예제 #1
Float fresnel(Float cosThetaI, Float etaExt, Float etaInt) {
	Float etaI = etaExt, etaT = etaInt;

	/* Swap the indices of refraction if the interaction starts
	   at the inside of the object */
	if (cosThetaI < 0.0f)
		std::swap(etaI, etaT);

	/* Using Snell's law, calculate the sine of the angle
	   between the transmitted ray and the surface normal */
	Float sinThetaT = etaI / etaT * 
		std::sqrt(std::max((Float) 0.0f, 1.0f - cosThetaI*cosThetaI));

	if (sinThetaT > 1.0f)
		return 1.0f;  /* Total internal reflection! */

	Float cosThetaT = std::sqrt(1.0f - sinThetaT*sinThetaT);

	/* Finally compute the reflection coefficient */
	return fresnelDielectric(std::abs(cosThetaI),
		cosThetaT, etaI, etaT);
예제 #2
Float microfacet(Float mu_o, Float mu_i, std::complex<Float> eta_,
                 Float alpha, Float phi_d) {
    Float sinThetaI = math::safe_sqrt(1-mu_i*mu_i),
          sinThetaO = math::safe_sqrt(1-mu_o*mu_o),
          cosPhi = std::cos(phi_d),
          sinPhi = std::sin(phi_d);

    Vector wi(-sinThetaI, 0, -mu_i);
    Vector wo(sinThetaO*cosPhi, sinThetaO*sinPhi, mu_o);
    bool reflect = -mu_i*mu_o > 0;

    if (mu_o == 0 || mu_i == 0)
        return 0.f;
    bool conductor = eta_.imag() != 0.0f;
    if (conductor && !reflect)
        return 0.0f;
    std::complex<Float> eta =
        (-mu_i > 0 || conductor) ? eta_ : std::complex<Float>(1) / eta_;

    Vector H = (wi + wo * (reflect ? 1.0f : eta.real())).normalized();
    H *= math::signum(Frame::cosTheta(H));

    Float cosThetaH2 = Frame::cosTheta2(H),
          exponent = -Frame::tanTheta2(H) / (alpha*alpha),
          D = std::exp(exponent) / (math::Pi * alpha*alpha * cosThetaH2*cosThetaH2),
          F = !conductor ? fresnelDielectric(wi.dot(H), eta_.real())
                         : fresnelConductor(std::abs(wi.dot(H)), eta),
          G = smithG1(wi, H, alpha) * smithG1(wo, H, alpha);

    if (reflect) {
        return F * D * G / (4.0f * std::abs(mu_i*mu_o));
    } else {
        Float sqrtDenom = wi.dot(H) + eta.real() * wo.dot(H);

        return std::abs(((1 - F) * D * G * eta.real() * eta.real() * wi.dot(H)
            * wo.dot(H)) / (mu_i*mu_o * sqrtDenom * sqrtDenom));
예제 #3
	Spectrum sample(BSDFQueryRecord &bRec, Float &pdf, const Point2 &sample) const {
		bool sampleReflection   = (bRec.typeMask & EDeltaReflection)
				&& (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 0);
		bool sampleTransmission = (bRec.typeMask & EDeltaTransmission)
				&& (bRec.component == -1 || bRec.component == 1);
		if (!sampleTransmission && !sampleReflection)
			return Spectrum(0.0f);

		Float cosThetaI = Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wi),
			  etaI = m_extIOR,
			  etaT = m_intIOR;

		bool entering = cosThetaI > 0.0f;

		/* Determine the respective indices of refraction */
		if (!entering)
			std::swap(etaI, etaT);

		/* Using Snell's law, calculate the squared sine of the
		   angle between the normal and the transmitted ray */
		Float eta = etaI / etaT,
			  sinThetaTSqr = eta*eta * Frame::sinTheta2(bRec.wi);

		Float Fr, cosThetaT = 0;
		if (sinThetaTSqr >= 1.0f) {
			/* Total internal reflection */
			Fr = 1.0f;
		} else {
			cosThetaT = std::sqrt(1.0f - sinThetaTSqr);

			/* Compute the Fresnel refletance */
			Fr = fresnelDielectric(std::abs(cosThetaI),
				cosThetaT, etaI, etaT);

			if (entering)
				cosThetaT = -cosThetaT;

		/* Calculate the refracted/reflected vectors+coefficients */
		if (sampleTransmission && sampleReflection) {
			/* Importance sample according to the reflectance/transmittance */
			if (sample.x <= Fr) {
				bRec.sampledComponent = 0;
				bRec.sampledType = EDeltaReflection;
				bRec.wo = reflect(bRec.wi);

				pdf = Fr * std::abs(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo));
				return m_specularReflectance->getValue(bRec.its) * Fr;
			} else {
				bRec.sampledComponent = 1;
				bRec.sampledType = EDeltaTransmission;

				/* Given cos(N, transmittedRay), compute the 
				   transmitted direction */
				bRec.wo = refract(bRec.wi, eta, cosThetaT);
				pdf = (1-Fr) * std::abs(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo));

				/* When transporting radiance, account for the solid angle
				   change at boundaries with different indices of refraction. */
				return m_specularTransmittance->getValue(bRec.its) 
					* (1-Fr) * (bRec.quantity == ERadiance ? (eta*eta) : (Float) 1);
		} else if (sampleReflection) {
			bRec.sampledComponent = 0;
			bRec.sampledType = EDeltaReflection;
			bRec.wo = reflect(bRec.wi);
			pdf = std::abs(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo));
			return m_specularReflectance->getValue(bRec.its) * Fr;
		} else {
			bRec.sampledComponent = 1;
			bRec.sampledType = EDeltaTransmission;

			if (Fr == 1.0f) /* Total internal reflection */
				return Spectrum(0.0f);

			bRec.wo = refract(bRec.wi, eta, cosThetaT);
			pdf = std::abs(Frame::cosTheta(bRec.wo));

			/* When transporting radiance, account for the solid angle
			   change at boundaries with different indices of refraction. */
			return m_specularTransmittance->getValue(bRec.its) 
				* ((1-Fr) * (bRec.quantity == ERadiance ? (eta*eta) : (Float) 1));