile[MAXL];
	char		trailer[8] = ".4dint";

/* image arrays */
	float		*imgf, cscale = 1.0;
	short int	*imgi=NULL;
	unsigned char	*imgu=NULL;
	float		voxsiz[3];
	int		imgdim[4], vdim, orient, isbig;
	int		imin = 32767, imax = -32768;
	char		control = '\0';
	short int	origin[3];		/* used in SPM99 conversions */

/* utility */
	int 		c, i, j, k;
	char		*str, command[MAXL], program[MAXL];

/* flags */
	int		uchar = 0;
	int		debug = 0;
	int		spm99 = 0;
	int		swab_flag = 0;

	fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", rcsid);
	setprog (program, argv);
/* process command line */
	for (k = 0, i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
		if (*argv[i] == '-') {
			strcpy (command, argv[i]); str = command;
			while ((c = *str++)) switch (c) {
				case '8': uchar++; strcpy (trailer, "_8bit");	break;
				case 'd': debug++;				break;
				case 'c': cscale = atof (str);			*str = '\0'; break;
				case 'S': if (!strcmp (str, "PM99")) spm99++;	*str = '\0'; break;
				case '@': control = *str++;			*str = '\0'; break;
		} else switch (k) {
			case 0:	getroot (argv[i], imgroot);	k++; break;
	if (k < 1) {
		printf ("Usage:\t%s <(4dfp) filename>\n", program);
		printf ("\toption\n");
		printf ("\t-c<flt>\tscale output values by specified factor\n");
		printf ("\t-8\toutput 8 bit unsigned char\n");
		printf ("\t-SPM99\tinclude origin and scale in hdr (http:/wideman-one.com/gw/brain/analyze/format.doc)\n");
		printf ("\t-@<b|l>\toutput big or little endian (default CPU endian)\n");
		exit (1);

/* get input 4dfp dimensions */
	if (get_4dfp_dimoe (imgroot, imgdim, voxsiz, &orient, &isbig)) errr (program, imgroot);
	vdim = imgdim[0] * imgdim[1] * imgdim[2];
	if (uchar) {
		if (!(imgu = (unsigned char *) malloc (vdim * sizeof (char))))  errm (program);
	} else {
		if (!(imgi = (short *)         malloc (vdim * sizeof (short)))) errm (program);
	if (!(imgf = (float *) malloc (vdim * sizeof (float)))) errm (program);
/* open input and output */
	sprintf (imgfile, "%s.4dfp.img", imgroot);
	printf ("Reading: %s\n", imgfile);
	if (!(fpimg = fopen (imgfile, "rb"))) errr (program, imgfile);
 	sprintf (outfile, "%s%s.img", imgroot, trailer);
	if (!(fpout = fopen (outfile, "wb"))) errw (program, outfile);
	printf ("Writing: %s\n", outfile);

/* process all frames */
	for (k = 0; k < imgdim[3]; k++) {
		if (eread (imgf, vdim, isbig, fpimg)) errr (program, imgfile);
		switch (orient) {
			case 4:	flipx (imgf, imgdim + 0, imgdim + 1, imgdim + 2);	/* sagittal */
			case 3:	flipz (imgf, imgdim + 0, imgdim + 1, imgdim + 2);	/* coronal */
			case 2:	flipy (imgf, imgdim + 0, imgdim + 1, imgdim + 2);	/* transverse */
				fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s image orientation not recognized\n", program, imgfile);
				exit (-1);
		for (i = 0; i < vdim; i++) {
			j = nint (cscale*imgf[i]);
			if (debug) printf ("%10.6f%10d\n", imgf[i], j);
			if (uchar) {
				if (j < 0)	j = 0;
				if (j > 255)	j = 255;
				imgu[i] = j;
			} else {
				imgi[i] = j;
			if (j > imax) imax = j;
			if (j < imin) imin = j;
		if (uchar) {
			if (fwrite (         imgu, sizeof (char),  vdim, fpout) != vdim)	errw (program, outfile);
		} else {
			if (gwrite ((char *) imgi, sizeof (short), vdim, fpout, control))	errw (program, outfile);
	fclose (fpimg);
	fclose (fpout);

/* create ANALYZE 7.5 hdr */
	Inithdr (&hdr, imgdim, voxsiz, "");
	if (uchar) {
		hdr.dime.datatype = 2;		/* unsigned char */
		hdr.dime.bitpix = 8;
	} else {
		hdr.dime.datatype = 4;		/* signed integer */
		hdr.dime.bitpix = 16;
	hdr.dime.glmax = imax;
	hdr.dime.glmin = imin;
	hdr.hist.orient = orient - 2;

	swab_flag = ((CPU_is_bigendian() != 0) && (control == 'l' || control == 'L'))
		 || ((CPU_is_bigendian() == 0) && (control == 'b' || control == 'B'));

	if (spm99) {
		if (Getifh (imgroot, &ifh)) errr (program, imgroot);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) origin[i] = 0.4999 + ifh.center[i]/ifh.mmppix[i];
/* flip 4dfp->analyze assuming transverse orient */
		origin[1] = imgdim[1] + 1 - origin[1];
/* origin field officially text and so not affected by swab_hdr () */
		if (swab_flag) for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) swab2 ((char *) (origin + i));
		memcpy ((char *) &hdr + 253, (char *) origin, 3*sizeof (short int));
		memcpy ((char *) &hdr + 112, (char *) &cscale,  sizeof (float));
		hdr.hk.extents = 0;

	if (swab_flag) swab_hdr (&hdr);
	sprintf (outfile, "%s%s.hdr", imgroot, trailer);
	printf ("Writing: %s\n", outfile);
	if (!(fpout = fopen (outfile, "wb")) || fwrite (&hdr, sizeof (struct dsr), 1, fpout) != 1
	|| fclose (fpout)) errw (program, outfile);

/* create rec file */
 	sprintf   (outfile, "%s%s.img", imgroot, trailer);
	startrece (outfile, argc, argv, rcsid, control);
	sprintf   (command, "Voxel values scaled by %f\n", cscale); printrec (command);
	catrec (imgfile);
	endrec ();

	free (imgf);
	if (uchar) {
		free (imgu);
	} else {
		free (imgi);
	exit (0);