예제 #1
    void OrbitCamera::update(fzFloat dt)
        fzFloat r = (m_radius + m_deltaRadius * dt) * Camera::defaultEyeZ;
        fzFloat za = m_radZ + m_radDeltaZ * dt;
        fzFloat xa = m_radX + m_radDeltaX * dt;
        fzFloat zaSin = fzMath_sin(za);
        fzPoint3 eye(zaSin * fzMath_cos(xa) * r + m_centerOrig.x,
                     zaSin * fzMath_sin(xa) * r + m_centerOrig.y,
                     fzMath_cos(za) * r + m_centerOrig.z);

        // Update camera values
예제 #2
    void fzMath_mat4PerspectiveProjection(fzFloat fovY, fzFloat aspect,
                                          fzFloat zNear, fzFloat zFar,
                                          float *output)
        FZ_ASSERT(output != NULL, "Output matrix cannot be NULL.");

        fzFloat r = FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(fovY / 2);
        fzFloat deltaZ = zFar - zNear;
        fzFloat s = fzMath_sin(r);
        fzFloat cotangent = 0;
        if (deltaZ == 0 || s == 0 || aspect == 0) {
            FZLOGERROR("Perpertive impossible.");
        cotangent = fzMath_cos(r) / s;
        output[0] = cotangent / aspect;
        output[5] = cotangent;
        output[10] = -(zFar + zNear) / deltaZ;
        output[11] = -1;
        output[14] = -2 * zNear * zFar / deltaZ;
        output[15] = 0;
예제 #3
    void fzDrawCircle( const fzVec2& center, fzFloat r, fzFloat a, fzUInt segs, bool drawLineToCenter)
        int additionalSegment = 1;
        if (drawLineToCenter)
        const float coef = 2.0f * (float)M_PI/segs;
        fzVec2 *vertices = new fzVec2[segs+2];
        for(fzUInt i = 0; i <= segs; i++)
            float rads  = i * coef;
            GLfloat j   = r * fzMath_cos(rads + a) + center.x;
            GLfloat k   = r * fzMath_sin(rads + a) + center.y;
            vertices[i] = fzPoint(j, k);
        vertices[segs+1] = center;
        glVertexAttribPointer(kFZAttribPosition, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertices);
        glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, vertices);
        glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, (GLsizei) segs+additionalSegment);
        delete [] vertices;
예제 #4
    void ParticleSystem::update(fzFloat dt)
        if( m_isActive && m_emissionRate ) {
            fzFloat rate = 1.0f / m_emissionRate;
            m_emitCounter += dt;
            while( m_particleCount < m_totalParticles && m_emitCounter > rate ) {
                m_emitCounter -= rate;
            m_elapsed += dt;
            if(m_duration != -1 && m_duration < m_elapsed)
        m_particleIdx = 0;
        while( m_particleIdx < m_particleCount )
            fzParticle& p = p_particles[m_particleIdx];
            // life
            p.timeToLive -= dt;
            if( p.timeToLive > 0 ) {
                // Mode A
                if( m_emitterMode == kFZParticleModeGravity ) {
                    fzPoint tmp(p.pos);
                    if(tmp != FZPointZero)
                        // calculate tangential
                        fzPoint tangential(tmp.getPerp());
                        tangential *= p.mode.A.tangentialAccel;
                        // radial acceleration
                        tmp *= p.mode.A.radialAccel;

                        // radial + tangential
                        tmp += tangential;
                    // (gravity + dir + radial + tangential) * dt
                    tmp += mode.A.gravity;
                    tmp += p.mode.A.dir;

                    p.pos += tmp * dt;
                // Mode B
                else {				
                    // Update the angle and radius of the particle.
                    p.mode.B.angle += p.mode.B.degreesPerSecond * dt;
                    p.mode.B.radius += p.mode.B.deltaRadius * dt;
                    p.pos.x = -fzMath_cos(p.mode.B.angle) * p.mode.B.radius;
                    p.pos.y = -fzMath_sin(p.mode.B.angle) * p.mode.B.radius;
                // color
                p.color += p.deltaColor * dt;
                // size
                p.size += p.deltaSize * dt;
                p.size = p.size < 0 ? 0 : p.size;
                // angle
                p.rotation += p.deltaRotation * dt;
                // update values in quad
                // update particle counter
            } else {
                // life < 0

                if( m_particleIdx != m_particleCount )
                    memmove(&p_particles[m_particleIdx], &p_particles[m_particleCount], sizeof(fzParticle));
                if( m_particleCount == 0 && m_autoRemoveOnFinish ) {
예제 #5
    void ParticleSystem::initParticle(fzParticle& particle)
        // time to live
        particle.timeToLive = m_life + m_lifeVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        if(particle.timeToLive < 0) particle.timeToLive = 0;
        // position
        particle.pos = m_sourcePosition + m_posVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        // color
        fzColor4F start(m_startColor.r + m_startColorVar.r * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                      m_startColor.g + m_startColorVar.g * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                      m_startColor.b + m_startColorVar.b * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                      m_startColor.a + m_startColorVar.a * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1());
        fzColor4F end(m_endColor.r + m_endColorVar.r * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                    m_endColor.g + m_endColorVar.g * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                    m_endColor.b + m_endColorVar.b * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1(),
                    m_endColor.a + m_endColorVar.a * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1());
        particle.color = start;
        particle.deltaColor = (end - start) * (1 / particle.timeToLive);
        // size
        fzFloat startS = m_startSize + m_startSizeVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        if(startS < 0) startS = 0;
        particle.size = startS;
        if( m_endSize == kFZParticleStartSizeEqualToEndSize )
            particle.deltaSize = 0;
        else {
            fzFloat endS = m_endSize + m_endSizeVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
            if(endS < 0) endS = 0;

            particle.deltaSize = (endS - startS) / particle.timeToLive;
        // rotation
        fzFloat startA = m_startSpin + m_startSpinVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        fzFloat endA = m_endSpin + m_endSpinVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        particle.rotation = startA;
        particle.deltaRotation = (endA - startA) / particle.timeToLive;
        // direction
        fzFloat a = FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS( m_angle + m_angleVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1() );	
        // Mode Gravity: A
        if( m_emitterMode == kFZParticleModeGravity ) {
            fzFloat s = mode.A.speed + mode.A.speedVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
            // direction
            particle.mode.A.dir.x = fzMath_cos(a) * s;
            particle.mode.A.dir.y = fzMath_sin(a) * s;
            // radial accel
            particle.mode.A.radialAccel = mode.A.radialAccel + mode.A.radialAccelVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
            // tangential accel
            particle.mode.A.tangentialAccel = mode.A.tangentialAccel + mode.A.tangentialAccelVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
        // Mode Radius: B
        else {
            // Set the default diameter of the particle from the source position
            fzFloat startRadius = mode.B.startRadius + mode.B.startRadiusVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
            fzFloat endRadius = mode.B.endRadius + mode.B.endRadiusVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1();
            particle.mode.B.radius = startRadius;
            particle.mode.B.deltaRadius = (mode.B.endRadius == kFZParticleStartRadiusEqualToEndRadius) ?
            0 : ((endRadius- startRadius) / particle.timeToLive);
            particle.mode.B.angle = a;
            particle.mode.B.degreesPerSecond = FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(mode.B.rotatePerSecond + mode.B.rotatePerSecondVar * FZ_RANDOM_MINUS1_1());
예제 #6
 void ParticleSystemQuad::updateQuadWithParticle(const fzParticle& p)
     // colors
     fzC4_T2_V2_Quad& quad = p_quads[m_particleIdx];
     fzColor4B color4B(p.color);
     quad.bl.color = color4B;
     quad.br.color = color4B;
     quad.tl.color = color4B;
     quad.tr.color = color4B;
     // vertices
     fzFloat size_2 = p.size/2;
     if( p.rotation ) {
         fzFloat x1 = -size_2;
         fzFloat y1 = -size_2;
         fzFloat& x2 = size_2;
         fzFloat& y2 = size_2;
         const fzFloat& x = p.pos.x;
         const fzFloat& y = p.pos.y;
         fzFloat r = -FZ_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(p.rotation);
         fzFloat sr = fzMath_sin(r);
         fzFloat cr = fzMath_cos(r);
         fzFloat ax = x1 * cr - y1 * sr + x;
         fzFloat ay = x1 * sr + y1 * cr + y;
         fzFloat bx = x2 * cr - y1 * sr + x;
         fzFloat by = x2 * sr + y1 * cr + y;
         fzFloat cx = x2 * cr - y2 * sr + x;
         fzFloat cy = x2 * sr + y2 * cr + y;
         fzFloat dx = x1 * cr - y2 * sr + x;
         fzFloat dy = x1 * sr + y2 * cr + y;
         // bottom-left
         quad.bl.vertex.x = ax;
         quad.bl.vertex.y = ay;
         // bottom-right vertex:
         quad.br.vertex.x = bx;
         quad.br.vertex.y = by;
         // top-left vertex:
         quad.tl.vertex.x = dx;
         quad.tl.vertex.y = dy;
         // top-right vertex:
         quad.tr.vertex.x = cx;
         quad.tr.vertex.y = cy;
     } else {
         // bottom-left vertex:
         quad.bl.vertex.x = p.pos.x - size_2;
         quad.bl.vertex.y = p.pos.y - size_2;
         // bottom-right vertex:
         quad.br.vertex.x = p.pos.x + size_2;
         quad.br.vertex.y = p.pos.y - size_2;
         // top-left vertex:
         quad.tl.vertex.x = p.pos.x - size_2;
         quad.tl.vertex.y = p.pos.y + size_2;
         // top-right vertex:
         quad.tr.vertex.x = p.pos.x + size_2;
         quad.tr.vertex.y = p.pos.y + size_2;				