예제 #1
static void
interppixel_NDC_clamped (const ImageBuf &buf, float x, float y, float *pixel,
                         bool envlatlmode)
    int fx = buf.spec().full_x;
    int fy = buf.spec().full_y;
    int fw = buf.spec().full_width;
    int fh = buf.spec().full_height;
    x = static_cast<float>(fx) + x * static_cast<float>(fw);
    y = static_cast<float>(fy) + y * static_cast<float>(fh);

    const int maxchannels = 64;  // Reasonable guess
    float p[4][maxchannels];
    DASSERT (buf.spec().nchannels <= maxchannels && 
             "You need to increase maxchannels");
    int n = std::min (buf.spec().nchannels, maxchannels);
    x -= 0.5f;
    y -= 0.5f;
    int xtexel, ytexel;
    float xfrac, yfrac;
    xfrac = floorfrac (x, &xtexel);
    yfrac = floorfrac (y, &ytexel);
    // Clamp
    int xnext = Imath::clamp (xtexel+1, buf.xmin(), buf.xmax());
    int ynext = Imath::clamp (ytexel+1, buf.ymin(), buf.ymax());
    xnext = Imath::clamp (xnext, buf.xmin(), buf.xmax());
    ynext = Imath::clamp (ynext, buf.ymin(), buf.ymax());

    // Get the four texels
    buf.getpixel (xtexel, ytexel, p[0], n);
    buf.getpixel (xnext, ytexel, p[1], n);
    buf.getpixel (xtexel, ynext, p[2], n);
    buf.getpixel (xnext, ynext, p[3], n);
    if (envlatlmode) {
        // For latlong environment maps, in order to conserve energy, we
        // must weight the pixels by sin(t*PI) because pixels closer to
        // the pole are actually less area on the sphere. Doing this
        // wrong will tend to over-represent the high latitudes in
        // low-res MIP levels.  We fold the area weighting into our
        // linear interpolation by adjusting yfrac.
        float w0 = (1.0f - yfrac) * sinf ((float)M_PI * (ytexel+0.5f)/(float)fh);
        float w1 = yfrac * sinf ((float)M_PI * (ynext+0.5f)/(float)fh);
        yfrac = w0 / (w0 + w1);
    // Bilinearly interpolate
    bilerp (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], xfrac, yfrac, n, pixel);
예제 #2
파일: imagebuf.cpp 프로젝트: jslomka/oiio
ImageBuf::interppixel (float x, float y, float *pixel) const
    const int maxchannels = 64;  // Reasonable guess
    float p[4][maxchannels];
    DASSERT (spec().nchannels <= maxchannels && 
             "You need to increase maxchannels in ImageBuf::interppixel");
    int n = std::min (spec().nchannels, maxchannels);
    x -= 0.5f;
    y -= 0.5f;
    int xtexel, ytexel;
    float xfrac, yfrac;
    xfrac = floorfrac (x, &xtexel);
    yfrac = floorfrac (y, &ytexel);
    getpixel (xtexel, ytexel, p[0], n);
    getpixel (xtexel+1, ytexel, p[1], n);
    getpixel (xtexel, ytexel+1, p[2], n);
    getpixel (xtexel+1, ytexel+1, p[3], n);
    bilerp (p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], xfrac, yfrac, n, pixel);
예제 #3
static bool
resample_ (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &src, bool interpolate,
           ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (nthreads != 1 && roi.npixels() >= 1000) {
        // Lots of pixels and request for multi threads? Parallelize.
        ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (
            boost::bind(resample_<DSTTYPE,SRCTYPE>, boost::ref(dst),
                        boost::cref(src), interpolate,
                        _1 /*roi*/, 1 /*nthreads*/),
            roi, nthreads);
        return true;

    // Serial case

    const ImageSpec &srcspec (src.spec());
    const ImageSpec &dstspec (dst.spec());
    int nchannels = src.nchannels();

    // Local copies of the source image window, converted to float
    float srcfx = srcspec.full_x;
    float srcfy = srcspec.full_y;
    float srcfw = srcspec.full_width;
    float srcfh = srcspec.full_height;

    float dstfx = dstspec.full_x;
    float dstfy = dstspec.full_y;
    float dstfw = dstspec.full_width;
    float dstfh = dstspec.full_height;
    float dstpixelwidth = 1.0f / dstfw;
    float dstpixelheight = 1.0f / dstfh;
    float *pel = ALLOCA (float, nchannels);

    ImageBuf::Iterator<DSTTYPE> out (dst, roi);
    ImageBuf::ConstIterator<SRCTYPE> srcpel (src);
    for (int y = roi.ybegin;  y < roi.yend;  ++y) {
        // s,t are NDC space
        float t = (y-dstfy+0.5f)*dstpixelheight;
        // src_xf, src_xf are image space float coordinates
        float src_yf = srcfy + t * srcfh - 0.5f;
        // src_x, src_y are image space integer coordinates of the floor
        int src_y;
        (void) floorfrac (src_yf, &src_y);
        for (int x = roi.xbegin;  x < roi.xend;  ++x) {
            float s = (x-dstfx+0.5f)*dstpixelwidth;
            float src_xf = srcfx + s * srcfw - 0.5f;
            int src_x;
            (void) floorfrac (src_xf, &src_x);

            if (interpolate) {
                src.interppixel (src_xf, src_yf, pel);
                for (int c = roi.chbegin; c < roi.chend; ++c)
                    out[c] = pel[c];
            } else {
                srcpel.pos (src_x, src_y, 0);
                for (int c = roi.chbegin; c < roi.chend; ++c)
                    out[c] = srcpel[c];

    return true;
예제 #4
static bool
resize_ (ImageBuf &dst, const ImageBuf &src,
         Filter2D *filter, ROI roi, int nthreads)
    if (nthreads != 1 && roi.npixels() >= 1000) {
        // Lots of pixels and request for multi threads? Parallelize.
        ImageBufAlgo::parallel_image (
            boost::bind(resize_<DSTTYPE,SRCTYPE>, boost::ref(dst),
                        boost::cref(src), filter,
                        _1 /*roi*/, 1 /*nthreads*/),
            roi, nthreads);
        return true;

    // Serial case

    const ImageSpec &srcspec (src.spec());
    const ImageSpec &dstspec (dst.spec());
    int nchannels = dstspec.nchannels;

    // Local copies of the source image window, converted to float
    float srcfx = srcspec.full_x;
    float srcfy = srcspec.full_y;
    float srcfw = srcspec.full_width;
    float srcfh = srcspec.full_height;

    // Ratios of dst/src size.  Values larger than 1 indicate that we
    // are maximizing (enlarging the image), and thus want to smoothly
    // interpolate.  Values less than 1 indicate that we are minimizing
    // (shrinking the image), and thus want to properly filter out the
    // high frequencies.
    float xratio = float(dstspec.full_width) / srcfw; // 2 upsize, 0.5 downsize
    float yratio = float(dstspec.full_height) / srcfh;

    float dstfx = dstspec.full_x;
    float dstfy = dstspec.full_y;
    float dstfw = dstspec.full_width;
    float dstfh = dstspec.full_height;
    float dstpixelwidth = 1.0f / dstfw;
    float dstpixelheight = 1.0f / dstfh;
    float *pel = ALLOCA (float, nchannels);
    float filterrad = filter->width() / 2.0f;

    // radi,radj is the filter radius, as an integer, in source pixels.  We
    // will filter the source over [x-radi, x+radi] X [y-radj,y+radj].
    int radi = (int) ceilf (filterrad/xratio);
    int radj = (int) ceilf (filterrad/yratio);
    int xtaps = 2*radi + 1;
    int ytaps = 2*radj + 1;
    bool separable = filter->separable();
    float *xfiltval = NULL, *yfiltval = NULL;
    if (separable) {
        // Allocate temp space to cache the filter weights
        xfiltval = ALLOCA (float, xtaps);
        yfiltval = ALLOCA (float, ytaps);
#if 0
    std::cerr << "Resizing " << srcspec.full_width << "x" << srcspec.full_height
              << " to " << dstspec.full_width << "x" << dstspec.full_height << "\n";
    std::cerr << "ratios = " << xratio << ", " << yratio << "\n";
    std::cerr << "examining src filter support radius of " << radi << " x " << radj << " pixels\n";
    std::cerr << "dst range " << roi << "\n";
    std::cerr << "separable filter\n";

    // We're going to loop over all output pixels we're interested in.
    // (s,t) = NDC space coordinates of the output sample we are computing.
    //     This is the "sample point".
    // (src_xf, src_xf) = source pixel space float coordinates of the
    //     sample we're computing. We want to compute the weighted sum
    //     of all the source image pixels that fall under the filter when
    //     centered at that location.
    // (src_x, src_y) = image space integer coordinates of the floor,
    //     i.e., the closest pixel in the source image.
    // src_xf_frac and src_yf_frac are the position within that pixel
    //     of our sample.
    ImageBuf::Iterator<DSTTYPE> out (dst, roi);
    for (int y = roi.ybegin;  y < roi.yend;  ++y) {
        float t = (y-dstfy+0.5f)*dstpixelheight;
        float src_yf = srcfy + t * srcfh;
        int src_y;
        float src_yf_frac = floorfrac (src_yf, &src_y);

        // If using separable filters, our vertical set of filter tap
        // weights will be the same for the whole scanline we're on.  Just
        // compute and normalize them once.
        float totalweight_y = 0.0f;
        if (separable) {
            for (int j = 0;  j < ytaps;  ++j) {
                float w = filter->yfilt (yratio * (j-radj-(src_yf_frac-0.5f)));
                yfiltval[j] = w;
                totalweight_y += w;
            for (int i = 0;  i <= ytaps;  ++i)
                yfiltval[i] /= totalweight_y;

        for (int x = roi.xbegin;  x < roi.xend;  ++x) {
            float s = (x-dstfx+0.5f)*dstpixelwidth;
            float src_xf = srcfx + s * srcfw;
            int src_x;
            float src_xf_frac = floorfrac (src_xf, &src_x);
            for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                pel[c] = 0.0f;
            if (separable) {
                // Cache and normalize the horizontal filter tap weights
                // just once for this (x,y) position, reuse for all vertical
                // taps.
                float totalweight_x = 0.0f;
                for (int i = 0;  i < xtaps;  ++i) {
                    float w = filter->xfilt (xratio * (i-radi-(src_xf_frac-0.5f)));
                    xfiltval[i] = w;
                    totalweight_x += w;

                if (totalweight_x != 0.0f) {
                    for (int i = 0;  i < xtaps;  ++i)  // normalize x filter
                        xfiltval[i] /= totalweight_x;  // weights
                    ImageBuf::ConstIterator<SRCTYPE> srcpel (src, src_x-radi, src_x+radi+1,
                                                             src_y-radj, src_y+radj+1,
                                                             0, 1, ImageBuf::WrapClamp);
                    for (int j = -radj;  j <= radj;  ++j) {
                        float wy = yfiltval[j+radj];
                        if (wy == 0.0f) {
                            // 0 weight for this y tap -- move to next line
                            srcpel.pos (srcpel.x(), srcpel.y()+1, srcpel.z());
                        for (int i = 0;  i < xtaps; ++i, ++srcpel) {
                            float w = wy * xfiltval[i];
                            for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                                pel[c] += w * srcpel[c];
                // Copy the pixel value (already normalized) to the output.
                DASSERT (out.x() == x && out.y() == y);
                if (totalweight_y == 0.0f) {
                    // zero it out
                    for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                        out[c] = 0.0f;
                } else {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                        out[c] = pel[c];
            } else {
                // Non-separable
                float totalweight = 0.0f;
                ImageBuf::ConstIterator<SRCTYPE> srcpel (src, src_x-radi, src_x+radi+1,
                                                       src_y-radi, src_y+radi+1,
                                                       0, 1, ImageBuf::WrapClamp);
                for (int j = -radj;  j <= radj;  ++j) {
                    for (int i = -radi;  i <= radi;  ++i, ++srcpel) {
                        float w = (*filter)(xratio * (i-(src_xf_frac-0.5f)),
                                            yratio * (j-(src_yf_frac-0.5f)));
                        totalweight += w;
                        if (w == 0.0f)
                        DASSERT (! srcpel.done());
                        for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                            pel[c] += w * srcpel[c];
                DASSERT (srcpel.done());
                // Rescale pel to normalize the filter and write it to the
                // output image.
                DASSERT (out.x() == x && out.y() == y);
                if (totalweight == 0.0f) {
                    // zero it out
                    for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                        out[c] = 0.0f;
                } else {
                    for (int c = 0;  c < nchannels;  ++c)
                        out[c] = pel[c] / totalweight;


    return true;