예제 #1
static void
svg_dev_fill_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, fz_shade *shade, const fz_matrix *ctm, float alpha)
	svg_device *sdev = (svg_device*)dev;
	fz_output *out = sdev->out;

	fz_rect rect;
	fz_irect bbox;
	fz_pixmap *pix;
	fz_buffer *buf = NULL;


	if (dev->container_len == 0)

	fz_round_rect(&bbox, fz_intersect_rect(fz_bound_shade(ctx, shade, ctm, &rect), &dev->container[dev->container_len-1].scissor));
	if (fz_is_empty_irect(&bbox))
	pix = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(ctx, fz_device_rgb(ctx), &bbox);
	fz_clear_pixmap(ctx, pix);

		fz_paint_shade(ctx, shade, ctm, pix, &bbox);
		buf = fz_new_buffer_from_pixmap_as_png(ctx, pix);
		if (alpha != 1.0f)
			fz_printf(ctx, out, "<g opacity=\"%g\">", alpha);
		fz_printf(ctx, out, "<image x=\"%dpx\" y=\"%dpx\" width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" xlink:href=\"data:image/png;base64,", pix->x, pix->y, pix->w, pix->h);
		send_data_base64(ctx, out, buf);
		fz_printf(ctx, out, "\"/>\n");
		if (alpha != 1.0f)
			fz_printf(ctx, out, "</g>");
		fz_drop_buffer(ctx, buf);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, pix);
예제 #2
static void
fz_draw_fill_shade(fz_context *ctx, void *user, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, float alpha)
	fz_draw_device *dev = user;
	fz_colorspace *model = dev->dest->colorspace;
	fz_pixmap *dest = dev->dest;
	fz_rect bounds;
	fz_bbox bbox, scissor;
	float colorfv[FZ_MAX_COLORS];
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];

	bounds = fz_bound_shade(shade, ctm);
	bbox = fz_intersect_bbox(fz_round_rect(bounds), dev->scissor);
	scissor = dev->scissor;

	// TODO: proper clip by shade->bbox

	if (fz_is_empty_rect(bbox))

	if (!model)
		fz_warn(ctx, "cannot render shading directly to an alpha mask");

	if (alpha < 1)
		dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_rect(ctx, dev->dest->colorspace, bbox);

	if (dev->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_begin(ctx, dev);

	if (shade->use_background)
		unsigned char *s;
		int x, y, n, i;
		fz_convert_color(ctx, shade->colorspace, shade->background, model, colorfv);
		for (i = 0; i < model->n; i++)
			colorbv[i] = colorfv[i] * 255;
		colorbv[i] = 255;

		n = dest->n;
		for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
			s = dest->samples + ((scissor.x0 - dest->x) + (y - dest->y) * dest->w) * dest->n;
			for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					*s++ = colorbv[i];
		if (dev->shape)
			for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
				s = dev->shape->samples + (scissor.x0 - dev->shape->x) + (y - dev->shape->y) * dev->shape->w;
				for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
					*s++ = 255;

	fz_paint_shade(ctx, shade, ctm, dest, bbox);
	if (dev->shape)
		fz_clear_pixmap_rect_with_color(dev->shape, 255, bbox);

	if (alpha < 1)
		fz_paint_pixmap(dev->dest, dest, alpha * 255);
		fz_drop_pixmap(ctx, dest);

	if (dev->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		fz_knockout_end(ctx, dev);
예제 #3
static void
fz_draw_fill_shade(fz_device *devp, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, float alpha)
	fz_draw_device *dev = devp->user;
	fz_rect bounds;
	fz_bbox bbox, scissor;
	fz_pixmap *dest, *shape;
	float colorfv[FZ_MAX_COLORS];
	unsigned char colorbv[FZ_MAX_COLORS + 1];
	fz_draw_state *state = &dev->stack[dev->top];
	fz_colorspace *model = state->dest->colorspace;

	bounds = fz_bound_shade(dev->ctx, shade, ctm);
	scissor = state->scissor;
	bbox = fz_intersect_bbox(fz_bbox_covering_rect(bounds), scissor);

	if (fz_is_empty_rect(bbox))

	if (!model)
		fz_warn(dev->ctx, "cannot render shading directly to an alpha mask");

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)
		state = fz_knockout_begin(dev);

	dest = state->dest;
	shape = state->shape;

	if (alpha < 1)
		dest = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(dev->ctx, state->dest->colorspace, bbox);
		fz_clear_pixmap(dev->ctx, dest);
		if (shape)
			shape = fz_new_pixmap_with_bbox(dev->ctx, NULL, bbox);
			fz_clear_pixmap(dev->ctx, shape);

	if (shade->use_background)
		unsigned char *s;
		int x, y, n, i;
		fz_convert_color(dev->ctx, model, colorfv, shade->colorspace, shade->background);
		for (i = 0; i < model->n; i++)
			colorbv[i] = colorfv[i] * 255;
		colorbv[i] = 255;

		n = dest->n;
		for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
			s = dest->samples + (unsigned int)(((scissor.x0 - dest->x) + (y - dest->y) * dest->w) * dest->n);
			for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
				for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
					*s++ = colorbv[i];
		if (shape)
			for (y = scissor.y0; y < scissor.y1; y++)
				s = shape->samples + (unsigned int)((scissor.x0 - shape->x) + (y - shape->y) * shape->w);
				for (x = scissor.x0; x < scissor.x1; x++)
					*s++ = 255;

	fz_paint_shade(dev->ctx, shade, ctm, dest, bbox);
	if (shape)
		fz_clear_pixmap_rect_with_value(dev->ctx, shape, 255, bbox);

	if (alpha < 1)
		fz_paint_pixmap(state->dest, dest, alpha * 255);
		fz_drop_pixmap(dev->ctx, dest);
		if (shape)
			fz_paint_pixmap(state->shape, shape, alpha * 255);
			fz_drop_pixmap(dev->ctx, shape);

	if (state->blendmode & FZ_BLEND_KNOCKOUT)