예제 #1
int callWithRef()
예제 #2
ZConfDlg::ZConfDlg(QWidget *parent, const char *name,
		   bool modal, WFlags f)
    : QDialog(parent, name, modal, f) 
    char *pEnvVarVal;
    int retval;
    char optVal[256];

    origConfigHasPass = FALSE;

    // First things first, I want this dialog to be modal (not allow access to
    // the windows below it once it has been opened).

    // Now that I have setup the dialog the way I wanted, I create a grid
    // layout so that I can organize widgets in the dialog easily.
    pZConfDlgLayout = new QGridLayout(this, 1, 1, 11, 6, "ZConfDlgLayout");

    // In this section I create the Zaurus IP entry area and its label.
    QLabel *pZIpLabel = new QLabel(this, "ZIpLabel");
    pZIpLabel->setText(tr("Zaurus IP:"));
    pZConfDlgLayout->addWidget(pZIpLabel, 0, 0);

    pZIpLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this, "ZIpLineEdit");
    pZConfDlgLayout->addMultiCellWidget(pZIpLineEdit, 0, 0, 1, 2);

    // In this section I create the Conflict Winner label and combo box.
    QLabel *pConfWinLabel = new QLabel(this, "ConfWinLabel");
    pConfWinLabel->setText(tr("Conflict Winner:"));
    pZConfDlgLayout->addWidget(pConfWinLabel, 1, 0);

    pConfWinComboBox = new QComboBox(FALSE, this, "ConfWinComboBox");
    pZConfDlgLayout->addMultiCellWidget(pConfWinComboBox, 1, 1, 1, 2);

    // In this section I create the Save Password check box and the password
    // entry field.
    pPasswdCheckBox = new QCheckBox(this, "PasswdCheckBox");
    pPasswdCheckBox->setText(tr("Save Passcode:"));
    pZConfDlgLayout->addMultiCellWidget(pPasswdCheckBox, 2, 2, 0, 1);

    pPasswdLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this, "PasswdLineEdit");
    pZConfDlgLayout->addWidget(pPasswdLineEdit, 2, 2);

    // In this section I create the Apply and Cancel buttons.
    pApplyButton = new QPushButton(this, "ApplyButton");
    pZConfDlgLayout->addWidget(pApplyButton, 0, 3);
    pCancelButton = new QPushButton(this, "CancelButton");
    pZConfDlgLayout->addWidget(pCancelButton, 1, 3);

    // In this section I create the Plug-in Group box to house the tabbed
    // plug-in selection widgets.
    pPluginGroupBox = new QGroupBox(this, "PluginGroupBox");
    pPluginGroupBox->setTitle(tr("Desktop Plug-in Selections"));
    pZConfDlgLayout->addMultiCellWidget(pPluginGroupBox, 3, 3, 0, 3);

    // In this section I fill the Plug-in Group box I just created with a
    // tabbed widet which will provide a mechanism for selecting plugins.
    pPluginTabWidget = new QTabWidget(pPluginGroupBox, "PluginTabWidget");
    pPluginTabWidget->setGeometry(QRect(0, 20, 370, 160));

    // In this section I create the Todo Tab for the tabbed widget and fill it
    // with the proper widgets.
    pTodoTab = new QWidget(pPluginTabWidget, "TodoTab");
    pPluginTabWidget->insertTab(pTodoTab, "To-Do");

    pTodoPluginComboBox = new QComboBox(FALSE, pTodoTab, "TodoPluginComboBox");
    pTodoPluginComboBox->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 340, 30));

    pTodoPluginDesc = new QTextEdit(pTodoTab, "TodoPluginDesc");
    pTodoPluginDesc->setGeometry(QRect(10, 50, 340, 70));

    printf("created todo plugin desc box.\n");

    // The segfault occurs when I do this section!!!!!!!!!
    todoPluginPath = QString("/usr/local/lib/zync/plugins/todo/");
    QDir todoPluginDir(todoPluginPath);
    QStringList todoPlugins;
    todoPlugins = todoPluginDir.entryList("*.so");

    for (QStringList::Iterator it = todoPlugins.begin();
        it != todoPlugins.end(); ++it) {
        QString fooBar((*it));
        // The following either two lines cause a segfault.
        QString pluginName(GetTodoPluginName(todoPluginPath + (*it)));
        //QString pluginDesc(GetTodoPluginDesc(todoPluginPath + (*it)));
        printf("Testing: %s.\n", fooBar.ascii());
        printf("Testing: %s.\n", pluginName.ascii());

    for (QStringList::Iterator it = todoPlugins.begin();
	    it != todoPlugins.end(); ++it) {
    	QString pluginName(GetTodoPluginName(todoPluginPath + (*it)));
    	QString pluginDesc(GetTodoPluginDesc(todoPluginPath + (*it)));
    	todoPluginMap[pluginName] = (*it);


    printf("filled in the todo plugin info.\n");

    // In this section I create the Calendar Tab for the tabbed widget and
    // fill it with the proper widgets.
    pCalTab = new QWidget(pPluginTabWidget, "CalTab");
    pPluginTabWidget->insertTab(pCalTab, "Calendar");

    pCalPluginComboBox = new QComboBox(FALSE, pCalTab, "CalPluginComboBox");
    pCalPluginComboBox->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 340, 30));

    pCalPluginDesc = new QTextEdit(pCalTab, "CalPluginDesc");
    pCalPluginDesc->setGeometry(QRect(10, 50, 340, 70));

    // In this section I create the Address Boox Tab for the tabbed widget and
    // fill it with the proper widgets.
    pAddrTab = new QWidget(pPluginTabWidget, "AddrTab");
    pPluginTabWidget->insertTab(pAddrTab, "Address Book");

    pAddrPluginComboBox = new QComboBox(FALSE, pAddrTab, "AddrPluginComboBox");
    pAddrPluginComboBox->setGeometry(QRect(10, 10, 340, 30));

    pAddrPluginDesc = new QTextEdit(pAddrTab, "AddrPluginDesc");
    pAddrPluginDesc->setGeometry(QRect(10, 50, 340, 70));

    printf("Created addr plugin desc box.\n");

    // Here I resize the dialog to a size which I like.
    //resize(QSize(391, 301).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()));

    // Now I start to set the connections between the signals and the slots.

    // This first connection connects the save passcode check box to the
    // enable/disable feature of the passcode line edit.
    connect(pPasswdCheckBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), pPasswdLineEdit,

    connect(pCancelButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));

    connect(pTodoPluginComboBox, SIGNAL(activated(const QString &)), this,
	    SLOT(updatePluginDesc(const QString &)));

    connect(pApplyButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(saveConfig()));
    //connect(this, SIGNAL(configUpdated()), this, SLOT(accept()));

    // Here I try to obtain in the needed config content and set the values of
    // the proper widgets based on it.
    pEnvVarVal = getenv("HOME");
    if (!pEnvVarVal) {
	    QMessageBox::critical(0, "zync-gui", QString("Failed to obtain") +
			      " value of HOME environment variable.");

    confPath = QString(pEnvVarVal);

    printf("Created the zync.conf path.\n");

    // At this point the full path to the config for the user which is running
    // this application has been built. Hence, I try and load the config file.
    retval = confManager.Open((char *)confPath.ascii());
    printf("Finished opening the file, %d.\n", retval);
    if (retval != 0) {
        printf("Err: Failed to open %s for reading.\n",
            (char *)confPath.ascii());
	    QMessageBox::critical(0, "zync-gui", QString("Failed to open ") +
			      confPath + " for reading. Please click the" + 
			      " \"Configure\" button and configure zync.");

    printf("Opened the zync.conf file.\n");

    // Now that I have opened the config file I want to go through and set all
    // the widget values based on the config options.
    retval = confManager.GetValue("zaurus_ip", optVal, 256);
    if (retval == 0) {
	    QString zIp(optVal);

    retval = confManager.GetValue("conflict_winner", optVal, 256);
    if (retval == 0) {
	    QString confWinner(optVal);
    	if (confWinner == QString("both")) {
	    } else if (confWinner == QString("zaurus")) {
	    } else if (confWinner == QString("desktop")) {

    retval = confManager.GetValue("passcode", optVal, 256);
    if (retval == 0) {
	    QString passcode(optVal);
	    origConfigHasPass = TRUE;

    retval = confManager.GetValue("todo_plugin_path", optVal, 256);
    if (retval == 0) {
	if (!todoPlugins.isEmpty()) {
	    QString todoPluginPath(optVal);
	    QString confTodoPluginName = GetTodoPluginName(todoPluginPath);

    // Now I need to load the Descriptions for the plugin selections and set
    // them.
    if (!todoPlugins.isEmpty()) {
	    QString curPluginDesc;
	    QString curPluginFileName;
	    curPluginFileName = todoPluginMap[pTodoPluginComboBox->currentText()];
	    curPluginDesc = GetTodoPluginDesc(todoPluginPath + curPluginFileName);
    } else {
	    pTodoPluginDesc->setText(tr("No Plugins Found!"));
    printf("Finished ZConfDlg Constructor.\n");