int music_list_save(const char *path) { FILE *fp; int i; int fid; if (path == NULL) return -EINVAL; fp = fopen(path, "wt"); if (fp == NULL) return -EBADFD; fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); for (i = 0; i < music_maxindex(); i++) { struct music_file *file; file = music_get(i); if (file == NULL) continue; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file->shortpath->ptr); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file->longpath->ptr); } fclose(fp); freq_leave(fid); return true; }
extern u32 fs_chm_to_menu(const char *chmfile, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor) { int fid; struct chmFile *chm; t_fs_chm_enum cenum; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); chm = chm_open(chmfile); if (chm == NULL) { freq_leave(fid); return 0; } add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); cenum.icolor = icolor; cenum.selicolor = selicolor; cenum.selrcolor = selrcolor; cenum.selbcolor = selbcolor; chm_enumerate(chm, CHM_ENUMERATE_NORMAL | CHM_ENUMERATE_FILES, chmEnum, (void *) &cenum); chm_close(chm); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }
int music_list_save(const char *path) { FILE *fp; int i; int fid; if (path == NULL) return -EINVAL; fp = fopen(path, "wt"); if (fp == NULL) return -EBADFD; fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); for (i = 0; i < music_maxindex(); i++) { MusicListEntry *file; file = musiclist_get(&g_music_list, i); if (file == NULL) continue; fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file->spath); fprintf(fp, "%s\n", file->lpath); } fclose(fp); freq_leave(fid); return true; }
int music_list_load(const char *path) { int ret = 0; FILE *fp; char fname[PATH_MAX]; char lfname[PATH_MAX]; int fid; if (path == NULL) { ret = -EINVAL; goto end; } fp = fopen(path, "rt"); if (fp == NULL) { ret = -EBADFD; goto end; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); while (fgets(fname, PATH_MAX, fp) != NULL) { dword len1, len2; if (fgets(lfname, PATH_MAX, fp) == NULL) break; len1 = strlen(fname); len2 = strlen(lfname); if (len1 > 1 && len2 > 1) { if (fname[len1 - 1] == '\n') fname[len1 - 1] = 0; if (lfname[len2 - 1] == '\n') lfname[len2 - 1] = 0; } else continue; if (!music_is_file_exist(fname)) continue; music_add(fname, lfname); } fclose(fp); freq_leave(fid); end: music_list_refresh(); return ret; }
int musicdrv_load(const char *spath, const char *lpath) { if (spath == NULL || lpath == NULL) return -EINVAL; if (cur_musicdrv == NULL) return -EBUSY; if (cur_musicdrv->load) { int ret, fid; fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); ret = cur_musicdrv->load(spath, lpath); freq_leave(fid); need_stop = true; return ret; } else return -ENOSYS; }
dword scene_readimage(dword selidx) { u64 timer_start, timer_end; u64 slide_start, slide_end; width_rotated = 0, height_rotated = 0, thumb_width = 0, thumb_height = 0, paintleft = 0, painttop = 0; imgdata = NULL, imgshow = NULL; oldangle = 0; curtop = 0, curleft = 0, xpos = 0, ypos = 0; img_needrf = true, img_needrc = true, img_needrp = true, showinfo = false, thumb = false; slideshow = false; now = 0, lasttime = 0; imgreading = true; if (config.imginfobar) imgh = PSP_SCREEN_HEIGHT - DISP_FONTSIZE; else imgh = PSP_SCREEN_HEIGHT; if (config.use_image_queue) { cache_setup(config.max_cache_img, &selidx); cache_set_forward(true); cache_on(true); } xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&timer_start); while (1) { u64 dbgnow, dbglasttick; dword key = 0; int ret; if (img_needrf) { int fid; dword ret; fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&dbglasttick); ret = scene_reloadimage(selidx); if (ret == -1) { freq_leave(fid); break; } img_needrf = false; xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&dbgnow); dbg_printf(d, _("装载图像时间: %.2f秒"), pspDiffTime(&dbgnow, &dbglasttick)); freq_leave(fid); } if (img_needrc) { int fid; fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&dbglasttick); scene_rotateimage(); img_needrc = false; xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&dbgnow); dbg_printf(d, _("旋转图像时间: %.2f秒"), pspDiffTime(&dbgnow, &dbglasttick)); freq_leave(fid); } if (img_needrp) { scene_printimage(selidx); img_needrp = false; } now = time(NULL); if (config.thumb == conf_thumb_scroll && thumb) { thumb = false; img_needrp = true; } key = ctrl_read_cont(); ret = image_handle_input(&selidx, key); if (ret == -1 && slideshow && !slideshow_move) { if (key == PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE) { } else if (key != 0 && (key == config.imgkey[1] || key == config.imgkey2[1] || key == CTRL_FORWARD)) { bool should_exit = false; next_image(&selidx, &should_exit); if (should_exit) { break; } } else if (key != 0 && (key == config.imgkey[0] || key == config.imgkey2[0] || key == CTRL_BACK)) { prev_image(&selidx); } else { xrPowerTick(0); if (config.imgpaging == conf_imgpaging_direct || config.imgpaging == conf_imgpaging_updown || config.imgpaging == conf_imgpaging_leftright) { if (now - lasttime >= config.slideinterval) { lasttime = now; ret = scene_slideshow_forward(&selidx); } } else { xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&slide_end); if (pspDiffTime(&slide_end, &slide_start) >= 0.1) { xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&slide_start); } else { lasttime = now; ret = scene_slideshow_forward(&selidx); } } } } if (showinfo && (key & PSP_CTRL_CIRCLE) == 0) { img_needrp = true; showinfo = false; } xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&timer_end); if (pspDiffTime(&timer_end, &timer_start) >= 1.0) { xrRtcGetCurrentTick(&timer_start); secticks++; } if (config.autosleep != 0 && secticks > 60 * config.autosleep) { power_down(); xrPowerRequestSuspend(); secticks = 0; } if (ret != -1) { selidx = ret; break; } scene_image_delay_action(); } reset_image_show_ptr(); if (config.use_image_queue) { cache_on(false); } imgreading = false; if (config.use_image_queue) { } else { if (imgdata != NULL) { free(imgdata); imgdata = NULL; } } if (config.use_image_queue) { // let cacher delete exif data exif_array = NULL; } else { if (exif_array) { buffer_array_free(exif_array); exif_array = NULL; } } return selidx; }
int start_cache_next_image(void) { cache_image_t *p = NULL; cache_image_t tmp; t_fs_filetype ft; dword free_memory; int fid; if (avoid_times && curr_times++ < avoid_times) { // dbg_printf(d, "%s: curr_times %d avoid time %d", __func__, curr_times, avoid_times); return -1; } free_memory = get_free_mem(); if (config.scale >= 100) { if (free_memory < 8 * 1024 * 1024) { return -1; } } else if (free_memory < 1024 * 1024) { return -1; } cache_lock(); for (p = ccacher.caches; p != ccacher.caches + ccacher.caches_size; ++p) { if (p->status == CACHE_INIT || p->status == CACHE_FAILED) { break; } } // if we ecounter FAILED cache, abort the caching, because user will quit when the image shows up if (p == ccacher.caches + ccacher.caches_size || p->status == CACHE_FAILED) { cache_unlock(); return 0; } copy_cache_image(&tmp, p); cache_unlock(); ft = fs_file_get_type(tmp.filename); fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); if (tmp.where == scene_in_dir) { char fullpath[PATH_MAX]; STRCPY_S(fullpath, tmp.archname); STRCAT_S(fullpath, tmp.filename); tmp.result = image_open_archive(fullpath, tmp.archname, ft, &tmp.width, &tmp.height, &, &tmp.bgc, tmp.where, &tmp.exif_array); } else { tmp.result = image_open_archive(tmp.filename, tmp.archname, ft, &tmp.width, &tmp.height, &, &tmp.bgc, tmp.where, &tmp.exif_array); } if (tmp.result == 0 && != NULL && config.imgbrightness != 100) { pixel *t =; short b = 100 - config.imgbrightness; dword i; for (i = 0; i < tmp.height * tmp.width; i++) { *t = disp_grayscale(*t, 0, 0, 0, b); t++; } } freq_leave(fid); cache_lock(); for (p = ccacher.caches; p != ccacher.caches + ccacher.caches_size; ++p) { if (p->status == CACHE_INIT || p->status == CACHE_FAILED) { break; } } // recheck the first unloaded (and not failed) image, for we haven't locked cache for a while if (p == ccacher.caches + ccacher.caches_size || p->status == CACHE_FAILED) { free_cache_image(&tmp); cache_unlock(); return 0; } if (tmp.result == 0) { dword memory_used; memory_used = tmp.width * tmp.height * sizeof(pixel); // dbg_printf(d, "SERVER: Image %u finished loading", (unsigned)tmp.selidx); // dbg_printf(d, "%s: Memory usage %uKB", __func__, (unsigned) ccacher.memory_usage / 1024); ccacher.memory_usage += memory_used; cacher_cleared = false; tmp.status = CACHE_OK; copy_cache_image(p, &tmp); = NULL; tmp.exif_array = NULL; free_cache_image(&tmp); curr_times = avoid_times = 0; } else if ((tmp.result == 4 || tmp.result == 5) || (tmp.where == scene_in_rar && tmp.result == 6)) { // out of memory // if unrar throwed a bad_cast exception when run out of memory, result can be 6 also. // is memory completely out of memory? if (ccacher.memory_usage == 0) { // dbg_printf(d, "SERVER: Image %u finished failed(%u), giving up", (unsigned)tmp.selidx, tmp.result); tmp.status = CACHE_FAILED; copy_cache_image(p, &tmp); p->data = NULL; p->exif_array = NULL; } else { // retry later // dbg_printf(d, "SERVER: Image %u finished failed(%u), retring", (unsigned)tmp.selidx, tmp.result); // dbg_printf(d, "%s: Memory usage %uKB", __func__, (unsigned) ccacher.memory_usage / 1024); if (avoid_times) { avoid_times *= 2; } else { avoid_times = 1; } avoid_times = min(avoid_times, 32767); curr_times = 0; } free_cache_image(&tmp); } else { // dbg_printf(d, "SERVER: Image %u finished failed(%u)", (unsigned)tmp.selidx, tmp.result); tmp.status = CACHE_FAILED; copy_cache_image(p, &tmp); p->data = NULL; p->exif_array = NULL; free_cache_image(&tmp); } cache_unlock(); return 0; }
extern u32 fs_umd_to_menu(const char *umdfile, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor) { buffer *pbuf = NULL; u32 cur_count = 1; int fid; t_win_menuitem item; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); do { size_t stlen = 0; u_int i = 1; struct t_chapter *p; char pos[20] = { 0 }; if (!p_umdchapter || (p_umdchapter->umdfile->ptr && strcmp(p_umdchapter->umdfile->ptr, umdfile))) { if (p_umdchapter) umd_chapter_reset(p_umdchapter); p_umdchapter = umd_chapter_init(); if (!p_umdchapter) break; buffer_copy_string(p_umdchapter->umdfile, umdfile); cur_count = parse_umd_chapters(umdfile, &p_umdchapter); } else cur_count = p_umdchapter->chapter_count + 1; if (cur_count > 1) { p = p_umdchapter->pchapters; pbuf = buffer_init(); if (!pbuf || buffer_prepare_copy(pbuf, 256) < 0) break; for (i = 1; i < cur_count; i++) { stlen = p[i - 1].name->used - 1; stlen = charsets_ucs_conv((const u8 *) p[i - 1].name->ptr, stlen, (u8 *) pbuf->ptr, pbuf->size); SPRINTF_S(pos, "%d", p[i - 1].length); win_menuitem_new(&item); buffer_copy_string_len(item.shortname, pos, 20); buffer_copy_string_len(item.compname, pbuf->ptr, (stlen > 256) ? 256 : stlen); filename_to_itemname(&item, item.compname->ptr); if (1 != p_umdchapter->umd_type) { if (0 == p_umdchapter->umd_mode) = (void *) fs_filetype_bmp; else if (1 == p_umdchapter->umd_mode) = (void *) fs_filetype_jpg; else = (void *) fs_filetype_gif; } else = (void *) fs_filetype_txt; item.data2[0] = p[i - 1].chunk_pos & 0xFFFF; item.data2[1] = (p[i - 1].chunk_pos >> 16) & 0xFFFF; item.data2[2] = p[i - 1].chunk_offset & 0xFFFF; item.data2[3] = (p[i - 1].chunk_offset >> 16) & 0xFFFF; item.data3 = p[i - 1].length; #if 0 printf("%d pos:%d,%d,%d-%d,%d\n", i, p[i - 1].chunk_pos, item.data2[0], item.data2[1], item.data2[2], item.data2[3]); #endif item.selected = false; item.icolor = icolor; item.selicolor = selicolor; item.selrcolor = selrcolor; item.selbcolor = selbcolor; //buffer_free(p[i - 1].name); win_menu_add(g_menu, &item); } #if 0 printf("%s umd file:%s type:%d,mode:%d,chapter count:%ld\n", __func__, umdfile, p_umdchapter->umd_type, p_umdchapter->umd_mode, cur_count); #endif } } while (false); if (pbuf) buffer_free(pbuf); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }
extern u32 fs_rar_to_menu(const char *rarfile, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor) { int fid; struct RAROpenArchiveData arcdata; struct RARHeaderDataEx header; int ret; HANDLE hrar; t_fs_filetype ft; t_win_menuitem item; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); arcdata.ArcName = (char *) rarfile; arcdata.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST; arcdata.CmtBuf = NULL; arcdata.CmtBufSize = 0; hrar = RAROpenArchive(&arcdata); if (hrar == 0) { freq_leave(fid); return 0; } add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); do { char t[20]; if ((ret = RARReadHeaderEx(hrar, &header)) != 0) { if (ret != ERAR_UNKNOWN) break; RARCloseArchive(hrar); if ((hrar = reopen_rar_with_passwords(&arcdata)) == 0) break; if (RARReadHeaderEx(hrar, &header) != 0) break; } if (header.UnpSize == 0) continue; ft = fs_file_get_type(header.FileName); if (ft == fs_filetype_chm || ft == fs_filetype_zip || ft == fs_filetype_rar) continue; win_menuitem_new(&item); = (void *) ft; if (header.Flags & 0x200) { char str[1024]; const u8 *uni; memset(str, 0, 1024); uni = (u8 *) header.FileNameW; charsets_utf32_conv(uni, sizeof(header.FileNameW), (u8 *) str, sizeof(str)); buffer_copy_string_len(item.compname, header.FileName, 256); filename_to_itemname(&item, str); } else { buffer_copy_string_len(item.compname, header.FileName, 256); filename_to_itemname(&item, header.FileName); } SPRINTF_S(t, "%u", (unsigned int) header.UnpSize); buffer_copy_string(item.shortname, t); item.selected = false; item.icolor = icolor; item.selicolor = selicolor; item.selrcolor = selrcolor; item.selbcolor = selbcolor; item.data3 = header.UnpSize; win_menu_add(g_menu, &item); } while (RARProcessFile(hrar, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL) == 0); RARCloseArchive(hrar); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }
extern u32 fs_zip_to_menu(const char *zipfile, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor) { int fid; unzFile unzf; t_win_menuitem item; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); unzf = unzOpen(zipfile); if (unzf == NULL) { freq_leave(fid); return 0; } add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); if (unzGoToFirstFile(unzf) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(unzf); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; } do { char fname[PATH_MAX]; unz_file_info file_info; t_fs_filetype ft; char t[20]; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unzf, &file_info, fname, PATH_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK) break; if (file_info.uncompressed_size == 0) continue; ft = fs_file_get_type(fname); if (ft == fs_filetype_chm || ft == fs_filetype_zip || ft == fs_filetype_rar) continue; win_menuitem_new(&item); = (void *) ft; buffer_copy_string(item.compname, fname); SPRINTF_S(t, "%u", (unsigned int) file_info.uncompressed_size); buffer_copy_string(item.shortname, t); filename_to_itemname(&item, fname); item.selected = false; item.icolor = icolor; item.selicolor = selicolor; item.selrcolor = selrcolor; item.selbcolor = selbcolor; item.data3 = file_info.uncompressed_size; win_menu_add(g_menu, &item); } while (unzGoToNextFile(unzf) == UNZ_OK); unzClose(unzf); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }
// New style fat system custom reading extern u32 fs_dir_to_menu(const char *dir, char *sdir, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor, bool showhidden, bool showunknown) { int fid; p_fat_info info; u32 count; u32 i; t_win_menuitem item; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); count = fat_readdir(dir, sdir, &info); if (count == INVALID) { freq_leave(fid); return 0; } add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { win_menuitem_new(&item); if (!showhidden && (info[i].attr & FAT_FILEATTR_HIDDEN) > 0) { win_menuitem_free(&item); continue; } if (info[i].attr & FAT_FILEATTR_DIRECTORY) { = (void *) fs_filetype_dir; buffer_copy_string(item.shortname, info[i].filename); buffer_copy_string(item.compname, info[i].longname);[0] = '<'; if ((item.width = strlen(info[i].longname) + 2) > MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN) { strncpy_s(&[1], NELEMS( - 1, info[i].longname, MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 5);[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 4] =[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 3] =[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 2] = '.';[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 1] = '>';[MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN] = 0; item.width = MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN; } else { strncpy_s(&[1], NELEMS( - 1, info[i].longname, MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN);[item.width - 1] = '>';[item.width] = 0; } } else { t_fs_filetype ft; if (info[i].filesize == 0) { win_menuitem_free(&item); continue; } ft = fs_file_get_type(info[i].longname); if (!showunknown && ft == fs_filetype_unknown) { win_menuitem_free(&item); continue; } = (void *) ft; buffer_copy_string(item.shortname, info[i].filename); buffer_copy_string(item.compname, info[i].longname); filename_to_itemname(&item, info[i].longname); } item.icolor = icolor; item.selicolor = selicolor; item.selrcolor = selrcolor; item.selbcolor = selbcolor; item.selected = false; item.data2[0] = info[i].cdate; item.data2[1] = info[i].ctime; item.data2[2] = info[i].mdate; item.data2[3] = info[i].mtime; item.data3 = info[i].filesize; win_menu_add(g_menu, &item); } free(info); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }
extern u32 fs_flashdir_to_menu(const char *dir, const char *sdir, u32 icolor, u32 selicolor, u32 selrcolor, u32 selbcolor) { int fid; SceIoDirent info; int fd; t_win_menuitem item; if (menu_renew(&g_menu) == NULL) { return 0; } fid = freq_enter_hotzone(); strcpy_s((char *) sdir, 256, dir); fd = sceIoDopen(dir); if (fd < 0) { freq_leave(fid); return 0; } add_parent_to_menu(g_menu, icolor, selicolor, selrcolor, selbcolor); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(SceIoDirent)); while (sceIoDread(fd, &info) > 0) { win_menuitem_new(&item); if ((info.d_stat.st_mode & FIO_S_IFMT) == FIO_S_IFDIR) { if (info.d_name[0] == '.' && info.d_name[1] == 0) { win_menuitem_free(&item); continue; } if (strcmp(info.d_name, "..") == 0) { win_menuitem_free(&item); continue; } = (void *) fs_filetype_dir; buffer_copy_string(item.compname, info.d_name);[0] = '<'; if ((item.width = strlen(info.d_name) + 2) > MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN) { mbcsncpy_s((unsigned char *) &[1], MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 4, (const unsigned char *) info.d_name, -1); STRCAT_S(, "...>"); item.width = MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN; } else { mbcsncpy_s((unsigned char *) &[1], MAX_ITEM_NAME_LEN - 1, (const unsigned char *) info.d_name, -1); STRCAT_S(, ">"); } } else { t_fs_filetype ft = fs_file_get_type(info.d_name); = (void *) ft; buffer_copy_string(item.compname, info.d_name); buffer_copy_string(item.shortname, info.d_name); filename_to_itemname(&item, info.d_name); } item.icolor = icolor; item.selicolor = selicolor; item.selrcolor = selrcolor; item.selbcolor = selbcolor; item.selected = false; item.data2[0] = ((info.d_stat.st_ctime.year - 1980) << 9) + (info.d_stat.st_ctime.month << 5) +; item.data2[1] = (info.d_stat.st_ctime.hour << 11) + (info.d_stat.st_ctime.minute << 5) + info.d_stat.st_ctime.second / 2; item.data2[2] = ((info.d_stat.st_mtime.year - 1980) << 9) + (info.d_stat.st_mtime.month << 5) +; item.data2[3] = (info.d_stat.st_mtime.hour << 11) + (info.d_stat.st_mtime.minute << 5) + info.d_stat.st_mtime.second / 2; item.data3 = info.d_stat.st_size; win_menu_add(g_menu, &item); } sceIoDclose(fd); freq_leave(fid); return g_menu->size; }