예제 #1
파일: conn.c 프로젝트: ghuntley/axel
int conn_setup( conn_t *conn )
	if( conn->ftp->fd <= 0 && conn->http->fd <= 0 )
		if( !conn_init( conn ) )
			return( 0 );
	if( conn->proto == PROTO_FTP && !conn->proxy )
		if( !ftp_data( conn->ftp ) )	/* Set up data connnection	*/
			return( 0 );
		conn->fd = conn->ftp->data_fd;
		if( conn->currentbyte )
			ftp_command( conn->ftp, "REST %i", conn->currentbyte );
			if( ftp_wait( conn->ftp ) / 100 != 3 &&
			    conn->ftp->status / 100 != 2 )
				return( 0 );
		char s[MAX_STRING];
		snprintf( s, MAX_STRING, "%s%s", conn->dir, conn->file );
		conn->http->firstbyte = conn->currentbyte;
		conn->http->lastbyte = conn->lastbyte;
		http_get( conn->http, s );
	return( 1 );
예제 #2
파일: conn.c 프로젝트: FiloSottile/axel
int conn_setup( conn_t *conn )
	if( conn->ftp->fd <= 0 && conn->http->fd <= 0 )
		if( !conn_init( conn ) )
			return( 0 );
	if( conn->proto == PROTO_FTP && !conn->proxy )
		if( !ftp_data( conn->ftp ) )	/* Set up data connnection	*/
			return( 0 );
		conn->fd = conn->ftp->data_fd;
		if( conn->currentbyte )
			ftp_command( conn->ftp, "REST %lld", conn->currentbyte );
			if( ftp_wait( conn->ftp ) / 100 != 3 &&
			    conn->ftp->status / 100 != 2 )
				return( 0 );
		char s[MAX_STRING];
		int i;

		snprintf( s, MAX_STRING, "%s%s", conn->dir, conn->file );
		conn->http->firstbyte = conn->currentbyte;
		conn->http->lastbyte = conn->lastbyte;
		http_get( conn->http, s );
		http_addheader( conn->http, "User-Agent: %s", conn->conf->user_agent );
		for( i = 0; i < conn->conf->add_header_count; i++)
			http_addheader( conn->http, "%s", conn->conf->add_header[i] );
	return( 1 );
예제 #3
파일: conn.c 프로젝트: 3rdexp/xsandbox
int conn_setup(conn_t *conn)
#if WIN32
	if (INVALID_SOCKET == conn->ftp->fd && INVALID_SOCKET == conn->http->fd)
	if (conn->ftp->fd <= 0 && conn->http->fd <= 0) 
		if (!conn_init(conn)) 
			return 0;
	if (conn->proto == PROTO_FTP && !conn->proxy)
		/* Set up data connnection	*/
			return 0;
		conn->fd = conn->ftp->data_fd;
		if (conn->currentbyte)
			ftp_command(conn->ftp, "REST %lld", conn->currentbyte);
			if (ftp_wait(conn->ftp) / 100 != 3 && conn->ftp->status / 100 != 2) 
				return 0;
		char s[MAX_STRING];
		int i;

		snprintf(s, MAX_STRING, "%s%s", conn->dir, conn->file);
		conn->http->firstbyte = conn->currentbyte;
		conn->http->lastbyte = conn->lastbyte;
		http_get(conn->http, s);
		http_addheader(conn->http, "User-Agent: %s", conn->conf->user_agent);
		for (i = 0; i < conn->conf->add_header_count; i++) 
			http_addheader(conn->http, "%s", conn->conf->add_header[i]);
	return 1;
예제 #4
파일: ftplib.c 프로젝트: cjpl/midas
int ftp_dir(FTP_CON * con, const char *file)
/* display directory */
   char command[256], buffer[8192];

   if (file == NULL || *file == '\0')
      strcpy(command, "LIST");
      sprintf(command, "LIST %s", file);

   if (ftp_data(con, command, "") >= 0)
      return con->err_no;

   while (ftp_receive(con->data, buffer, sizeof(buffer)))
      printf("%s", buffer);

   return ftp_close(con);
예제 #5
파일: ftp.c 프로젝트: a710128/axel
/* Get file size. Should work with all reasonable servers now		*/
long long int ftp_size( ftp_t *conn, char *file, int maxredir )
	long long int i, j, size = MAX_STRING;
	char *reply, *s, fn[MAX_STRING];
	/* Try the SIZE command first, if possible			*/
	if( !strchr( file, '*' ) && !strchr( file, '?' ) )
		ftp_command( conn, "SIZE %s", file );
		if( ftp_wait( conn ) / 100 == 2 )
			sscanf( conn->message, "%*i %lld", &i );
			return( i );
		else if( conn->status / 10 != 50 )
			sprintf( conn->message, _("File not found.\n") );
			return( -1 );
	if( maxredir == 0 )
		sprintf( conn->message, _("Too many redirects.\n") );
		return( -1 );
	if( !ftp_data( conn ) )
		return( -1 );
	ftp_command( conn, "LIST %s", file );
	if( ftp_wait( conn ) / 100 != 1 )
		return( -1 );
	/* Read reply from the server.					*/
	reply = malloc( size );
	memset( reply, 0, size );
	*reply = '\n';
	i = 1;
	while( ( j = read( conn->data_fd, reply + i, size - i - 3 ) ) > 0 )
		i += j;
		reply[i] = 0;
		if( size - i <= 10 )
			size *= 2;
			reply = realloc( reply, size );
			memset( reply + size / 2, 0, size / 2 );
	close( conn->data_fd );
	conn->data_fd = -1;
	if( ftp_wait( conn ) / 100 != 2 )
		free( reply );
		return( -1 );
#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf(stderr, "%s", reply);
	/* Count the number of probably legal matches: Files&Links only	*/
	j = 0;
	for( i = 1; reply[i] && reply[i+1]; i ++ )
		if( reply[i] == '-' || reply[i] == 'l' )
			j ++;
			while( reply[i] != '\n' && reply[i] )
				i ++;
	/* No match or more than one match				*/
	if( j != 1 )
		if( j == 0 )
			sprintf( conn->message, _("File not found.\n") );
			sprintf( conn->message, _("Multiple matches for this URL.\n") );
		free( reply );
		return( -1 );

	/* Symlink handling						*/
	if( ( s = strstr( reply, "\nl" ) ) != NULL )
		/* Get the real filename */
		sscanf( s, "%*s %*i %*s %*s %*i %*s %*i %*s %100s", fn );
		strcpy( file, fn );
		/* Get size of the file linked to			*/
		strncpy( fn, strstr( s, "->" ) + 3, MAX_STRING );
		free( reply );
		if( ( reply = strchr( fn, '\r' ) ) != NULL )
			*reply = 0;
		if( ( reply = strchr( fn, '\n' ) ) != NULL )
			*reply = 0;
		return( ftp_size( conn, fn, maxredir - 1 ) );
	/* Normal file, so read the size! And read filename because of
	   possible wildcards.						*/
		s = strstr( reply, "\n-" );
		i = sscanf( s, "%*s %*i %*s %*s %lld %*s %*i %*s %100s", &size, fn );
		if( i < 2 )
			i = sscanf( s, "%*s %*i %lld %*i %*s %*i %*i %100s", &size, fn );
			if( i < 2 )
				return( -2 );
		strcpy( file, fn );
		free( reply );
		return( size );