예제 #1
gboolean place_client(ObClient *client, gboolean client_to_be_foregrounded,
                      Rect* client_area, ObAppSettings *settings)
    gboolean ret;
    Rect *monitor_area;
    int *x, *y, *w, *h;
    Size frame_size;

    monitor_area = choose_monitor(client, client_to_be_foregrounded, settings);

    w = &client_area->width;
    h = &client_area->height;
    place_per_app_setting_size(client, monitor_area, w, h, settings);

    if (!should_set_client_position(client, settings))
        return FALSE;

    x = &client_area->x;
    y = &client_area->y;

             *w + client->frame->size.left + client->frame->size.right,
             *h + client->frame->size.top + client->frame->size.bottom);

    ret =
        place_per_app_setting_position(client, monitor_area, x, y, settings,
                                       frame_size) ||
        place_transient_splash(client, monitor_area, x, y, frame_size) ||
        place_under_mouse(client, x, y, frame_size) ||
        place_least_overlap(client, monitor_area, x, y, frame_size);

    g_slice_free(Rect, monitor_area);

    /* get where the client should be */
    frame_frame_gravity(client->frame, x, y);
    return TRUE;
예제 #2
/* Always return FALSE because its not interactive */
static gboolean run_func(ObActionsData *data, gpointer options)
    Options *o = options;

    if (data->client) {
        Rect *area, *carea;
        ObClient *c;
        guint mon, cmon;
        gint x, y, lw, lh, w, h;

        c = data->client;
        mon = o->monitor;
        cmon = client_monitor(c);
        switch (mon) {
        case CURRENT_MONITOR:
            mon = cmon; break;
        case ALL_MONITORS:
            mon = SCREEN_AREA_ALL_MONITORS; break;
        case NEXT_MONITOR:
            mon = (cmon + 1 > screen_num_monitors - 1) ? 0 : (cmon + 1); break;
        case PREV_MONITOR:
            mon = (cmon == 0) ? (screen_num_monitors - 1) : (cmon - 1); break;

        area = screen_area(c->desktop, mon, NULL);
        carea = screen_area(c->desktop, cmon, NULL);

        w = o->w;
        if (w == G_MININT) w = c->area.width;
        else if (o->w_denom) w = (w * area->width) / o->w_denom;

        h = o->h;
        if (h == G_MININT) h = c->area.height;
        else if (o->h_denom) h = (h * area->height) / o->h_denom;

        /* it might not be able to resize how they requested, so find out what
           it will actually be resized to */
        x = c->area.x;
        y = c->area.y;
        client_try_configure(c, &x, &y, &w, &h, &lw, &lh, TRUE);

        /* get the frame's size */
        w += c->frame->size.left + c->frame->size.right;
        h += c->frame->size.top + c->frame->size.bottom;

        x = o->x.pos;
        if (o->x.denom)
            x = (x * area->width) / o->x.denom;
        if (o->x.center) x = (area->width - w) / 2;
        else if (x == G_MININT) x = c->frame->area.x - carea->x;
        else if (o->x.opposite) x = area->width - w - x;
        x += area->x;

        y = o->y.pos;
        if (o->y.denom)
            y = (y * area->height) / o->y.denom;
        if (o->y.center) y = (area->height - h) / 2;
        else if (y == G_MININT) y = c->frame->area.y - carea->y;
        else if (o->y.opposite) y = area->height - h - y;
        y += area->y;

        /* get the client's size back */
        w -= c->frame->size.left + c->frame->size.right;
        h -= c->frame->size.top + c->frame->size.bottom;

        frame_frame_gravity(c->frame, &x, &y); /* get the client coords */
        client_try_configure(c, &x, &y, &w, &h, &lw, &lh, TRUE);
        /* force it on screen if its moving to another monitor */
        client_find_onscreen(c, &x, &y, w, h, mon != cmon);

        actions_client_move(data, TRUE);
        client_configure(c, x, y, w, h, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE);
        actions_client_move(data, FALSE);

        g_slice_free(Rect, area);
        g_slice_free(Rect, carea);

    return FALSE;