예제 #1
파일: phonons.c 프로젝트: antoneri/5FY033
double calc_cv(double T, double r, double sigma, double epsilon, double m) {
    double a = A(epsilon, sigma, r);
    double b = B(epsilon, sigma, r);
    vec3 q;
    vec3 omega;
    double W;
    double cv = 0;

    FILE *fp = fopen(QVEKT_FILE, "r");

    if (!fp) {

    while(fscanf(fp, "%lg %lg %lg %lg", &q[X], &q[Y], &q[Z], &W) > 0) {
        frequencies(a, b, m, q, omega, NULL);
        scalar_mul(omega, HBAR/(KB*T));
        cv += W * pow(omega[X], 2) * exp(omega[X]) * pow(exp(omega[X]) - 1, -2);
        cv += W * pow(omega[Y], 2) * exp(omega[Y]) * pow(exp(omega[Y]) - 1, -2);
        cv += W * pow(omega[Z], 2) * exp(omega[Z]) * pow(exp(omega[Z]) - 1, -2);


    cv *= KB * 4.0e-3 * pow(r*sqrt(2), -3);

    return cv;
예제 #2
BiquadFilterNode::GetFrequencyResponse(const Float32Array& aFrequencyHz,
                                       const Float32Array& aMagResponse,
                                       const Float32Array& aPhaseResponse)

  uint32_t length = std::min(std::min(aFrequencyHz.Length(), aMagResponse.Length()),
  if (!length) {

  nsAutoArrayPtr<float> frequencies(new float[length]);
  float* frequencyHz = aFrequencyHz.Data();
  const double nyquist = Context()->SampleRate() * 0.5;

  // Normalize the frequencies
  for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
    frequencies[i] = static_cast<float>(frequencyHz[i] / nyquist);

  const double currentTime = Context()->CurrentTime();

  double freq = mFrequency->GetValueAtTime(currentTime);
  double q = mQ->GetValueAtTime(currentTime);
  double gain = mGain->GetValueAtTime(currentTime);
  double detune = mDetune->GetValueAtTime(currentTime);

  WebCore::Biquad biquad;
  SetParamsOnBiquad(biquad, Context()->SampleRate(), mType, freq, q, gain, detune);
  biquad.getFrequencyResponse(int(length), frequencies, aMagResponse.Data(), aPhaseResponse.Data());
예제 #3
파일: uvimager.cpp 프로젝트: jjdmol/LOFAR
void UVImager::Image(class MeasurementSet &measurementSet, unsigned band)
	unsigned frequencyCount = measurementSet.FrequencyCount();
	IntegerDomain frequencies(0, frequencyCount);
	_measurementSet = &measurementSet;
	_band = _measurementSet->GetBandInfo(band);

예제 #4
std::vector<size_t> readFrequencies(std::string const &inputFileName)
    std::ifstream inputFile(inputFileName.c_str(), std::ifstream::binary | std::ifstream::in);
    std::vector<size_t> frequencies((size_t)1 << CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned char), 0);

    char byte;
    while (inputFile.get(byte)) {
        frequencies[(unsigned char)byte]++;                        
    return frequencies;
예제 #5
  vector<double> gammatone::getCenterFrequencies(double beginFreq,
						 double endFreq,
						 int divideN ){
    double beginERB = getERB( beginFreq );
    double endERB   = getERB( endFreq );
    double space = (endERB - beginERB) / (divideN-1);
    vector<double> frequencies(divideN);
    for( int i=0;i<divideN;i++ ){
      double erb  = beginERB + i * space;
      frequencies[i] = getFreq( erb );
      double freq = getFreq( erb );
      double band = getERBand( freq );
    return frequencies;
예제 #6
파일: Pitch.cpp 프로젝트: DsRQuicke/praat
static long Pitch_getMeanAbsoluteSlope (Pitch me,
	double *out_hertz, double *out_mel, double *out_semitones, double *out_erb, double *out_withoutOctaveJumps)
	long firstVoicedFrame = 0, lastVoicedFrame = 0, nVoiced = 0;
	autoNUMvector <double> frequencies (1, my nx);
	for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
		double frequency = my frame [i]. candidate [1]. frequency;
		frequencies [i] = frequency > 0.0 && frequency < my ceiling ? frequency : 0.0;
		if (frequencies [i] != 0.0) nVoiced ++;
	for (long i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++)   // look for first voiced frame
		if (frequencies [i] != 0.0) { firstVoicedFrame = i; break; }
	for (long i = my nx; i >= 1; i --)   // look for last voiced frame
		if (frequencies [i] != 0.0) { lastVoicedFrame = i; break; }
	if (nVoiced > 1) {
		int ilast = firstVoicedFrame;
		double span = (lastVoicedFrame - firstVoicedFrame) * my dx, flast = frequencies [ilast];
		double slopeHz = 0.0, slopeMel = 0.0, slopeSemitones = 0.0, slopeErb = 0.0, slopeRobust = 0.0;
		for (long i = firstVoicedFrame + 1; i <= lastVoicedFrame; i ++) if (frequencies [i] != 0.0) {
			double localStepSemitones = fabs (SEMITONES (frequencies [i]) - SEMITONES (flast));
			slopeHz += fabs (frequencies [i] - flast);
			slopeMel += fabs (MEL (frequencies [i]) - MEL (flast));
			slopeSemitones += localStepSemitones;
			slopeErb += fabs (ERB (frequencies [i]) - ERB (flast));
			while (localStepSemitones >= 12.0) localStepSemitones -= 12.0;   // kill octave jumps
			if (localStepSemitones > 6.0) localStepSemitones = 12.0 - localStepSemitones;
			slopeRobust += localStepSemitones;
			ilast = i;
			flast = frequencies [ilast];
		if (out_hertz) *out_hertz = slopeHz / span;
		if (out_mel) *out_mel = slopeMel / span;
		if (out_semitones) *out_semitones = slopeSemitones / span;
		if (out_erb) *out_erb = slopeErb / span;
		if (out_withoutOctaveJumps) *out_withoutOctaveJumps = slopeRobust / span;
	} else {
		if (out_hertz) *out_hertz = NUMundefined;
		if (out_mel) *out_mel = NUMundefined;
		if (out_semitones) *out_semitones = NUMundefined;
		if (out_erb) *out_erb = NUMundefined;
		if (out_withoutOctaveJumps) *out_withoutOctaveJumps = NUMundefined;
	return nVoiced;
예제 #7
파일: phonons.c 프로젝트: antoneri/5FY033
void calc_gamma(double *gamma, double *q, double delta, double r, double sigma, double epsilon, double m) {
    const double V = pow(r, 3);
    const double dV = pow(r + delta, 3) - pow(r - delta, 3);

    double a, b;
    vec3 omega[3];

    double rnn = r - delta;

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        a = A(epsilon, sigma, rnn);
        b = B(epsilon, sigma, rnn);
        frequencies(a, b, m, q, omega[i], NULL);
        rnn += delta;

    gamma[X] = -V / omega[1][X] * (omega[2][X] - omega[0][X]) / dV;
    gamma[Y] = -V / omega[1][Y] * (omega[2][Y] - omega[0][Y]) / dV;
    gamma[Z] = -V / omega[1][Z] * (omega[2][Z] - omega[0][Z]) / dV;
예제 #8
파일: Pitch.cpp 프로젝트: DsRQuicke/praat
void structPitch :: v_info () {
	long nVoiced;
	autoNUMvector <double> frequencies (Sampled_getSortedValues (this, Pitch_LEVEL_FREQUENCY, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, & nVoiced), 1);
	structDaata :: v_info ();
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Time domain:");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   Start time: ", xmin, U" seconds");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   End time: ", xmax, U" seconds");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   Total duration: ", xmax - xmin, U" seconds");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Time sampling:");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   Number of frames: ", nx, U" (", nVoiced, U" voiced)");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   Time step: ", dx, U" seconds");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"   First frame centred at: ", x1, U" seconds");
	MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Ceiling at: ", ceiling, U" Hz");

	if (nVoiced >= 1) {   // quantiles
		double quantile10, quantile16, quantile50, quantile84, quantile90;
		quantile10 = NUMquantile (nVoiced, frequencies.peek(), 0.10);
		quantile16 = NUMquantile (nVoiced, frequencies.peek(), 0.16);
		quantile50 = NUMquantile (nVoiced, frequencies.peek(), 0.50);   // median
		quantile84 = NUMquantile (nVoiced, frequencies.peek(), 0.84);
		quantile90 = NUMquantile (nVoiced, frequencies.peek(), 0.90);
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"\nEstimated quantiles:");
		MelderInfo_write (U"   10% = ", Melder_single (quantile10), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (quantile10)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (quantile10)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (quantile10)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"   16% = ", Melder_single (quantile16), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (quantile16)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (quantile16)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (quantile16)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"   50% = ", Melder_single (quantile50), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (quantile50)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (quantile50)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (quantile50)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"   84% = ", Melder_single (quantile84), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (quantile84)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (quantile84)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (quantile84)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"   90% = ", Melder_single (quantile90), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (quantile90)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (quantile90)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (quantile90)), U" ERB");
		if (nVoiced > 1) {
			double corr = sqrt (nVoiced / (nVoiced - 1.0));
			MelderInfo_writeLine (U"\nEstimated spreading:");
			MelderInfo_write (U"   84%-median = ", Melder_half ((quantile84 - quantile50) * corr), U" Hz = ", Melder_half ((MEL (quantile84) - MEL (quantile50)) * corr), U" Mel = ");
			MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half ((SEMITONES (quantile84) - SEMITONES (quantile50)) * corr), U" semitones = ", Melder_half ((ERB (quantile84) - ERB (quantile50)) * corr), U" ERB");
			MelderInfo_write (U"   median-16% = ", Melder_half ((quantile50 - quantile16) * corr), U" Hz = ", Melder_half ((MEL (quantile50) - MEL (quantile16)) * corr), U" Mel = ");
			MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half ((SEMITONES (quantile50) - SEMITONES (quantile16)) * corr), U" semitones = ", Melder_half ((ERB (quantile50) - ERB (quantile16)) * corr), U" ERB");
			MelderInfo_write (U"   90%-10% = ", Melder_half ((quantile90 - quantile10) * corr), U" Hz = ", Melder_half ((MEL (quantile90) - MEL (quantile10)) * corr), U" Mel = ");
			MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half ((SEMITONES (quantile90) - SEMITONES (quantile10)) * corr), U" semitones = ", Melder_half ((ERB (quantile90) - ERB (quantile10)) * corr), U" ERB");
	if (nVoiced >= 1) {   // extrema, range, mean and standard deviation
		double minimum = Pitch_getMinimum (this, xmin, xmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, false);
		double maximum = Pitch_getMaximum (this, xmin, xmax, kPitch_unit_HERTZ, false);
		double meanHertz, meanMel, meanSemitones, meanErb;
		MelderInfo_write (U"\nMinimum ", Melder_single (minimum), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (minimum)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (minimum)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (minimum)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"Maximum ", Melder_single (maximum), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (maximum)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (SEMITONES (maximum)), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (ERB (maximum)), U" ERB");
		MelderInfo_write (U"Range ", Melder_half (maximum - minimum), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (MEL (maximum) - MEL (minimum)), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half (SEMITONES (maximum) - SEMITONES (minimum)), U" semitones = ", Melder_half (ERB (maximum) - ERB (minimum)), U" ERB");
		meanHertz = Pitch_getMean (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_HERTZ);
		meanMel = Pitch_getMean (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_MEL);
		meanSemitones = Pitch_getMean (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_SEMITONES_100);
		meanErb = Pitch_getMean (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_ERB);
		MelderInfo_write (U"Average: ", Melder_single (meanHertz), U" Hz = ", Melder_single (meanMel), U" Mel = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_single (meanSemitones), U" semitones above 100 Hz = ", Melder_single (meanErb), U" ERB");
		if (nVoiced >= 2) {
			double stdevHertz = Pitch_getStandardDeviation (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_HERTZ);
			double stdevMel = Pitch_getStandardDeviation (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_MEL);
			double stdevSemitones = Pitch_getStandardDeviation (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_SEMITONES_100);
			double stdevErb = Pitch_getStandardDeviation (this, 0, 0, kPitch_unit_ERB);
			MelderInfo_write (U"Standard deviation: ", Melder_half (stdevHertz), U" Hz = ", Melder_half (stdevMel), U" Mel = ");
			MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half (stdevSemitones), U" semitones = ", Melder_half (stdevErb), U" ERB");
	if (nVoiced > 1) {   // variability: mean absolute slope
		double slopeHertz, slopeMel, slopeSemitones, slopeErb, slopeWithoutOctaveJumps;
		Pitch_getMeanAbsoluteSlope (this, & slopeHertz, & slopeMel, & slopeSemitones, & slopeErb, & slopeWithoutOctaveJumps);
		MelderInfo_write (U"\nMean absolute slope: ", Melder_half (slopeHertz), U" Hz/s = ", Melder_half (slopeMel), U" Mel/s = ");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (Melder_half (slopeSemitones), U" semitones/s = ", Melder_half (slopeErb), U" ERB/s");
		MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Mean absolute slope without octave jumps: ", Melder_half (slopeWithoutOctaveJumps), U" semitones/s");
예제 #9
파일: fst.c 프로젝트: mipearson/migrate-n
calc_fst (world_fmt * world, data_fmt * data)
    long pop, locus;
    long connections = world->numpop * (world->numpop - 1) / 2;
    MYREAL ***fstfreq,  *fw, *fb, *sumfb, *sumfw;
    if (connections == 0)
    fw = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * world->numpop);
    fb = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * connections);
    sumfw = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * world->numpop);
    sumfb = (MYREAL *) mycalloc (1, sizeof (MYREAL) * connections);
    if (world->numpop > 2)
        fst_type ('S');
    fstfreq = (MYREAL ***) mycalloc (world->numpop, sizeof (MYREAL **));
    for (pop = 0; pop < world->numpop; pop++)
        //fstfreq[pop] =
        //     (MYREAL **) mycalloc (world->loci, sizeof (MYREAL *));
        //for (locus = 0; locus < world->loci; locus++)
        //   fstfreq[pop][locus] =
        //      (MYREAL *) mycalloc (255, sizeof (MYREAL));

    if (!strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, world->options->datatype))
         frequencies (fstfreq, data->yy, world->numpop, data->numind,
    for (locus = 0; locus < world->loci; locus++)
        if (strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, world->options->datatype))
            calc_seq_fw (data, world->numpop, locus, fw);
            calc_seq_fb (data, world->numpop, locus, fb);
            calc_fw (fstfreq, world->numpop, locus, fw);
            calc_fb (fstfreq, world->numpop, locus, fb);

        (*solveNm) (fw, fb, world->numpop, world->fstparam[locus]);

        for (pop = 0; pop < world->numpop; pop++)
            sumfw[pop] += fw[pop];
        for (pop = 0; pop < connections; pop++)
            sumfb[pop] += fb[pop];
    for (pop = 0; pop < world->numpop; pop++)
        sumfw[pop] /= world->loci;
    for (pop = 0; pop < connections; pop++)
        sumfb[pop] /= world->loci;
    if(world->loci > 1)
      (*solveNm) (sumfw, sumfb, world->numpop, world->fstparam[world->loci]);
    if (!strchr (SEQUENCETYPES, world->options->datatype))
      for (pop = world->numpop; pop >= 0; pop++)
//          for (locus = world->loci-1; locus >= 0; locus--)
  //              myfree(fstfreq[pop][locus]);
    //        myfree(fstfreq[pop]);

예제 #10
파일: phonons.c 프로젝트: antoneri/5FY033
 * Main entry point
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    p = parseopts(argc, argv);

    if (p == INVALID_PARAMETER) {

    int num_params = parseinput(argc, argv);

    if (num_params == 0) {

    // Everything should be okay from here on

    double sigma = MODEL_PARAMS[s].sigma;
    double epsilon = MODEL_PARAMS[s].epsilon;
    double m = MODEL_PARAMS[s].m;
    double r = MODEL_PARAMS[s].r_nn;

    if (p == OMEGA || p == GAMMA) {
        vec3 dq = { 0, 0, 0 };

        if (num_params == 2) {
            dq[X] = (q2[X] - q1[X])/(npoints - 1);
            dq[Y] = (q2[Y] - q1[Y])/(npoints - 1);
            dq[Z] = (q2[Z] - q1[Z])/(npoints - 1);

        if (p == OMEGA) {
            vec3 omega;
            double a = A(epsilon, sigma, r);
            double b = B(epsilon, sigma, r);

            if (num_params == 1) {
                frequencies(a, b, m, q1, omega, NULL);
                print_result(q1, omega);

            else if (num_params == 2) {
                for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
                    frequencies(a, b, m, q1, omega, NULL);
                    print_result(q1, omega);
                    q1[X] += dq[X];
                    q1[Y] += dq[Y];
                    q1[Z] += dq[Z];


        else { // Gamma
            vec3 gamma;
            double delta = 1e-20;

            if (num_params == 1) {
                calc_gamma(gamma, q1, delta, r, sigma, epsilon, m);
                print_result(q1, gamma);

            else if (num_params == 2) {
                for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
                    calc_gamma(gamma, q1, delta, r, sigma, epsilon, m);
                    print_result(q1, gamma);
                    q1[X] += dq[X];
                    q1[Y] += dq[Y];
                    q1[Z] += dq[Z];

    else { // Cv
        double cv;

        if (num_params == 1) {
            cv = calc_cv(t1, r, sigma, epsilon, m);
            printf("%g %g\n", t1, cv);

        else if (num_params == 2) {
            double dt = (t2 - t1)/(npoints - 1);

            for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
                cv = calc_cv(t1, r, sigma, epsilon, m);
                printf("%g %g\n", t1, cv);
                t1 += dt;

    return 0;
예제 #11
Layer::List Factory::toLayers(Data::Base& data)
   Layer::List layers;

   //qDebug() << "Layer::Factory converting" << Data::Type::toString(data.typeID());

   try {

      switch (data.typeID()) {
         case Data::Type::Bank: {
            Data::Bank& bank(dynamic_cast<Data::Bank&>(data));
            layers << convert(bank);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::GeometryList: {
            Data::GeometryList& list(dynamic_cast<Data::GeometryList&>(data));
            layers << convert(list);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::Geometry: {
            Data::Geometry& geometry(dynamic_cast<Data::Geometry&>(data));
            layers << convert(geometry);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::PointChargeList: {
            Data::PointChargeList&  charges(dynamic_cast<Data::PointChargeList&>(data));
            layers << convert(charges);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::MolecularOrbitalsList: {
            Data::MolecularOrbitalsList& list(dynamic_cast<Data::MolecularOrbitalsList&>(data));
            layers << convert(list);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::MolecularOrbitals: {
            layers.append(new MolecularOrbitals(molecularOrbitals));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::ExcitedStates: {
            layers.append(new ExcitedStates(states));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::Frequencies: {
            layers.append(new Frequencies(frequencies));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::FileList: {
            Data::FileList& fileList(dynamic_cast<Data::FileList&>(data));
            layers << convert(fileList);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::GridData: {
            QLOG_WARN() << "Data::GridData passed to LayerFactory";
            //Data::GridData& grid(dynamic_cast<Data::GridData&>(data));
            //layers.append(new CubeData(grid));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::CubeData: {
            Data::CubeData& cube(dynamic_cast<Data::CubeData&>(data));
            layers.append(new CubeData(cube));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::EfpFragment: {
            Data::EfpFragment& efp(dynamic_cast<Data::EfpFragment&>(data));
            layers.append(new EfpFragment(efp));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::EfpFragmentList: {
            layers << convert(efpList);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::Mesh: {
            Data::Mesh&  meshData(dynamic_cast<Data::Mesh&>(data));
            Data::Surface surface(meshData);
            Layer::Surface* surfaceLayer(new Surface(surface));
         } break;

         case Data::Type::Surface: {
            Data::Surface&  surfaceData(dynamic_cast<Data::Surface&>(data));
            Layer::Surface* surfaceLayer(new Surface(surfaceData));
            surfaceLayer->setCheckState(surfaceData.isVisible() ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked);
         } break;

         case Data::Type::Nmr: {
            Data::Nmr&  nmrData(dynamic_cast<Data::Nmr&>(data));
            Layer::Nmr* nmrLayer(new Nmr(nmrData));
         } break;

            QLOG_WARN() << "Unimplemented data type in Layer::Factory"
                        <<  Data::Type::toString(data.typeID());

   } catch (const std::bad_cast& e) {
       QLOG_ERROR() << "Data cast in Layer::Factory failed"
                    << Data::Type::toString(data.typeID());

   return layers;