예제 #1
static void
fz_test_stroke_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, fz_stroke_state *stroke,
	const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha)
	if (alpha != 0.0f)
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color);
예제 #2
static void
fz_test_fill_image_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, fz_image *image, const fz_matrix *ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha)
	/* We assume that at least some of the image pixels are non-zero */
	fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color);
예제 #3
static void
fz_test_fill_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, fz_path *path, int even_odd, const fz_matrix *ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha)
	if (alpha != 0.0f)
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color);
예제 #4
static void
fz_test_fill_text(fz_device *dev, fz_text *text, const fz_matrix *ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha)
	if (alpha != 0.0f)
		fz_test_color(dev, colorspace, color);
예제 #5
static void
fz_test_stroke_path(fz_device *dev, fz_path *path, fz_stroke_state *stroke,
	const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, float *color, float alpha)
	if (alpha != 0.0f)
		fz_test_color(dev, colorspace, color);
예제 #6
static void
prepare_vertex(fz_context *ctx, void *arg_, fz_vertex *v, const float *color)
	struct shadearg *arg = arg_;
	fz_device *dev = arg->dev;
	fz_shade *shade = arg->shade;
	if (!shade->use_function)
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, shade->colorspace, color);
예제 #7
static void
fz_test_fill_text(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev_, const fz_text *text, fz_matrix ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_test_device *dev = (fz_test_device*)dev_;

	if (dev->resolved == 0 && alpha != 0.0f)
		if (color_params == NULL)
			color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color, color_params);
	if (dev->passthrough)
		fz_fill_text(ctx, dev->passthrough, text, ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, color_params);
예제 #8
static void
fz_test_stroke_path(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev_, const fz_path *path, const fz_stroke_state *stroke,
	const fz_matrix *ctm, fz_colorspace *colorspace, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_test_device *dev = (fz_test_device*)dev_;

	if (dev->resolved == 0 && alpha != 0.0f)
		if (color_params == NULL)
			color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color, color_params);
	if (dev->passthrough)
		fz_stroke_path(ctx, dev->passthrough, path, stroke, ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, color_params);
예제 #9
static void
fz_test_fill_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev, fz_shade *shade, const fz_matrix *ctm, float alpha)
	if (shade->use_function)
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
			fz_test_color(ctx, dev, shade->colorspace, shade->function[i]);
		struct shadearg arg;
		arg.dev = dev;
		arg.shade = shade;
		fz_process_mesh(ctx, shade, ctm, prepare_vertex, NULL, &arg);
예제 #10
static void
fz_test_fill_image_mask(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev_, fz_image *image, fz_matrix ctm,
	fz_colorspace *colorspace, const float *color, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_test_device *dev = (fz_test_device*)dev_;

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	if (dev->resolved == 0)
		/* We assume that at least some of the image pixels are non-zero */
		fz_test_color(ctx, dev, colorspace, color, color_params);
	if (dev->passthrough)
		fz_fill_image_mask(ctx, dev->passthrough, image, ctm, colorspace, color, alpha, color_params);
예제 #11
static void
fz_test_fill_shade(fz_context *ctx, fz_device *dev_, fz_shade *shade, fz_matrix ctm, float alpha, const fz_color_params *color_params)
	fz_test_device *dev = (fz_test_device*)dev_;

	if (color_params == NULL)
		color_params = fz_default_color_params(ctx);

	if (dev->resolved == 0)
		if ((dev->options & FZ_TEST_OPT_SHADINGS) == 0)
			if (fz_colorspace_type(ctx, shade->colorspace) != FZ_COLORSPACE_GRAY)
				/* Don't test every pixel. Upgrade us from "black and white" to "probably color" */
				if (*dev->is_color == 0)
					*dev->is_color = 1;
				dev->resolved = 1;
				if (dev->passthrough == NULL)
					fz_throw(ctx, FZ_ERROR_ABORT, "Page found as color; stopping interpretation");
			if (shade->use_function)
				int i;
				for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
					fz_test_color(ctx, dev, shade->colorspace, shade->function[i], color_params);
				struct shadearg arg;
				arg.dev = dev;
				arg.shade = shade;
				arg.color_params = color_params;
				fz_process_shade(ctx, shade, ctm, fz_device_current_scissor(ctx, dev_), prepare_vertex, NULL, &arg);
	if (dev->passthrough)
		fz_fill_shade(ctx, dev->passthrough, shade, ctm, alpha, color_params);