int fs_load(struct update_context *uc, char *resuri, char *graphuri) { FILE *errout = NULL; errout = tmpfile(); int count = 0; int errors = 0; if (fsp_start_import_all(uc->link)) { errors++; add_message(uc, "aborting import", 0); fclose(errout); return errors; } char *model = graphuri ? graphuri : resuri; fs_import(uc->link, model, resuri, "auto", 0, 0, 0, errout, &count); fs_import_commit(uc->link, 0, 0, 0, errout, &count); fsp_stop_import_all(uc->link); rewind(errout); char tmp[1024]; if (fgets(tmp, 1024, errout)) { errors++; add_message(uc, g_strdup(tmp), 1); } else { if (graphuri) { add_message(uc, g_strdup_printf("Imported <%s> into <%s>", resuri, graphuri), 1); } else { add_message(uc, g_strdup_printf("Imported <%s>", resuri), 1); } } fclose(errout); return errors; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int verbosity = 0; int dryrun = 0; char *password = NULL; char *format = "auto"; FILE *msg = stderr; char *optstring = "am:M:vnf:"; int c, opt_index = 0, help = 0; int files = 0, adding = 0; char *kb_name = NULL; char *model[argc], *uri[argc]; char *model_default = NULL; password = fsp_argv_password(&argc, argv); static struct option long_options[] = { { "add", 0, 0, 'a' }, { "model", 1, 0, 'm' }, { "model-default", 1, 0, 'M' }, { "verbose", 0, 0, 'v' }, { "dryrun", 0, 0, 'n' }, { "no-resources", 0, 0, 'R' }, { "no-quads", 0, 0, 'Q' }, { "format", 1, 0, 'f' }, { "help", 0, 0, 'h' }, { "version", 0, 0, 'V' }, { 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; for (int i= 0; i < argc; ++i) { model[i] = NULL; } int help_return = 1; while ((c = getopt_long (argc, argv, optstring, long_options, &opt_index)) != -1) { if (c == 'm') { model[files++] = optarg; } else if (c == 'M') { model_default = optarg; } else if (c == 'v') { verbosity++; } else if (c == 'a') { adding = 1; } else if (c == 'n') { dryrun |= FS_DRYRUN_DELETE | FS_DRYRUN_RESOURCES | FS_DRYRUN_QUADS; } else if (c == 'R') { dryrun |= FS_DRYRUN_RESOURCES; } else if (c == 'Q') { dryrun |= FS_DRYRUN_QUADS; } else if (c == 'f') { format = optarg; } else if (c == 'h') { help = 1; help_return = 0; } else if (c == 'V') { printf("%s, built for 4store %s\n", argv[0], GIT_REV); exit(0); } else { help = 1; } } if (verbosity > 0) { if (dryrun & FS_DRYRUN_DELETE) { printf("warning: not deleting old model\n"); } if (dryrun & FS_DRYRUN_RESOURCES) { printf("warning: not importing resource nodes\n"); } if (dryrun & FS_DRYRUN_QUADS) { printf("warning: not importing quad graph\n"); } } files = 0; for (int k = optind; k < argc; ++k) { if (!kb_name) { kb_name = argv[k]; } else { if (strchr(argv[k], ':')) { uri[files] = g_strdup(argv[k]); } else { uri[files] = (char *)raptor_uri_filename_to_uri_string(argv[k]); } if (!model[files]) { if (!model_default) { model[files] = uri[files]; } else { model[files] = model_default; } } files++; } } raptor_world *rw = raptor_new_world(); if (help || !kb_name || files == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "%s revision %s\n", argv[0], FS_FRONTEND_VER); fprintf(stdout, "Usage: %s <kbname> <rdf file/URI> ...\n", argv[0]); fprintf(stdout, " -v --verbose increase verbosity (can repeat)\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -a --add add data to models instead of replacing\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -m --model specify a model URI for the next RDF file\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -M --model-default specify a model URI for all RDF files\n"); fprintf(stdout, " -f --format specify an RDF syntax for the import\n"); fprintf(stdout, "\n available formats are:\n"); for (unsigned int i=0; 1; i++) { const raptor_syntax_description *desc = raptor_world_get_parser_description(rw, i); if (!desc) { break; } fprintf(stdout, " %12s - %s\n", desc->names[0], desc->label); } exit(help_return); } fsp_syslog_enable(); fsplink = fsp_open_link(kb_name, password, FS_OPEN_HINT_RW); if (!fsplink) { fs_error (LOG_ERR, "couldn't connect to “%s”", kb_name); exit(2); } const char *features = fsp_link_features(fsplink); int has_o_index = !(strstr(features, "no-o-index")); /* tweak */ fs_hash_init(fsp_hash_type(fsplink)); const int segments = fsp_link_segments(fsplink); int total_triples = 0; fs_import_timing timing[segments]; for (int seg = 0; seg < segments; seg++) { fsp_get_import_times(fsplink, seg, &timing[seg]); } gettimeofday(&then, 0); if (fsp_start_import_all(fsplink)) { fs_error(LOG_ERR, "aborting import"); exit(3); } #if 0 printf("press enter\n"); char foo; read(0, &foo, 1); #endif fs_rid_vector *mvec = fs_rid_vector_new(0); for (int f= 0; f < files; ++f) { fs_rid muri = fs_hash_uri(model[f]); fs_rid_vector_append(mvec, muri); } if (!adding) { if (verbosity) { printf("removing old data\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (!(dryrun & FS_DRYRUN_DELETE)) { if (fsp_delete_model_all(fsplink, mvec)) { fs_error(LOG_ERR, "model delete failed"); return 1; } for (int i=0; i<mvec->length; i++) { if (mvec->data[i] == fs_c.system_config) { fs_import_reread_config(); } } } fsp_new_model_all(fsplink, mvec); } fs_rid_vector_free(mvec); gettimeofday(&then_last, 0); for (int f = 0; f < files; ++f) { if (verbosity) { printf("Reading <%s>\n", uri[f]); if (strcmp(uri[f], model[f])) { printf(" into <%s>\n", model[f]); } fflush(stdout); } fs_import(fsplink, model[f], uri[f], format, verbosity, dryrun, has_o_index, msg, &total_triples); if (verbosity) { fflush(stdout); } } double sthen = fs_time(); int ret = fs_import_commit(fsplink, verbosity, dryrun, has_o_index, msg, &total_triples); if (verbosity > 0) { printf("Updating index\n"); fflush(stdout); } fsp_stop_import_all(fsplink); if (verbosity > 0) { printf("Index update took %f seconds\n", fs_time()-sthen); } if (!ret) { gettimeofday(&now, 0); double diff = (now.tv_sec - then.tv_sec) + (now.tv_usec - then.tv_usec) * 0.000001; if (verbosity && total_triples > 0) { printf("Imported %d triples, average %d triples/s\n", total_triples, (int)((double)total_triples/diff)); fflush(stdout); } } if (verbosity > 1) { printf("seg add_q\tadd_r\t\tcommit_q\tcommit_r\tremove\t\trebuild\t\twrite\n"); long long *tics = fsp_profile_write(fsplink); for (int seg = 0; seg < segments; seg++) { fs_import_timing newtimes; fsp_get_import_times(fsplink, seg, &newtimes); printf("%2d: %f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", seg, newtimes.add_s - timing[seg].add_s, newtimes.add_r - timing[seg].add_r, newtimes.commit_q - timing[seg].commit_q, newtimes.commit_r - timing[seg].commit_r, newtimes.remove - timing[seg].remove, newtimes.rebuild - timing[seg].rebuild, tics[seg] * 0.001); } } fsp_close_link(fsplink); raptor_free_world(rw); return 0; }