/* unlock header and data of a PT */ PTErr_t unlockPT ( KpHandle_t PTHdr, fut_p fut) { PTErr_t errnum = KCP_SUCCESS; if (fut_unlock_fut (fut) == NULL) { errnum = KCP_PTERR_1; } else { if ( ! unlockBuffer (PTHdr)) { errnum = KCP_MEM_UNLOCK_ERR; } } return errnum; }
/* check the input and output data class of a PT * if a color space is known and the data class is not known, * set the data class to correspond to the color space */ void checkDataClass (PTRefNum_t PTRefNum) { KpInt32_t i1; KpHandle_t PTData; fut_p fut; fut_chan_p chan; fut_otbl_p otbl; PTDataClass_t iDataClass, oDataClass; iDataClass = getPTDataClass (PTRefNum, KCM_IN_SPACE); oDataClass = getPTDataClass (PTRefNum, KCM_OUT_SPACE); PTData = getPTData (PTRefNum); fut = fut_lock_fut (PTData); if ( ! IS_FUT(fut)) return; /* bummer */ checkInDataClass (iDataClass, fut->itbl); /* check the data class of each shared input table */ for (i1 = 0; i1 < FUT_NOCHAN; i1++) { chan = fut->chan[i1]; if (IS_CHAN(chan)) { checkInDataClass (iDataClass, chan->itbl); /* check the data class of each input table */ if (oDataClass != KCP_UNKNOWN) { /* check the data class of each output table */ otbl = chan->otbl; if ((IS_OTBL(otbl)) && (otbl->dataClass == KCP_UNKNOWN)) { otbl->dataClass = oDataClass; } } } } fut_unlock_fut (fut); }
/* TpReadData reads a fut from a memory block and returns a handle to a newly allocated fut */ PTErr_t TpReadData( KpFd_p fd, PTType_t format, PTRefNum_t PTRefNum, KpHandle_t PTHdr, KpHandle_t FAR* PTData) { PTErr_t errnum; fut_p fut = NULL, theFutFromMatrix = NULL, newFut = NULL, lab2xyzFut = NULL, finalFut = NULL; fut_hdr_p futHdr; Fixed_t matrix[MF_MATRIX_DIM * MF_MATRIX_DIM + MF_MATRIX_DIM]; KpInt32_t ret, iomask; KpChar_t ENUM_String[20]; KpInt32_t inCS, i, i1; ResponseRecord_t inRedTRC, inGreenTRC, inBlueTRC; ResponseRecord_t outRedTRC, outGreenTRC, outBlueTRC; PTRefNum_t matrixPTRefNum; PTDataClass_t iClass, oClass; futHdr = (fut_hdr_p) lockBuffer (PTHdr); /* get buffer pointer */ if (futHdr == NULL) { errnum = KCP_MEM_LOCK_ERR; goto GetOut; } futHdr->profileType = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_ICC_PROFILE_TYPE); futHdr->spaceIn = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN); futHdr->spaceOut = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_OUT); futHdr->iDataClass = getDataClass (futHdr->spaceIn); futHdr->oDataClass = getDataClass (futHdr->spaceOut); switch (format) { case FUT_CIGAM: /* fut with bytes reversed */ case FUT_MAGIC: /* fut with bytes in correct order */ if ((fut = fut_alloc_fut ()) == NULL) { /* allocate a new fut structure */ errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM; } else { if (fut_read_tbls (fd, fut, futHdr) != 1) { /* read fut tables */ errnum = KCP_PT_DATA_READ_ERR; } else { if (fut_io_decode (fut, futHdr) == 0) { errnum = KCP_PTERR_0; } else { errnum = KCP_SUCCESS; } } } break; case PTTYPE_MFT1: case PTTYPE_MFT2: fut = fut_readMFutTbls (fd, futHdr, matrix); /* read matrix fut tables */ if (fut == NULL) { errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM; } else { inCS = getIntAttrDef (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN); if ((inCS == KCM_CIE_XYZ) && (isIdentityMatrix (matrix, MF_MATRIX_DIM) != 1)) { ret = makeOutputMatrixXform ((Fixed_p)&matrix, 8, &theFutFromMatrix); if (ret != 1) { errnum = KCP_INCON_PT; goto GetOut; } else { iomask = FUT_PASS(FUT_XYZ); /* get the Lab to XYZ fut */ lab2xyzFut = get_lab2xyz (KCP_GRID_DIM_SIXTEEN); newFut = fut_comp (theFutFromMatrix, lab2xyzFut, iomask); if (newFut != NULL) { finalFut = fut_comp (fut, newFut, iomask); } fut_free (theFutFromMatrix); /* free intermediate futs */ fut_free (lab2xyzFut); fut_free (fut); fut_free (newFut); fut = finalFut; /* set the input color space attribute to Lab */ KpItoa (KCM_CIE_LAB, ENUM_String); errnum = PTSetAttribute (PTRefNum, KCM_SPACE_IN, ENUM_String); if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto GetOut; } /* set the input composition attribute to Lab */ errnum = PTSetAttribute (PTRefNum, KCM_IN_CHAIN_CLASS_2, "6"); if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto GetOut; } } } if ((fut == NULL) || !fut_io_encode (fut, futHdr)) { /* make the info header */ errnum = KCP_INCON_PT; goto GetOut; } errnum = KCP_SUCCESS; } break; case PTTYPE_MA2B: case PTTYPE_MB2A: matrix[0] = matrix[4] = matrix[8] = KpF15d16FromDouble(1.0); matrix[1] = matrix[2] = matrix[3] = matrix[5] = matrix[6] = matrix[7] = matrix[9] = matrix[10] = matrix[11] = KpF15d16FromDouble(0.0); fut = fut_readMabFutTbls (fd, futHdr, matrix); /* read matrix fut tables */ if (fut == NULL) { errnum = KCP_NO_ACTIVATE_MEM; } else { if (fut->lutConfig & HAS_MATRIX_DATA) { i = MF_MATRIX_DIM * MF_MATRIX_DIM + MF_MATRIX_DIM; for (i1 = 0; i1 < i; i1++) { fut->matrix[i1] = matrix[i1]; } switch (fut->lutConfig) { case MAB_M_MATRIX_B_COMBO: case MBA_B_MATRIX_M_COMBO: inRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[0]; inGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[1]; inBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[2]; inRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[0]; inGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[1]; inBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[2]; outRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[0]; outGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[1]; outBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[2]; outRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[0]; outGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[1]; outBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[2]; iClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceIn); oClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceOut); ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, &inRedTRC, &inGreenTRC, &inBlueTRC, &outRedTRC, &outGreenTRC, &outBlueTRC, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, (fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix); break; case MBA_B_MATRIX_M_CLUT_A_COMBO: inRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[0]; inGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[1]; inBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabInTblEntries[2]; inRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[0]; inGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[1]; inBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabInRefTbl[2]; iClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceIn); oClass = KCP_UNKNOWN; ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, &inRedTRC, &inGreenTRC, &inBlueTRC, NULL, NULL, NULL, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, (fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix); break; case MAB_A_CLUT_M_MATRIX_B_COMBO: outRedTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[0]; outGreenTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[1]; outBlueTRC.CurveCount = fut->mabOutTblEntries[2]; outRedTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[0]; outGreenTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[1]; outBlueTRC.CurveData = fut->mabOutRefTbl[2]; iClass = KCP_UNKNOWN; oClass = getDataClass(futHdr->spaceOut); ret = makeFutFromMatrix ((Fixed_p)&matrix, NULL, NULL, NULL, &outRedTRC, &outGreenTRC, &outBlueTRC, MATRIX_GRID_SIZE, iClass, oClass, (fut_p *)&theFutFromMatrix); break; default: break; } if (NULL != theFutFromMatrix) { /* Create a PT from the fut */ errnum = fut2PT (&theFutFromMatrix, KCM_UNKNOWN, KCM_UNKNOWN, PTTYPE_CALCULATED, &matrixPTRefNum); if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto GetOut; } errnum = setMatrixPTRefNum (PTRefNum, matrixPTRefNum, fut->lutConfig); if (errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto GetOut; } } if (ret != 1) { errnum = KCP_INCON_PT; goto GetOut; } } if ((fut == NULL) || !fut_io_encode (fut, futHdr)) { /* make the info header */ errnum = KCP_INCON_PT; goto GetOut; } errnum = KCP_SUCCESS; } break; default: break; } GetOut: if ((errnum != KCP_SUCCESS) || (fut == NULL)) { fut_free (fut); } else { /* return handle to fut to caller */ /* make sure the futs are in the reference state */ if (fut_to_mft (fut) == 1) { *PTData = (KpHandle_t)fut_unlock_fut (fut); } } if ( ! unlockBuffer (PTHdr)) { errnum = KCP_MEM_UNLOCK_ERR; } return errnum; }
/* gridDimValid determines whether the grid table dimensions are valid * for the format specified. If the dimensions are not valid then the * function attempts to create a * PT with the correct size grid tables. If it is successful the * PTRefNum of the resized PT is returned in the location pointed to by * resizePTRefNumP. If resizing is not required the value returned in * the location pointed to by resizePTRefNumP is 0. * * NOTE: If this function creates a resized PT, that PT is checked in. * it is the responsibility of the calling function to check out * that PT. */ static PTErr_t gridDimValid ( PTType_t format, PTRefNum_t PTRefNum, PTRefNum_p resizePTRefNumP) { KpHandle_t PTData; KpInt32_t inputChans, outputChans, LUTDimensions, dummy = 0; fut_p fut; PTErr_t retVal, error = KCP_SUCCESS; /* Assume no resizing */ if (NULL != resizePTRefNumP) { *resizePTRefNumP = 0; } /* Convert the PTRefNum to a fut */ PTData = getPTData (PTRefNum); fut = fut_lock_fut (PTData); if (fut == FUT_NULL) { return KCP_PTERR_2; } if ( ! IS_FUT (fut) ) { /* check for valid fut */ retVal = KCP_NOT_FUT; goto GetOut; } switch (format ) { #if !defined KCP_ICC_ONLY case PTTYPE_FUTF: /* may want to check if any of the grid dimensions exceed the max grid dimension, but for now accept any size */ break; #endif case PTTYPE_MAB1: case PTTYPE_MAB2: case PTTYPE_MBA1: case PTTYPE_MBA2: /* may want to check if any of the grid dimensions exceed the max grid dimension, but for now accept any size */ break; case PTTYPE_MFT1: case PTTYPE_MFT2: case PTTYPE_MFT2_VER_0: /* The grid dimensions must all be the same. If they are not then attempt to build a grid table where all the dimensions are the same. */ retVal = (PTErr_t) fut_mfutInfo (fut, &LUTDimensions, &inputChans, &outputChans, format, &dummy, &dummy, &dummy); if (1 != retVal) { if (-2 != retVal) { retVal = KCP_INVAL_GRID_DIM; goto GetOut; } else { KpInt32_t i1, newGridDims[FUT_NICHAN]; fut_p futresized; for (i1 = 0; i1 < FUT_NICHAN; i1++) { /* define new grid sizes */ newGridDims[i1] = LUTDimensions; } futresized = fut_resize (fut, newGridDims); /* resize the fut */ if (futresized == NULL) { retVal = KCP_NO_MEMORY; goto GetOut; } if (futresized == fut) { /* should not happen, probably fut_mfutInfo() error */ retVal = KCP_SYSERR_3; goto GetOut; } if (fut_to_mft (futresized) != 1) { /* convert to reference tables */ retVal = KCP_INCON_PT; goto GetOut; } retVal = fut2PT (&futresized, -1, -1, PTTYPE_CALCULATED, resizePTRefNumP); /* make into PT */ if (retVal == KCP_SUCCESS) { retVal = copyAllAttr (PTRefNum, *resizePTRefNumP); /* Copy all attributes to new PT */ if (retVal != KCP_SUCCESS) { PTCheckOut (*resizePTRefNumP); goto GetOut; } } } } break; default: retVal = KCP_INVAL_PTTYPE; } retVal = KCP_SUCCESS; GetOut: fut_unlock_fut (fut); return retVal; }
/* frees source fut on error */ PTErr_t fut2PT (fut_p *futSrc, KpInt32_t inSpace, KpInt32_t outSpace, KpInt32_t srcFormat, PTRefNum_p PTRefNumNew) { PTErr_t PTErr; fut_hdr_p PTHdr = NULL; KpHandle_t PTHdrH = NULL, PTDataH = NULL; KpChar_t colorSpaceAttr[20]; *PTRefNumNew = 0; if ( ! IS_FUT(*futSrc)) goto ErrOut1; PTHdr = allocBufferPtr (sizeof(fut_hdr_t)); /* get buffer for resultant info header */ if (PTHdr == NULL) { goto ErrOut4; } if (!fut_io_encode (*futSrc, PTHdr)) { /* make the info header */ goto ErrOut3; } PTHdr->srcFormat = srcFormat; PTDataH = fut_unlock_fut (*futSrc); if (PTDataH == NULL) { goto ErrOut2; } *futSrc = NULL; PTHdrH = unlockBufferPtr (PTHdr); /* unlock the header buffer */ if (PTHdrH == NULL) { goto ErrOut2; } PTHdr = NULL; PTErr = registerPT (PTHdrH, NULL, PTRefNumNew); /* enter PT into list */ if (PTErr != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto ErrOut0; } makeActive (*PTRefNumNew, PTDataH); /* activate the new PT */ if (inSpace != -1) { /* set the input color space attribute */ KpItoa (inSpace, colorSpaceAttr); PTErr = PTSetAttribute (*PTRefNumNew, KCM_IN_SPACE, colorSpaceAttr); } if (outSpace != -1) { /* set the output color space attribute */ KpItoa (outSpace, colorSpaceAttr); PTErr = PTSetAttribute (*PTRefNumNew, KCM_OUT_SPACE, colorSpaceAttr); } if (PTErr != KCP_SUCCESS) { goto ErrOut0; } getOut: return PTErr; ErrOut4: PTErr = KCP_NO_CHECKIN_MEM; goto ErrOut0; ErrOut3: PTErr = KCP_ENCODE_PTHDR_ERR; goto ErrOut0; ErrOut2: PTErr = KCP_MEM_UNLOCK_ERR; goto ErrOut0; ErrOut1: PTErr = KCP_BAD_ARG; ErrOut0: if (PTDataH != NULL) { *futSrc = fut_lock_fut (PTDataH); } if (*futSrc != FUT_NULL) fut_free (*futSrc); if (PTHdr != NULL) freeBufferPtr (PTHdr); if (PTHdrH != NULL) freeBuffer (PTHdrH); if (*PTRefNumNew != 0) PTCheckOut (*PTRefNumNew); goto getOut; }