/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   PERMUTEP - Let L = tril(P(perm,perm))
     Ljc, Lir - sparsity structure of output matrix L = tril(P(perm,perm)).
     Pjc, Pir, Ppr - Input matrix, before ordering.
     perm     - length m pivot ordering.
     m        - order: P is m x m.
      Pj  - Length m float work array.
   IMPORTANT: L, P and PERM in C style.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
void permuteP(const int *Ljc,const int *Lir,double *Lpr,
              const int *Pjc,const int *Pir,const double *Ppr,
              const int *perm, double *Pj, const int m)
  int j,inz,jcol;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let Pj = all-0
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   For each column j, let
    Pj(:) = P(:,PERM(j))   and    L(:,j) = Pj(PERM(:))  (L sparse)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(j = 0; j < m; j++){
    jcol = perm[j];
    for(inz = Pjc[jcol]; inz < Pjc[jcol+1]; inz++)
      Pj[Pir[inz]] = Ppr[inz];
    for(inz = Ljc[j]; inz < Ljc[j+1]; inz++)
      Lpr[inz] = Pj[perm[Lir[inz]]];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let Pj = all-0
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    for(inz = Pjc[jcol]; inz < Pjc[jcol+1]; inz++)
      Pj[Pir[inz]] = 0.0;
예제 #2
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE: getada2 - Let ADA += ddota'*ddota.
     ada.{jc,ir} - sparsity structure of ada.
     ddota - sparse lorN x m matrix.
     perm, invperm - length(m) array, ordering in which ADA should be computed,
       and its inverse. We compute in order triu(ADA(perm,perm)), but store
       at original places. OPTIMAL PERM: sort(sum(spones(ddota))), i.e. start
       with sparsest.
     m  - order of ADA, number of constraints.
     lorN - length(K.q), number of Lorentz blocks.
     ada.pr - ada(i,j) += ddotai'*ddotaj. ONLY triu(ADA(perm,perm)) is
        updated. (So caller typically should symmetrize afterwards.)
     ddotaj - work vector, size lorN.
   ************************************************************ */
void getada2(jcir ada, jcir ddota, const mwIndex *perm, const mwIndex *invperm,
             const mwIndex m, const mwIndex lorN,   double *ddotaj)
  mwIndex i,j, knz,inz, permj;
  double adaij;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Init ddotaj = all-0 (for Lorentz)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  fzeros(ddotaj, lorN);
/* ============================================================
   MAIN getada LOOP: loop over nodes perm(0:m-1)
   ============================================================ */
  for(j = 0; j < m; j++){
    permj = perm[j];
    if(ddota.jc[permj] < ddota.jc[permj+1]){      /* Only work if nonempty */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let ddotaj = ddota(:,j) in full
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(i = ddota.jc[permj]; i < ddota.jc[permj+1]; i++)
        ddotaj[ddota.ir[i]] = ddota.pr[i];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   For all i with invpermi < j:
   ada_ij += ddota_i'*ddotaj.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(inz = ada.jc[permj]; inz < ada.jc[permj+1]; inz++){
        i = ada.ir[inz];
        if(invperm[i] <= j){
          adaij = ada.pr[inz];
          if(invperm[i] < j)
            for(knz = ddota.jc[i]; knz < ddota.jc[i+1]; knz++)
              adaij +=  ddota.pr[knz] * ddotaj[ddota.ir[knz]];
          else                         /* diag entry: += ||ddota(:,permj)||^2 */
            adaij += realssqr(ddota.pr + ddota.jc[i], ddota.jc[i+1]-ddota.jc[i]);
          ada.pr[inz] = adaij;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Re-initialize ddotaj = 0.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
      for(i = ddota.jc[permj]; i < ddota.jc[permj+1]; i++)      /* Lorentz */
        ddotaj[ddota.ir[i]] = 0.0;
  } /* j = 0:m-1 */
예제 #3
/* ************************************************************
  isminoutprod  --  Computes update from a column "xk" and stores it in "xj",
	       using dense computations. If "xkk<=0", then let xj = 0.
     mk, nj  -  output "xj" is mk x nj - nj*(nj-1)/2. Its column lengths are
	        {mk, mk-1, ..., mk-(nj-1)}.
     xkk     -  scalar, the 1st nj entries in xk are divided by this number.
     xj      -  On return, xj = -xk*xk(0:nj-1)'/xkk       (NOTE THE MINUS !)
                BUT: if xkk <= 0, then xj = zeros(nj*(2m-nj+1)/2,1).
     xk      -  On return, xk(0:nj-1) /= xkk if xkk > 0, otherwise unchanged.
   ************************************************************ */
void isminoutprod(double *xj, const mwIndex nj, double *xk, const double xkk,
                  mwIndex mk)
  mwIndex j;
  double xjk;

  if(xkk > 0.0)   /* if not phase 2 node */
    for(j = 0; j < nj; j++){
      xjk = xk[0] / xkk;
      memcpy(xj,xk,mk * sizeof(double));
      isscalarmul(xj, -xjk, mk);          /* xj = -xjk * xk */
      xk[0] = xjk;                     /* FINAL entry ljk */
      xj += mk;                /* point to next column which is 1 shorter */
      --mk; ++xk;
  else  /* initialize to all-0 if phase-2 node */
    fzeros(xj,(nj * (mk + mk-nj + 1))/2);
예제 #4
파일: Mwave.c 프로젝트: 1014511134/src
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    WINFO wi;        /* struct for command line input */
    /* workspace */
    float * v;       /* velocity field */
    float * p1;      /* pressure field, current time step */
    float * p0;      /* pressure field, last time step */
    float * tr;      /* storage for traces */
    float * tmp;     /* used to swap p1 and p0 */
    int ix, it;      /* counters */
    int isrc;        /* source counter */
    int imf;         /* movie frame counter */
    int isx;         /* source location, in units of dx */
    int nxz;         /* number of spatial grid points */
    /* int nz;          local number of gridpoints */
    int ntr;         /* number of traces */
    int nsam;        /* number of trace samples */
    int nsrc;        /* number of shots */
    float rz,rx,s;   /* precomputed coefficients */
    float vmax,vmin; /* max, min velocity values */
    /* float two;        two */
    /* read inputs from command line */
    /* compute number of shots */
    nsrc = (wi.isxend-wi.isxbeg)/(wi.iskip); nsrc++;
    /* compute number of spatial grid points */
    nxz=wi.nx * wi.nz;
    /* compute number of traces, samples in each record */
    /* allocate, initialize p0, p1, v, traces */
    v =sf_floatalloc(nxz);
    /* read velocity */
    /* CFL, sanity checks */
    if (vmax*wi.dt>CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx,wi.dz)) {
	sf_warning("CFL criterion violated");
	sf_warning("vmax=%e dx=%e dz=%e dt=%e\n",vmax,wi.dx,wi.dz,wi.dt);
	sf_error("max permitted dt=%e\n",CFL*fmaxf(wi.dx,wi.dz)/vmax);
    if (vmin<=0.0) 
	sf_error("min velocity nonpositive");
    /* only square of velocity array needed from here on */
    /* precalculate some coefficients */
    s =2.0*(rz+rx);
/*    two=2.0;
      nz=wi.nz; */
    /* shot loop */
    while (isx <= wi.isxend) {
	/* initialize pressure fields, traces */
	/* initialize movie frame counter */
	/* time loop */
	for (it=0;it<wi.nt;it++) {
	    /* construct next time step, overwrite on p0 */
	    /* tack on source */
	    /* swap pointers */
	    /* store trace samples if necessary */
	    if (NULL != wi.tfile) 
		for (ix=0;ix<ntr;ix++) 
	    /* write movie snap to file if necessary */
	    if (NULL != wi.mfile && wi.nm && !(it%wi.nm)) {
	    /* next t */

	/* write traces to file if necessary */
	if (NULL != wi.tfile) 
	isx += wi.iskip;

예제 #5
파일: bwblkslv.c 프로젝트: Emisage/sf-pcd
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   y = bwblksolve(L,b, [y])
     y(L.fullperm) = L.L' \ b
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
 const mxArray *L_FIELD;
 mwIndex m,n, j, k, nsuper, inz;
 double *y, *fwork;
 const double *permPr, *b, *xsuperPr;
 const mwIndex *yjc, *yir, *bjc, *bir;
 mwIndex *perm, *xsuper, *iwork, *snode;
 jcir L;
 char bissparse;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Check for proper number of arguments 
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 mxAssert(nrhs >= MINNPARIN, "fwblkslv requires more input arguments.");
 mxAssert(nlhs == 1, "fwblkslv generates only 1 output argument.");
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Disassemble block Cholesky structure L
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 mxAssert(mxIsStruct(L_IN), "Parameter `L' should be a structure.");
 L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,(mwIndex)0,"perm");                    /* L.perm */
 mxAssert( L_FIELD != NULL, "Missing field L.perm.");
 m = mxGetM(L_FIELD) * mxGetN(L_FIELD);
 permPr = mxGetPr(L_FIELD);
 L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,(mwIndex)0,"L");         /* L.L */
 mxAssert( L_FIELD != NULL, "Missing field L.L.");
 mxAssert( m == mxGetM(L_FIELD) && m == mxGetN(L_FIELD), "Size L.L mismatch.");
 mxAssert(mxIsSparse(L_FIELD), "L.L should be sparse.");
 L.jc = mxGetJc(L_FIELD);
 L.ir = mxGetIr(L_FIELD);
 L.pr = mxGetPr(L_FIELD);
 L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,(mwIndex)0,"xsuper");          /* L.xsuper */
 mxAssert( L_FIELD != NULL, "Missing field L.xsuper.");
 nsuper = mxGetM(L_FIELD) * mxGetN(L_FIELD) - 1;
 mxAssert( nsuper <= m, "Size L.xsuper mismatch.");
 xsuperPr = mxGetPr(L_FIELD);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Get rhs matrix b.
    If it is sparse, then we also need the sparsity structure of y.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 b = mxGetPr(B_IN);
 mxAssert( mxGetM(B_IN) == m, "Size mismatch b.");
 n = mxGetN(B_IN);
 if( (bissparse = mxIsSparse(B_IN)) ){
   bjc = mxGetJc(B_IN);
   bir = mxGetIr(B_IN);
   mxAssert(nrhs >= NPARIN, "bwblkslv requires more inputs in case of sparse b.");
   mxAssert(mxGetM(Y_IN) == m && mxGetN(Y_IN) == n, "Size mismatch y.");
   mxAssert(mxIsSparse(Y_IN), "y should be sparse.");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate output y. If bissparse, then Y_IN gives the sparsity structure.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
   Y_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m, n, mxREAL);
   yjc = mxGetJc(Y_IN);
   yir = mxGetIr(Y_IN);
   Y_OUT = mxCreateSparse(m,n, yjc[n],mxREAL);
   memcpy(mxGetJc(Y_OUT), yjc, (n+1) * sizeof(mwIndex));
   memcpy(mxGetIr(Y_OUT), yir, yjc[n] * sizeof(mwIndex));
 y = mxGetPr(Y_OUT);
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Allocate working arrays
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 fwork = (double *) mxCalloc(m, sizeof(double));
 iwork = (mwIndex *) mxCalloc(2*m+nsuper+1, sizeof(mwIndex));
 perm = iwork;                   /* m */
 xsuper = iwork + m;             /*nsuper+1*/
 snode = xsuper + (nsuper+1);    /* m */
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    Convert real to integer array, and from Fortran to C style.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
 for(k = 0; k < m; k++)
   perm[k] = permPr[k] - 1;
 for(k = 0; k <= nsuper; k++)
   xsuper[k] = xsuperPr[k] - 1;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   In case of sparse b, we also create snode, which maps each subnode
   to the supernode containing it.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
   for(j = 0, k = 0; k < nsuper; k++)
     while(j < xsuper[k+1])
       snode[j++] = k;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    The actual job is done here: y(perm) = L'\b.
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
     memcpy(fwork,b, m * sizeof(double));
     bwsolve(fwork,L.jc,L.ir,L.pr,xsuper,nsuper,y);  /* y(m) as work */
     for(k = 0; k < m; k++)            /* y(perm) = fwork */
       y[perm[k]] = fwork[k];
     y += m; b += m;
 else{          /* sparse y,b: don't use perm */
   for(j = 0; j < n; j++){
     inz = yjc[j];
     for(k = bjc[j]; k < bjc[j+1]; k++)            /* fwork = b */
       fwork[bir[k]] = b[k];
     selbwsolve(fwork,L.jc,L.ir,L.pr,xsuper,nsuper, snode,
     for(k = inz; k < yjc[j+1]; k++)
       y[k] = fwork[yir[k]];
     for(k = inz; k < yjc[j+1]; k++)            /* fwork = all-0 */
       fwork[yir[k]] = 0.0;
 /* ------------------------------------------------------------
    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ************************************************************
   PROCEDURE mexFunction - Entry for Matlab
   ************************************************************ */
void mexFunction(const int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
  const int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
  const mxArray *L_FIELD;
  mxArray *myplhs[NPAROUT];
  int    m, i, j, inz, iwsiz, nsuper, tmpsiz, fwsiz, nskip, nadd, m1;
  double *fwork, *d, *skipPr, *orgd;
  const double *permPr,*xsuperPr,*Ppr,*absd;
  int    *perm, *snode, *xsuper, *iwork, *xlindx, *skip, *skipJc;
  const int *LINir, *Pjc, *Pir;
  double canceltol, maxu, abstol;
  jcir   L;
  char useAbsd, useDelay;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Check for proper number of arguments
   blkchol(L,P, pars,absd) with nparinmin=2.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if(nrhs < NPARINMIN)
    mexErrMsgTxt("blkchol requires more input arguments");
  if(nlhs > NPAROUT)
    mexErrMsgTxt("blkchol produces less output arguments");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get input matrix P to be factored.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if( (m = mxGetM(P_IN)) != mxGetN(P_IN))
    mexErrMsgTxt("P must be square");
    mexErrMsgTxt("P must be sparse");
  Pjc    = mxGetJc(P_IN);
  Pir    = mxGetIr(P_IN);
  Ppr    = mxGetPr(P_IN);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Disassemble block Cholesky structure L
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    mexErrMsgTxt("Parameter `L' should be a structure.");
  if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,0,"perm")) == NULL)        /* L.perm */
    mexErrMsgTxt("Missing field L.perm.");
  if(m != mxGetM(L_FIELD) * mxGetN(L_FIELD))
    mexErrMsgTxt("perm size mismatch");
  permPr = mxGetPr(L_FIELD);
  if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,0,"L")) == NULL)           /* L.L */
    mexErrMsgTxt("Missing field L.L.");
  if( m != mxGetM(L_FIELD) || m != mxGetN(L_FIELD) )
    mexErrMsgTxt("Size L.L mismatch.");
    mexErrMsgTxt("L.L should be sparse.");
  L.jc = mxGetJc(L_FIELD);
  LINir = mxGetIr(L_FIELD);
  if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,0,"xsuper")) == NULL)      /* L.xsuper */
    mexErrMsgTxt("Missing field L.xsuper.");
  nsuper = mxGetM(L_FIELD) * mxGetN(L_FIELD) - 1;
  if( nsuper > m )
    mexErrMsgTxt("Size L.xsuper mismatch.");
  xsuperPr = mxGetPr(L_FIELD);
  if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(L_IN,0,"tmpsiz")) == NULL)      /* L.tmpsiz */
    mexErrMsgTxt("Missing field L.tmpsiz.");
  tmpsiz   = mxGetScalar(L_FIELD);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Disassemble pars structure: canceltol, maxu
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  canceltol = 1E-15;           /* supply with defaults */
  maxu = 5E5;
  abstol = 1E-20;
  useAbsd = 0;
  useDelay = 0;
  if(nrhs >= NPARINMIN + 1){       /* 3rd argument = pars */
      mexErrMsgTxt("Parameter `pars' should be a structure.");
    if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(PARS_IN,0,"canceltol")) != NULL)
      canceltol  = mxGetScalar(L_FIELD);  /* pars.canceltol */
    if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(PARS_IN,0,"maxu")) != NULL)
      maxu = mxGetScalar(L_FIELD);  /* pars.maxu */
    if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(PARS_IN,0,"abstol")) != NULL){
      abstol = mxGetScalar(L_FIELD);  /* pars.abstol */
      abstol = MAX(abstol, 0.0);
    if( (L_FIELD = mxGetField(PARS_IN,0,"delay")) != NULL)
      useDelay = mxGetScalar(L_FIELD);  /* pars.delay */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Get optional vector absd
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    if(nrhs >= NPARIN){
      useAbsd = 1;
      absd = mxGetPr(ABSD_IN);
      if(m != mxGetM(ABSD_IN) * mxGetN(ABSD_IN))
        mexErrMsgTxt("absd size mismatch");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Create sparse output matrix L(m x m).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  L_OUT = mxCreateSparse(m,m, L.jc[m],mxREAL);
  L.ir  = mxGetIr(L_OUT);
  L.pr  = mxGetPr(L_OUT);
  memcpy(mxGetJc(L_OUT), L.jc, (m+1) * sizeof(int));
  memcpy(L.ir, LINir, L.jc[m] * sizeof(int));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Create ouput vector d(m).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  D_OUT = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(m,1,mxREAL);
  d     = mxGetPr(D_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Compute required sizes of working arrays:
   iwsiz = 2*(m + nsuper).
   fwsiz = tmpsiz.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  iwsiz = MAX(2*(m+nsuper), 1);
  fwsiz = MAX(tmpsiz, 1);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Allocate working arrays:
   integer: perm(m), snode(m), xsuper(nsuper+1),
      iwork(iwsiz), xlindx(m+1), skip(m),
   double: orgd(m), fwork(fwsiz).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  m1 = MAX(m,1);                  /* avoid alloc to 0 */
  perm      = (int *) mxCalloc(m1,sizeof(int)); 
  snode     = (int *) mxCalloc(m1,sizeof(int)); 
  xsuper    = (int *) mxCalloc(nsuper+1,sizeof(int));
  iwork     = (int *) mxCalloc(iwsiz,sizeof(int));
  xlindx    = (int *) mxCalloc(m+1,sizeof(int));
  skip      = (int *) mxCalloc(m1, sizeof(int));
  orgd    = (double *) mxCalloc(m1,sizeof(double)); 
  fwork   = (double *) mxCalloc(fwsiz,sizeof(double)); 
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Convert PERM, XSUPER to integer and C-Style
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  for(i = 0; i < m; i++){
    j = permPr[i];
    perm[i] = --j;
  for(i = 0; i <= nsuper; i++){
    j =  xsuperPr[i];
    xsuper[i] = --j;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Let L = tril(P(PERM,PERM)), uses orgd(m) as temp working storage.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  permuteP(L.jc,L.ir,L.pr, Pjc,Pir,Ppr, perm, orgd, m);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   If no orgd has been supplied, take orgd = diag(L on input)
   Otherwise, let orgd = absd(perm).
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
    for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
      orgd[j] = absd[perm[j]];
    for(j = 0; j < m; j++)
      orgd[j] = L.pr[L.jc[j]];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Create "snode" and "xlindx"; change L.ir to the compact subscript
   array (with xlindx), and do BLOCK SPARSE CHOLESKY.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  nskip = spchol(m, nsuper, xsuper, snode, xlindx,
                 L.ir, orgd, L.jc, L.pr, d, perm, abstol,
                 canceltol, maxu, skip, &nadd, iwsiz, iwork, fwsiz, fwork);
  if(nskip < 0)
    mexErrMsgTxt("Insufficient workspace in pblkchol");
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Copy original row-indices from LINir to L.ir.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  memcpy(L.ir, LINir, L.jc[m] * sizeof(int));
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Create output matrices skip = sparse([],[],[],m,1,nskip),
   diagadd = sparse([],[],[],m,1,nadd),
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  SKIP_OUT = mxCreateSparse(m,1, MAX(1,nskip),mxREAL);
  memcpy(mxGetIr(SKIP_OUT), skip, nskip * sizeof(int));
  skipJc = mxGetJc(SKIP_OUT);
  skipJc[0] = 0; skipJc[1] = nskip;
  skipPr   = mxGetPr(SKIP_OUT);
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   useDelay = 1 then L(:,i) is i-th column before ith pivot; useful
     for pivot-delaying strategy. (Fwslv(L, L(:,i)) still required.)
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  if(useDelay == 1)
    for(j = 0; j < nskip; j++)
      skipPr[j] = 1.0;
    for(j = 0; j < nskip; j++){
      i = skip[j];
      skipPr[j] = L.pr[L.jc[i]];             /* Set skipped l(:,i)=ei. */
      L.pr[L.jc[i]] = 1.0;
  DIAGADD_OUT = mxCreateSparse(m,1, MAX(1,nadd),mxREAL);
  memcpy(mxGetIr(DIAGADD_OUT), iwork, nadd * sizeof(int));
  skipJc = mxGetJc(DIAGADD_OUT);
  skipJc[0] = 0; skipJc[1] = nadd;
  skipPr   = mxGetPr(DIAGADD_OUT);
  for(j = 0; j < nadd; j++)
    skipPr[j] = orgd[iwork[j]];
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Release working arrays.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
   Copy requested output parameters (at least 1), release others.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */
  i = MAX(nlhs, 1);
  memcpy(plhs,myplhs, i * sizeof(mxArray *));
  for(; i < NPAROUT; i++)