예제 #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int i,j;
	int fa, nfa, mfa;					/* current argument we're looking at */
	disppath *disp = NULL;				/* Display being used */
	double hpatscale = 1.0, vpatscale = 1.0;	/* scale factor for test patch size */
	double ho = 0.0, vo = 0.0;			/* Test window offsets, -1.0 to 1.0 */
	int fullscreen = 0;            		/* NZ if whole screen should be filled with black */
	int verb = 0;
	int debug = 0;
	int doccss = 0;						/* Create CCSS rather than CCMX */
	int fake = 0;						/* Use the fake device for testing, 2 for auto */
	int faketoggle = 0;					/* Toggle fake between "colorimeter" and "spectro" */
	int fakeseq = 0;					/* Fake auto CCMX sequence */
	int spec = 0;						/* Need spectral data to implement option */
	icxObserverType observ = icxOT_CIE_1931_2;
	int override = 1;					/* Override redirect on X11 */
	icompaths *icmps = NULL;			/* Ports to choose from */
	int comno = COMPORT;				/* COM port used */
	flow_control fc = fc_nc;			/* Default flow control */
	int highres = 0;					/* High res mode if available */
	int dtype = 0;						/* Display kind, 0 = default, 1 = CRT, 2 = LCD, etc */
	int sdtype = -1;					/* Spectro display kind, -1 = use dtype */
	int refrmode = -1;					/* Refresh mode */
	double refrate = 0.0;				/* 0.0 = default, > 0.0 = override refresh rate */ 
	int cbid = 0;						/* Calibration base display mode ID */
	int nadaptive = 0;					/* Use non-adaptive mode if available */
	int tele = 0;						/* NZ if telephoto mode */
	int noinitcal = 0;					/* Disable initial calibration */
	int webdisp = 0;					/* NZ for web display, == port number */
	int ccdisp = 0;			 			/* NZ for ChromeCast, == list index */
	ccast_id **ccids = NULL;
	ccast_id *ccid = NULL;
#ifdef NT
	int madvrdisp = 0;					/* NZ for MadVR display */
	char *ccallout = NULL;				/* Change color Shell callout */
	int msteps = DEFAULT_MSTEPS;		/* Patch surface size */
	int npat = 0;						/* Number of patches/colors */
	ary3 *refs = NULL;					/* Reference XYZ values */
	int gotref = 0;
	char *refname = NULL;				/* Name of reference instrument */
	char *reffile = NULL;				/* Name of reference file */
	ary3 *cols = NULL;					/* Colorimeter XYZ values */
	int gotcol = 0;
	char *colname = NULL;				/* Name of colorimeter instrument */
	char *colfile = NULL;				/* Name of colorimeter file */
	col *rdcols = NULL;					/* Internal storage of all the patch colors */
	int saved = 0;						/* Saved result */
	char innames[2][MAXNAMEL+1] = { "\000", "\000" };  /* .ti3 input names */
	char outname[MAXNAMEL+5+1] = "\000";  /* ccmx output file name */
	char *description = NULL;			/* Given overall description */
	char *displayname = NULL;			/* Given display name */
	disptech_info *dtinfo = NULL;		/* Display technology */
	char *uisel = NULL;					/* UI selection letters */
	int rv;

	set_exe_path(argv[0]);				/* Set global exe_path and error_program */

	/* Process the arguments */
	mfa = 0;        /* Minimum final arguments */
	for(fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-') {	/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1+mfa) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?' || argv[fa][1] == '-') {
				if (argv[fa][2] == '?' || argv[fa][2] == '-')
					usage(2, "Extended usage requested");
				usage(0, "Usage requested");

			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v') {
				verb = 1;
				g_log->verb = verb;

			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'S') {
				doccss = 1;

			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'f') {
				char *cna, *f1 = NULL;
				fa = nfa;
				if (na == NULL) usage(0,"Expect argument to input file flag -f");

				if ((cna = strdup(na)) == NULL)
					error("Malloc failed");

				/* If got just one file - enough for CCSS */
				if ((f1 = strchr(cna, ',')) == NULL) {
					strncpy(innames[0],cna,MAXNAMEL-1); innames[0][MAXNAMEL-1] = '\000';

				/* Got two files - needed for CCMX */
				} else {
					*f1++ = '\000';
					strncpy(innames[0],cna,MAXNAMEL-1); innames[0][MAXNAMEL-1] = '\000';
					strncpy(innames[1],f1,MAXNAMEL-1); innames[1][MAXNAMEL-1] = '\000';

			/* Display number */
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd') {
				if (strncmp(na,"web",3) == 0
				 || strncmp(na,"WEB",3) == 0) {
					webdisp = 8080;
					if (na[3] == ':') {
						webdisp = atoi(na+4);
						if (webdisp == 0 || webdisp > 65535)
							usage(0,"Web port number must be in range 1..65535");
					fa = nfa;
				} else if (strncmp(na,"cc",2) == 0
				 || strncmp(na,"CC",2) == 0) {
					ccdisp = 1;
					if (na[2] == ':') {
						if (na[3] < '0' || na[3] > '9')
							usage(0x0001,"Available ChromeCasts");

						ccdisp = atoi(na+3);
						if (ccdisp <= 0)
							usage(0,"ChromCast number must be in range 1..N");
					fa = nfa;
#ifdef NT
				} else if (strncmp(na,"madvr",5) == 0
				 || strncmp(na,"MADVR",5) == 0) {
					madvrdisp = 1;
					fa = nfa;
				} else {
#if defined(UNIX_X11)
					int ix, iv;

					if (strcmp(&argv[fa][2], "isplay") == 0 || strcmp(&argv[fa][2], "ISPLAY") == 0) {
						if (++fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage(0,"Parameter expected following -display");
						setenv("DISPLAY", argv[fa], 1);
					} else {
						if (na == NULL) usage(0,"Parameter expected following -d");
						fa = nfa;
						if (strcmp(na,"fake") == 0 || strcmp(na,"FAKE") == 0) {
							fake = 1;
							if (strcmp(na,"FAKE") == 0)
								fakeseq = 1;
						} else {
							if (sscanf(na, "%d,%d",&ix,&iv) != 2) {
								ix = atoi(na);
								iv = 0;
							if (disp != NULL)
							if ((disp = get_a_display(ix-1)) == NULL)
								usage(0,"-d parameter %d out of range",ix);
							if (iv > 0)
								disp->rscreen = iv-1;
					int ix;
					if (na == NULL) usage(0,"Parameter expected following -d");
					fa = nfa;
					if (strcmp(na,"fake") == 0 || strcmp(na,"FAKE") == 0) {
						fake = 1;
						if (strcmp(na,"FAKE") == 0)
							fakeseq = 1;
					} else {
						ix = atoi(na);
						if (disp != NULL)
						if ((disp = get_a_display(ix-1)) == NULL)
							usage(0,"-d parameter %d out of range",ix);
#if defined(UNIX_X11)
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n') {
				override = 0;
#endif /* UNIX */

			/* COM port  */
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c') {
예제 #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int i,j;
	int fa, nfa, mfa;					/* current argument we're looking at */
	disppath *disp = NULL;				/* Display being used */
	double patsize = 100.0;				/* size of displayed color patch */
	double patscale = 1.0;				/* scale factor for test patch size */
	double ho = 0.0, vo = 0.0;			/* Test window offsets, -1.0 to 1.0 */
	int blackbg = 0;            		/* NZ if whole screen should be filled with black */
	int verb = 0;
	int debug = 0;
	int fake = 0;						/* Use the fake device for testing */
	int override = 1;					/* Override redirect on X11 */
	int comport = COMPORT;				/* COM port used */
	flow_control fc = fc_nc;			/* Default flow control */
	instType itype = instUnknown;		/* Default target instrument - none */
	int docalib = 0;					/* Do a calibration */
	int highres = 0;					/* Use high res mode if available */
	int adaptive = 0;					/* Use adaptive mode if available */
	int dtype = 0;						/* Display kind, 0 = default, 1 = CRT, 2 = LCD */
	int proj = 0;						/* NZ if projector */
	int nocal = 0;						/* Disable auto calibration */
	int spectral = 0;					/* Don't save spectral information */
	char *ccallout = NULL;				/* Change color Shell callout */
	char *mcallout = NULL;				/* Measure color Shell callout */
	char inname[MAXNAMEL+1] = "\000";	/* Input cgats file base name */
	char outname[MAXNAMEL+1] = "\000";	/* Output cgats file base name */
	char calname[MAXNAMEL+1] = "\000";	/* Calibration file name */
	double cal[3][MAX_CAL_ENT];			/* Display calibration */
	int ncal = 256;						/* number of cal entries used */
	cgats *icg;							/* input cgats structure */
	cgats *ocg;							/* output cgats structure */
	time_t clk = time(0);
	struct tm *tsp = localtime(&clk);
	char *atm = asctime(tsp);			/* Ascii time */
	col *cols;							/* Internal storage of all the patch colors */
	int dim = 0;						/* Dimensionality - 1, 3, or 4 */
	int npat;							/* Number of patches/colors */
	int xpat = 0;						/* Set to number of extra patches */
	int wpat;							/* Set to index of white patch */
	int si;								/* Sample id index */
	int ti;								/* Temp index */
	int fi;								/* Colorspace index */
	int nsetel = 0;
	cgats_set_elem *setel;				/* Array of set value elements */
	disprd *dr;							/* Display patch read object */
	int errc;							/* Return value from new_disprd() */
	int rv;

	set_exe_path(argv[0]);				/* Set global exe_path and error_program */
	setup_spyd2(NULL);					/* Load firware if available */

	ho = 0.8;
	vo = -0.8;

#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DEBUG_OFFSET)
	printf("!!!!!! Debug turned on !!!!!!\n");

	if (argc <= 1)
		usage("Too few arguments");

	if (ncal > MAX_CAL_ENT)
		error("Internal, ncal = %d > MAX_CAL_ENT %d\n",ncal,MAX_CAL_ENT);

	/* Process the arguments */
	mfa = 1;        /* Minimum final arguments */
	for (fa = 1;fa < argc;fa++) {
		nfa = fa;					/* skip to nfa if next argument is used */
		if (argv[fa][0] == '-') {		/* Look for any flags */
			char *na = NULL;		/* next argument after flag, null if none */

			if (argv[fa][2] != '\000')
				na = &argv[fa][2];		/* next is directly after flag */
			else {
				if ((fa+1+mfa) < argc) {
					if (argv[fa+1][0] != '-') {
						nfa = fa + 1;
						na = argv[nfa];		/* next is seperate non-flag argument */

			if (argv[fa][1] == '?' || argv[fa][1] == '-') {
				usage("Usage requested");

			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'v') {
				verb = 1;

			/* Display number */
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'd') {
#if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__APPLE__)
				int ix, iv;

				if (strcmp(&argv[fa][2], "isplay") == 0 || strcmp(&argv[fa][2], "ISPLAY") == 0) {
					if (++fa >= argc || argv[fa][0] == '-') usage("Parameter expected following -display");
					setenv("DISPLAY", argv[fa], 1);
				} else {
					if (na == NULL) usage("Parameter expected following -d");
					fa = nfa;
					if (strcmp(na,"fake") == 0) {
						fake = 1;
					} else {
						if (sscanf(na, "%d,%d",&ix,&iv) != 2) {
							ix = atoi(na);
							iv = 0;
						if (disp != NULL)
						if ((disp = get_a_display(ix-1)) == NULL)
							usage("-d parameter %d out of range",ix);
						if (iv > 0)
							disp->rscreen = iv-1;
				int ix;
				if (na == NULL) usage("Parameter expected following -d");
				fa = nfa;
				if (strcmp(na,"fake") == 0) {
					fake = 1;
				} else {
					ix = atoi(na);
					if (disp != NULL)
					if ((disp = get_a_display(ix-1)) == NULL)
						usage("-d parameter %d out of range",ix);
#if defined(UNIX) && !defined(__APPLE__)
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'n') {
				override = 0;
#endif /* UNIX */
			/* COM port  */
			} else if (argv[fa][1] == 'c') {