static int send_with_pcap(RADIUS_PACKET **reply, RADIUS_PACKET *request) { char ip[16]; char pcap_filter[255]; pcap = fr_pcap_init(NULL, iface, PCAP_INTERFACE_IN_OUT); if (!pcap) { ERROR("Failed creating pcap"); return -1; } if (fr_pcap_open(pcap) < 0) { ERROR("Failed opening interface"); talloc_free(pcap); return -1; } fr_inet_ntoh(&request->src_ipaddr, ip, sizeof(ip)); sprintf(pcap_filter, "udp and dst port %d", request->src_port); if (fr_pcap_apply_filter(pcap, pcap_filter) < 0) { ERROR("Failing setting filter"); talloc_free(pcap); return -1; } if (fr_dhcpv4_pcap_send(pcap, eth_bcast, request) < 0) { ERROR("Failed sending packet"); talloc_free(pcap); return -1; } if (!reply_expected) return 0; *reply = fr_dhcpv4_recv_raw_loop(pcap->fd, #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H &ll, #endif request); if (!*reply) { ERROR("Error receiving reply"); talloc_free(pcap); return -1; } talloc_free(pcap); return 0; }
static void send_with_pcap(void) { pcap = fr_pcap_init(NULL, iface, PCAP_INTERFACE_IN_OUT); if (!pcap) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed creating pcap \n"); fr_exit_now(1); } if (fr_pcap_open(pcap) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed opening interface: %s", fr_strerror()); fr_exit_now(1); } char ip[16]; ip_ntoh(&request->src_ipaddr, ip, sizeof(ip)); char pcap_filter[255]; sprintf(pcap_filter, "udp and dst port %d", client_port); if (fr_pcap_apply_filter(pcap, pcap_filter) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed setting filter for interface: %s \n", fr_strerror()); fr_exit_now(1); } if (fr_dhcp_send_pcap(pcap, eth_bcast, request) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "dhcpclient: failed sending: %s\n", pcap_geterr(pcap->handle)); fr_exit_now(1); } if (!reply_expected) return; reply = fr_dhcp_recv_raw_loop(pcap->fd, #ifdef HAVE_LINUX_IF_PACKET_H &ll, #endif request); if (!reply) { fprintf(stderr, "dhcpclient: Error receiving reply\n"); fr_exit_now(1); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { rs_t *conf; fr_pcap_t *in = NULL, *in_p; fr_pcap_t **in_head = ∈ fr_pcap_t *out = NULL; int ret = 1; /* Exit status */ int limit = -1; /* How many packets to sniff */ char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; /* Error buffer */ int port = 1812; char buffer[1024]; int opt; FR_TOKEN parsecode; char const *radius_dir = RADIUS_DIR; rs_stats_t stats; fr_debug_flag = 2; log_dst = stdout; talloc_set_log_stderr(); conf = talloc_zero(NULL, rs_t); if (!fr_assert(conf)) { exit (1); } /* * We don't really want probes taking down machines */ #ifdef HAVE_TALLOC_SET_MEMLIMIT talloc_set_memlimit(conf, 52428800); /* 50 MB */ #endif /* * Get options */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:DFf:hi:I:p:qr:s:Svw:xXW:P:O:")) != EOF) { switch (opt) { case 'c': limit = atoi(optarg); if (limit <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "radsniff: Invalid number of packets \"%s\"", optarg); exit(1); } break; case 'd': radius_dir = optarg; break; case 'D': { pcap_if_t *all_devices = NULL; pcap_if_t *dev_p; if (pcap_findalldevs(&all_devices, errbuf) < 0) { ERROR("Error getting available capture devices: %s", errbuf); goto finish; } int i = 1; for (dev_p = all_devices; dev_p; dev_p = dev_p->next) { INFO("%i.%s", i++, dev_p->name); } ret = 0; goto finish; } case 'F': conf->from_stdin = true; conf->to_stdout = true; break; case 'f': conf->pcap_filter = optarg; break; case 'h': usage(0); break; case 'i': *in_head = fr_pcap_init(conf, optarg, PCAP_INTERFACE_IN); if (!*in_head) { goto finish; } in_head = &(*in_head)->next; conf->from_dev = true; break; case 'I': *in_head = fr_pcap_init(conf, optarg, PCAP_FILE_IN); if (!*in_head) { goto finish; } in_head = &(*in_head)->next; conf->from_file = true; break; case 'p': port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': if (fr_debug_flag > 0) { fr_debug_flag--; } break; case 'r': conf->radius_filter = optarg; break; case 's': conf->radius_secret = optarg; break; case 'S': conf->do_sort = true; break; case 'v': #ifdef HAVE_COLLECTDC_H INFO("%s, %s, collectdclient version %s", radsniff_version, pcap_lib_version(), lcc_version_string()); #else INFO("%s %s", radsniff_version, pcap_lib_version()); #endif exit(0); break; case 'w': out = fr_pcap_init(conf, optarg, PCAP_FILE_OUT); conf->to_file = true; break; case 'x': case 'X': fr_debug_flag++; break; case 'W': conf->stats.interval = atoi(optarg); if (conf->stats.interval <= 0) { ERROR("Stats interval must be > 0"); usage(64); } break; case 'T': conf->stats.timeout = atoi(optarg); if (conf->stats.timeout <= 0) { ERROR("Timeout value must be > 0"); usage(64); } break; #ifdef HAVE_COLLECTDC_H case 'P': conf->stats.prefix = optarg; break; case 'O': conf->stats.collectd = optarg; conf->stats.out = RS_STATS_OUT_COLLECTD; break; #endif default: usage(64); } } /* What's the point in specifying -F ?! */ if (conf->from_stdin && conf->from_file && conf->to_file) { usage(64); } /* Can't read from both... */ if (conf->from_file && conf->from_dev) { usage(64); } /* Reading from file overrides stdin */ if (conf->from_stdin && (conf->from_file || conf->from_dev)) { conf->from_stdin = false; } /* Writing to file overrides stdout */ if (conf->to_file && conf->to_stdout) { conf->to_stdout = false; } if (conf->to_stdout) { out = fr_pcap_init(conf, "stdout", PCAP_STDIO_OUT); if (!out) { goto finish; } } if (conf->from_stdin) { *in_head = fr_pcap_init(conf, "stdin", PCAP_STDIO_IN); if (!*in_head) { goto finish; } in_head = &(*in_head)->next; } if (!conf->radius_secret) { conf->radius_secret = RS_DEFAULT_SECRET; } if (conf->stats.interval && !conf->stats.out) { conf->stats.out = RS_STATS_OUT_STDIO; } if (conf->stats.timeout == 0) { conf->stats.timeout = RS_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } /* * If were writing pcap data stdout we *really* don't want to send * logging there as well. */ log_dst = conf->to_stdout ? stderr : stdout; #if !defined(HAVE_PCAP_FOPEN_OFFLINE) || !defined(HAVE_PCAP_DUMP_FOPEN) if (conf->from_stdin || conf->to_stdout) { ERROR("PCAP streams not supported"); goto finish; } #endif if (!conf->pcap_filter) { snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "udp port %d or %d or %d", port, port + 1, 3799); conf->pcap_filter = buffer; } if (dict_init(radius_dir, RADIUS_DICTIONARY) < 0) { fr_perror("radsniff"); ret = 64; goto finish; } fr_strerror(); /* Clear out any non-fatal errors */ if (conf->radius_filter) { parsecode = userparse(NULL, conf->radius_filter, &filter_vps); if (parsecode == T_OP_INVALID) { ERROR("Invalid RADIUS filter \"%s\" (%s)", conf->radius_filter, fr_strerror()); ret = 64; goto finish; } if (!filter_vps) { ERROR("Empty RADIUS filter \"%s\"", conf->radius_filter); ret = 64; goto finish; } filter_tree = rbtree_create((rbcmp) fr_packet_cmp, _rb_rad_free, 0); if (!filter_tree) { ERROR("Failed creating filter tree"); ret = 64; goto finish; } } /* * Setup the request tree */ request_tree = rbtree_create((rbcmp) fr_packet_cmp, _rb_rad_free, 0); if (!request_tree) { ERROR("Failed creating request tree"); goto finish; } /* * Allocate a null packet for decrypting attributes in CoA requests */ nullpacket = rad_alloc(conf, 0); if (!nullpacket) { ERROR("Out of memory"); goto finish; } /* * Get the default capture device */ if (!conf->from_stdin && !conf->from_file && !conf->from_dev) { pcap_if_t *all_devices; /* List of all devices libpcap can listen on */ pcap_if_t *dev_p; if (pcap_findalldevs(&all_devices, errbuf) < 0) { ERROR("Error getting available capture devices: %s", errbuf); goto finish; } if (!all_devices) { ERROR("No capture files specified and no live interfaces available"); ret = 64; goto finish; } for (dev_p = all_devices; dev_p; dev_p = dev_p->next) { /* Don't use the any devices, it's horribly broken */ if (!strcmp(dev_p->name, "any")) continue; *in_head = fr_pcap_init(conf, dev_p->name, PCAP_INTERFACE_IN); in_head = &(*in_head)->next; } conf->from_auto = true; conf->from_dev = true; INFO("Defaulting to capture on all interfaces"); } /* * Print captures values which will be used */ if (fr_debug_flag > 2) { DEBUG1("Sniffing with options:"); if (conf->from_dev) { char *buff = fr_pcap_device_names(conf, in, ' '); DEBUG1(" Device(s) : [%s]", buff); talloc_free(buff); } if (conf->to_file || conf->to_stdout) { DEBUG1(" Writing to : [%s]", out->name); } if (limit > 0) { DEBUG1(" Capture limit (packets) : [%d]", limit); } DEBUG1(" PCAP filter : [%s]", conf->pcap_filter); DEBUG1(" RADIUS secret : [%s]", conf->radius_secret); if (filter_vps){ DEBUG1(" RADIUS filter :"); vp_printlist(log_dst, filter_vps); } } /* * Open our interface to collectd */ #ifdef HAVE_COLLECTDC_H if (conf->stats.out == RS_STATS_OUT_COLLECTD) { size_t i; rs_stats_tmpl_t *tmpl, **next; if (rs_stats_collectd_open(conf) < 0) { exit(1); } next = &conf->stats.tmpl; for (i = 0; i < (sizeof(rs_useful_codes) / sizeof(*rs_useful_codes)); i++) { tmpl = rs_stats_collectd_init_latency(conf, next, conf, "radius_pkt_ex", &[rs_useful_codes[i]], rs_useful_codes[i]); if (!tmpl) { goto tmpl_error; } next = &(tmpl->next); tmpl = rs_stats_collectd_init_counter(conf, next, conf, "radius_pkt", &stats.gauge.type[rs_useful_codes[i]], rs_useful_codes[i]); if (!tmpl) { tmpl_error: ERROR("Error allocating memory for stats template"); goto finish; } next = &(tmpl->next); } } #endif /* * This actually opens the capture interfaces/files (we just allocated the memory earlier) */ { fr_pcap_t *prev = NULL; for (in_p = in; in_p; in_p = in_p->next) { if (fr_pcap_open(in_p) < 0) { if (!conf->from_auto) { ERROR("Failed opening pcap handle for %s", in_p->name); goto finish; } DEBUG("Failed opening pcap handle: %s", fr_strerror()); /* Unlink it from the list */ if (prev) { prev->next = in_p->next; talloc_free(in_p); in_p = prev; } else { in = in_p->next; talloc_free(in_p); in_p = in; } goto next; } if (conf->pcap_filter) { if (fr_pcap_apply_filter(in_p, conf->pcap_filter) < 0) { ERROR("Failed applying filter"); goto finish; } } next: prev = in_p; } } /* * Open our output interface (if we have one); */ if (out) { if (fr_pcap_open(out) < 0) { ERROR("Failed opening pcap output"); goto finish; } } /* * Setup and enter the main event loop. Who needs libev when you can roll your own... */ { struct timeval now; fr_event_list_t *events; rs_update_t update; char *buff; memset(&stats, 0, sizeof(stats)); memset(&update, 0, sizeof(update)); events = fr_event_list_create(conf, _rs_event_status); if (!events) { ERROR(); goto finish; } for (in_p = in; in_p; in_p = in_p->next) { rs_event_t *event; event = talloc_zero(events, rs_event_t); event->conf = conf; event->in = in_p; event->out = out; event->stats = &stats; if (!fr_event_fd_insert(events, 0, in_p->fd, rs_got_packet, event)) { ERROR("Failed inserting file descriptor"); goto finish; } } buff = fr_pcap_device_names(conf, in, ' '); INFO("Sniffing on (%s)", buff); talloc_free(buff); gettimeofday(&now, NULL); start_pcap = now; /* * Insert our stats processor */ if (conf->stats.interval) { update.list = events; update.conf = conf; update.stats = &stats; = in; now.tv_sec += conf->stats.interval; now.tv_usec = 0; fr_event_insert(events, rs_stats_process, (void *) &update, &now, NULL); } ret = fr_event_loop(events); /* Enter the main event loop */ } INFO("Done sniffing"); finish: if (filter_tree) { rbtree_free(filter_tree); } INFO("Exiting..."); /* * Free all the things! This also closes all the sockets and file descriptors */ talloc_free(conf); return ret; }