int scan_device() { ocl_device_init(); static char vendor_name[STRING_RETURN_SIZE]; status = clGetDeviceInfo (device, CL_DEVICE_VENDOR, STRING_RETURN_SIZE, vendor_name, NULL); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) dump_error("Failed clGetDeviceInfo(CL_DEVICE_VENDOR)", status); printf ("Board vendor name: %s\n", vendor_name); // get all supported board names from MMD static char board_name[STRING_RETURN_SIZE]; status = clGetDeviceInfo (device, CL_DEVICE_NAME, STRING_RETURN_SIZE, board_name, NULL); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) dump_error("Failed clGetDeviceInfo(CL_DEVICE_NAME)", status); printf ("Board name: %s\n\n", board_name); char *shared_buf1 = (char*)malloc(SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); char *shared_buf2 = (char*)malloc(SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(char)); if (shared_buf1 == NULL || shared_buf2 == NULL) { dump_error("Failed to allocate two buffers with malloc", 0); } int i; for (i = 0; i < SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { shared_buf1[i] = i; shared_buf2[i] = -1; } cl_mem in1 = clCreateBuffer (context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE, NULL, &status); if(status != CL_SUCCESS) dump_error("Failed clCreateBuffer for in1", status); status = clEnqueueWriteBuffer (queue, in1, CL_TRUE, 0, SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE, shared_buf1, 0, NULL, NULL); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) dump_error("Could not launch clEnqueueWriteBuffer!", status); status = clEnqueueReadBuffer (queue, in1, CL_TRUE, 0, SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE, shared_buf2, 0, NULL, NULL); if (status != CL_SUCCESS) dump_error("Could not launch clEnqueueWriteBuffer!", status); for (i = 0; i < SHARED_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { if (shared_buf1[i] != shared_buf2[i] ) { printf("\nBuffer comparison failed!\n"); printf ("#%d: %d vs %d\n", i, shared_buf1[i], shared_buf2[i]); freeResources(); return -1; } } printf ("Buffer read/write test passed.\n"); free (shared_buf1); free (shared_buf2); clReleaseMemObject (in1); freeResources(); return 0; }
void TrainTask::returnUnit(Unit unit) { if(mProductionBuilding == unit) { freeResources(); mProductionBuilding = StaticUnits::nullunit; } else if(mProducedUnit == unit) { freeResources(); mProducedUnit = StaticUnits::nullunit; } else assert(false); }
/* * ======== freeAlgResources ======== */ static Bool freeAlgResources(BUFALG_TI_Handle alg, IRES_Fxns *fxns, Int scratchId) { IRES_ResourceDescriptor desc[MAXDESCS]; IALG_Handle h = (IALG_Handle)alg; Int numRes; Int status; numRes = (fxns->numResourceDescriptors)(h); if (numRes > MAXDESCS) { System_printf("Too many resources: %d\n", numRes); return (FALSE); } System_printf("Number of resources: %d\n", numRes); status = (fxns->getResourceDescriptors)(h, desc); if (status != IRES_OK) { System_printf("Failed to get resource descriptors\n"); return (FALSE); } freeResources(h, desc, numRes, scratchId); return (TRUE); }
DesktopWindowLinux::DesktopWindowLinux(DesktopWindowClient* client, int width, int height) : DesktopWindow(client, width, height) , m_eventSource(0) , m_display(0) , m_window(0) , m_im(0) , m_ic(0) , m_cursor(0) , m_currentX11Cursor(XC_left_ptr) , m_lastClickTime(0) , m_lastClickX(0) , m_lastClickY(0) , m_lastClickButton(kWKEventMouseButtonNoButton) , m_clickCount(0) { try { setup(); } catch(const FatalError&) { freeResources(); throw; } m_eventSource = new XlibEventSource(m_display, this); makeCurrent(); glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); }
MediaImpl::~MediaImpl() { freeResources(); /* _data points to gstreamer-allocated data, we don't manage it ourselves */ //if (_data) // free(_data); }
Xsltproc::ReturnValue Xsltproc::execute() { Xsltproc::ReturnValue retval = Xsltproc::Success; try { if( freopen(mErrorFilename.toUtf8().data(),"w",stderr) == NULL ) throw Xsltproc::GenericFailure; mStylesheet = xsltParseStylesheetFile( (const xmlChar*)mStyleSheetFilename.toUtf8().data() ); if(mStylesheet == 0) throw Xsltproc::InvalidStylesheet; mXml = xmlParseFile( (const char*)mXmlFilename.toUtf8().data() ); if(mXml == 0) throw Xsltproc::InvalidXmlFile; mOutput = xsltApplyStylesheet(mStylesheet, mXml, (const char**)mParams); if(mOutput == 0) throw Xsltproc::GenericFailure; FILE *foutput = 0; foutput = fopen(mOutputFilename.toUtf8().data(),"w"); if( foutput == 0 ) throw Xsltproc::CouldNotOpenOutput; xsltSaveResultToFile(foutput, mOutput, mStylesheet); fclose(foutput); } catch(Xsltproc::ReturnValue e) { retval = e; } fclose(stderr); freeResources(); return retval; }
void TreeBuilder::initialiseParse(const StringRef& input, const StringRef& baseUri, ParseErrorList* errors, Allocator* allocator) { freeResources(); CSOUP_ASSERT(input.size() > 0 && != NULL); CSOUP_ASSERT(baseUri.size() > 0 && != NULL); // Don't destroy this errors_ = errors; if (allocator == NULL) { // if invoked didn't give an allocator, you should pass NULL to Document's construtor // and update allocator. // User can destroy the document using delete expression. And this should be the usual case. doc_ = new Document(baseUri, allocator); allocator = doc_->allocator(); } else { // when user specify the allocator, you should initialize memory for Document from it. // User must invoke free of allocator in order to destroy Document. // User shouldn't use this style except the some extreme cases. doc_ = new (allocator->malloc_t<Document>()) Document(baseUri, allocator); } reader_ = new (allocator->malloc_t<CharacterReader>()) CharacterReader(input); tokeniser_ = new (allocator->malloc_t<Tokeniser>()) Tokeniser(reader_, errors, allocator); stack_ = new (allocator->malloc_t< internal::Vector<Element*> >()) internal::Vector<Element*>(4, allocator); baseUri_ = new (allocator->malloc_t< String>()) String(baseUri, allocator); allocator_ = allocator; currentToken_ = NULL; }
ExVPJoinTcb::~ExVPJoinTcb() { delete qParent_.up; delete qParent_.down; freeResources(); }
ExIarTcb::~ExIarTcb() { delete qparent_.up; delete qparent_.down; freeResources(); };
ExFastExtractTcb::~ExFastExtractTcb() { // Release resources acquired // freeResources(); delete qParent_.up; delete qParent_.down; if (workAtp_) { workAtp_->release(); deallocateAtp(workAtp_, getSpace()); } if (inSqlBuffer_ && getHeap()) { getHeap()->deallocateMemory(inSqlBuffer_); inSqlBuffer_ = NULL; childOutputTD_ = NULL; } if (sourceFieldsConvIndex_) getHeap()->deallocateMemory(sourceFieldsConvIndex_); } // ExFastExtractTcb::~ExFastExtractTcb()
ExExeUtilTcb::~ExExeUtilTcb() { delete qparent_.up; delete qparent_.down; if (workAtp_) { workAtp_->release(); deallocateAtp(workAtp_, getGlobals()->getSpace()); workAtp_ = NULL; } freeResources(); if (extractedPartsObj_) { delete extractedPartsObj_; extractedPartsObj_ = NULL; } if (explQuery_) NADELETEBASIC(explQuery_, getHeap()); if (childQueryId_ != NULL) { NADELETEBASIC(childQueryId_, getHeap()); childQueryId_ = NULL; childQueryIdLen_ = 0; } if (outputBuf_ != NULL) { NADELETEBASIC(outputBuf_, getHeap()); outputBuf_ = NULL; outputBuf_ = 0; } };
void ConstructionTask::giveUnit(Unit unit) { if(unit->getType() == mType.whatBuilds().first) { LOGMESSAGE(String_Builder() << "ConstructionTask : " << mType.getName() << " : Given Builder"); assert(!mBuilder); mBuilder = unit; reserveResources(); } else if(unit == mReservedLocation->getUnitPrediction() || unit->getTilePosition() == mReservedLocation->getTilePosition()) { LOGMESSAGE(String_Builder() << "ConstructionTask : " << mType.getName() << " : Given Produced Unit"); assert(!mProducedUnit || !mProducedUnit->exists()); mProducedUnit = unit; if(mProducedUnit->exists()) { freeResources(); freeLocation(); } } else assert(false); }
void ConstructionTask::returnUnit(Unit unit) { if(unit == mBuilder) { LOGMESSAGE(String_Builder() << "ConstructionTask : " << mType.getName() << " : Returning Builder"); freeResources(); mBuilder = StaticUnits::nullunit; } else if(unit == mProducedUnit) { LOGMESSAGE(String_Builder() << "ConstructionTask : " << mType.getName() << " : Returning Produced Unit"); freeResources(); mProducedUnit = StaticUnits::nullunit; } else assert(!unit->exists());//If it doesn't exist it was a prediction that has been replaced }
X11Grabber::~X11Grabber() { if (_x11Display != nullptr) { freeResources(); XCloseDisplay(_x11Display); } }
MediaImpl::~MediaImpl() { // Free all resources. freeResources(); // Free mutex locker object. delete _mutexLocker; }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { srand (time(NULL)); init_platform(); run(); freeResources(); return 0; }
SharedMemoryBlock::~SharedMemoryBlock() { // Destructor sin lanzamiento de excepciones try { freeResources(); } catch(const SharedMemoryException &e) { } }
void GL3LightingManager::resizeFramebuffer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) { // First check if the new size is actually bigger than the old if (width <= _framebufferSize.x && height <= _framebufferSize.y) { return; // Framebuffer is big enough, no need to change the size } freeResources(); createFrameBuffer(width, height); }
void ParticleSystem::slotSetParticleRadius(float radius) { qDebug() << "ParticleSystem::slotSetParticleRadius(): setting particle radius from" << mParametersSimulation->particleRadius << "to" << radius; mParametersSimulation->particleRadius = radius; // Need to rebuild data-structures when particle radius or -count changes. if(mIsInitialized) freeResources(); //slotInitialize(); will happen lazily on update }
Shader::Shader(const std::string& vertShader, const std::string& fragShader) { auto vertSrc = getShaderSource(vertShader); auto fragSrc = getShaderSource(fragShader); createVertexShader(vertSrc); createFragmentShader(fragSrc); createProgram(); freeResources(); }
int X11Grabber::updateScreenDimensions() { const Status status = XGetWindowAttributes(_x11Display, _window, &_windowAttr); if (status == 0) { Error(_log, "Failed to obtain window attributes"); return -1; } if (_screenWidth == unsigned(_windowAttr.width) && _screenHeight == unsigned(_windowAttr.height)) { // No update required return 0; } if (_screenWidth || _screenHeight) { freeResources(); } Info(_log, "Update of screen resolution: [%dx%d] to [%dx%d]", _screenWidth, _screenHeight, _windowAttr.width, _windowAttr.height); _screenWidth = _windowAttr.width; _screenHeight = _windowAttr.height; // Image scaling is performed by XRender when available, otherwise by ImageResampler if (_XRenderAvailable && !_useXGetImage) { _croppedWidth = (_screenWidth > unsigned(_cropLeft + _cropRight)) ? ((_screenWidth - _cropLeft - _cropRight) / _horizontalDecimation) : _screenWidth / _horizontalDecimation; _croppedHeight = (_screenHeight > unsigned(_cropTop + _cropBottom)) ? ((_screenHeight - _cropTop - _cropBottom) / _verticalDecimation) : _screenHeight / _verticalDecimation; Info(_log, "Using XRender for grabbing"); } else { _croppedWidth = (_screenWidth > unsigned(_cropLeft + _cropRight)) ? (_screenWidth - _cropLeft - _cropRight) : _screenWidth; _croppedHeight = (_screenHeight > unsigned(_cropTop + _cropBottom)) ? (_screenHeight - _cropTop - _cropBottom) : _screenHeight; Info(_log, "Using XGetImage for grabbing"); } _image.resize(_croppedWidth, _croppedHeight); setupResources(); return 1; }
void UVAnimParticleQuadSystem::setTextureWithRectForAnimation(Texture2D *texture, const Rect& rect, int tileWidth, int tileHeight, int number_Frames_per_Second, bool NeedsToRemoveParticleAfterAniamtion) { m_nItemWidth = tileWidth; m_nItemHeight = tileHeight; m_bNeedsToRemoveParticleAfterAniamtion = NeedsToRemoveParticleAfterAniamtion; if (texture && tileWidth > 0 && tileHeight > 0 && number_Frames_per_Second > 0) { const Size& s = texture->getContentSizeInPixels(); m_nItemsPerColumn = (int)(s.height / m_nItemHeight); m_nItemsPerRow = (int)(s.width / m_nItemWidth); m_nFrameCount = m_nItemsPerRow * m_nItemsPerColumn; m_fFrameRate = 1.f / number_Frames_per_Second; const float inv_wide = 1.f/texture->getPixelsWide(); const float inv_high = 1.f/texture->getPixelsHigh(); freeResources(); const int UVCount = (m_nItemsPerColumn+1) * (m_nItemsPerRow+1); m_pTexCoords = new Tex2F[UVCount]; Tex2F *texPtr = m_pTexCoords; // Important. Texture in cocos2d are inverted, so the Y component should be inverted for (int j = 0; j <= m_nItemsPerColumn; ++j) { const float y = (rect.origin.y + m_nItemHeight*j)*inv_high; for (int i = 0; i <= m_nItemsPerRow; ++i) { texPtr->u = (rect.origin.x + m_nItemWidth*i)*inv_wide; texPtr->v = y; ++texPtr; } } m_pUVRects = new UVRect[m_nFrameCount]; UVRect *rectPtr = m_pUVRects; for (int j = 0; j < m_nItemsPerColumn; ++j) { Tex2F *texPtr = m_pTexCoords + j * (m_nItemsPerRow+1); for (int i = 0; i < m_nItemsPerRow; ++i) { Tex2F *ptr = texPtr + i; rectPtr->tl = ptr; rectPtr->tr = ptr + 1; rectPtr->bl = ptr + m_nItemsPerRow + 1; rectPtr->br = ptr + m_nItemsPerRow + 2; //CCLOG("%f,%f;%f,%f;%f,%f;%f,%f;", \ rectPtr->tl->u,rectPtr->tl->v, \ rectPtr->tr->u,rectPtr->tr->v, \ rectPtr->bl->u,rectPtr->bl->v, \ rectPtr->br->u,rectPtr->br->v); ++rectPtr; } } ParticleSystemQuad::setTextureWithRect(texture, Rect(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y, tileWidth, tileHeight)); } else {
void Text::regenerate() { if (!doc) { doc = DocumentCache::getInstance().pop(); dirty = true; } if (dirty) { doc->setDefaultFont(defFont); if (elide) { QFontMetrics metrics = QFontMetrics(defFont); QString elidedText = metrics.elidedText(text, Qt::ElideRight, qRound(width)); doc->setPlainText(elidedText); } else { doc->setDefaultStyleSheet(defStyleSheet); doc->setHtml(text); } // wrap mode QTextOption opt; opt.setWrapMode(elide ? QTextOption::NoWrap : QTextOption::WrapAtWordBoundaryOrAnywhere); doc->setDefaultTextOption(opt); // width doc->setTextWidth(width); doc->documentLayout()->update(); // update ascent if (doc->firstBlock().layout()->lineCount() > 0) ascent = doc->firstBlock().layout()->lineAt(0).ascent(); // let the scene know about our change in size if (size != idealSize()) prepareGeometryChange(); // get the new width and height size = idealSize(); dirty = false; } // if we are not visible -> free mem if (!keepInMemory) freeResources(); }
StaticMapLayer::StaticMapLayer(const QVector<QVector<StaticMapObject*>> & staticObjects) : staticObjects(staticObjects) { try { checkArguments(staticObjects); } catch(...) { freeResources(); throw; } }
void MediaImpl::unloadMovie() { // Reset variables. _terminate = false; _seekEnabled = false; // Un-ready. _setMovieReady(false); setPlayState(false); // Free allocated resources. freeResources(); }
// Destructor // // ExSequenceTcb::~ExSequenceTcb() { if(qparent_.up) delete qparent_.up; qparent_.up = NULL; if(qparent_.down) delete qparent_.down; qparent_.down = NULL; if(pool_) delete pool_; pool_ = NULL; freeResources(); }
bool ConstructionTask::preUpdate() { if(mProducedUnit) { if(mProducedUnit->exists()) { freeResources(); freeLocation(); } if(!isStopped() && !isCanceled() && mProducedUnit->isCompleted()) { complete(); return true; } } if(mReservedLocation) { if(hasEnded()) freeLocation(); else if(isPaused() || isStopped()) { freeResources(); mRequiredSatisfyTime = Requirement::maxTime; mRequiredDelayTime = Requirement::maxTime; mReservedLocation->setStartTime(Requirement::maxTime); } } if(!shouldReturnUnit()) updateRequirements(); if(mBuilder && finishedWithBuilder() && (mType.getRace() == BWAPI::Races::Protoss || !mBuilder->isConstructing())) return true; return false; }
void TrainTask::giveUnit(Unit unit) { if(unit->getType() == mType.whatBuilds().first) { reserveResources(); mProductionBuilding = unit; } else { freeResources(); mProducedUnit = unit; } }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Name: stateConnect // Desc: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void VolucrisClient::stateLostD3DDevice() { // Get rid of everything global_actor_manager_.onLostDevice(); global_rendering_manager_.resetCurrentTexture(); freeResources(); mySceneryRenderer.destroy(); global_map_manager_.clearCache(); global_sound_manager_.destroy(); // Wait for a connection reply from the server HRESULT hr; while(D3DERR_DEVICELOST == (hr = myD3DDevice->TestCooperativeLevel())) { if (!windowsMessagePump()) { myStateMachine.jumpState(VCS_SHUTDOWN); return; } // Poll the connection to keep it alive. Watch for disconnection. ENetEvent netEvent; while(enet_host_service(myENetClient, &netEvent, 0) > 0) { if (netEvent.type == ENET_EVENT_TYPE_DISCONNECT) { myStateMachine.jumpState(VCS_SHUTDOWN); return; } // Free packet memory if (netEvent.packet) enet_packet_destroy(netEvent.packet); } // Don't overload the program Sleep(200); } CONFIRM(hr == D3DERR_DEVICENOTRESET && SUCCEEDED(myD3DDevice->Reset(&myD3DParams))) else { myStateMachine.jumpState(VCS_SHUTDOWN); return; } // Reset everything if (APP_FATAL(!acquireResources())("The game couldn't load its resource file")) { myStateMachine.jumpState(VCS_DISCONNECT); myStateMachine.jumpState(VCS_SHUTDOWN); return; } mySceneryRenderer.create(myD3DDevice, myUsingSoftwareDeviceFlag); global_sound_manager_.create(myMainWindow); }
bool ConstructionTask::morph(Unit unit, BWAPI::UnitType previousType) { if(unit == mBuilder && unit->getType() == mType) { freeLocation(); freeResources(); mProducedUnit = unit; mBuilder = StaticUnits::nullunit; return false; } return true; }