void quat_from_rpy_cmd_f(struct FloatQuat *quat, struct FloatEulers *rpy) {
  // only a plug for now... doesn't apply roll/pitch wrt. current yaw angle

  /* orientation vector describing simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch/yaw */
  const struct FloatVect3 ov = {rpy->phi, rpy->theta, rpy->psi};
  /* quaternion from that orientation vector */
  float_quat_of_orientation_vect(quat, &ov);

/** Read roll/pitch command from RC as quaternion.
 * Interprets the stick positions as axes.
 * @param[out] q quaternion representing the RC roll/pitch input
void stabilization_attitude_read_rc_roll_pitch_quat_f(struct FloatQuat *q)
  /* orientation vector describing simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch */
  struct FloatVect3 ov;
  ov.x = get_rc_roll_f();
  ov.y = get_rc_pitch_f();
  ov.z = 0.0;

  /* quaternion from that orientation vector */
  float_quat_of_orientation_vect(q, &ov);
void quat_from_earth_cmd_f(struct FloatQuat *quat, struct FloatVect2 *cmd, float heading) {

  /* cmd_x is positive to north = negative pitch
   * cmd_y is positive to east = positive roll
   * orientation vector describing simultaneous rotation of roll/pitch
  const struct FloatVect3 ov = {cmd->y, -cmd->x, 0.0};
  /* quaternion from that orientation vector */
  struct FloatQuat q_rp;
  float_quat_of_orientation_vect(&q_rp, &ov);

  /* as rotation matrix */
  struct FloatRMat R_rp;
  float_rmat_of_quat(&R_rp, &q_rp);
  /* body x-axis (before heading command) is first column */
  struct FloatVect3 b_x;
  VECT3_ASSIGN(b_x, R_rp.m[0], R_rp.m[3], R_rp.m[6]);
  /* body z-axis (thrust vect) is last column */
  struct FloatVect3 thrust_vect;
  VECT3_ASSIGN(thrust_vect, R_rp.m[2], R_rp.m[5], R_rp.m[8]);

  /// @todo optimize yaw angle calculation

   * Instead of using the psi setpoint angle to rotate around the body z-axis,
   * calculate the real angle needed to align the projection of the body x-axis
   * onto the horizontal plane with the psi setpoint.
   * angle between two vectors a and b:
   * angle = atan2(norm(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b)) * sign(dot(cross(a,b), n))
   * where the normal n is the thrust vector (i.e. both a and b lie in that plane)

  // desired heading vect in earth x-y plane
  const struct FloatVect3 psi_vect = {cosf(heading), sinf(heading), 0.0};

  /* projection of desired heading onto body x-y plane
   * b = v - dot(v,n)*n
  float dot = VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(psi_vect, thrust_vect);
  struct FloatVect3 dotn;
  VECT3_SMUL(dotn, thrust_vect, dot);

  // b = v - dot(v,n)*n
  struct FloatVect3 b;
  VECT3_DIFF(b, psi_vect, dotn);
  dot = VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(b_x, b);
  struct FloatVect3 cross;
  VECT3_CROSS_PRODUCT(cross, b_x, b);
  // norm of the cross product
  float nc = FLOAT_VECT3_NORM(cross);
  // angle = atan2(norm(cross(a,b)), dot(a,b))
  float yaw2 = atan2(nc, dot) / 2.0;

  // negative angle if needed
  // sign(dot(cross(a,b), n)
  float dot_cross_ab = VECT3_DOT_PRODUCT(cross, thrust_vect);
  if (dot_cross_ab < 0) {
    yaw2 = -yaw2;

  /* quaternion with yaw command */
  struct FloatQuat q_yaw;
  QUAT_ASSIGN(q_yaw, cosf(yaw2), 0.0, 0.0, sinf(yaw2));

  /* final setpoint: apply roll/pitch, then yaw around resulting body z-axis */
  float_quat_comp(quat, &q_rp, &q_yaw);
