int main () { // start GL context with helper libraries assert (glfwInit ()); /* We must specify 3.2 core if on Apple OS X -- other O/S can specify anything here. I defined 'APPLE' in the makefile for OS X */ #ifdef APPLE glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 2); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); #endif GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow ( g_viewport_width, g_viewport_height, "GUI Panels", NULL, NULL); glfwSetWindowSizeCallback (window, glfw_window_size_callback); glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; glewInit (); const GLubyte* renderer = glGetString (GL_RENDERER); // get renderer string const GLubyte* version = glGetString (GL_VERSION); // version as a string printf ("Renderer: %s\n", renderer); printf ("OpenGL version supported %s\n", version); // create a 2d panel. from 2 triangles = 6 xy coords. float points[] = { -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; // for ground plane we can just re-use panel points but y is now z GLuint vp_vbo, vao; glGenBuffers (1, &vp_vbo); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vp_vbo); glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof (points), points, GL_STATIC_DRAW); glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao); glBindVertexArray (vao); // note: vertex buffer is already bound glVertexAttribPointer (0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, NULL); glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); // create a 3d camera to move in 3d so that we can tell that the panel is 2d // keep track of some useful vectors that can be used for keyboard movement vec4 fwd (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vec4 rgt (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec4 up (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec3 cam_pos (0.0f, 1.0f, 5.0f); mat4 T_inv = translate (identity_mat4 (), cam_pos); // point slightly downwards to see the plane versor quaternion = quat_from_axis_deg (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); mat4 R_inv = quat_to_mat4 (quaternion); // combine the inverse rotation and transformation to make a view matrix V = inverse (R_inv) * inverse (T_inv); // projection matrix P = perspective ( 67.0f, (float)g_viewport_width / (float)g_viewport_height, 0.1f, 100.0f); const float cam_speed = 3.0f; // 1 unit per second const float cam_heading_speed = 50.0f; // 30 degrees per second create_ground_plane_shaders (); create_gui_shaders (); // textures for ground plane and gui GLuint gp_tex, gui_tex; assert (load_texture ("tile2-diamonds256x256.png", &gp_tex)); assert (load_texture ("skulluvmap.png", &gui_tex)); // rendering defaults glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // set depth function but don't enable yet glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); // cull face glCullFace (GL_BACK); // cull back face glFrontFace (GL_CCW); // GL_CCW for counter clock-wise // absolute panel dimensions in pixels const float panel_width = 256.0f; const float panel_height = 256.0f; glViewport (0, 0, g_viewport_width, g_viewport_height); // start main rendering loop while (!glfwWindowShouldClose (window)) { // update timers static double previous_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double current_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double elapsed_seconds = current_seconds - previous_seconds; previous_seconds = current_seconds; bool cam_moved = false; vec3 move (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); // wipe the drawing surface clear glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // draw ground plane. note: depth test is enabled here glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, gp_tex); glUseProgram (gp_sp); glBindVertexArray (vao); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // draw GUI panel. note: depth test is disabled here and drawn AFTER scene glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, gui_tex); glUseProgram (gui_sp); // resize panel to size in pixels float x_scale = panel_width / g_viewport_width; float y_scale = panel_height / g_viewport_height; glUniform2f (gui_scale_loc, x_scale, y_scale); glBindVertexArray (vao); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); // update other events like input handling glfwPollEvents (); if (GLFW_PRESS == glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) { glfwSetWindowShouldClose (window, 1); } float cam_yaw = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees float cam_pitch = 0.0f; float cam_roll = 0.0; if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_A)) { move.v[0] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_D)) { move.v[0] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_Q)) { move.v[1] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_E)) { move.v[1] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_W)) { move.v[2] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_S)) { move.v[2] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) { cam_yaw += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg (cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2]); quaternion = q_yaw * quaternion; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) { cam_yaw -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg (cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2]); quaternion = q_yaw * quaternion; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_UP)) { cam_pitch += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2]); quaternion = q_pitch * quaternion; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) { cam_pitch -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2]); quaternion = q_pitch * quaternion; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_Z)) { cam_roll -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2]); quaternion = q_roll * quaternion; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_C)) { cam_roll += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2]); quaternion = q_roll * quaternion; } // update view matrix if (cam_moved) { // re-calculate local axes so can move fwd in dir cam is pointing R_inv = quat_to_mat4 (quaternion); fwd = R_inv * vec4 (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0); rgt = R_inv * vec4 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); up = R_inv * vec4 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (fwd) * -move.v[2]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (up) * move.v[1]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (rgt) * move.v[0]; T_inv = translate (identity_mat4 (), cam_pos); V = inverse (R_inv) * inverse (T_inv); glUseProgram (gp_sp); glUniformMatrix4fv (gp_V_loc, 1, GL_FALSE, V.m); } // put the stuff we've been drawing onto the display glfwSwapBuffers (window); } // done glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
const Point3 WGS84Coordinate::transform(const WGS84Coordinate &coordinate) const { pair<double, double> result = fwd(coordinate.getLatitude() * Constants::DEG2RAD, coordinate.getLongitude() * Constants::DEG2RAD); return Point3(result.first, result.second, 0); }
int main () { // start GL context and O/S window using the GLFW helper library if (!glfwInit ()) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not start GLFW3\n"); return 1; } // uncomment these lines if on Apple OS X glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 3); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 2); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_OPENGL_FORWARD_COMPAT, GL_TRUE); glfwWindowHint (GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE, GLFW_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE); GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow (640, 480, "Cube to Sphere", NULL, NULL); if (!window) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not open window with GLFW3\n"); glfwTerminate(); return 1; } GLFWwindow* window2 = glfwCreateWindow (640, 480, "Just checking", NULL, NULL); if (!window2) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR: could not open window with GLFW3\n"); glfwTerminate(); return 1; } glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); //start GLEW extension handler glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; glewInit (); // get version info const GLubyte* renderer = glGetString (GL_RENDERER); // get renderer string const GLubyte* version = glGetString (GL_VERSION); // version as a string printf ("Renderer: %s\n", renderer); printf ("OpenGL version supported %s\n", version); //CLGLUtils::init(); boost::compute::context context; try { context = boost::compute::opengl_create_shared_context(); } catch (std::exception e) { std::cerr<<"Failed to initialize a CLGL context"<<e.what()<<std::endl; exit(0); } // tell GL to only draw onto a pixel if the shape is closer to the viewer glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer" // OTHER STUFF GOES HERE NEXT float points[] = { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f }; GLuint vbo; glGenBuffers (1, &vbo); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3 * 36 * sizeof (float), &points, GL_STATIC_DRAW); GLuint vao; glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao); glBindVertexArray (vao); glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo); glVertexAttribPointer (0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, NULL); //Create Cube map GLuint cube_map_texture; create_cube_map ((resource_dir+"negz.jpg").c_str(), (resource_dir+"posz.jpg").c_str(), (resource_dir+"posy.jpg").c_str(), (resource_dir+"negy.jpg").c_str(), (resource_dir+"negx.jpg").c_str(), (resource_dir+"posx.jpg").c_str(), &cube_map_texture); boost::shared_ptr<boost::compute::opengl_texture> cl_cube_map_texture; try { cl_cube_map_texture = boost::shared_ptr<boost::compute::opengl_texture>(new boost::compute::opengl_texture(context,GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY,0,cube_map_texture,boost::compute::memory_object::mem_flags::read_only)); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; } const char* vertex_shader = "#version 400\n" "in vec3 vp;" "uniform mat4 P, V;" // "uniform vec3 vertOut;" "out vec3 texcoords;" "vec3 newP;" "void main () {" " texcoords = vp;" // " vertOut = vp;" " gl_Position = P * V * vec4 (vp, 1.0);" "}"; const char* fragment_shader = loadShader(resource_dir+"fragmentShader.frag").c_str(); /*"#version 400\n" "in vec3 texcoords;" "uniform samplerCube cube_texture;" "out vec4 frag_colour;" "vec4 cubeToLatLon(samplerCube cubemap, vec3 inUV) {" "vec3 cubmapTexCoords;" //"cubmapTexCoords.x = inUV.x*sqrt(1 - ( (inUV.y * inUV.y)/2 ) - ( (inUV.z * inUV.z)/2 ) + ( ( (inUV.y * inUV.y) * (inUV.z * inUV.z))/3));" "cubmapTexCoords.x = inUV.x;" //"cubmapTexCoords.y= inUV.y*sqrt(1 - ( (inUV.z * inUV.z)/2 ) - ( (inUV.x * inUV.x)/2 ) + ( ( (inUV.z * inUV.z) * (inUV.x * inUV.x))/3));" "cubmapTexCoords.y = inUV.y;" "cubmapTexCoords.z = inUV.z*sqrt(1 - ( (inUV.x * inUV.x)/2 ) - ( (inUV.y * inUV.y)/2 ) + ( ( (inUV.x * inUV.x) * (inUV.y * inUV.y))/3));" //"cubmapTexCoords.z = inUV.z;" "return texture(cubemap, cubmapTexCoords);" "}" "void main () {" //" frag_colour = texture (cube_texture, texcoords);" " frag_colour = cubeToLatLon (cube_texture, texcoords);" "}";*/ GLuint vs = glCreateShader (GL_VERTEX_SHADER); glShaderSource (vs, 1, &vertex_shader, NULL); glCompileShader (vs); GLuint fs = glCreateShader (GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER); glShaderSource (fs, 1, &fragment_shader, NULL); glCompileShader (fs); GLuint cube_sp = glCreateProgram (); glAttachShader (cube_sp, fs); glAttachShader (cube_sp, vs); glLinkProgram (cube_sp); //*-----------------------------Compile Shaders for second window - square --------*/ glfwMakeContextCurrent(window2); //start GLEW extension handler glewExperimental = GL_TRUE; glewInit (); glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer" float squarePoints[] = { -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f }; GLfloat texcoords[] = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; GLuint vbo_square; glGenBuffers (1, &vbo_square); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_square); glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3 * 6 * sizeof (float), &squarePoints, GL_STATIC_DRAW); GLuint texcoords_vbo; glGenBuffers (1, &texcoords_vbo); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoords_vbo); glBufferData (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 12 * sizeof (GLfloat), texcoords, GL_STATIC_DRAW); GLuint vao_square; glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao_square); glBindVertexArray (vao_square); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo_square); glVertexAttribPointer (0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, NULL); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, texcoords_vbo); glVertexAttribPointer (1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, NULL); // normalise! glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); glEnableVertexAttribArray (1); GLuint square_sp = create_programme_from_files((resource_dir+"square.vert").c_str(), (resource_dir+"square.frag").c_str()); GLuint tex; assert (load_texture ((resource_dir+"negz.jpg").c_str(), &tex)); //*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); int cube_V_location = glGetUniformLocation (cube_sp, "V"); int cube_P_location = glGetUniformLocation (cube_sp, "P"); //int cube_vertOut = glGetUniformLocation (cube_sp, "vertOut"); /*-------------------------------CREATE GLOBAL CAMERA--------------------------------*/ #define ONE_DEG_IN_RAD (2.0 * M_PI) / 360.0 // 0.017444444 // input variables float near = 0.1f; // clipping plane float far = 100.0f; // clipping plane float fovy = 80.0f; // 67 degrees float aspect = (float)g_gl_width / (float)g_gl_height; // aspect ratio proj_mat = perspective (fovy, aspect, near, far); float cam_speed = 3.0f; // 1 unit per second float cam_heading_speed = 50.0f; // 30 degrees per second float cam_heading = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees mat4 T = translate (identity_mat4 (), vec3 (-cam_pos.v[0], -cam_pos.v[1], -cam_pos.v[2])); mat4 R = rotate_y_deg (identity_mat4 (), -cam_heading); versor q = quat_from_axis_deg (-cam_heading, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); view_mat = R * T; // keep track of some useful vectors that can be used for keyboard movement vec4 fwd (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vec4 rgt (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec4 up (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /*---------------------------SET RENDERING DEFAULTS---------------------------*/ glUseProgram (cube_sp); glUniformMatrix4fv (cube_V_location, 1, GL_FALSE, R.m); glUniformMatrix4fv (cube_P_location, 1, GL_FALSE, proj_mat.m); // unique model matrix for each sphere mat4 model_mat = identity_mat4 (); glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer" glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); // cull face glCullFace (GL_BACK); // cull back face glFrontFace (GL_CCW); // set counter-clock-wise vertex order to mean the front glClearColor (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0); // grey background to help spot mistakes glViewport (0, 0, g_gl_width, g_gl_height); while (!glfwWindowShouldClose (window) && !glfwWindowShouldClose (window2)) { // update timers static double previous_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double current_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double elapsed_seconds = current_seconds - previous_seconds; previous_seconds = current_seconds; //_update_fps_counter (window); // wipe the drawing surface clear glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); // render a sky-box using the cube-map texture glDepthMask (GL_FALSE); glUseProgram (cube_sp); glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, cube_map_texture); glBindVertexArray (vao); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36); glDepthMask (GL_TRUE); //*---------------------------------Display for second window-------------------*/ glfwMakeContextCurrent (window2); glUseProgram (square_sp); int cubemap_vert = glGetUniformLocation (square_sp, "cubeMap_texcoords"); glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer" glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); // cull face glCullFace (GL_BACK); // cull back face glFrontFace (GL_CCW); // set counter-clock-wise vertex order to mean the front glClearColor (0.3, 0.2, 0.3, 1.0); // grey background to help spot mistakes glViewport (0, 0, g_gl_width, g_gl_height); glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glDepthMask (GL_FALSE); glUseProgram (square_sp); glBindVertexArray (vao_square); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6); glDepthMask (GL_TRUE); //*------------------------------GO back to cubemap window--------------------*/ glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); // update other events like input handling glfwPollEvents (); // control keys bool cam_moved = false; vec3 move (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float cam_yaw = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees float cam_pitch = 0.0f; float cam_roll = 0.0; if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_A)) { move.v[0] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; print(move); } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_D)) { move.v[0] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_Q)) { move.v[1] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_E)) { move.v[1] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_W)) { move.v[2] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_S)) { move.v[2] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) { cam_yaw += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2] ); q = q_yaw * q; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) { cam_yaw -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2] ); q = q_yaw * q; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_UP)) { cam_pitch += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2] ); q = q_pitch * q; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) { cam_pitch -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2] ); q = q_pitch * q; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_Z)) { cam_roll -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2] ); q = q_roll * q; } if (glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_C)) { cam_roll += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2] ); q = q_roll * q; } // update view matrix if (cam_moved) { cam_heading += cam_yaw; // re-calculate local axes so can move fwd in dir cam is pointing R = quat_to_mat4 (q); fwd = R * vec4 (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0); rgt = R * vec4 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); up = R * vec4 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (fwd) * -move.v[2]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (up) * move.v[1]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (rgt) * move.v[0]; mat4 T = translate (identity_mat4 (), vec3 (cam_pos)); view_mat = inverse (R) * inverse (T); //std::cout<<inverse(R).m<<std::endl; // cube-map view matrix has rotation, but not translation glUseProgram (cube_sp); glUniformMatrix4fv (cube_V_location, 1, GL_FALSE, inverse (R).m); } if (GLFW_PRESS == glfwGetKey (window, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) { glfwSetWindowShouldClose (window, 1); } if (GLFW_PRESS == glfwGetKey (window2, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) { glfwSetWindowShouldClose (window2, 1); } // put the stuff we've been drawing onto the display glfwSwapBuffers (window); glfwMakeContextCurrent (window2); glfwSwapBuffers (window2); glfwMakeContextCurrent (window); } // close GL context and any other GLFW resources glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
int main () { /*--------------------------------START OPENGL--------------------------------*/ assert (restart_gl_log ()); // start GL context and O/S window using the GLFW helper library assert (start_gl ()); // set a function to be called when the mouse is clicked glfwSetMouseButtonCallback (g_window, glfw_mouse_click_callback); /*------------------------------CREATE GEOMETRY-------------------------------*/ GLfloat* vp = NULL; // array of vertex points GLfloat* vn = NULL; // array of vertex normals GLfloat* vt = NULL; // array of texture coordinates int g_point_count = 0; assert (load_obj_file (MESH_FILE, vp, vt, vn, g_point_count)); GLuint vao; glGenVertexArrays (1, &vao); glBindVertexArray (vao); GLuint points_vbo; if (NULL != vp) { glGenBuffers (1, &points_vbo); glBindBuffer (GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, points_vbo); glBufferData ( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 3 * g_point_count * sizeof (GLfloat), vp, GL_STATIC_DRAW ); glVertexAttribPointer (0, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, NULL); glEnableVertexAttribArray (0); } /*-------------------------------CREATE SHADERS-------------------------------*/ GLuint shader_programme = create_programme_from_files ( VERTEX_SHADER_FILE, FRAGMENT_SHADER_FILE ); int model_mat_location = glGetUniformLocation (shader_programme, "model"); int view_mat_location = glGetUniformLocation (shader_programme, "view"); int proj_mat_location = glGetUniformLocation (shader_programme, "proj"); int blue_location = glGetUniformLocation (shader_programme, "blue"); /*-------------------------------CREATE CAMERA--------------------------------*/ #define ONE_DEG_IN_RAD (2.0 * M_PI) / 360.0 // 0.017444444 // input variables float near = 0.1f; // clipping plane float far = 100.0f; // clipping plane float fovy = 67.0f; // 67 degrees float aspect = (float)g_gl_width / (float)g_gl_height; // aspect ratio proj_mat = perspective (fovy, aspect, near, far); float cam_speed = 3.0f; // 1 unit per second float cam_heading_speed = 50.0f; // 30 degrees per second float cam_heading = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees mat4 T = translate ( identity_mat4 (), vec3 (-cam_pos.v[0], -cam_pos.v[1], -cam_pos.v[2]) ); mat4 R = rotate_y_deg (identity_mat4 (), -cam_heading); versor q = quat_from_axis_deg (-cam_heading, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); view_mat = R * T; // keep track of some useful vectors that can be used for keyboard movement vec4 fwd (0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f); vec4 rgt (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); vec4 up (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); /*---------------------------SET RENDERING DEFAULTS---------------------------*/ glUseProgram (shader_programme); glUniformMatrix4fv (view_mat_location, 1, GL_FALSE, view_mat.m); glUniformMatrix4fv (proj_mat_location, 1, GL_FALSE, proj_mat.m); // unique model matrix for each sphere mat4 model_mats[NUM_SPHERES]; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPHERES; i++) { model_mats[i] = translate (identity_mat4 (), sphere_pos_wor[i]); } glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST); // enable depth-testing glDepthFunc (GL_LESS); // depth-testing interprets a smaller value as "closer" glEnable (GL_CULL_FACE); // cull face glCullFace (GL_BACK); // cull back face glFrontFace (GL_CCW); // set counter-clock-wise vertex order to mean the front glClearColor (0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0); // grey background to help spot mistakes glViewport (0, 0, g_gl_width, g_gl_height); /*-------------------------------RENDERING LOOP-------------------------------*/ while (!glfwWindowShouldClose (g_window)) { // update timers static double previous_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double current_seconds = glfwGetTime (); double elapsed_seconds = current_seconds - previous_seconds; previous_seconds = current_seconds; _update_fps_counter (g_window); // wipe the drawing surface clear glClear (GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); glUseProgram (shader_programme); glBindVertexArray (vao); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_SPHERES; i++) { if (g_selected_sphere == i) { glUniform1f (blue_location, 1.0f); } else { glUniform1f (blue_location, 0.0f); } glUniformMatrix4fv (model_mat_location, 1, GL_FALSE, model_mats[i].m); glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLES, 0, g_point_count); } // update other events like input handling glfwPollEvents (); // control keys bool cam_moved = false; vec3 move (0.0, 0.0, 0.0); float cam_yaw = 0.0f; // y-rotation in degrees float cam_pitch = 0.0f; float cam_roll = 0.0; if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_A)) { move.v[0] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_D)) { move.v[0] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_Q)) { move.v[1] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_E)) { move.v[1] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_W)) { move.v[2] -= cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_S)) { move.v[2] += cam_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) { cam_yaw += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2] ); q = q_yaw * q; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) { cam_yaw -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_yaw = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_yaw, up.v[0], up.v[1], up.v[2] ); q = q_yaw * q; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_UP)) { cam_pitch += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2] ); q = q_pitch * q; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) { cam_pitch -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_pitch = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_pitch, rgt.v[0], rgt.v[1], rgt.v[2] ); q = q_pitch * q; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_Z)) { cam_roll -= cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2] ); q = q_roll * q; } if (glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_C)) { cam_roll += cam_heading_speed * elapsed_seconds; cam_moved = true; versor q_roll = quat_from_axis_deg ( cam_roll, fwd.v[0], fwd.v[1], fwd.v[2] ); q = q_roll * q; } // update view matrix if (cam_moved) { // re-calculate local axes so can move fwd in dir cam is pointing R = quat_to_mat4 (q); fwd = R * vec4 (0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0); rgt = R * vec4 (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); up = R * vec4 (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (fwd) * -move.v[2]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (up) * move.v[1]; cam_pos = cam_pos + vec3 (rgt) * move.v[0]; mat4 T = translate (identity_mat4 (), vec3 (cam_pos)); view_mat = inverse (R) * inverse (T); glUniformMatrix4fv (view_mat_location, 1, GL_FALSE, view_mat.m); } if (GLFW_PRESS == glfwGetKey (g_window, GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) { glfwSetWindowShouldClose (g_window, 1); } // put the stuff we've been drawing onto the display glfwSwapBuffers (g_window); } // close GL context and any other GLFW resources glfwTerminate(); return 0; }
static void fwdcb(Fl_Widget *, void *) { fwd(); }
void filter(FILE *f) { wint_t c; int i, w; while ((c = getwc(f)) != WEOF) switch(c) { case '\b': setcol(col - 1); continue; case '\t': setcol((col+8) & ~07); continue; case '\r': setcol(0); continue; case SO: mode |= ALTSET; continue; case SI: mode &= ~ALTSET; continue; case IESC: switch (c = getwc(f)) { case HREV: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUPERSC; halfpos--; } else if (halfpos > 0) { mode &= ~SUBSC; halfpos--; } else { halfpos = 0; reverse(); } continue; case HFWD: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUBSC; halfpos++; } else if (halfpos < 0) { mode &= ~SUPERSC; halfpos++; } else { halfpos = 0; fwd(); } continue; case FREV: reverse(); continue; default: errx(EXIT_FAILURE, _("unknown escape sequence in input: %o, %o"), IESC, c); break; } continue; case '_': if (obuf[col].c_char || obuf[col].c_width < 0) { while(col > 0 && obuf[col].c_width < 0) col--; w = obuf[col].c_width; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col++].c_mode |= UNDERL | mode; setcol(col); continue; } obuf[col].c_char = '_'; obuf[col].c_width = 1; /* fall through */ case ' ': setcol(col + 1); continue; case '\n': flushln(); continue; case '\f': flushln(); putwchar('\f'); continue; default: if (!iswprint(c)) /* non printing */ continue; w = wcwidth(c); needcol(col + w); if (obuf[col].c_char == '\0') { obuf[col].c_char = c; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_mode = mode; obuf[col].c_width = w; for (i = 1; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_width = -1; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == '_') { obuf[col].c_char = c; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_mode |= UNDERL|mode; obuf[col].c_width = w; for (i = 1; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_width = -1; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == c) { for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_mode |= BOLD|mode; } else { w = obuf[col].c_width; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col+i].c_mode = mode; } setcol(col + w); continue; } if (maxcol) flushln(); }
bool ProjectedShadow::_updateDecal( const SceneRenderState *state ) { PROFILE_SCOPE( ProjectedShadow_UpdateDecal ); if ( !LIGHTMGR ) return false; // Get the position of the decal first. const Box3F &objBox = mParentObject->getObjBox(); const Point3F boxCenter = objBox.getCenter(); Point3F decalPos = boxCenter; const MatrixF &renderTransform = mParentObject->getRenderTransform(); { // Set up the decal position. // We use the object space box center // multiplied by the render transform // of the object to ensure we benefit // from interpolation. MatrixF t( renderTransform ); t.setColumn(2,Point3F::UnitZ); t.mulP( decalPos ); } if ( mDecalInstance ) { mDecalInstance->mPosition = decalPos; if ( !shouldRender( state ) ) return false; } // Get the sunlight for the shadow projection. // We want the LightManager to return NULL if it can't // get the "real" sun, so we specify false for the useDefault parameter. LightInfo *lights[4] = {0}; LightQuery query; query.init( mParentObject->getWorldSphere() ); query.getLights( lights, 4 ); Point3F pos = renderTransform.getPosition(); Point3F lightDir( 0, 0, 0 ); Point3F tmp( 0, 0, 0 ); F32 weight = 0; F32 range = 0; U32 lightCount = 0; F32 dist = 0; F32 fade = 0; for ( U32 i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { // If we got a NULL light, // we're at the end of the list. if ( !lights[i] ) break; if ( !lights[i]->getCastShadows() ) continue; if ( lights[i]->getType() != LightInfo::Point ) tmp = lights[i]->getDirection(); else tmp = pos - lights[i]->getPosition(); range = lights[i]->getRange().x; dist = ( (tmp.lenSquared()) / ((range * range) * 0.5f)); weight = mClampF( 1.0f - ( tmp.lenSquared() / (range * range)), 0.00001f, 1.0f ); if ( lights[i]->getType() == LightInfo::Vector ) fade = getMax( fade, 1.0f ); else fade = getMax( fade, mClampF( 1.0f - dist, 0.00001f, 1.0f ) ); lightDir += tmp * weight; lightCount++; } lightDir.normalize(); // No light... no shadow. if ( !lights[0] ) return false; // Has the light direction // changed since last update? bool lightDirChanged = !mLastLightDir.equal( lightDir ); // Has the parent object moved // or scaled since the last update? bool hasMoved = !mLastObjectPosition.equal( mParentObject->getRenderPosition() ); bool hasScaled = !mLastObjectScale.equal( mParentObject->getScale() ); // Set the last light direction // to the current light direction. mLastLightDir = lightDir; mLastObjectPosition = mParentObject->getRenderPosition(); mLastObjectScale = mParentObject->getScale(); // Temps used to generate // tangent vector for DecalInstance below. VectorF right( 0, 0, 0 ); VectorF fwd( 0, 0, 0 ); VectorF tmpFwd( 0, 0, 0 ); U32 idx = lightDir.getLeastComponentIndex(); tmpFwd[idx] = 1.0f; right = mCross( tmpFwd, lightDir ); fwd = mCross( lightDir, right ); right = mCross( fwd, lightDir ); right.normalize(); // Set up the world to light space // matrix, along with proper position // and rotation to be used as the world // matrix for the render to texture later on. static MatrixF sRotMat(EulerF( 0.0f, -(M_PI_F/2.0f), 0.0f)); mWorldToLight.identity(); MathUtils::getMatrixFromForwardVector( lightDir, &mWorldToLight ); mWorldToLight.setPosition( ( pos + boxCenter ) - ( ( (mRadius * smDepthAdjust) + 0.001f ) * lightDir ) ); mWorldToLight.mul( sRotMat ); mWorldToLight.inverse(); // Get the shapebase datablock if we have one. ShapeBaseData *data = NULL; if ( mShapeBase ) data = static_cast<ShapeBaseData*>( mShapeBase->getDataBlock() ); // We use the object box's extents multiplied // by the object's scale divided by 2 for the radius // because the object's worldsphere radius is not // rotationally invariant. mRadius = (objBox.getExtents() * mParentObject->getScale()).len() * 0.5f; if ( data ) mRadius *= data->shadowSphereAdjust; // Create the decal if we don't have one yet. if ( !mDecalInstance ) mDecalInstance = gDecalManager->addDecal( decalPos, lightDir, right, mDecalData, 1.0f, 0, PermanentDecal | ClipDecal | CustomDecal ); if ( !mDecalInstance ) return false; mDecalInstance->mVisibility = fade; // Setup decal parameters. mDecalInstance->mSize = mRadius * 2.0f; mDecalInstance->mNormal = -lightDir; mDecalInstance->mTangent = -right; mDecalInstance->mRotAroundNormal = 0; mDecalInstance->mPosition = decalPos; mDecalInstance->mDataBlock = mDecalData; // If the position of the world // space box center is the same // as the decal's position, and // the light direction has not // changed, we don't need to clip. bool shouldClip = lightDirChanged || hasMoved || hasScaled; // Now, check and see if the object is visible. const Frustum &frust = state->getCullingFrustum(); if ( frust.isCulled( SphereF( mDecalInstance->mPosition, mDecalInstance->mSize * mDecalInstance->mSize ) ) && !shouldClip ) return false; F32 shadowLen = 10.0f; if ( data ) shadowLen = data->shadowProjectionDistance; const Point3F &boxExtents = objBox.getExtents(); mShadowLength = shadowLen * mParentObject->getScale().z; // Set up clip depth, and box half // offset for decal clipping. Point2F clipParams( mShadowLength, (boxExtents.x + boxExtents.y) * 0.25f ); bool render = false; bool clipSucceeded = true; // Clip! if ( shouldClip ) { clipSucceeded = gDecalManager->clipDecal( mDecalInstance, NULL, &clipParams ); } // If the clip failed, // we'll return false in // order to keep from // unnecessarily rendering // into the texture. If // there was no reason to clip // on this update, we'll assume we // should update the texture. render = clipSucceeded; // Tell the DecalManager we've changed this decal. gDecalManager->notifyDecalModified( mDecalInstance ); return render; }
void filter(FILE *f) { wint_t c; int i, w; while ((c = getwc(f)) != WEOF && col < MAXBUF) switch(c) { case '\b': if (col > 0) col--; continue; case '\t': col = (col+8) & ~07; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; case '\r': col = 0; continue; case SO: mode |= ALTSET; continue; case SI: mode &= ~ALTSET; continue; case IESC: switch (c = getwc(f)) { case HREV: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUPERSC; halfpos--; } else if (halfpos > 0) { mode &= ~SUBSC; halfpos--; } else { halfpos = 0; reverse(); } continue; case HFWD: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUBSC; halfpos++; } else if (halfpos < 0) { mode &= ~SUPERSC; halfpos++; } else { halfpos = 0; fwd(); } continue; case FREV: reverse(); continue; default: errx(1, "unknown escape sequence in input: %o, %o", IESC, c); } continue; case '_': if (obuf[col].c_char || obuf[col].c_width < 0) { while (col > 0 && obuf[col].c_width < 0) col--; w = obuf[col].c_width; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col++].c_mode |= UNDERL | mode; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; } obuf[col].c_char = '_'; obuf[col].c_width = 1; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case ' ': col++; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; case '\n': flushln(); continue; case '\f': flushln(); putwchar('\f'); continue; default: if ((w = wcwidth(c)) <= 0) /* non printing */ continue; if (obuf[col].c_char == '\0') { obuf[col].c_char = c; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_mode = mode; obuf[col].c_width = w; for (i = 1; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_width = -1; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == '_') { obuf[col].c_char = c; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_mode |= UNDERL|mode; obuf[col].c_width = w; for (i = 1; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_width = -1; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == c) { for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_mode |= BOLD|mode; } else { w = obuf[col].c_width; for (i = 0; i < w; i++) obuf[col + i].c_mode = mode; } col += w; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; } if (ferror(f)) err(1, NULL); if (maxcol) flushln(); }
void CHLSL_Mesh::CreatePlane( float size, int subdiv ) { delete [] m_Vertices; delete [] m_Triangles; float dist_per_vert = size / subdiv * 2; int num_verts_side = ( subdiv + 1 ); m_iNumVertices = num_verts_side * num_verts_side; int num_tris_side = subdiv; m_iNumTriangles = num_tris_side * num_tris_side * 2; m_Vertices = new CHLSL_Vertex[ m_iNumVertices ]; m_Triangles = new CHLSL_Triangle[ m_iNumTriangles ]; Vector fwd( 0, 0, 1 ); Vector right( 0, -1, 0 ); Vector up( -1, 0, 0 ); for ( int vert_right = 0; vert_right < num_verts_side; vert_right++ ) { for ( int vert_up = 0; vert_up < num_verts_side; vert_up++ ) { int vertindex = vert_up * num_verts_side + vert_right; CHLSL_Vertex &vert = m_Vertices[ vertindex ]; Vector pos = right * -size + up * -size; pos += right * vert_right * dist_per_vert; pos += up * vert_up * dist_per_vert; Vector2D uv( vert_right / (float)(num_verts_side - 1), vert_up / (float)(num_verts_side - 1) ); Vector n = fwd; Q_memcpy( vert.normal, n.Base(), sizeof( float ) * 3 ); Q_memcpy( vert.pos, pos.Base(), sizeof( float ) * 3 ); Q_memcpy( vert.uv, uv.Base(), sizeof( float ) * 2 ); } } for ( int tri_right = 0; tri_right < num_tris_side; tri_right++ ) { for ( int tri_up = 0; tri_up < num_tris_side; tri_up++ ) { int tri_index_0 = tri_up * num_tris_side + tri_right; int tri_index_1 = tri_index_0 + m_iNumTriangles / 2; Assert( tri_index_0 < m_iNumTriangles ); Assert( tri_index_1 < m_iNumTriangles ); int v00_index = tri_up * num_verts_side + tri_right; int v10_index = v00_index + 1; int v01_index = (tri_up+1) * num_verts_side + tri_right; int v11_index = v01_index + 1; Assert( v00_index < m_iNumVertices ); Assert( v01_index < m_iNumVertices ); Assert( v10_index < m_iNumVertices ); Assert( v11_index < m_iNumVertices ); CHLSL_Triangle &t0 = m_Triangles[ tri_index_0 ]; CHLSL_Triangle &t1 = m_Triangles[ tri_index_1 ]; t0.vertices[ 0 ] = &m_Vertices[ v00_index ]; t0.vertices[ 1 ] = &m_Vertices[ v10_index ]; t0.vertices[ 2 ] = &m_Vertices[ v01_index ]; t1.vertices[ 0 ] = &m_Vertices[ v10_index ]; t1.vertices[ 1 ] = &m_Vertices[ v11_index ]; t1.vertices[ 2 ] = &m_Vertices[ v01_index ]; } } GenerateTangentSpace(); }
void FlushGalley(OBJECT hd) { OBJECT dest; /* the target galley hd empties into */ OBJECT dest_index; /* the index of dest */ OBJECT inners; /* list of galleys and PRECEDES to flush */ OBJECT link, y; /* for scanning through the components of hd */ int dim; /* direction of galley */ CONSTRAINT dest_par_constr; /* the parallel size constraint on dest */ CONSTRAINT dest_perp_constr; /* the perpendicular size constraint on dest */ int pb, pf, f; /* candidate replacement sizes for dest */ OBJECT dest_encl; /* the VCAT or ACAT enclosing dest, if any */ int dest_side; /* if dest_encl != nilobj, side dest is on */ BOOLEAN need_adjust; /* TRUE as soon as dest_encl needs adjusting */ FULL_LENGTH dest_back, dest_fwd; /* the current size of dest_encl or dest */ FULL_LENGTH frame_size; /* the total constraint of dest_encl */ OBJECT prec_gap; /* the gap preceding dest if any else nilobj */ OBJECT prec_def; /* the component preceding dest, if any */ OBJECT succ_gap; /* the gap following dest if any else nilobj */ OBJECT succ_def; /* the component following dest, if any */ OBJECT stop_link; /* most recently seen gap link of hd */ FULL_LENGTH stop_back; /* back(dest_encl) incl all before stop_link */ FULL_LENGTH stop_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) incl. all before stop_link */ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_back; /* back(dest_encl) in other direction */ FULL_LENGTH stop_perp_fwd; /* fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */ BOOLEAN prnt_flush; /* TRUE when the parent of hd needs a flush */ BOOLEAN target_is_internal; /* TRUE if flushing into an internal target */ BOOLEAN headers_seen; /* TRUE if a header is seen at all */ OBJECT zlink, z, tmp, prnt; int attach_status; BOOLEAN remove_target; OBJECT why; FULL_LENGTH perp_back, perp_fwd; /* current perp size of dest_encl */ debug1(DGF, D, "[ FlushGalley %s (hd)", SymName(actual(hd))); prnt_flush = FALSE; dim = gall_dir(hd); RESUME: assert( type(hd) == HEAD, "FlushGalley: type(hd) != HEAD!" ); debug1(DGF, D, " resuming FlushGalley %s, hd =", SymName(actual(hd))); ifdebugcond(DGF, DD, actual(hd) == nilobj, DebugGalley(hd, nilobj, 4)); assert( Up(hd) != hd, "FlushGalley: resume found no parent to hd!" ); /*@@************************************************************************/ /* */ /* The first step is to examine the parent of galley hd to determine the */ /* status of the galley. If this is not suitable for flushing, we do */ /* what we can to change the status. If still no good, return; so if */ /* this code does not return, then the galley is ready to flush into a */ /* destination in the normal way, and the following variables are set: */ /* */ /* dest_index the parent of the galley and index of its destination */ /* dest the destination of the galley, a @Galley object */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ Parent(dest_index, Up(hd)); switch( type(dest_index) ) { case DEAD: /* the galley has been killed off while this process was sleeping */ debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (DEAD)", SymName(actual(hd))); return; case UNATTACHED: /* the galley is currently not attached to a destination */ attach_status = AttachGalley(hd, &inners, &y); debug1(DGF, DD, " ex-AttachGalley inners: %s", DebugInnersNames(inners)); Parent(dest_index, Up(hd)); switch( attach_status ) { case ATTACH_KILLED: assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_KILLED: inners!=nilobj!"); debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_KILLED)", SymName(actual(hd))); debug1(DGF, D, " prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush)); return; case ATTACH_INPUT: ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE); assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_INPUT: inners!=nilobj!"); debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_INPUT)", SymName(actual(hd))); return; case ATTACH_NOTARGET: ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE); assert(inners==nilobj, "FlushGalley/ATTACH_NOTARG: inners!=nilobj!"); debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s returning (ATTACH_NOTARGET)", SymName(actual(hd))); return; case ATTACH_SUSPEND: /* AttachGalley only returns inners here if they really need to */ /* be flushed; in particular the galley must be unsized before */ if( inners != nilobj ) { debug0(DGF, DD, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (a)"); FlushInners(inners, nilobj); goto RESUME; } stop_link = nilobj; goto SUSPEND; /* nb y will be set by AttachGalley in this case */ case ATTACH_NULL: /* hd will have been linked to the unexpanded target in this case */ remove_target = (actual(actual(dest_index)) == whereto(hd)); if( force_gall(hd) ) { /* if hd is a forcing galley, close all predecessors */ debug3(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)", SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)), remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target"); Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index)); if( !non_blocking(dest_index) && remove_target ) { /* *** prnt_flush = TRUE; *** */ prnt_flush = non_blocking(dest_index) = TRUE; } FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index), whereto(hd)); } else { debug3(DGA, D, " non-force ATTACH_NULL case for %s into %s (%s)", SymName(actual(hd)), SymName(whereto(hd)), remove_target ? "remove_target" : "not remove_target"); if( blocked(dest_index) && remove_target ) prnt_flush = TRUE; } DetachGalley(hd); KillGalley(hd, TRUE); if( inners != nilobj ) { debug0(DGF, DD, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (b)"); FlushInners(inners, nilobj); } else ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, remove_target); debug0(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley returning ATTACH_NULL"); return; case ATTACH_ACCEPT: /* if hd is a forcing galley, or actual(dest_index) is */ /* @ForceGalley, then close all predecessors */ if( force_gall(hd) || actual(actual(dest_index)) == ForceGalleySym ) { Parent(prnt, Up(dest_index)); debug1(DGA, D, " forcing ATTACH_ACCEPT case for %s", SymName(actual(hd))); /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: prnt ="); */ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */ /* debug1(DGA, D," calling FreeGalley from FlushGalley(%s)", */ /* SymName(actual(hd))); */ if( !non_blocking(dest_index) ) prnt_flush = TRUE; /* bug fix */ FreeGalley(prnt, Up(dest_index), &inners, Up(dest_index), whereto(hd)); /* debug0(DGA, DD, " force: after FreeGalley, prnt ="); */ /* ifdebug(DGA, DD, DebugObject(prnt)); */ } else prnt_flush = prnt_flush || blocked(dest_index); debug1(DGF, DD, " force: prnt_flush = %s", bool(prnt_flush)); if( inners != nilobj ) { debug0(DGF, DD, " calling FlushInners() from FlushGalley (c)"); FlushInners(inners, nilobj); } goto RESUME; default: assert(FALSE, "FlushGalley: attach_status"); break; } break; case RECEIVING: if( actual(actual(dest_index)) == InputSym ) { ParentFlush(prnt_flush, dest_index, FALSE); debug1(DGF, D, "] FlushGalley %s retn, input", SymName(actual(hd))); return; } break; default: assert1(FALSE, "FlushGalley: dest_index", Image(type(dest_index))); break; } dest = actual(dest_index); if( underline(dest) == UNDER_UNDEF ) underline(dest) = UNDER_OFF; target_is_internal = (dim==ROWM && !external_ver(dest)) || (dim==COLM && !external_hor(dest)); headers_seen = FALSE; debug1(DGF, DD, " dest_index: %s", EchoObject(dest_index)); /*@@************************************************************************/ /* */ /* The second step is to examine the components of the galley one by one */ /* to determine if they can be promoted. Each component has the format */ /* */ /* { <index> } <object> */ /* */ /* and is always followed by a gap object (except the last component). */ /* An index indicates that the following object has some interesting */ /* feature, and it points to that feature inside the object. There are */ /* two possible actions for each component, in addition to accepting it: */ /* */ /* REJECT: The component does not fit, so detach the galley */ /* SUSPEND: The component is incomplete; go to sleep and wait */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ stop_link = dest_encl = inners = nilobj; need_adjust = FALSE; /***************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Loop invariant */ /* */ /* The children of hd up to but not including Child(link) have been */ /* examined and pronounced to be promotable, if unbreakable gaps are */ /* ignored. When unbreakable gaps are taken into account, the most */ /* recent gap where a break is possible is at Child(stop_link), or */ /* nowhere if stop_link == nilobj. */ /* */ /* Case 1: target_is_internal == FALSE */ /* */ /* If this flag is FALSE, it means that the target of this galley is */ /* external. Consequently, there is no need to calculate sizes because */ /* there is no constraint on them. Also, a REJECT action is impossible */ /* so unbreakable gaps are no impediment. Variable dest_encl is nilobj. */ /* */ /* Case 2: target_is_internal == TRUE */ /* */ /* If this flag is TRUE, it means that the target of this galley is */ /* internal. Consequently, sizes need to be calculated, and unbreakable */ /* gaps need to be taken into account. Variable dest_encl may be not */ /* nilobj, in which case the following variables are defined: */ /* */ /* dest_encl the object enclosing dest (which must exist) */ /* prec_gap gap object preceding dest (which must exist) */ /* prec_def first definite object preceding dest (must exist) */ /* dest_back back(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */ /* dest_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including effect of accepted compts */ /* dest_side BACK or FWD, i.e. which side of the mark dest is on */ /* dest_par_constr the parallel size constraint on dest */ /* dest_perp_constr the perpendicular size constraint on dest */ /* frame_size size of frame enclosing dest_encl */ /* perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */ /* perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction, incl accepteds */ /* */ /* if dest_encl is nilobj, these variables are not defined. */ /* */ /* If stop_link is non-nilobj, then in the internal case dest_encl must */ /* be non-nilobj, and the following variables are defined: */ /* */ /* stop_back back(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */ /* stop_fwd fwd(dest_encl) including all before stop_link */ /* stop_perp_back back(dest_encl) in other direction */ /* stop_perp_fwd fwd(dest_encl) in other direction */ /* */ /* need_adjust is true if at least one definite component has been */ /* accepted for promotion and the destination is internal; hence, */ /* dest_encl is defined and its size needs to be adjusted. */ /* */ /* inners is the set of all PRECEDES and UNATTACHED indexes found. */ /* */ /***************************************************************************/ for( link = Down(hd); link != hd; link = NextDown(link) ) { Child(y, link); if( type(y) == SPLIT ) Child(y, DownDim(y, dim)); debug2(DGF, DD, " examining %s %s", Image(type(y)), EchoObject(y)); switch( type(y) ) { case GAP_OBJ: underline(y) = underline(dest); prec_gap = y; if( target_is_internal ) { /* *** not necessarily true assert( dest_encl != nilobj, "FlushGalley/GAP_OBJ: dest_encl!" ); *** */ if( dest_encl != nilobj && !nobreak(gap(prec_gap)) ) { stop_link = link; stop_back = dest_back; stop_fwd = dest_fwd; stop_perp_back = perp_back; stop_perp_fwd = perp_fwd; } } else stop_link = link; if( !join(gap(y)) ) seen_nojoin(hd) = TRUE; break; case SCALE_IND: case COVER_IND: case EXPAND_IND: case GALL_PREC: case GALL_FOLL: case GALL_FOLL_OR_PREC: case GALL_TARG: case CROSS_PREC: case CROSS_FOLL: case CROSS_FOLL_OR_PREC: case CROSS_TARG: case PAGE_LABEL_IND: underline(y) = underline(dest); break; case PRECEDES: case UNATTACHED: if( inners == nilobj ) New(inners, ACAT); Link(inners, y); break; case RECEIVING: case RECEPTIVE: goto SUSPEND; case FOLLOWS: Child(tmp, Down(y)); if( Up(tmp) == LastUp(tmp) ) { link = PrevDown(link); DisposeChild(NextDown(link)); break; } Parent(tmp, Up(tmp)); assert(type(tmp) == PRECEDES, "Flush: PRECEDES!"); switch( CheckComponentOrder(tmp, dest_index) ) { case CLEAR: DeleteNode(tmp); link = PrevDown(link); DisposeChild(NextDown(link)); break; case PROMOTE: break; case BLOCK: goto SUSPEND; case CLOSE: if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj ) { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd)); opt_components(hd) = nilobj; debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing %s", "(CLOSE problem)", SymName(actual(hd))); } debug1(DGF, DD, " reject (a) %s", EchoObject(y)); goto REJECT; } break; case BEGIN_HEADER: case END_HEADER: case SET_HEADER: case CLEAR_HEADER: /* do nothing except take note, until actually promoted out of here */ headers_seen = TRUE; break; case NULL_CLOS: case PAGE_LABEL: case WORD: case QWORD: case ONE_COL: case ONE_ROW: case WIDE: case HIGH: case HSHIFT: case VSHIFT: case HSCALE: case VSCALE: case HCOVER: case VCOVER: case HCONTRACT: case VCONTRACT: case HLIMITED: case VLIMITED: case HEXPAND: case VEXPAND: case START_HVSPAN: case START_HSPAN: case START_VSPAN: case HSPAN: case VSPAN: case ROTATE: case BACKGROUND: case SCALE: case KERN_SHRINK: case INCGRAPHIC: case SINCGRAPHIC: case PLAIN_GRAPHIC: case GRAPHIC: case LINK_SOURCE: case LINK_DEST: case ACAT: case HCAT: case VCAT: case ROW_THR: case CLOSURE: case CROSS: case FORCE_CROSS: underline(y) = underline(dest); if( dim == ROWM ) { /* make sure y is not joined to a target below (vertical case only) */ for( zlink = NextDown(link); zlink != hd; zlink = NextDown(zlink) ) { Child(z, zlink); switch( type(z) ) { case RECEPTIVE: case RECEIVING: y = z; goto SUSPEND; case GAP_OBJ: if( !join(gap(z)) ) zlink = PrevDown(hd); break; default: break; } } /* try vertical hyphenation before anything else */ if( type(y) == HCAT ) VerticalHyphenate(y); } /* check size constraint */ if( target_is_internal ) { /* initialise dest_encl etc if not done yet */ if( dest_encl == nilobj ) { assert( UpDim(dest,1-dim) == UpDim(dest,dim), "FlushG: UpDims!" ); /* *** weird old code, trying for UpDim(dest, ROWM)? Parent(dest_encl, NextDown(Up(dest))); *** */ Parent(dest_encl, Up(dest)); debug4(DGF, DD, " flush dest = %s %s, dest_encl = %s %s", Image(type(dest)), EchoObject(dest), Image(type(dest_encl)), EchoObject(dest_encl)); assert( (dim==ROWM && type(dest_encl)==VCAT) || (dim==COLM && type(dest_encl)==ACAT), "FlushGalley: dest != VCAT or ACAT!" ); SetNeighbours(Up(dest), FALSE, &prec_gap, &prec_def, &succ_gap, &succ_def, &dest_side); assert(prec_gap != nilobj || is_indefinite(type(y)), "FlushGalley: prec_gap == nilobj && !is_indefinite(type(y))!" ); assert(succ_gap == nilobj, "FlushGalley: succ_gap != nilobj!" ); assert(dest_side == FWD || is_indefinite(type(y)), "FlushGalley: dest_side != FWD || !is_indefinite(type(y))!"); dest_back = back(dest_encl, dim); dest_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, dim); perp_back = back(dest_encl, 1-dim); perp_fwd = fwd(dest_encl, 1-dim); Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_par_constr, dim, &why); Constrained(dest_encl, &dest_perp_constr, 1-dim, &why); debug1(DGF, DD, " setting dest_perp_constr = %s", EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr)); frame_size = constrained(dest_par_constr) ? bfc(dest_par_constr) :0; } if( !is_indefinite(type(y)) ) { ifdebugcond(DGF, DD, mode(gap(prec_gap)) == NO_MODE, DebugGalley(hd, y, 4)); /* calculate parallel effect of adding y to dest */ f = dest_fwd + fwd(y, dim) - fwd(prec_def, dim) + ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size, dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim)); debug5(DGF, DD, " f = %s + %s - %s + %s (prec_gap %s)", EchoLength(dest_fwd), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(prec_def, dim)), EchoLength( ActualGap(fwd(prec_def, dim), back(y, dim), fwd(y, dim), &gap(prec_gap), frame_size, dest_back + dest_fwd - fwd(prec_def, dim)) ), EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap))); debug3(DGF, DD, " b,f: %s,%s; dest_encl: %s", EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f), EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr)); /* check new size against parallel constraint */ if( (units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR) || !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr) || (opt_components(hd) != nilobj && opt_comps_permitted(hd)<=0) ) { if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj ) { OBJECT z; /* record the size of this just-completed target area for hd */ New(z, WIDE); CopyConstraint(constraint(z), dest_par_constr); Link(opt_constraints(hd), z); ifdebug(DOG, D, debug2(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) adding constraint %s", SymName(actual(hd)), EchoConstraint(&constraint(z))); if( units(gap(prec_gap))==FRAME_UNIT && width(gap(prec_gap)) > FR ) { debug1(DOG, D, " prec_gap = %s", EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap))); } if( !FitsConstraint(dest_back, f, dest_par_constr) ) { debug3(DOG, D, " !FitsConstraint(%s, %s, %s)", EchoLength(dest_back), EchoLength(f), EchoConstraint(&dest_par_constr)); } if( opt_comps_permitted(hd) <= 0 ) { debug1(DOG, D, " opt_comps_permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd)); } debug4(DOG, D, "prec_gap = %s; y = %s (%s,%s):", EchoGap(&gap(prec_gap)), Image(type(y)), EchoLength(back(y, dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, dim))); DebugObject(y); ) /* refresh the number of components permitted into the next target */ if( opt_counts(hd) != nilobj && Down(opt_counts(hd)) != opt_counts(hd) ) { Child(z, Down(opt_counts(hd))); opt_comps_permitted(hd) += comp_count(z) - 1; DisposeChild(Up(z)); } else opt_comps_permitted(hd) = MAX_FILES; /* a large number */ debug1(DOG, D, " REJECT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd)); } debug1(DGF, DD, " reject (b) %s", EchoObject(y)); goto REJECT; } /* calculate perpendicular effect of adding y to dest */ if( seen_nojoin(hd) ) { pb = 0; pf = find_max(perp_fwd, size(y, 1-dim)); } else { pb = find_max(perp_back, back(y, 1-dim)); pf = find_max(perp_fwd, fwd(y, 1-dim)); } /* check new size against perpendicular constraint */ if( !FitsConstraint(pb, pf, dest_perp_constr) ) { if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj ) { DisposeObject(opt_components(hd)); opt_components(hd) = nilobj; debug1(DOG, D, "FlushGalley(%s) de-optimizing (perp problem)", SymName(actual(hd))); } if( dim == ROWM ) { Error(20, 3, "component too wide for available space", WARN, &fpos(y)); debug6(DGF, DD, " %s,%s [%s,%s] too wide for %s, y = %s", EchoLength(pb), EchoLength(pf), EchoLength(back(y, 1-dim)), EchoLength(fwd(y, 1-dim)), EchoConstraint(&dest_perp_constr), EchoObject(y)); } debug1(DGF, DD, " reject (c) %s", EchoObject(y)); goto REJECT; } /* accept definite component */ dest_fwd = f; prec_def = y; perp_back = pb; perp_fwd = pf; need_adjust = TRUE; if( opt_components(hd) != nilobj ) { opt_comps_permitted(hd)--; debug1(DOG, D, " ACCEPT permitted = %2d", opt_comps_permitted(hd)); } } /* accept indefinite component */ } /* end if( target_is_internal ) */
static void filtr(struct iblok *f) { wint_t c; char b, *cp; int i, n, w = 0; while((mb_cur_max > 1 ? cp = ib_getw(f, &c, &n) : (b = c = ib_get(f), n = 1, cp = c == (wint_t)EOF ? 0 : &b)), cp != NULL) switch(c) { case '\b': if (col > 0) col--; continue; case '\t': col = (col+8) & ~07; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; case '\r': col = 0; continue; case SO: mode |= ALTSET; continue; case SI: mode &= ~ALTSET; continue; case IESC: mb_cur_max > 1 ? cp = ib_getw(f, &c, &n) : (b = c = ib_get(f), n = 1, cp = c == (wint_t)EOF ? 0 : &b); switch (c) { case HREV: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUPERSC; halfpos--; } else if (halfpos > 0) { mode &= ~SUBSC; halfpos--; } else { halfpos = 0; reverse(); } continue; case HFWD: if (halfpos == 0) { mode |= SUBSC; halfpos++; } else if (halfpos < 0) { mode &= ~SUPERSC; halfpos++; } else { halfpos = 0; fwd(); } continue; case FREV: reverse(); continue; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown escape sequence in input: %o, %o\n", IESC, cp?*cp:EOF); exit(1); } continue; case '_': obaccs(col); if (obuf[col].c_char) obuf[col].c_mode |= UNDERL | mode; else obuf[col].c_char = '_'; case ' ': col++; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; case '\n': flushln(); continue; default: if (mb_cur_max > 1 ? c == WEOF || (w = wcwidth(c)) < 0 || w == 0 && !iswprint(c) : (w = 1, c == (wint_t)EOF || !isprint(c))) /* non printing */ continue; obaccs(col); if (obuf[col].c_char == '\0') { obuf[col].c_char = c; obuf[col].c_mode = mode; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == '_') { obuf[col].c_char = c; obuf[col].c_mode |= UNDERL|mode; } else if (obuf[col].c_char == c) obuf[col].c_mode |= BOLD|mode; else { obuf[col].c_mode = c; obuf[col].c_mode = mode; } obaccs(col+w-1); for (i = 1; i < w; i++) { obuf[col+i].c_mode = obuf[col].c_mode|FILLER; obuf[col+i].c_char = obuf[col].c_char; } col += w; if (col > maxcol) maxcol = col; continue; } if (maxcol) flushln(); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void btKart::updateVehicle( btScalar step ) { for (int i=0;i<getNumWheels();i++) { updateWheelTransform(i,false); } const btTransform& chassisTrans = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 forwardW(chassisTrans.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); // Simulate suspension // ------------------- m_num_wheels_on_ground = 0; m_visual_wheels_touch_ground = true; for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { btScalar depth; depth = rayCast( i); if(m_wheelInfo[i].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) m_num_wheels_on_ground++; } // If the kart is flying, try to keep it parallel to the ground. if(m_num_wheels_on_ground==0) { btVector3 kart_up = getChassisWorldTransform().getBasis().getColumn(1); btVector3 terrain_up(0,1,0); btVector3 axis = kart_up.cross(terrain_up); // Give a nicely balanced feeling for rebalancing the kart m_chassisBody->applyTorqueImpulse(axis * m_kart->getKartProperties()->getSmoothFlyingImpulse()); } // Work around: make sure that either both wheels on one axis // are on ground, or none of them. This avoids the problem of // the kart suddenly getting additional angular velocity because // e.g. only one rear wheel is on the ground. for(int i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i+=2) { if( m_wheelInfo[i ].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact != m_wheelInfo[i+1].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { int wheel_air_index = i; int wheel_ground_index = i+1; if (m_wheelInfo[i].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { wheel_air_index = i+1; wheel_ground_index = i; } btWheelInfo& wheel_air = m_wheelInfo[wheel_air_index]; btWheelInfo& wheel_ground = m_wheelInfo[wheel_ground_index]; wheel_air.m_raycastInfo = wheel_ground.m_raycastInfo; } } // for i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i+=2 updateSuspension(step); for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { //apply suspension force btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; btScalar suspensionForce = wheel.m_wheelsSuspensionForce; if (suspensionForce > wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce) { suspensionForce = wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce; } btVector3 impulse = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * suspensionForce * step; btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); getRigidBody()->applyImpulse(impulse, relpos); } updateFriction( step); for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos); if (wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { const btTransform& chassisWorldTransform = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 fwd ( chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); btScalar proj =; fwd -= wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj; btScalar proj2 =; wheel.m_deltaRotation = (proj2 * step) / (wheel.m_wheelsRadius); wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } else { wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } //damping of rotation when not in contact wheel.m_deltaRotation *= btScalar(0.99); } float f = -m_kart->getSpeed() * m_kart->getKartProperties()->getDownwardImpulseFactor(); btVector3 downwards_impulse = m_chassisBody->getWorldTransform().getBasis() * btVector3(0, f, 0); m_chassisBody->applyCentralImpulse(downwards_impulse); if(m_time_additional_impulse>0) { float dt = step > m_time_additional_impulse ? m_time_additional_impulse : step; m_chassisBody->applyCentralImpulse(m_additional_impulse*dt); m_time_additional_impulse -= dt; } if(m_time_additional_rotation>0) { btTransform &t = m_chassisBody->getWorldTransform(); float dt = step > m_time_additional_rotation ? m_time_additional_rotation : step; btQuaternion add_rot(m_additional_rotation.getY()*dt, m_additional_rotation.getX()*dt, m_additional_rotation.getZ()*dt); t.setRotation(t.getRotation()*add_rot); m_chassisBody->setWorldTransform(t); // Also apply the rotation to the interpolated world transform. // This is important (at least if the rotation is only applied // in one frame) since STK will actually use the interpolated // transform, which would otherwise only be updated one frame // later, resulting in a one-frame incorrect rotation of the // kart, or a strongly 'visual jolt' of the kart btTransform &iwt=m_chassisBody->getInterpolationWorldTransform(); iwt.setRotation(iwt.getRotation()*add_rot); m_time_additional_rotation -= dt; } } // updateVehicle
void ResumeMovieView::CreateMenu( App * app, OvrVRMenuMgr & menuMgr, BitmapFont const & font ) { Menu = VRMenu::Create( "ResumeMoviePrompt" ); Vector3f fwd( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); Vector3f up( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); Vector3f defaultScale( 1.0f ); Array< VRMenuObjectParms const * > parms; VRMenuFontParms fontParms( true, true, false, false, false, 1.3f ); Quatf orientation( Vector3f( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ), 0.0f ); Vector3f centerPos( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); VRMenuObjectParms centerRootParms( VRMENU_CONTAINER, Array< VRMenuComponent* >(), VRMenuSurfaceParms(), "CenterRoot", Posef( orientation, centerPos ), Vector3f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ), fontParms, ID_CENTER_ROOT, VRMenuObjectFlags_t(), VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); parms.PushBack( ¢erRootParms ); Menu->InitWithItems( menuMgr, font, 0.0f, VRMenuFlags_t(), parms ); parms.Clear(); // the centerroot item will get touch relative and touch absolute events and use them to rotate the centerRoot menuHandle_t centerRootHandle = Menu->HandleForId( menuMgr, ID_CENTER_ROOT ); VRMenuObject * centerRoot = menuMgr.ToObject( centerRootHandle ); OVR_ASSERT( centerRoot != NULL ); // ============================================================================== // // title // { Posef panelPose( Quatf( up, 0.0f ), Vector3f( 0.0f, 2.2f, -3.0f ) ); VRMenuObjectParms p( VRMENU_STATIC, Array< VRMenuComponent* >(), VRMenuSurfaceParms(), Strings::ResumeMenu_Title, panelPose, defaultScale, fontParms, VRMenuId_t( ID_TITLE.Get() ), VRMenuObjectFlags_t(), VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); parms.PushBack( &p ); Menu->AddItems( menuMgr, font, parms, centerRootHandle, false ); parms.Clear(); } // ============================================================================== // // options // Array<const char *> options; options.PushBack( Strings::ResumeMenu_Resume ); options.PushBack( Strings::ResumeMenu_Restart ); Array<const char *> icons; icons.PushBack( "assets/resume.png" ); icons.PushBack( "assets/restart.png" ); Array<PanelPose> optionPositions; optionPositions.PushBack( PanelPose( Quatf( up, 0.0f / 180.0f * Mathf::Pi ), Vector3f( -0.5f, 1.7f, -3.0f ), Vector4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ) ); optionPositions.PushBack( PanelPose( Quatf( up, 0.0f / 180.0f * Mathf::Pi ), Vector3f( 0.5f, 1.7f, -3.0f ), Vector4f( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ) ); int borderWidth = 0, borderHeight = 0; GLuint borderTexture = LoadTextureFromApplicationPackage( "assets/resume_restart_border.png", TextureFlags_t( TEXTUREFLAG_NO_DEFAULT ), borderWidth, borderHeight ); for ( int i = 0; i < optionPositions.GetSizeI(); ++i ) { ResumeMovieComponent * resumeMovieComponent = new ResumeMovieComponent( this, i ); Array< VRMenuComponent* > optionComps; optionComps.PushBack( resumeMovieComponent ); VRMenuSurfaceParms panelSurfParms( "", borderTexture, borderWidth, borderHeight, SURFACE_TEXTURE_ADDITIVE, 0, 0, 0, SURFACE_TEXTURE_MAX, 0, 0, 0, SURFACE_TEXTURE_MAX ); Posef panelPose( optionPositions[ i ].Orientation, optionPositions[ i ].Position ); VRMenuObjectParms * p = new VRMenuObjectParms( VRMENU_BUTTON, optionComps, panelSurfParms, options[ i ], panelPose, defaultScale, fontParms, VRMenuId_t( ID_OPTIONS.Get() + i ), VRMenuObjectFlags_t(), VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); parms.PushBack( p ); Menu->AddItems( menuMgr, font, parms, centerRootHandle, false ); DeletePointerArray( parms ); parms.Clear(); // add icon menuHandle_t optionHandle = centerRoot->ChildHandleForId( menuMgr, VRMenuId_t( ID_OPTIONS.Get() + i ) ); VRMenuObject * optionObject = menuMgr.ToObject( optionHandle ); OVR_ASSERT( optionObject != NULL ); int iconWidth = 0, iconHeight = 0; GLuint iconTexture = LoadTextureFromApplicationPackage( icons[ i ], TextureFlags_t( TEXTUREFLAG_NO_DEFAULT ), iconWidth, iconHeight ); VRMenuSurfaceParms iconSurfParms( "", iconTexture, iconWidth, iconHeight, SURFACE_TEXTURE_DIFFUSE, 0, 0, 0, SURFACE_TEXTURE_MAX, 0, 0, 0, SURFACE_TEXTURE_MAX ); Bounds3f textBounds = optionObject->GetTextLocalBounds( font ); optionObject->SetTextLocalPosition( Vector3f( iconWidth * VRMenuObject::DEFAULT_TEXEL_SCALE * 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) ); Posef iconPose( optionPositions[ i ].Orientation, optionPositions[ i ].Position + Vector3f( textBounds.GetMins().x, 0.0f, 0.01f ) ); p = new VRMenuObjectParms( VRMENU_STATIC, Array< VRMenuComponent* >(), iconSurfParms, NULL, iconPose, defaultScale, fontParms, VRMenuId_t( ID_OPTION_ICONS.Get() + i ), VRMenuObjectFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_DONT_HIT_ALL ), VRMenuObjectInitFlags_t( VRMENUOBJECT_INIT_FORCE_POSITION ) ); parms.PushBack( p ); Menu->AddItems( menuMgr, font, parms, centerRootHandle, false ); DeletePointerArray( parms ); parms.Clear(); menuHandle_t iconHandle = centerRoot->ChildHandleForId( menuMgr, VRMenuId_t( ID_OPTION_ICONS.Get() + i ) ); resumeMovieComponent->Icon = menuMgr.ToObject( iconHandle ); }>GetGuiSys().AddMenu( Menu ); }
int closure ( const char *from, const char *to, double parm, int (*fwd)(SPX_ARGS), int (*rev)(SPX_ARGS), const double spec1[], double spec2[]) { static char skip = '\0'; int nFail = 0, stat1[NSPEC], stat2[NSPEC], status; register int j; double clos[NSPEC], resid, residmax; /* Convert the first to the second. */ if ((status = fwd(parm, NSPEC, 1, 1, spec1, spec2, stat1))) { printf("%s%s ERROR %d: %s.\n", from, to, status, spx_errmsg[status]); } /* Convert the second back to the first. */ if ((status = rev(parm, NSPEC, 1, 1, spec2, clos, stat2))) { printf("%s%s ERROR %d: %s.\n", to, from, status, spx_errmsg[status]); } residmax = 0.0; /* Test closure. */ for (j = 0; j < NSPEC; j++) { if (stat1[j]) { printf("%c%s%s: %s = %.12e -> %s = ???, stat = %d\n", skip, from, to, from, spec1[j], to, stat1[j]); skip = '\0'; continue; } if (stat2[j]) { printf("%c%s%s: %s = %.12e -> %s = %.12e -> %s = ???, stat = %d\n", skip, to, from, from, spec1[j], to, spec2[j], from, stat2[j]); skip = '\0'; continue; } if (spec1[j] == 0.0) { resid = fabs(clos[j] - spec1[j]); } else { resid = fabs((clos[j] - spec1[j])/spec1[j]); if (resid > residmax) residmax = resid; } if (resid > tol) { nFail++; printf("%c%s%s: %s = %.12e -> %s = %.12e ->\n %s = %.12e, " "resid = %.1e\n", skip, from, to, from, spec1[j], to, spec2[j], from, clos[j], resid); skip = '\0'; } } printf("%s%s: Maximum closure residual = %.1e\n", from, to, residmax); if (residmax > tol) { printf("\n"); skip = '\0'; } else { skip = '\n'; } return nFail; }
/** * Create our tasks. This uses the interpreter to make the object. * * @param mgr */ void CoupleTrackletCar(AliAnalysisManager* mgr) { AliAnalysisManager::SetCommonFileName("tracklet_dndeta.root"); TString fwd(gSystem->Getenv("ANA_SRC")); if (fwd.IsNull()) fwd = "$ALICE_PHYSICS/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2"; gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:%s/dndeta/tracklets3", gROOT->GetMacroPath(), fwd.Data())); gSystem->AddIncludePath(Form("-I%s/dndeta/tracklets3", fwd.Data())); Info("CreateTasks", "Loading code"); fRailway->LoadSource("FixPaths.C"); fRailway->LoadSource("AliAODSimpleHeader.C"); fRailway->LoadSource("AliAODTracklet.C"); fRailway->LoadSource("AliTrackletWeights.C"); fRailway->LoadSource("AliTrackletAODUtils.C"); fRailway->LoadSource("AliTrackletAODdNdeta.C"); // --- Create the task using interpreter ------------------------- Bool_t mc = fOptions.Has("mc"); if (!mc) mc = fRailway->IsMC(); Long_t ret = gROOT->ProcessLine(Form("AliTrackletAODdNdeta::Create(%d,\"%s\")",mc, fOptions.AsString("reweigh"))); AliAnalysisTaskSE* task = reinterpret_cast<AliAnalysisTaskSE*>(ret); if (!task) return; // --- Figure out the trigger options ---------------------------- TString trg = fOptions.Get("trig"); trg.ToUpper(); UInt_t sel = AliVEvent::kINT7; UInt_t mb = AliVEvent::kINT1; // AliVEvent::kMB; if (trg.EqualTo("MB")) sel = mb; else if (trg.EqualTo("MBOR")) sel = mb; else if (trg.EqualTo("INEL")) sel = mb; else if (trg.EqualTo("INELGT0")) sel = mb; else if (trg.EqualTo("V0AND")) sel = AliVEvent::kINT7; else if (trg.EqualTo("NSD")) sel = AliVEvent::kINT7; else if (trg.EqualTo("V0OR")) sel = AliVEvent::kCINT5; else if (trg.EqualTo("ANY")) sel = AliVEvent::kAny; task->SelectCollisionCandidates(sel); Int_t minTrk = trg.EqualTo("INELGT0") ? 1 : 0; // --- Figure out calculation mode ------------------------------- TString calc = fOptions.Get("reweigh-calc"); calc.ToUpper(); UChar_t mcal = 0; if (calc.BeginsWith("PROD")) mcal = 0; else if (calc.BeginsWith("SQ")) mcal = 1; else if (calc.BeginsWith("SUM")) mcal = 2; else if (calc.BeginsWith("AV")) mcal = 3; // --- Set various options on task ------------------------------- const char* defCent = "0-5-10-20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90"; FromOption(task, "CentralityMethod","cent", "V0M"); FromOption(task, "CentralityAxis", "cent-bins", defCent); FromOption(task, "EtaAxis", "eta-bins", "r16:2"); FromOption(task, "IPzAxis", "ipz-bins", "u15"); FromOption(task, "DeltaCut", "delta-cut", 1.5); FromOption(task, "TailDelta", "tail-delta", 5.); FromOption(task, "TailMaximum", "tail-max", -1); FromOption(task, "MaxDelta", "max-delta", 25.); FromOption(task, "DPhiShift", "dphi-shift", 0.0045); FromOption(task, "ShiftedDPhiCut", "shifted-dphi-cut",-1.); FromOption(task, "AbsMinCent", "abs-min-cent", -1.); FromOption(task, "WeightMask", "reweigh-mask", 0xFF); FromOption(task, "WeightVeto", "reweigh-veto", 0x0); SetOnTask (task, "WeightCalc", mcal); FromOption(task, "WeightInverse", "reweigh-inv", false); FromOption(task, "TriggerEff", "trigEff", 0.); SetOnTask (task, "MinEta1", minTrk); // if (mc && we) { // TUrl wurl(fOptions.AsString("reweight")); // TFile* wfile = TFile::Open(wurl.GetFile()); // if (!wfile) { // Warning("CreateTasks", "Failed to open weights file: %s", // wurl.GetUrl()); // return; // } // TString wnam(wurl.GetAnchor()); // if (wnam.IsNull()) wnam = "weights"; // TObject* wobj = wfile->Get(wnam); // if (!wobj) { // Warning("CreateTasks", "Failed to get weights %s from file %s", // wnam.Data(), wfile->GetName()); // return; // } // if (!wobj->IsA()->InheritsFrom("AliTrackletWeights")) { // Warning("CreateTasks", "Object %s from file %s not an " // "AliTrackletWeights but a %s", // wnam.Data(), wfile->GetName(), wobj->ClassName()); // return; // } // SetOnTaskGeneric(task, "Weights", // Form("((AliTrackletWeights*)%p)", wobj)); // } Printf("Print the generated task"); task->Print(""); }
void test(Test k) { Test fwd(std::forward<Test>(k)); // Test fwd(k); fwd.print(); }
void RaycastCar::update_engine(btScalar step) { const btTransform & chassis_t = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 fwd(chassis_t.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassis_t.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassis_t.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); WheelInfo & wheelInfo0 = m_wheelInfo[0]; wheelInfo0.m_last_linear_velocity = wheelInfo0.m_linear_velocity; btVector3 relpos0 = wheelInfo0.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel0 = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos0); btScalar proj0 =; btVector3 fwd_w0 = fwd - wheelInfo0.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj0; btScalar lin_vel0 =; btScalar w0_rpm = fabs(rads2rpm(lin_vel0/wheelInfo0.m_wheelsRadius)); btScalar delta0 = (lin_vel0/wheelInfo0.m_wheelsRadius)*step; wheelInfo0.m_linear_velocity = lin_vel0; wheelInfo0.m_angular_velocity = lin_vel0/wheelInfo0.m_wheelsRadius; WheelInfo & wheelInfo1 = m_wheelInfo[1]; wheelInfo1.m_last_linear_velocity = wheelInfo1.m_linear_velocity; btVector3 relpos1 = wheelInfo1.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel1 = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos1); btScalar proj1 =; btVector3 fwd_w1 = fwd - wheelInfo1.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj1; btScalar lin_vel1 =; btScalar w1_rpm = fabs(rads2rpm(lin_vel1/wheelInfo1.m_wheelsRadius)); btScalar delta1 = (lin_vel1/wheelInfo1.m_wheelsRadius)*step; wheelInfo1.m_linear_velocity = lin_vel1; wheelInfo1.m_angular_velocity = lin_vel1/wheelInfo1.m_wheelsRadius; WheelInfo & wheelInfo2 = m_wheelInfo[2]; wheelInfo2.m_last_linear_velocity = wheelInfo2.m_linear_velocity; btVector3 relpos2 = wheelInfo2.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel2 = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos2); btScalar proj2 =; btVector3 fwd_w2 = fwd - wheelInfo2.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj2; btScalar lin_vel2 =; //btScalar w2_rpm = fabs(rads2rpm(lin_vel2/wheelInfo2.m_wheelsRadius)); btScalar delta2 = (lin_vel2/wheelInfo2.m_wheelsRadius)*step; wheelInfo2.m_linear_velocity = lin_vel2; wheelInfo2.m_angular_velocity = lin_vel2/wheelInfo2.m_wheelsRadius; WheelInfo & wheelInfo3 = m_wheelInfo[3]; wheelInfo3.m_last_linear_velocity = wheelInfo3.m_linear_velocity; btVector3 relpos3 = wheelInfo3.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel3 = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos3); btScalar proj3 =; btVector3 fwd_w3 = fwd - wheelInfo3.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj3; btScalar lin_vel3 =; //btScalar w3_rpm = fabs(rads2rpm(lin_vel3/wheelInfo3.m_wheelsRadius)); btScalar delta3 = (lin_vel3/wheelInfo3.m_wheelsRadius)*step; wheelInfo3.m_linear_velocity = lin_vel3; wheelInfo3.m_angular_velocity = lin_vel3/wheelInfo3.m_wheelsRadius; ///////////////////////////// // // Update engine // // m_last_engine_rpm = m_engine_rpm; m_last_throttle = m_throttle; btScalar to_engine_rpm = btScalar(0.0f); if (m_differential_type == 0) { to_engine_rpm = btMax(wheelInfo2.m_rpm,wheelInfo3.m_rpm); } if (m_gear == 1) // idle { m_engine_rpm = btScalar(m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle); } else { m_engine_rpm = to_engine_rpm*m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff; } if (m_engine_rpm > btScalar(m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle)) { m_engine_rpm = m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle; } if (m_engine_rpm < btScalar(m_rpm_data[0])) { m_engine_rpm = btScalar(m_rpm_data[0]); } btScalar torque = lookup_value(m_engine_rpm, m_rpm_data,m_torque_data,m_graphs_size)*m_throttle; #ifdef SHOW_MOTOR_INFO m_info_engine_torque = torque; m_info_engine_power = (torque*2.0f*SIMD_PI*m_engine_rpm)/60.0f; #endif m_info_engine_rpm = m_engine_rpm + (rand() % 10 + 1); // drive force to apply to chassis at both rear wheel's // contact points in local space btScalar Fdrive; if (m_gear == 0) { Fdrive = (m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_gears_eff*torque)/wheelInfo2.m_wheelsRadius; Fdrive *= 0.5f; // per wheel Fdrive *= -1.0f; } //if (m_gear == 1) //{ //Fdrive = btScalar(0.0f); //} else { Fdrive = (m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff*torque)/wheelInfo2.m_wheelsRadius; Fdrive *= 0.5f; // per wheel } btScalar to_rear_wheel_rpm; // acceleration (depends on m_inertia_coef) is essential to update engine RPM btScalar acceleration = (torque*m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff)/m_inertia_coef; btScalar engine_rpm = m_engine_rpm + rads2rpm(acceleration)*step; if (m_gear == 0) { to_rear_wheel_rpm = engine_rpm/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_gears_eff); to_rear_wheel_rpm *= 0.2f; //? wheelInfo2.m_engine_force = wheelInfo3.m_engine_force = Fdrive; wheelInfo2.m_rpm = wheelInfo3.m_rpm = to_rear_wheel_rpm; if (to_rear_wheel_rpm > (m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle)/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff)) { to_rear_wheel_rpm = (m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle)/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff); } } else if (m_gear == 1) { to_rear_wheel_rpm = 0.0f; wheelInfo2.m_engine_force = wheelInfo3.m_engine_force = btScalar(0.0f); wheelInfo2.m_rpm = wheelInfo3.m_rpm = to_rear_wheel_rpm = 0.0f; } else { to_rear_wheel_rpm = engine_rpm/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff); wheelInfo2.m_engine_force = wheelInfo3.m_engine_force = Fdrive; wheelInfo2.m_rpm = wheelInfo3.m_rpm = to_rear_wheel_rpm; if (to_rear_wheel_rpm > (m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle)/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff)) { to_rear_wheel_rpm = (m_rpm_data[m_graphs_size-1]*m_throttle)/(m_gears_coefficients[m_gear]*m_final_drive*m_gears_eff); } } btScalar rear_wheel_delta = rpm2rads(to_rear_wheel_rpm)*step; // // // ///////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////// // // Update wheel rotation // if (wheelInfo0.m_brake > btScalar(0.0f)) delta0 = btScalar(0.0f); if (wheelInfo1.m_brake > btScalar(0.0f)) delta1 = btScalar(0.0f); if (wheelInfo2.m_brake > btScalar(0.0f)) { delta2 = btScalar(0.0f); rear_wheel_delta = btScalar(0.0f); } if (wheelInfo3.m_brake > btScalar(0.0f)) { delta3 = btScalar(0.0f); rear_wheel_delta = btScalar(0.0f); } // 0 if (wheelInfo0.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { wheelInfo0.m_rotation += delta0; wheelInfo0.m_rpm = w0_rpm; } else { wheelInfo0.m_rotation *= 0.99f; } // 1 if (wheelInfo1.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { wheelInfo1.m_rotation += delta1; wheelInfo1.m_rpm = w1_rpm; } else { wheelInfo1.m_rotation *= 0.99f; } // 2 if ( wheelInfo2.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact && ( fabs(rear_wheel_delta) < fabs(delta2) ) ) { wheelInfo2.m_rotation += delta2; } else { if ((m_throttle > btScalar(0.0f)) && (m_gear != 1)) { if (m_gear == 0) { wheelInfo2.m_rotation -= rear_wheel_delta; } else { wheelInfo2.m_rotation += rear_wheel_delta; } } } // 3 if ( wheelInfo3.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact && ( fabs(rear_wheel_delta) < fabs(delta3) ) ) { wheelInfo3.m_rotation += delta3; } else { if ((m_throttle > btScalar(0.0f)) && (m_gear != 1)) { if (m_gear == 0) { wheelInfo3.m_rotation -= rear_wheel_delta; } else { wheelInfo3.m_rotation += rear_wheel_delta; } } } // // ///////////////////////////// }
void IDDecoyProbability::apply_(vector<PeptideIdentification> & ids, const vector<double> & rev_scores, const vector<double> & fwd_scores, const vector<double> & all_scores) { Size number_of_bins(param_.getValue("number_of_bins")); // normalize distribution to [0, 1] vector<double> fwd_scores_normalized(number_of_bins, 0.0), rev_scores_normalized(number_of_bins, 0.0), diff_scores(number_of_bins, 0.0), all_scores_normalized(number_of_bins, 0.0); Transformation_ rev_trafo, fwd_trafo, all_trafo; normalizeBins_(rev_scores, rev_scores_normalized, rev_trafo); normalizeBins_(fwd_scores, fwd_scores_normalized, fwd_trafo); normalizeBins_(all_scores, all_scores_normalized, all_trafo); // rev scores fitting vector<DPosition<2> > rev_data; for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_bins; ++i) { DPosition<2> pos; pos.setX(((double)i) / (double)number_of_bins + 0.0001); // necessary???? pos.setY(rev_scores_normalized[i]); rev_data.push_back(pos); #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << pos.getX() << " " << pos.getY() << endl; #endif } Math::GammaDistributionFitter gdf; Math::GammaDistributionFitter::GammaDistributionFitResult result_gamma_1st (1.0, 3.0); gdf.setInitialParameters(result_gamma_1st); // TODO heuristic for good start parameters Math::GammaDistributionFitter::GammaDistributionFitResult result_gamma =; #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << gdf.getGnuplotFormula() << endl; String rev_filename = param_.getValue("rev_filename"); generateDistributionImage_(rev_scores_normalized, gdf.getGnuplotFormula(), rev_filename); #endif // generate diffs of distributions // get the fwd and rev distribution, apply all_trafo and calculate the diff vector<Size> fwd_bins(number_of_bins, 0), rev_bins(number_of_bins, 0); double min(all_trafo.min_score), diff(all_trafo.diff_score); Size max_bin(0); for (vector<double>::const_iterator it = fwd_scores.begin(); it != fwd_scores.end(); ++it) { Size bin = (Size)((*it - min) / diff * (double)(number_of_bins - 1)); ++fwd_bins[bin]; if (fwd_bins[bin] > max_bin) { max_bin = fwd_bins[bin]; } } Size max_reverse_bin(0), max_reverse_bin_value(0); //min = rev_trafo.min_score; //diff = rev_trafo.diff_score; for (vector<double>::const_iterator it = rev_scores.begin(); it != rev_scores.end(); ++it) { Size bin = (Size)((*it - min) / diff * (double)number_of_bins); ++rev_bins[bin]; if (rev_bins[bin] > max_bin) { max_bin = rev_bins[bin]; } if (rev_bins[bin] > max_reverse_bin_value) { max_reverse_bin = bin; max_reverse_bin_value = rev_bins[bin]; } } #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << "Trying to get diff scores" << endl; #endif // get diff of fwd and rev for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_bins; ++i) { Size fwd(0), rev(0); fwd = fwd_bins[i]; rev = rev_bins[i]; if ((double)fwd > (double)(1.3 * rev) && max_reverse_bin < i) { diff_scores[i] = (double)(fwd - rev) / (double)max_bin; } else { diff_scores[i] = 0.0; } } #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << "Gauss Fitting values size of diff scores=" << diff_scores.size() << endl; #endif // diff scores fitting vector<DPosition<2> > diff_data; double gauss_A(0), gauss_x0(0), norm_factor(0); for (Size i = 0; i < number_of_bins; ++i) { DPosition<2> pos; pos.setX((double)i / (double)number_of_bins); pos.setY(diff_scores[i]); if (pos.getY() > gauss_A) { gauss_A = pos.getY(); } gauss_x0 += pos.getX() * pos.getY(); norm_factor += pos.getY(); diff_data.push_back(pos); } double gauss_sigma(0); gauss_x0 /= (double)diff_data.size(); gauss_x0 /= norm_factor; for (Size i = 0; i <= number_of_bins; ++i) { gauss_sigma += fabs(gauss_x0 - (double)i / (double)number_of_bins); } gauss_sigma /= (double)diff_data.size(); #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << "setting initial parameters: " << endl; #endif Math::GaussFitter gf; Math::GaussFitter::GaussFitResult result_1st(gauss_A, gauss_x0, gauss_sigma); gf.setInitialParameters(result_1st); #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << "Initial Gauss guess: A=" << gauss_A << ", x0=" << gauss_x0 << ", sigma=" << gauss_sigma << endl; #endif //TODO: fail-to-fit correction was done using the GNUPlotFormula. Seemed to be a hack. //Changed it to try-catch-block but I am not sure if this correction should be made //at all. Can someone please verify? Math::GaussFitter::GaussFitResult result_gauss (gauss_A, gauss_x0, gauss_sigma); try{ result_gauss =; } catch(Exception::UnableToFit& /* e */) { result_gauss.A = gauss_A; result_gauss.x0 = gauss_x0; result_gauss.sigma = gauss_sigma; } // // fit failed? // if (gf.getGnuplotFormula() == "") // { // result_gauss.A = gauss_A; // result_gauss.x0 = gauss_x0; // result_gauss.sigma = gauss_sigma; // } #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG cerr << gf.getGnuplotFormula() << endl; String fwd_filename = param_.getValue("fwd_filename"); if (gf.getGnuplotFormula() == "") { String formula("f(x)=" + String(gauss_A) + " * exp(-(x - " + String(gauss_x0) + ") ** 2 / 2 / (" + String(gauss_sigma) + ") ** 2)"); generateDistributionImage_(diff_scores, formula, fwd_filename); } else { generateDistributionImage_(diff_scores, gf.getGnuplotFormula(), fwd_filename); } #endif #ifdef IDDECOYPROBABILITY_DEBUG //all_trafo.diff_score + all_trafo.min_score String gauss_formula("f(x)=" + String(result_gauss.A / all_trafo.max_intensity) + " * exp(-(x - " + String(result_gauss.x0 * all_trafo.diff_score + all_trafo.min_score) + ") ** 2 / 2 / (" + String(result_gauss.sigma * all_trafo.diff_score) + ") ** 2)"); String b_str(result_gamma.b), p_str(result_gamma.p); String gamma_formula = "g(x)=(" + b_str + " ** " + p_str + ") / gamma(" + p_str + ") * x ** (" + p_str + " - 1) * exp(- " + b_str + " * x)"; generateDistributionImage_(all_scores_normalized, all_trafo, gauss_formula, gamma_formula, (String)param_.getValue("fwd_filename")); #endif vector<PeptideIdentification> new_prob_ids; // calculate the probabilities and write them to the IDs for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::const_iterator it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) { if (it->getHits().size() > 0) { vector<PeptideHit> hits; String score_type = it->getScoreType() + "_score"; for (vector<PeptideHit>::const_iterator pit = it->getHits().begin(); pit != it->getHits().end(); ++pit) { PeptideHit hit = *pit; double score = hit.getScore(); if (!it->isHigherScoreBetter()) { score = -log10(score); } hit.setMetaValue(score_type, hit.getScore()); hit.setScore(getProbability_(result_gamma, rev_trafo, result_gauss, fwd_trafo, score)); hits.push_back(hit); } PeptideIdentification id = *it; id.setHigherScoreBetter(true); id.setScoreType(id.getScoreType() + "_DecoyProbability"); id.setHits(hits); new_prob_ids.push_back(id); } } ids = new_prob_ids; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void btKart::updateVehicle( btScalar step ) { updateAllWheelPositions(); const btTransform& chassisTrans = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 forwardW(chassisTrans.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); // Simulate suspension // ------------------- m_num_wheels_on_ground = 0; m_visual_wheels_touch_ground = true; for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { rayCast( i); if(m_wheelInfo[i].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) m_num_wheels_on_ground++; } // Test if the kart is falling so fast // that the chassis might hit the track // ------------------------------------ bool needs_cushioning_test = false; for(int i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i++) { btWheelInfo &wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; if(!wheel.m_was_on_ground && wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { needs_cushioning_test = true; break; } } if(needs_cushioning_test) { const btVector3 &v = m_chassisBody->getLinearVelocity(); btVector3 down(0, 1, 0); btVector3 v_down = (v * down) * down; // Estimate what kind of downward speed can be compensated by the // suspension. Atm the parameters are set that the suspension is // actually capped at max suspension force, so the maximum // speed that can be caught by the suspension without the chassis // hitting the ground can be based on that. Note that there are // 4 suspensions, all adding together. btScalar max_compensate_speed = m_wheelInfo[0].m_maxSuspensionForce * m_chassisBody->getInvMass() * step * 4; // If the downward speed is too fast to be caught by the suspension, // slow down the falling speed by applying an appropriately impulse: if(-v_down.getY() > max_compensate_speed) { btVector3 impulse = down * (-v_down.getY() - max_compensate_speed) / m_chassisBody->getInvMass()*0.5f; //float v_old = m_chassisBody->getLinearVelocity().getY(); //float x = m_wheelInfo[0].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact ? m_wheelInfo[0].m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS.getY() : -100; m_chassisBody->applyCentralImpulse(impulse); //Log::verbose("physics", "Cushioning %f from %f m/s to %f m/s wheel %f kart %f", impulse.getY(), // v_old, m_chassisBody->getLinearVelocity().getY(), x, // m_chassisBody->getWorldTransform().getOrigin().getY() // ); } } for(int i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i++) m_wheelInfo[i].m_was_on_ground = m_wheelInfo[i].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact; // If the kart is flying, try to keep it parallel to the ground. // ------------------------------------------------------------- if(m_num_wheels_on_ground==0) { btVector3 kart_up = getChassisWorldTransform().getBasis().getColumn(1); btVector3 terrain_up = m_kart->getMaterial() && m_kart->getMaterial()->hasGravity() ? m_kart->getNormal() : Vec3(0, 1, 0); // Length of axis depends on the angle - i.e. the further awat // the kart is from being upright, the larger the applied impulse // will be, resulting in fast changes when the kart is on its // side, but not overcompensating (and therefore shaking) when // the kart is not much away from being upright. btVector3 axis = kart_up.cross(terrain_up); // To avoid the kart going backwards/forwards (or rolling sideways), // set the pitch/roll to 0 before applying the 'straightening' impulse. // TODO: make this works if gravity is changed. btVector3 av = m_chassisBody->getAngularVelocity(); av.setX(0); av.setZ(0); m_chassisBody->setAngularVelocity(av); // Give a nicely balanced feeling for rebalancing the kart m_chassisBody->applyTorqueImpulse(axis * m_kart->getKartProperties()->getStabilitySmoothFlyingImpulse()); } // Work around: make sure that either both wheels on one axis // are on ground, or none of them. This avoids the problem of // the kart suddenly getting additional angular velocity because // e.g. only one rear wheel is on the ground and then the kart // rotates very abruptly. for(int i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i+=2) { if( m_wheelInfo[i ].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact != m_wheelInfo[i+1].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { int wheel_air_index = i; int wheel_ground_index = i+1; if (m_wheelInfo[i].m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { wheel_air_index = i+1; wheel_ground_index = i; } btWheelInfo& wheel_air = m_wheelInfo[wheel_air_index]; btWheelInfo& wheel_ground = m_wheelInfo[wheel_ground_index]; wheel_air.m_raycastInfo = wheel_ground.m_raycastInfo; } } // for i=0; i<m_wheelInfo.size(); i+=2 // Apply suspension forcen (i.e. upwards force) // -------------------------------------------- updateSuspension(step); for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { //apply suspension force btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; btScalar suspensionForce = wheel.m_wheelsSuspensionForce; if (suspensionForce > wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce) { suspensionForce = wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce; } btVector3 impulse = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * suspensionForce * step; btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); getRigidBody()->applyImpulse(impulse, relpos); } // Update friction (i.e. forward force) // ------------------------------------ updateFriction( step); for (int i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; //btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS // - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); //btVector3 vel = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint(relpos); if (wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { const btTransform& chassisWorldTransform = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 fwd ( chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); btScalar proj =; fwd -= wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj; } } // If configured, add a force to keep karts on the track // ----------------------------------------------------- float dif = m_kart->getKartProperties()->getStabilityDownwardImpulseFactor(); if(dif!=0 && m_num_wheels_on_ground==4) { float f = -fabsf(m_kart->getSpeed()) * dif; btVector3 downwards_impulse = m_chassisBody->getWorldTransform().getBasis() * btVector3(0, f, 0); m_chassisBody->applyCentralImpulse(downwards_impulse); } // Apply additional impulse set by supertuxkart // -------------------------------------------- if(m_time_additional_impulse>0) { float dt = step > m_time_additional_impulse ? m_time_additional_impulse : step; m_chassisBody->applyCentralImpulse(m_additional_impulse*dt); m_time_additional_impulse -= dt; } // Apply additional rotation set by supertuxkart // --------------------------------------------- if(m_time_additional_rotation>0) { btTransform &t = m_chassisBody->getWorldTransform(); float dt = step > m_time_additional_rotation ? m_time_additional_rotation : step; btQuaternion add_rot(m_additional_rotation.getY()*dt, m_additional_rotation.getX()*dt, m_additional_rotation.getZ()*dt); t.setRotation(t.getRotation()*add_rot); m_chassisBody->setWorldTransform(t); // Also apply the rotation to the interpolated world transform. // This is important (at least if the rotation is only applied // in one frame) since STK will actually use the interpolated // transform, which would otherwise only be updated one frame // later, resulting in a one-frame incorrect rotation of the // kart, or a strongly 'visual jolt' of the kart btTransform &iwt=m_chassisBody->getInterpolationWorldTransform(); iwt.setRotation(iwt.getRotation()*add_rot); m_time_additional_rotation -= dt; } } // updateVehicle
void VehicleBody::_direct_state_changed(Object *p_state) { RigidBody::_direct_state_changed(p_state); state = Object::cast_to<PhysicsDirectBodyState>(p_state); float step = state->get_step(); for (int i = 0; i < wheels.size(); i++) { _update_wheel(i, state); } for (int i = 0; i < wheels.size(); i++) { _ray_cast(i, state); wheels[i]->set_transform(state->get_transform().inverse() * wheels[i]->m_worldTransform); } _update_suspension(state); for (int i = 0; i < wheels.size(); i++) { //apply suspension force VehicleWheel &wheel = *wheels[i]; real_t suspensionForce = wheel.m_wheelsSuspensionForce; if (suspensionForce > wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce) { suspensionForce = wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce; } Vector3 impulse = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * suspensionForce * step; Vector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - state->get_transform().origin; state->apply_impulse(relpos, impulse); //getRigidBody()->applyImpulse(impulse, relpos); } _update_friction(state); for (int i = 0; i < wheels.size(); i++) { VehicleWheel &wheel = *wheels[i]; Vector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - state->get_transform().origin; Vector3 vel = state->get_linear_velocity() + (state->get_angular_velocity()).cross(relpos); // * mPos); if (wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { const Transform &chassisWorldTransform = state->get_transform(); Vector3 fwd( chassisWorldTransform.basis[0][Vector3::AXIS_Z], chassisWorldTransform.basis[1][Vector3::AXIS_Z], chassisWorldTransform.basis[2][Vector3::AXIS_Z]); real_t proj =; fwd -= wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj; real_t proj2 =; wheel.m_deltaRotation = (proj2 * step) / (wheel.m_wheelRadius); wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } else { wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } wheel.m_deltaRotation *= real_t(0.99); //damping of rotation when not in contact } state = NULL; }
int SmoTutor::takeStep(int i1, int i2, double e2) { if (i1 == i2) { return 0; } /* compute upper and lower constraints, L and H, on multiplier a2 */ double alpha1 = alpha[i1]; double alpha2 = alpha[i2]; double y1 = y[i1]; double y2 = y[i2]; double L; double H; if (y1 != y2) { L = max(0, alpha2 - alpha1); H = min(C[i2], alpha2 - alpha1 + C[i1]); } else { L = max(0, alpha1 + alpha2 - C[i1]); H = min(C[i2], alpha1 + alpha2); } if (L == H) { return 0; } /* recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i2 */ double e1; if (alpha1 > 0.0 && alpha1 < C[i1]) { e1 = error[i1]; } else { e1 = fwd(i1) - y1; } double k11 = cache->fetch(i1, i1); double k12 = cache->fetch(i1, i2); double k22 = cache->fetch(i2, i2); double eta = 2.0*k12-k11-k22; double s = y1*y2; double a2 = 0.0; if (eta < 0.0) { a2 = alpha2 - y2*(e1 - e2)/eta; /* constrain a2 to lie between L and H */ if (a2 < L) { a2 = L; } else if (a2 > H) { a2 = H; } } else { return 0; } if (fabs(a2-alpha2) < epsilon*(a2+alpha2+epsilon)) { return 0; } /* recompute Lagrange multiplier for pattern i1 */ double a1 = alpha1+s*(alpha2-a2); /* update vector of Lagrange multipliers */ alpha[i1] = a1; alpha[i2] = a2; /* update threshold to reflect change in Lagrange multipliers */ double w1 = y1*(a1 - alpha1); double w2 = y2*(a2 - alpha2); double b1 = e1 + w1*k11 + w2*k12; double b2 = e2 + w1*k12 + w2*k22; double bold = bias; bias += 0.5*(b1 + b2); /* update error cache->*/ if (fabs(b1-b2) < epsilon) { error[i1] = 0.0; error[i2] = 0.0; } else { if (a1 > 0.0 && a1 < C[i1]) { error[i1] = fwd(i1) - y1; } if (a2 > 0.0 && a2 < C[i2]) { error[i2] = fwd(i2) - y2; } } if (error[i1] > error[i2]) { minimum = i2; maximum = i1; } else { minimum = i1; maximum = i2; } for (int i = 0; i < ntp; i++) { if (alpha[i] > 0.0 && alpha[i] < C[i] && i != i1 && i != i2) { error[i] += w1*cache->fetch(i1, i) + w2*cache->fetch(i2, i) + bold - bias; if (error[i] > error[maximum]) { maximum = i; } if (error[i] < error[minimum]) { minimum = i; } } } /* report progress made */ return 1; }
void btRaycastVehicle::updateVehicle( btScalar step ) { { for (int i=0;i<getNumWheels();i++) { updateWheelTransform(i,false); } } m_currentVehicleSpeedKmHour = btScalar(3.6) * getRigidBody()->getLinearVelocity().length(); const btTransform& chassisTrans = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 forwardW ( chassisTrans.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisTrans.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); if (>getLinearVelocity()) < btScalar(0.)) { m_currentVehicleSpeedKmHour *= btScalar(-1.); } // // simulate suspension // int i=0; for (i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { btScalar depth; depth = rayCast( m_wheelInfo[i]); } updateSuspension(step); for (i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { //apply suspension force btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; btScalar suspensionForce = wheel.m_wheelsSuspensionForce; if (suspensionForce > wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce) { suspensionForce = wheel.m_maxSuspensionForce; } btVector3 impulse = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * suspensionForce * step; btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); getRigidBody()->applyImpulse(impulse, relpos); } updateFriction( step); for (i=0;i<m_wheelInfo.size();i++) { btWheelInfo& wheel = m_wheelInfo[i]; btVector3 relpos = wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_hardPointWS - getRigidBody()->getCenterOfMassPosition(); btVector3 vel = getRigidBody()->getVelocityInLocalPoint( relpos ); if (wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_isInContact) { const btTransform& chassisWorldTransform = getChassisWorldTransform(); btVector3 fwd ( chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[0][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[1][m_indexForwardAxis], chassisWorldTransform.getBasis()[2][m_indexForwardAxis]); btScalar proj =; fwd -= wheel.m_raycastInfo.m_contactNormalWS * proj; btScalar proj2 =; wheel.m_deltaRotation = (proj2 * step) / (wheel.m_wheelsRadius); wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } else { wheel.m_rotation += wheel.m_deltaRotation; } wheel.m_deltaRotation *= btScalar(0.99);//damping of rotation when not in contact } }
void Edge::solveEdgeEqs() { fwd(); bwd(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { config conf; setup_config(&conf, argc, argv); init_progress(conf.progress_width, conf.nsteps, conf.progress_disabled); TYPE dx = 20.f; TYPE dt = 0.002f; // compute the pitch for perfect coalescing size_t dimx = conf.nx + 2*conf.radius; size_t dimy = conf.ny + 2*conf.radius; size_t nbytes = dimx * dimy * sizeof(TYPE); if (conf.verbose) { printf("x = %zu, y = %zu\n", dimx, dimy); printf("nsteps = %d\n", conf.nsteps); printf("radius = %d\n", conf.radius); } TYPE c_coeff[NUM_COEFF]; TYPE *curr = (TYPE *)malloc(nbytes); TYPE *next = (TYPE *)malloc(nbytes); TYPE *vsq = (TYPE *)malloc(nbytes); if (curr == NULL || next == NULL || vsq == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Allocations failed\n"); return 1; } config_sources(&conf.srcs, &conf.nsrcs, conf.nx, conf.ny, conf.nsteps); TYPE **srcs = sample_sources(conf.srcs, conf.nsrcs, conf.nsteps, dt); init_data(curr, next, vsq, c_coeff, dimx, dimy, dx, dt); double start = seconds(); for (int step = 0; step < conf.nsteps; step++) { for (int src = 0; src < conf.nsrcs; src++) { if (conf.srcs[src].t > step) continue; int src_offset = POINT_OFFSET(conf.srcs[src].x, conf.srcs[src].y, dimx, conf.radius); curr[src_offset] = srcs[src][step]; } fwd(next, curr, vsq, c_coeff, conf.nx, conf.ny, dimx, dimy, conf.radius); TYPE *tmp = next; next = curr; curr = tmp; update_progress(step + 1); } double elapsed_s = seconds() - start; float point_rate = (float)conf.nx * conf.ny / (elapsed_s / conf.nsteps); printf("iso_r4_2x: %8.10f s total, %8.10f s/step, %8.2f Mcells/s/step\n", elapsed_s, elapsed_s / conf.nsteps, point_rate / 1000000.f); if (conf.save_text) { save_text(curr, dimx, dimy, conf.ny, conf.nx, "snap.text", conf.radius); } free(curr); free(next); free(vsq); for (int i = 0; i < conf.nsrcs; i++) { free(srcs[i]); } free(srcs); return 0; }
int main() { //===================================================================== // Initialize variables //===================================================================== int running,n=0,arg,time=0; double dist=0,angle=0; count = 1; reg_k = 0.35; //===================================================================== // Establish connection to robot sensors and actuators. //===================================================================== if (rhdConnect('w',"localhost",ROBOTPORT)!='w'){ printf("Can't connect to rhd \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf("connected to robot \n"); if ((inputtable=getSymbolTable('r'))== NULL){ printf("Can't connect to rhd \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((outputtable=getSymbolTable('w'))== NULL){ printf("Can't connect to rhd \n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } // connect to robot I/O variables lenc=getinputref("encl",inputtable); renc=getinputref("encr",inputtable); linesensor=getinputref("linesensor",inputtable); irsensor=getinputref("irsensor",inputtable); speedl=getoutputref("speedl",outputtable); speedr=getoutputref("speedr",outputtable); resetmotorr=getoutputref("resetmotorr",outputtable); resetmotorl=getoutputref("resetmotorl",outputtable); //===================================================================== // Camera server code initialization //===================================================================== /* Create endpoint */ lmssrv.port=24919; strcpy(,""); strcpy(,"laserserver"); lmssrv.status=1; camsrv.port=24920; strcpy(,""); camsrv.config=1; strcpy(,"cameraserver"); camsrv.status=1; if (camsrv.config) { int errno = 0; camsrv.sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ( camsrv.sockfd < 0 ) { perror(strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr," Can not make socket\n"); exit(errno); } serverconnect(&camsrv); xmldata=xml_in_init(4096,32); printf(" camera server xml initialized \n"); } //===================================================================== // LMS server code initialization //===================================================================== /* Create endpoint */ lmssrv.config=1; if (lmssrv.config) { char buf[256]; int errno = 0,len; lmssrv.sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if ( lmssrv.sockfd < 0 ) { perror(strerror(errno)); fprintf(stderr," Can not make socket\n"); exit(errno); } serverconnect(&lmssrv); if (lmssrv.connected){ xmllaser=xml_in_init(4096,32); printf(" laserserver xml initialized \n"); len=sprintf(buf,"scanpush cmd='zoneobst'\n"); send(lmssrv.sockfd,buf,len,0); } } /* Read sensors and zero our position. */ rhdSync(); odo.w=WHEEL_SEPARATION;;; odo.left_enc=lenc->data[0]; odo.right_enc=renc->data[0]; reset_odo(&odo); running=1; mission.state=ms_init; mission.oldstate=-1; reset_sen(&sen); //===================================================================== // Main program loop //===================================================================== while (running){ if (lmssrv.config && lmssrv.status && lmssrv.connected){ while ( (xml_in_fd(xmllaser,lmssrv.sockfd) >0)) xml_proca(xmllaser); } if (camsrv.config && camsrv.status && camsrv.connected){ while ( (xml_in_fd(xmldata,camsrv.sockfd) >0)) xml_proc(xmldata); } rhdSync(); update_odo(&odo); update_sen(&sen); update_motcon(&mot); //===================================================================== // Mission reading function !!!!!!MAKE!!!!! //===================================================================== if(fwd(3,0.5,time,&mot) == 1) running = 0; //printf("%f %f %f %f %f %d %d %d\n",sen.irarr[0],sen.irarr[1],sen.irarr[2],sen.irarr[3],sen.irarr[4]); speedl->data[0]=100*mot.motorspeed_l; speedl->updated=1; speedr->data[0]=100*mot.motorspeed_r; speedr->updated=1; if (time % 100 ==0) time++; /* stop if keyboard is activated * */ ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &arg); if (arg!=0) running=0; }/* end of main control loop */ speedl->data[0]=0; speedl->updated=1; speedr->data[0]=0; speedr->updated=1; rhdSync(); rhdDisconnect(); exit(0); }