예제 #1
  JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_edu_berkeley_bid_CUMATD_fsort
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jobject jpkeys, jint n, jint desc) 
    double *pkeys = (double *)getPointer(env, jpkeys);

    return fsort(pkeys, n, desc);
예제 #2
/* 参数分别为待排序数组,起始点,结束点,调用的排序函数 
void sort_test(int *list, int l, int r, 
        void (*fsort)(int *list, int l, int r))
    clock_t before;
    before = clock();
    fsort(list, l, r);
    output(list, r-l+1);
    double elapsed = clock() - before;
    printf("time: %.3fs \n\n", elapsed/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
예제 #3
double get_sort_time(int *pa, int len, void (fsort)(int * , int   ))
# if 0 //  计时方法1
	const clock_t begin = clock();
	 fsort(pa, len);
	 const clock_t end = clock();
	 return  (double)(end-begin)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC  ;
#if 0 // 计时方法2
	 DWORD begin = GetTickCount();
	 fsort(pa, len);
	 DWORD end = GetTickCount();

	 return end - begin;

     fsort(pa, len);
     return  GetCounter() ;
예제 #4
파일: fsort_test.c 프로젝트: CurieBSP/main
int fsort_test_single(float *pfInput, int nlen, int nRightRet,
		      float *pfRightOut)
	int i;
	int nRet = fsort(pfInput, nlen);

	if (nRet != nRightRet) return 1;
	if (nRet != 0) return 0;
	for (i = 0; i < nlen; i++) {
		if (fabs(pfInput[i] - pfRightOut[i]) > EPS) return 1;
	return 0;
예제 #5
파일: querysort.c 프로젝트: Dridi/querysort
extern int
qs_fsort_clean(const char *url, FILE *stream) {
    return fsort(url, stream, true);
예제 #6
파일: querysort.c 프로젝트: Dridi/querysort
extern int
qs_fsort(const char *url, FILE *stream) {
    return fsort(url, stream, false);
예제 #7
double getdelta(double *ph, double *palpha, const double *w,
		const double thetaSQR, const int n, double *wQ)
 double gap,r,h,hSQR,oldhSQR,hubSQR, sumdifv,sumdifw, sumwNT,wj,
 int cardT,cardQ,i,j,STOP;

 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    gap = sum(w),  r = n / theta^2
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 for(i = 0, gap = 0.0; i < n; i++)
   gap += w[i];
 r = n / thetaSQR;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    In the following, T is the index set of w[i]'s that are too small,
    and Q is the set for which we don't know in the first pass.
    However, after sorting wQ=w[Q], we will sort that out too.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
   IF THETA == 1, WE HAVE:
     h = sqrt(max(w))
     sumdifv = sum (h-v_i) = n*h - sum(sqrt(w)),   (v := sqrt(w))
     sumdifw = sum (h^2-w_i) = n*h^2 - gap.
   Use 2 passes to compute sumdifv,sumdifw in stable way.
   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
 if(1.0 - thetaSQR <= 1E-8){
   for(i = 0, hSQR = 0.0; i < n; i++)
     hSQR = MAX(hSQR,w[i]);
   h = sqrt(hSQR);
   sumdifv = 0.0; sumdifw = 0.0;
   for(i = 0; i < n; i++){
     sumdifw += hSQR - w[i];
     sumdifv += h - sqrt(w[i]);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   0 < THETA < 1:
     LB: hSQR = sumwNT/(r-|T|)
     UB: sumwNT/(r-|T| - |Q|)         (Q is first stage inconclusive set)
    sumdifv = sum_{j in T} (h-v_j)
    sumdifw = sum_{j in T} (h-w_j)
  Notice that sum(dif) is much stabler than dif(sum).
  i : next entry for wQ
  ------------------------------------------------------------ */
   sumwNT = gap;
   cardT = 0; sumdifv = 0; sumdifw = 0;
   cardQ = n;
   i = 0;
   hSQR = sumwNT / (r - cardT);
   hubSQR = sumwNT / (r-(n-1));
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
     wj = w[j];
     if(wj >= hubSQR){               /* wj >= hubSQR ==> not in T */
       hubSQR = sumwNT / (r-cardT-cardQ);
     else if(wj < hSQR){             /* wj < hSQR ==> in T */
       if(wj <= 0.0)
         return 1e100;                 /* error: w should be positive */
       hubSQR *= 1 - wj/sumwNT;
       sumwNT -= wj;
       oldhSQR = hSQR;
       hSQR = sumwNT / (r - cardT);
       sumdifw += (oldhSQR-wj) + cardT * (hSQR-oldhSQR);
       sumdifv += (sqrt(oldhSQR)-sqrt(wj))+ cardT*(sqrt(hSQR)-sqrt(oldhSQR));
     else                            /* Inconclusive: j in Q */
       wQ[i++] = wj;
   mxAssert(i == cardQ,"");
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------
      The same treatment for the Q set, but we
      sort the (presumably short) wQ first.
     ------------------------------------------------------------ */
     fsort(wQ, cardQ);
     for(STOP = 0, j = 0; !STOP; ){
       wj = wQ[j];
       if(wj >= hSQR)
	 STOP = 1;
	 sumwNT -= wj;
	 oldhSQR = hSQR;
	 hSQR = sumwNT / (r - cardT);
	 sumdifw += (oldhSQR-wj) + cardT * (hSQR-oldhSQR);
	 sumdifv += (sqrt(oldhSQR)-sqrt(wj)) +
	   cardT * (sqrt(hSQR)-sqrt(oldhSQR));
	 STOP = (cardQ == ++j);
   } /* cardQ > 0 */
   /* ------------------------------------------------------------
      Let h := sqrt(hSQR)
      ------------------------------------------------------------ */
   h = sqrt(hSQR);
 }  /* theta != 1 */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
      alpha = sumdifv/(r*h)
      deltaSQR = r * ( 2*alpha-alpha^2 - (1-alpha)^2 * sumdifw/gap )
     SINCE alpha IS *SIGNIF* BIGGER THAN sumdifw/gap )
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 alpha = sumdifv/ (r*h);
 deltaSQR = alpha*(2-alpha) - SQR(1-alpha) * sumdifw/gap;
 *palpha = alpha;
 *ph = h;
 return sqrt(r * deltaSQR);
예제 #8
파일: sort.c 프로젝트: wan721/DragonFlyBSD
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int ch, i, stdinflag = 0;
    char cflag = 0, mflag = 0;
    char *outfile, *outpath = NULL;
    struct field *fldtab;
    size_t fldtab_sz, fld_cnt;
    size_t alloc_size;
    struct filelist filelist;
    int num_input_files;
    FILE *outfp = NULL;
    struct rlimit rl;
    struct stat st;

    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    /* bump RLIMIT_NOFILE to maximum our hard limit allows */
    if (getrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0)
        err(2, "getrlimit");
    rl.rlim_cur = rl.rlim_max;
    if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rl) < 0)
        err(2, "setrlimit");

    d_mask[REC_D = '\n'] = REC_D_F;
    d_mask['\t'] = d_mask[' '] = BLANK | FLD_D;

    /* fldtab[0] is the global options. */
    fldtab_sz = 3;
    fld_cnt = 0;
    alloc_size = fldtab_sz * sizeof(*fldtab);
    fldtab = malloc(alloc_size);
    if (fldtab == NULL)
        err(1, "Cannot allocate %zu bytes", alloc_size);
    memset(fldtab, 0, alloc_size);

#define SORT_OPTS "bcdD:fHik:lmno:rR:sSt:T:ux"

    /* Convert "+field" args to -f format */
    fixit(&argc, argv, SORT_OPTS);

    if (!(tmpdir = getenv("TMPDIR")))
        tmpdir = _PATH_TMP;

    while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, SORT_OPTS)) != -1) {
        switch (ch) {
        case 'b':
            fldtab[0].flags |= BI | BT;
        case 'c':
            cflag = 1;
        case 'D': /* Debug flags */
            for (i = 0; optarg[i]; i++)
                debug_flags |= 1 << (optarg[i] & 31);
        case 'd':
        case 'f':
        case 'i':
        case 'n':
        case 'l':
            fldtab[0].flags |= optval(ch, 0);
        case 'H':
            /* -H was ; use merge sort for blocks of large files' */
            /* That is now the default. */
        case 'k':
            alloc_size = (fldtab_sz + 1) * sizeof(*fldtab);
            fldtab = realloc(fldtab, alloc_size);
            if (fldtab == NULL)
                err(1, "Cannot re-allocate %zu bytes", alloc_size);
            memset(&fldtab[fldtab_sz], 0, sizeof(fldtab[0]));

            setfield(optarg, &fldtab[++fld_cnt], fldtab[0].flags);
        case 'm':
            mflag = 1;
        case 'o':
            outpath = optarg;
        case 'r':
            REVERSE = 1;
        case 's':
             * Nominally 'stable sort', keep lines with equal keys
             * in input file order. (Default for NetBSD)
             * (-s for GNU sort compatibility.)
            posix_sort = 0;
        case 'S':
             * Reverse of -s!
             * This needs to enforce a POSIX sort where records
             * with equal keys are then sorted by the raw data.
             * Currently not implemented!
             * (using libc radixsort() v sradixsort() doesn't
             * have the desired effect.)
            posix_sort = 1;
        case 't':
            if (SEP_FLAG)
                usage("multiple field delimiters");
            SEP_FLAG = 1;
            d_mask[' '] &= ~FLD_D;
            d_mask['\t'] &= ~FLD_D;
            d_mask[(u_char)*optarg] |= FLD_D;
            if (d_mask[(u_char)*optarg] & REC_D_F)
                errx(2, "record/field delimiter clash");
        case 'R':
            if (REC_D != '\n')
                usage("multiple record delimiters");
            REC_D = *optarg;
            if (REC_D == '\n')
            if (optarg[1] != '\0') {
                char *ep;
                int t = 0;
                if (optarg[0] == '\\')
                    optarg++, t = 8;
                REC_D = (int)strtol(optarg, &ep, t);
                if (*ep != '\0' || REC_D < 0 ||
                        REC_D >= (int)__arraycount(d_mask))
                    errx(2, "invalid record delimiter %s",
            d_mask['\n'] = d_mask[' '];
            d_mask[REC_D] = REC_D_F;
        case 'T':
            /* -T tmpdir */
            tmpdir = optarg;
        case 'u':
            UNIQUE = 1;
        case '?':

    if (UNIQUE)
        /* Don't sort on raw record if keys match */
        posix_sort = 0;

    if (cflag && argc > optind+1)
        errx(2, "too many input files for -c option");
    if (argc - 2 > optind && !strcmp(argv[argc-2], "-o")) {
        outpath = argv[argc-1];
        argc -= 2;
    if (mflag && argc - optind > (MAXFCT - (16+1))*16)
        errx(2, "too many input files for -m option");

    for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
        /* allow one occurrence of /dev/stdin */
        if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-") || !strcmp(argv[i], _PATH_STDIN)) {
            if (stdinflag)
                warnx("ignoring extra \"%s\" in file list",
                stdinflag = 1;

            /* change to /dev/stdin if '-' */
            if (argv[i][0] == '-') {
                static char path_stdin[] = _PATH_STDIN;
                argv[i] = path_stdin;

        } else if ((ch = access(argv[i], R_OK)))
            err(2, "%s", argv[i]);

    if (fldtab[1].icol.num == 0) {
        /* No sort key specified */
        if (fldtab[0].flags & (I|D|F|N|L)) {
            /* Modified - generate a key that covers the line */
            fldtab[0].flags &= ~(BI|BT);
            setfield("1", &fldtab[++fld_cnt], fldtab->flags);
        } else {
            /* Unmodified, just compare the line */
            SINGL_FLD = 1;
            fldtab[0].icol.num = 1;
    } else {


    if (optind == argc) {
        static const char * const names[] = { _PATH_STDIN, NULL };
        filelist.names = names;
        num_input_files = 1;
    } else {
        filelist.names = (const char * const *) &argv[optind];
        num_input_files = argc - optind;

    if (cflag) {
        order(&filelist, fldtab);
        /* NOT REACHED */

    if (!outpath) {
        toutpath[0] = '\0';	/* path not used in this case */
        outfile = outpath = toutpath;
        outfp = stdout;
    } else if (lstat(outpath, &st) == 0
               && !S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISBLK(st.st_mode)) {
        /* output file exists and isn't character or block device */
        struct sigaction act;
        static const int sigtable[] = {SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGPIPE,
                                       SIGXCPU, SIGXFSZ, SIGVTALRM, SIGPROF, 0
        int outfd;
        errno = 0;
        if (access(outpath, W_OK))
            err(2, "%s", outpath);
        (void)snprintf(toutpath, sizeof(toutpath), "%sXXXXXX",
        if ((outfd = mkstemp(toutpath)) == -1)
            err(2, "Cannot create temporary file `%s'", toutpath);
        act.sa_handler = onsignal;
        (void) sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
        act.sa_flags = SA_RESTART | SA_RESETHAND;
        for (i = 0; sigtable[i]; ++i)	/* always unlink toutpath */
            sigaction(sigtable[i], &act, 0);
        outfile = toutpath;
        if ((outfp = fdopen(outfd, "w")) == NULL)
            err(2, "Cannot open temporary file `%s'", toutpath);
    } else {
        outfile = outpath;

        if ((outfp = fopen(outfile, "w")) == NULL)
            err(2, "output file %s", outfile);

    if (mflag)
        fmerge(&filelist, num_input_files, outfp, fldtab);
        fsort(&filelist, num_input_files, outfp, fldtab);

    if (outfile != outpath) {
        if (access(outfile, F_OK))
            err(2, "%s", outfile);

         * Copy file permissions bits of the original file.
         * st is initialized above, when we create the
         * temporary spool file.
        if (lchmod(outfile, st.st_mode & ALLPERMS) != 0) {
            err(2, "cannot chmod %s: output left in %s",
                outpath, outfile);

        if (link(outfile, outpath))
            err(2, "cannot link %s: output left in %s",
                outpath, outfile);
        toutpath[0] = 0;
예제 #9
파일: rsort.c 프로젝트: chungae9ri/dsa
int main()
	int i, num;
	FILE *infp, *outfp;
	float rn, stretch = 4095.0f, *pin;

	/* input file open */
	if (!(infp = fopen("q2input.txt", "w"))) { 
		printf("can't open input file\r\n");
		return 0;

	/* write the number to input file */
	fprintf(infp, "%d\r\n", RNUM);
	/* generate seed */
	/* generate random number and write to input file */
	for (i=0 ; i<RNUM ; i++) {
		rn = (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX*stretch;
		fprintf(infp, "%f\r\n",rn);

	/* input file close */

	/* open input file */
	if (!(infp = fopen("q2input.txt", "r"))) { 
		printf("can't open input file\r\n");
		return 0;

	/* open output file which will store the sorted number */
	if (!(outfp = fopen("q2output.txt", "w"))) {
		printf("can't open output file \r\n");
		return 0;

	/* get the number of input */
	fscanf(infp, "%d", &num);
	/* memory allocation */
	pin = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float) * num);

	/* get the input random number */
	for (i=0 ; i<num ; i++) {
		fscanf(infp, "%f", &pin[i]);

	/* sort the input numbers in ascending order */
	fsort(pin, num);
	/* write number to output file*/
	fprintf(outfp, "%d\r\n", num);
	/* write it to output file*/
	for(i=0 ; i<num ; i++) {
		fprintf(outfp, "%f\r\n", pin[i]);

	/* memory free and file close */

	return 1;
예제 #10
파일: fsort.c 프로젝트: Scarletts/LiteBSD
fsort(int binno, int depth, union f_handle infiles, int nfiles, FILE *outfp,
    struct field *ftbl)
	u_char *weights, **keypos, *bufend, *tmpbuf;
	static u_char *buffer, **keylist;
	static size_t bufsize;
	int ntfiles, mfct = 0, total, i, maxb, lastb, panic = 0;
	int c, nelem;
	long sizes[NBINS+1];
	union f_handle tfiles, mstart = {MAXFCT-16};
	int (*get)(int, union f_handle, int, RECHEADER *,
		u_char *, struct field *);
	struct field tfield[2];
	FILE *prevfp, *tailfp[FSORTMAX+1];

	memset(tailfp, 0, sizeof(tailfp));
	prevfp = outfp;
	memset(tfield, 0, sizeof(tfield));
	if (ftbl[0].flags & R)
		tfield[0].weights = Rascii;
		tfield[0].weights = ascii;
	tfield[0].icol.num = 1;
	weights = ftbl[0].weights;
	if (buffer == NULL) {
		bufsize = BUFSIZE;
		if ((buffer = malloc(bufsize)) == NULL ||
		    (keylist = calloc(MAXNUM, sizeof(u_char *))) == NULL)
			err(2, NULL);
	bufend = buffer + bufsize - 1;
	if (binno >= 0) {
		tfiles.top = infiles.top + nfiles;
		get = getnext;
	} else {
		tfiles.top = 0;
		if (SINGL_FLD)
			get = makeline;
			get = makekey;
	for (;;) {
		memset(sizes, 0, sizeof(sizes));
		c = ntfiles = 0;
		if (binno == weights[REC_D] &&
		    !(SINGL_FLD && ftbl[0].flags & F)) {	/* pop */
			    infiles, nfiles, prevfp, buffer, bufend);
		} else if (binno == weights[REC_D]) {
			depth = 0;		/* start over on flat weights */
			ftbl = tfield;
			weights = ftbl[0].weights;
		while (c != EOF) {
			keypos = keylist;
			nelem = 0;
			crec = (RECHEADER *) buffer;
			while ((c = get(binno, infiles, nfiles, crec, bufend,
			    ftbl)) == 0) {
				*keypos++ = crec->data + depth;
				if (++nelem == MAXNUM) {
					c = BUFFEND;
				crec = (RECHEADER *)((char *)crec +
				    SALIGN(crec->length) + sizeof(TRECHEADER));
			 * buffer was too small for data, allocate
			 * a bigger buffer.
			if (c == BUFFEND && nelem == 0) {
				bufsize *= 2;
				tmpbuf = realloc(buffer, bufsize);
				if (!tmpbuf)
					err(2, "failed to realloc buffer");
				crec = (RECHEADER *)
				    (tmpbuf + ((u_char *)crec - buffer));
				buffer = tmpbuf;
				bufend = buffer + bufsize - 1;
			if (c == BUFFEND || ntfiles || mfct) {	/* push */
				if (panic >= PANIC) {
					fstack[MAXFCT-16+mfct].fp = ftmp();
					if (radixsort((const u_char **)keylist,
					    nelem, weights, REC_D))
						err(2, NULL);
					append(keylist, nelem, depth, fstack[
					 MAXFCT-16+mfct].fp, putrec, ftbl);
					/* reduce number of open files */
					if (mfct == 16 ||(c == EOF && ntfiles)) {
						fstack[tfiles.top + ntfiles].fp
						    = ftmp();
						fmerge(0, mstart, mfct, geteasy,
						  putrec, ftbl);
						mfct = 0;
				} else {
					fstack[tfiles.top + ntfiles].fp= ftmp();
					onepass(keylist, depth, nelem, sizes,
					weights, fstack[tfiles.top+ntfiles].fp);
		get = getnext;
		if (!ntfiles && !mfct) {	/* everything in memory--pop */
			if (nelem > 1) {
				if (STABLE) {
					i = sradixsort((const u_char **)keylist,
					    nelem, weights, REC_D);
				} else {
					i = radixsort((const u_char **)keylist,
					    nelem, weights, REC_D);
				if (i)
					err(2, NULL);
			append(keylist, nelem, depth, outfp, putline, ftbl);
			break;					/* pop */
		if (panic >= PANIC) {
			if (!ntfiles)
				fmerge(0, mstart, mfct, geteasy,
				    outfp, putline, ftbl);
				fmerge(0, tfiles, ntfiles, geteasy,
				    outfp, putline, ftbl);
		total = maxb = lastb = 0;	/* find if one bin dominates */
		for (i = 0; i < NBINS; i++)
		  if (sizes[i]) {
			if (sizes[i] > sizes[maxb])
				maxb = i;
			lastb = i;
			total += sizes[i];
		if (sizes[maxb] < max((total / 2) , BUFSIZE))
			maxb = lastb;	/* otherwise pop after last bin */
		fstack[tfiles.top].lastb = lastb;
		fstack[tfiles.top].maxb = maxb;

			/* start refining next level. */
		get(-1, tfiles, ntfiles, crec, bufend, 0);	/* rewind */
		for (i = 0; i < maxb; i++) {
			if (!sizes[i])	/* bin empty; step ahead file offset */
				get(i, tfiles, ntfiles, crec, bufend, 0);
				fsort(i, depth+1, tfiles, ntfiles, outfp, ftbl);
		if (lastb != maxb) {
			if (prevfp != outfp)
				tailfp[panic] = prevfp;
			prevfp = ftmp();
			for (i = maxb+1; i <= lastb; i++)
				if (!sizes[i])
					get(i, tfiles, ntfiles, crec, bufend,0);
					fsort(i, depth+1, tfiles, ntfiles,
					    prevfp, ftbl);

		/* sort biggest (or last) bin at this level */
		binno = maxb;
		infiles.top = tfiles.top;	/* getnext will free tfiles, */
		nfiles = ntfiles;		/* so overwrite them */
	if (prevfp != outfp) {
		concat(outfp, prevfp);
	for (i = panic; i >= 0; --i)
		if (tailfp[i]) {
			concat(outfp, tailfp[i]);